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56 -- Concrete for Slabs

Notice Date
Notice Type
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
327320 — Ready-Mix Concrete Manufacturing
Contracting Office
Department of the Interior, National Park Service, NPS - All Offices, 12795 West Alameda Parkway, Post Office Box 25287, Denver, Colorado, 80225-0287
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Jack Northcutt, Phone: (541) 883-6884
E-Mail Address
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
R EQ U EST F OR Q U OTES No. P17PS01827 Concr ete f or Sl a bs Lava Beds National Monument, Tulelake, CA 96134 Se t - A s i de : 100% S m a l l B u s i ne s s C on tr a ct Aw a r d T y pe : F i rm F i x ed P r i ce P OC : Jack_Northcutt @ n p s.gov (541) 883-6884 Response Date: July 25, 2017 B i d Fo r m : Attached Quote Sheet O R c o m pany ' s o w n f o r m D e li v e r y D a t e : July 31, 2017 - September 29, 2017 T h i s i s a C O M B I N E D S Y NO P S I S / S O L I C I T A T I O N f or concrete, a c o m m e r c i a l i t e m, p r ep a r ed i n a c co r dan c e wi t h Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation and incorporates provisions and clauses that are in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-95 of January 19, 2017. Quotations are being requested via this notice only. A written solicitation will not be issued. The solicitation number is P17PS01827. RE Q U I RE M ENT : The National Park Service (NPS) r eq u i r es 51 y a r ds o f 4,000 psi con c r e t e (no color) for two projects. Multiple deliveries will be needed between July 31 and September 29, 2017. Valentine Cave Parking Area - Estimated Quantity 27 CY. Admin Area - Estimated Quantity 24 CY. DEL I VE R T O : Lava Beds National Monument, 1 Indian Well Headquarters Rd., Tulelake, CA 96134 S ET - A SI DE : T h i s acquisition i s 1 00% s e t - as i de f o r s m a l l b us i ne s ses. The associated North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code is 327320 (Ready-Mix Concrete manufacturing) with a small business size standard of 500 employees. A l l f i r m s sub m itti ng a quotation m ust ha v e a cu r r e n t a n d a c ti v e r e g i s t r a ti on i n t he S ys t em f or Aw a r d Mana g e m ent ( www.S A M. g o v ) b e f o r e b e i ng a w a r d ed a pu r c h ase o r d e r. TY P E O F A W ARD : The r esu l t i ng pu r ch a se o r d e r wi l l be a f i r m fi xed - p ri ced pu rc hase o r d e r ( P O ) p r i c e d i n a cco r d an c e w i t h y our quo t e i n r es p onse t o t h i s s o l i c i t a ti o n. Q U O T E DU E DATE : Q uo t es a r e due TUESDAY, J ULY 25, 2017, 4:00 pm (Pacific) by e- m a i l. Confirmation of receipt of proposals sent by e-mail is the sole responsibility of the Contractor (if you have not received confirmation acknowledgement of your proposal submitted by e-mail, you must contact the Contract Specialist for confirmation). E- m a i l qu o t es t o Jack_Northcutt@nps.gov. Q U O T E F O R M AT : Y o u r co m pany m a y use t he a t t a c hed Quote sheet or i t s o w n f o r m, as l ong as t he q u o t e add r e ss e s a l l li n e i t e m s and an y t h i ng e l se r eq u ir ed a cc o r d i ng t o t h i s s o l i c i t a t i on. Ma k e su r e t o i n c l u d e a P O C name, phone nu m be r, e m a i l ad d r e s s, and t h e co m pan y ' s DUN S nu m be r. DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENT: •A. The Contractor shall furnish and deliver an estimated quantity of 51 cubic yards of Ready-Mix Concrete over a period of two months in accordance with the following: Ready-Mix concrete: shall contain cement, coarse aggregate, and fine aggregate with a minimum of 4,000 pounds compressive strength per square inch at 28 days. Water: shall be clean and free from salt, oil, or organic substances. Misc: Verify that the mixing and trucking equipment have adequate capacity to deliver the concrete batches to site on time, thoroughly mixed and discharge without segregation. 1. Deliver completely mixed to the project sites. 2. Do not add mixing water during hauling. Add water after delivery only when agreed by the Contracting Officer. If water is added, revolve the mixing drum not less than 30 revolutions at mixing speed after adding and before commencing discharge. 3. Deliver each load at the job site accompanied by a ticket showing mix design number, volume of concrete, the weight of cement in pounds, total weight of each ingredient in pounds, time at which the materials were batched and the reading of the revolution counter at the time the truck mixer was charged. 4. Air entrainment should be included in the concrete mix. Add mixtures to delay cure time to allow for the delivery to the project site if greater than 1 hour transit from mix site to placement location. 5. No re-tempering of partially hardened material is permitted. Do not use partially hardened concrete in the work. 6. Concrete drivers may rinse trucks and dump the waste at the Crescent pit storage area. 7. Testing and verification of material compliance will be done on site B. Batching in Adverse Weather: 1. Cold Weather: When the atmospheric temperature is below 40°F, or is likely to fall below 40°F during the 24-hour period after placing, heat the materials before mixing, so that the temperature of the mix when deposited shall be between 65° and 80°F. Do not heat the mixing water or the cement over 160°F. Remove lumps of frozen material and ice from the aggregates before they are placed in the mixer. 2. Hot Weather: When temperatures are above 90°F, reduce the temperature of the concrete mix by using iced mixing water, and protecting aggregates and cement from direct rays of the sun. Do not place concrete exceeding 80°F. 3. Should the provisions noted in B-1 and B-2 above not be possible or practicable, postpone the batching until favorable weather conditions prevail. The Government will provide the Contractor with 24 hours advance notice for delivery orders. If the Contractor fails to make a scheduled delivery, any cost incurred to reschedule the delivery shall be the Contractor's responsibility. Delivery of first order shall be as early as July 31, 2017 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Inspection and acceptance of materials by the Government will occur when materials arrive to the delivery location. Should any deviations and exceptions to the above requirement be taken, the Offeror shall identify in writing with their response. A W AR D DATE : T he N a t i onal P a r k Se r v i ce sh a l l a w a r d t h i s pu r c ha s e o r d er t o t h e responsible offeror with the l o w e st p r i ce t ech n i c a l l y acce p t a b l e offer. T h e an t i c i pa t ed a w a r d d a t e f o r t h i s c on t r a c t i s on o r a r ound J u l y 27, 2017. EVALUAT I O N : R ep r e se n t a t i v es f r om Lava Beds National Monument w il l e v a l u a t e a l l qu o t es f or t ech n i c al acce p t a b i li t y. P A Y M ENT ( S ) : T h e bu s i n ess t h a t d e li v e r s und e r t h i s pu r c h ase o r d e r m ust r e g i s t e r, sub m i t a l l i n v o i c es t h r oug h, and w i l l be pa i d v i a, t he I n v o i ce P r o ce s s i ng P l a tf o r m by e l ec t r on i c f unds t r an s f er t o t he bank a ccou n t l i s t ed i n t he v endo r' s S A M r ec o r d. For m o r e i n f o r m a ti o n, and t o r e g i s t e r, p l ease v i s i t www. I PP. g o v. Q UE S T I O N S : P l e ase su b m i t a l l q ue s ti o ns a bout t h i s oppo r t u n it y v i a e m a i l o n l y : Jack_Northcutt @ nps.g o v. We w i l l ans w er a l l t ech n i c al q u e s ti o ns as soon a s p o ss i b l e and w il l po s t a m od i f i c a t i on, i f r eq u ir e d. F E D E RAL ACQUI S I T ION R E G U L A T ION C L AU SE S 52.203-18 Prohibition on Contracting with Entities that Require Certain Internal Confidentiality Agreements or Statements--Representation 52.203-19 - Prohibition on Requiring Certain Internal Confidentiality Agreements or Statements 52.204-7, System for Award Management 52.204-13, System for Award Management Maintenance 52.204-16 Commercial and Government Entity Code Reporting 52.204-17 Ownership or Control Offeror 52.204-18 Commercial and Government Entity Code Maintenance 52.204-20 Predecessor of Offeror 52.209-11 Representation by Corporations Regarding Delinquent Tax Liability or a Felony Conviction under any Federal Law 52.212-1, Instructions to Offerors -- Commercial Items 52.212-3, Offer Representations and Certifications -- Commercial Items (to be completed and provided with quotation unless "Certs & Reps" section of the contractor's www.sam.gov record is completed in full) 52.212-4, Contract Terms and Conditions -- Commercial Items 52.217-5, Evaluation of Options 52.217-6, Option for Increased Quantity 52.217-7, Option for Increased Quantity - Separately Priced Line Item Option to Extend the Term of the Contract 52.212-5, Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders -- Commercial Items (within 52.212-5, applicable clauses are the following: 52.219-6, Notice of Total Small Business Set-Aside 52.219-13, Notice of Set-Aside of Orders 52.222-3, Convict Labor 52.222-19, Child Labor 52.222-21, Prohibition of Segregated Facilities 52.222-26, Equal Opportunity 52.222-50, Combating Trafficking in Persons 52.223-18, Encouraging Contractor Policies to Ban Text Messaging While Driving 52.225-13, Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer-System for Award Management) 52.225-25, Prohibition on Contracting with Entities Engaging in Certain Activities or Transactions Relating to Iran-Representation and Certifications 52.232-39, Unenforceability of Unauthorized Obligations 52.232-40, Providing Accelerated Payments to Small Business Subcontractors 52.242-15 Stop-Work Order 52.242-17, Government Delay of Work Full text versions of all FAR references and clauses are available at https://www.acquisition.gov/far/. Previous Contracts and Compliance Reports (Feb 1999) 52.222-22 The offeror represents that -- (a) It [ ] has, [ ] has not participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the Equal Opportunity clause of this solicitation; (b) It [ ] has, [ ] has not filed all required compliance reports; and (c) Representations indicating submission of required compliance reports, signed by proposed subcontractors, will be obtained before subcontract awards. Electronic Invoicing and Payment Requirements - Invoice Processing Platform (IPP) (Apr 2013) Payment requests must be submitted electronically through the U. S. Department of the Treasury's Invoice Processing Platform System (IPP). "Payment request" means any request for contract financing payment or invoice payment by the Contractor. To constitute a proper invoice, the payment request must comply with the requirements identified in the applicable Prompt Payment clause included in the contract, or the clause 52.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions - Commercial Items included in commercial item contracts. The IPP website address is: https://www.ipp.gov. Under this contract, the following documents are required to be submitted as an attachment to the IPP invoice: VENDOR'S ITEMIZED INVOICE. Failure to attach the required documentation as specified above will result in the IPP invoice being rejected. The Contractor must use the IPP website to register access and use IPP for submitting requests for payment. The Contractor Government Business Point of Contact (as listed in SAM) will receive enrollment instructions via email from the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (FRBB) prior to the contract award date, but no more than 3 - 5 business days of the contract award date. Contractor assistance with enrollment can be obtained by contacting the IPP Production Helpdesk via email ippgroup@bos.frb.org or phone (866) 973-3131. If the Contractor is unable to comply with the requirement to use IPP for submitting invoices for payment, the Contractor must submit a waiver request in writing to the Contracting Officer with its proposal or quotation. W H A T YO U S HO UL D S EN D U S T he co m p l e t ed Quote Sheet or y our co m pan y 's o w n quo t e f o r m, co m p l e t e w it h con t a c t i n f o r m a ti on a n d DUN S nu m be r. QUOTE SHEET Company Name_____________________________________ DUNS No._________________________________________ Phone Number______________________________________ E-Mail Address_____________________________________ If no specific line items exist for a portion of the concrete and delivery, include the costs on a related item. In case of error in calculation of extended prices, the unit price governs. In case of errors in summation, the total of the corrected amounts govern. Round totals and extended prices to whole dollars. Line Item No. Description Cost per Unit ($) Est Qty Unit of Measure Extended Total ($) 1 4,000 PSI w/air Concrete, no color, 51 CY 2 Option - 4,000 PSI w/air Concrete, no color - summer 2018 50 CY TOTAL __________________________________ Name & Title __________________________________ Signature & Date
Web Link
FBO.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: Lava Beds National Monument, 1 Indian Well Headquarters Rd., Tulelake, California, 96134, United States
Zip Code: 96134
SN04574532-W 20170713/170711235111-125a15553c950346dd251f2cf35db6bd (fbodaily.com)
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