16 -- CNS/ATM II APX-119 Transponders - J&A
- Notice Date
- 7/12/2017
- Notice Type
- Justification and Approval (J&A)
- 334511
— Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, AFLCMC/HB - Hanscom, 11 Barksdale Ave Bldg 1614, Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts, 01731, United States
- ZIP Code
- 01731
- Solicitation Number
- FA8730-15-R-0027
- Archive Date
- 8/6/2017
- Point of Contact
- Mark W. Caefer, Phone: 7812255418, Richard Williams, Phone: 781-225-5125
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Award Number
- FA8730-17-D-0006
- Award Date
- 7/7/2017
- Description
- J&A Cho os e the fundin g l ev el for thi s J&A D oc um e nt : 0 :s.. _ $700K O > $700K and :s.. _ $1 3. S M igj >$13. S M and.5. _ $93 M D > $9 3 M Contract i ng Act i v i t y: A i r Fo r ce Materie l Comma n d, Batt l e Management Di r ecto r ate, Ae r ospace Manageme n t Systems Div i s i o n, Cont r acti n g Bra n ch,(AFLCMC/HBAK Purchase Request / Loc a l I D Numbe r : FA873 0 - 1 5 - R - 0027 Pro g ram / Pr o j ect (and PE, i f ap p l i ca b l e ) : CNS/ATM II Program Type (PEO or Ot h er Contract i ng) : PEO Program Author i ty ( i n c l ude full t i t l e ) : 10 U. S. C. 2304(c)( I ), as i mplemented by F AR6. 30 2 - l ( a)(2)( i i )(A)(B) E s t i mated C o ntr a c t C o s t ( i nclu d i ng op t i ons): $7 8, 00 0, 00 0. 00 J&A Type: 0 C l ass rxJ I n d i v i dual COORDINATI ON I AFFARS 5306. 304( a) ) l S i gn and Save Procedure l •• The text i n the s i g nature b l ocks b e l ow is e d i t a b l e, i nc l u d i ng t h e t i t l e. Date 7 J u n 16 Project Le a d / P rogram M gr I Req u i r i n g Ac t i v i t y S i gna t ure Date 8 J u n 16 C o n t r a c t i ng Of f i c e r Mr. Richa r d W i lliams AFLCMC/HBAK / 7 8 1 - 22 5 - 5 1 25 Date Local L eg a l Re v i ewer 9 Jun 16 Date 9 Jun 16 Date [ T i t l e ] [ Name ] [ Office Symbo l / Phone n um b e r ] S i gna t ure ** T o a row, cl i c k the " X " nex t t o the s i g n at u r e b l oc k. CAU T I ON: On c e removed, i t ca n o n l y b e r e s t o r ed b y dow n l oa d i n g the BLANK FOR M ag a in. APPR O V AL ( AFFARS 5306. 304(a) ) •• The text i n the s i g nature b l ocks b e l ow is e d i ta b l e, i nclu d i ng the t i t l e. ** To a row, cl i c k the " X " nex t t o t h e s i g n at u r e b l oc k. CAU T I ON: On c e removed, i t ca n o n l y b e r e s t o r ed b y dow n l oa d i n g the BLANK FOR M ag a in. Date PEO S i gnature Date [ T i t l e ] [ Name ] [ Off i ce Symbol / Phone Numbe r ] S i gnature x x •I. ContractingActivity. The contracting organization responsible for this Justification for Other Than Full and Open Competition is the Air Force Materiel Command, Battle Management Directorate, Aerospace Management Systems Division, Contracting Branch, AFLCMC/HBAK, 75 Vandenberg Drive, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731. The Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO) is Mr. Richard Williams at (781) 225‐5125 •II. Nature and/or description of the action being processed. This is an individual J&A to award a single award Firm Fixed Price (FFP) Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) contract to Raytheon Company, Aberdeen Proving Grounds MD. This J&A will allow the Air Force to meet specific requirements for providing non‐commercial or non‐developmental item (NDI) civil Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance/Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM), navigation safety, and Next Generation Air Transportation System (NEXTGEN) avionics products, specifically Transponder surveillance items. For legacy aircraft platform configurations, the Government does not anticipate being able to overcome the barriers to competition due to the closed systems architecture of the aircraft cockpits and the aircraft platforms' need to keep a single cockpit configuration once certified The Air Traffic Systems Branch (AFLCMC/HBAG) in the Aerospace Management Systems Division is tasked to provide technically qualified avionics equipment via the Electronic Global Air Traffic Management (iGATM) catalog to aircraft program offices that they, in turn, provide as Government Furnished Equipment to prime aircraft integrators for integration and installation aboard multiple aircraft platforms. In accordance with AFI 63‐137, Integrated Life Cycle Management, AFLCMC/HBAG is responsible for developing and maintaining contracts to supply CNS/ATM hardware and software. The contract strategy is to award single ID/IQ contracts from which AF, DoD and other federal organizations may order CNS/ATM products in order to minimize life‐cycle expenses, expedite delivery of the products, and provide quantity discounts and extended warranties. Prior to adding a product to the iGATM II catalog, AFLCMC/HBAG performs a Performance Assessment (PA). A PA may be performed to validate the performance requirements for new or modified aircraft configurations or to determine CNS/ATM functionality provided by existing aircraft configurations. The CNS/ATM II acquisitionstrategy is to maintain single‐award ID/IQcontracts under theauthority ofindividual J&As for a minimum of one (1) qualified item from any of six (6) product lines. This J&A is for a contract that will contain Contract Line Items (CLINs) for Raytheon the Transponder product line, including CLINS for engineering services, travel, anddata for the ordering period ofperformancedescribedherein. T h e m a x i m um contract amount covered bythis J&Ais$78M. The anticipated ordering period will be five (5) years from award of the contract, estimated to be 1 July 2016 through 1 July 2021. The Performance Period w il l e x p i re, and all requirements must b e s a t i s f i e d, on 1 July 2023 inorder to provide theflexibilityto accommodate 12‐month production lead timeandassociateddelivery s c h e dul e r e qu i r e m e nt s. As a CNS/ATM II contractor, Raytheon will b e r e q u i r e d to offer two year and ten year warranty periods for each item proposed andestablisha Return MerchandiseAuthorization(RMA)processforthereturnandrepairofdefectiveproducts. The iGATM catalog for CNS/ATM II offers customers six product lines from which to procure items. The six product lines are based on responses from aircraft program office inquiries that began in 2012 and continue annually. The six product lines to be offered are: Transponders Standalone Precise Position Sensor (PPS) Embedded GPS/Inertial Navigation System (EGI) Multi‐Mode Receivers (MMR) Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) SatelliteCommunicationsEquipment(SATCOM) Raytheon is presently offering items to satisfy the Transponder product lines and this J&A is specifically for the products that meet Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) civil standards and specifications. Description of Product Lines Transponder Product Line Overview: A transponder is an electronic device that produces a response when it receives a radio‐frequency interrogation. Aircraft have transponders to assist in identifying them on air traffic control radar; also collision avoidance systems have been developed to use transponder transmissions as a means of detecting aircraft at risk of colliding with each other. The aviation transponder is used by military as an "Identification friend or foe" (IFF) system to differentiate friendly from enemy aircraft on radar. Transponders operate in different modes or interrogation types. Various modes exist from Mode 1 to 5 for military use, to Mode A, B, C, D and S for civilian use. Some transponders are capable of operation in several different modes as is the case with the Raytheon APX‐119 Mode 4/5/S/ IFF Digital Transponder. Products Offered: Raytheon has proposed the following items identified in section III under the Transponder Product Line that satisfy the Technical Requirements Documentation found in the CNS/ATM II solicitation: Multiple Transponder units may be included in the catalog. The actual Transponder unit used is determined during the aircraft design phase by the platform owners and integrators responsible for obtaining certification of the cockpit interfaces and the legacy aircraft structure. Once a Transponder unit is integrated into the cockpit, changing to a different contractor's products would cause the cockpit to lose its current airworthiness certification, as validated by Ill. De sc ripti o n of s upplie s/s er v ic es requir e d t o me e t a g en cy need s. Part Number Model Num b e r APX-11 9 MKXllA D i g i t a l T r a n spond e r APX-1 1 9 MK X l l A D i g i t a l T r a n sp o n d e r APX-1 1 9 MKXllA D i g i t a l T r anspond e r AP X - 1 1 9 MK X l l A D i g i t a l T r a n spond e r APX- 1 1 9 MK X l l A D i g i t a l Transponder APX-11 9 MKX ll A Di gita l T r a n spo n de r MODE S I F F APX- 1 1 9 Compat i b l e Co n t r o l Pan e l MODE S I F F A P X- 1 1 9 Compat i b l e Contr o l Pan e l MODE S I F F APX- 1 1 9 Compat i b l e Co n t r o l Pan e l MODE S I F F A P X- 1 1 9 Compat i b l e Contr o l Pan e l MODE 5 I F F APX- 1 1 9 D i g i t a l Control Pan e l MODE 5 I F F APX- 1 1 9 D i g i t a l Co n t ro l Pan e l ­ P e r s o n a l i ty Mo d u l e Nomen cl at u r e Raytheon has proposed th e follow i ng U pgrade i tems unde r th e Transponder P r o d uct Lin e that sa t i sfy th e Tech n i cal R e q u i rements Documenta t i onfound i n t he C N S / A T M I I so li citat i on : Pa rt Numbe r Model Num b e r APX-11 9 MKXllA D i g i ta l APX-1 1 9 MK X l l A D i g i t a l APX-1 1 9 MK X l l A D i g i t a l AP X - 1 1 9 MK X l l A D i g i tal AP X - 1 1 9 MK X l l A D i g i tal AP X - 1 1 9 MK X l l A D i g i tal AP X - 1 1 9 MK X l l A Di g i tal AP X - 1 1 9 MK X l l A D i g i tal MODE 5 I FF AP X - 1 1 9 D i Most p r o d u cts w ill be pro c u r ed w i th procurement appro p r i a t i o n s. Some p r oducts w i ll be proc u r ed i n s u pport of the Fore i gn M i l i tary S a l es (FMS) p r o g r a m. •IV. S tatuto r y a uthor i typerm i tt i n g Other than Ful l and Open C o mpet i t i o n. 10 U. S. C.2304(c)( I ), as i m p l em e n ted by FAR 6. 30 2 - ( i i )(A)(B) On l y one r esp o n s i b l e s o u rc e, and no other sup p l ies or s e r v i ces w i ll sa t i sfy the agency re q u i r ements w i th o u t s u bstant i a l du p l i cation of cost to the Gov e r n ment that i s n ot expected to be recov e r ed t h r o u g h compe t i t i on and u nacceptable d e l ays i n f u l f i l l i ng t h e ag e n c y ' s r e q u i rements •V. De m o n s trat i on t h a t the co n tract o r 's un i que q u a l ficat i o n s or nature of the a c q ui s i t i on req u i r e s t h e u se o f t h e a u t h o r i t y cited ab o ve ( app l ic a b i li t y o f author i t y ). Ray t h eon i s the e x c l us i ve sup p l i er of i ts u n ique tr a n sp o n d e r eq u i pment product l i nes and e n g i neer i n g supp o rt services f o r i ts specific equ i pment / i tem s. I n t h ose p l atforms u t i l i z i n g Ray t h eon's t r a n sp o n d e r eq u i pm e n t / i tem s, n o commona l i ty ex i sts w i th other vendo r s' t r ansponde r config u r atio n s. T h e CNS/ATM I I contract acc o m modates all DoDser v i ces and a i rcraft. To ensur e f l i ght safety, the en t i r e f l eet o f DoD m i l i tary a i r c r aftop e r ate u n derac e r t i ficati o n f o r f l i ght. T h i s cer t i fica t i on c l oses t h e a r ch i tect u r eandplaceseacha i rcraftco c k p i t a v i o n i cs eq u i p m ent an d software configurat i on underconfigurat i on co n t ro l. A rede s i gn to re p l ace e x i s t i n g equ i pment wo u l d neces s i tate a recert i fica t i o n and v a l i da t i on effor t to r e- i nte g r ate new i tems and r e-estab l i s h a n ewco c k p i t configurat i on. T h e recer t i fica t i o n andv a I i da t i o n wo u l d d uplicat e the i n i t i a l Non-recurr i ngEn g i nee r i n g ( N RE)cer t i fica t i on effor t that was requ i r e d to i n i t i ally cer t i fy the cock p i t configurat i on and res u l t i n substant i a l duplica t i o n of cost no t expect e d to b e recovere d through competi t i o n and unacceptab l ed e l ays i n f u l fill i n g t h e Governments r e q u i rements. A representative example is the C‐17 that comprises of a fleet of 222 aircraft. If the C‐17 were to change its existing certified For the aircraft currently having cockpits certified with the Raytheon transponder, the aforementioned impacts would be costly in both funding and schedule. To insure aircraft maintainability and flight safety, a certified, closed architecture cockpit configuration is necessary and intentional. For this reason, open systems architectures are not desirable. In the case of the C‐17, a delay caused by the re‐ certification of a cockpit configuration due to a change in a previously certified IFF Transponder was approximately 3 years. This schedule impact was anticipated by the C‐17 as part of their Upgrade effort. However, a delay caused by an un‐anticipated change to the vendor of Transponder equipment will halt productions lines, necessitate emergency spare sourcing plans and push out the upgrade of the aircraft as well as withhold critical flight safety capabilities to affected aircrews. A delay of the capability could likely impact supply, personnel and munitions deliveries, and thereby increase the risk to loss of life and mission failures. DataRights The Raytheon transponder equipment/items have passed a Performance Assessment and are Government certified to meet the FAA standard for use in military aircraft. Accordingly, Raytheon is the only firm capable of providing the supplies and services described in Section III above without the U.S. Air Force experiencing substantial duplication of cost that could not be expected to be recovered through competition and unacceptable delays in fulfilling its requirements. •VI. Description of efforts made to ensure that offers are solicited from as many potential sources as pract i cable. A synopsis for Sources Sought/Request for Information (RFI) for CNS/ATM II was originally published on FedBizOpps on 18 May 2012. The RFI listed six (6) product lines. The RFI generated six responses, two of which were small businesses. The criteria for evaluation as established in the RFI was to meet technical requirements as stated in the RFI's capabilities matrix for each product line and to offer both two (2) and ten (10) year warranty. TCAS SATCOM MODE S/5 MMR GPS EGI 10Yr Warranty Small Bus As shown in the preceding chart, all six product lines had responses to the RFI, as identified by an "X" or "U". Similar to the original RFI, quarterly RFIs are posted to identify additional vendors within the same six product lines. No responses were received to the most recent RFI that was issued in 27 January 2016. As shown in the preceding chart, all six product lines had responses to the RFI, as identified by an "X" or "U". Similar to the original RFI, quarterly RFIs are posted to identify additional vendors within the same six product lines. No responses were received to the most recent RFI that was issued in January 2016. Based on recent market research and closed cockpit restrictions, the research will be re‐examined quarterly. A Notice of Contracting Action was closed on 8 April 2016 with no objecting responses. •VII. Determination by the Contracting Off i cer that the anticipated cost to the Government will be fair and reasonable. The prices associated with this effort will be determined to be fair and reasonable to the Government by the following methods: •1. Cost analysis will be conducted in accordance with FAR 15.404‐1 to ensure offered prices are fair and reasonable. In addition to the analysis of the cost and pricing data being received, the Contracting Officer will use Program Office Estimates as well as prices obtained in previous purchases to determine whether the Government is receiving a fair and reasonable price. •2. The Contracting officer will obtain certified cost and pricing data from Raytheon. The data will be analyzed by local price analysts. The final price will be evaluated and negotiated by the PCO in accordance with Part 15. •VIII. Description of the market research conducted and the results, or a statement of the reasons market research was not conducted. As described in Section V, Raytheon is the exclusive supplier of its unique Transponder equipment product lines and engineering support services for that equipment. In those platforms utilizing Raytheon's Transponder equipment in their closed system cockpit configuration, no commonality exists with other vendors' Transponder configurations. To insure aircraft maintainability and flight safety, a certified, closed architecture cockpit configuration is necessary. •IX. Anyotherfacts supporting the use of Other Than Full and Open Competition. N / A •X. Lis t of so u rce s, i f an y, that expressed i nterest i n the acqu i s i tion. See Sec t i on VI above •XI. A stateme n t of the act i on s, i f an y, the agency may take to remove or overcome any barr i ers to compet i t i on before mak i n g s u bseque n t acq u i s i t i ons for the supp l i es or services require d. For l egacy aircraft p l atfo r m co n fig u rations, the Gove rn me n t does n ot ant ici pate be in g ab l e to ove r come the ba rr ie r s to competition due to the restr i cted/l i mited i n tellectua l property ri ghts, the closed systems arch i tecture of a i rcraft prog r am office's cockp i ts, and t h e aircraft program off i ces' n eed to keep one cockpit configu r at i o n fo r all ai r c r aft. •XII. Certi ficationbythe ContractingOfficer. The Co n t r act i ng Officer's s i g n atu r e o n the Coordinat i on and Approva l Docume nt ev id e n ces t h at h e has determined this document to be bot h accurate and complete to t h e best of h is k n ow l edge and bel i ef (FAR 6.303 - 2(b)(12)) •XIII. Certi fication by the technical/requirements personnel. As ev i denced by the i r s i g n atures, the tec h n i ca l and /or requ i r eme n ts person n e l h ave cert i fied that any support i n g data c o n t a i n ed here i n, w h i ch i s t h e i r r espo n sib i l i t y, i s bo t h accurate and complete. (FAR 6. 303-2(c))
- Web Link
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- Place of Performance
- Address: Raytheon Company, 6260 GUARDIAN GATEWAY, ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Maryland, 21005, United States
- Zip Code: 21005
- Zip Code: 21005
- Record
- SN04577413-W 20170714/170712235657-897fff324608ced5082219008594e431 (
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