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J -- Temperature Tracking System Calibration/Maintenance - Attachment

Notice Date
Notice Type
334515 — Instrument Manufacturing for Measuring and Testing Electricity and Electrical Signals
Contracting Office
Department of Veterans Affairs;Contracting Section;3601 S. 6th Avenue;Tucson AZ 85723
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Michael Williams
E-Mail Address
Small Business Set-Aside
Award Number
GS-07F-248AA VA258-17-F-0278
Award Date
Award Amount
Chapter VI: Other Than Full and Open Competition (OFOC) SOP Chapter VI: Other Than Full and Open Competition (OFOC) SOP Attachment 2 : Request for Limited Sources Justification Format >$1SOK LIMITED SOURCES JUSTIFICATION ORDER >$150,000 FAR PART 8.405-6 Acquisition Plan Action ID: VA258-17-AP-2966 This acquisition is conducted under the authority of the Multiple Award Schedule Program.The material or service listed in par. 3 below is sole source, therefore, consideration of the number of contractors required by FAR Subpart 8.4 - Federal Supply Schedules,is precluded for the reasons indicated below. Restricted to the following source: Provide original manufacturer's name for material or contractor's name for service. {If a sole source manufacturer distributes via dealers,ALSO provide dealer information.) Manufacturer/Contractor: Rees Scientific Corporation Manufacturer/Contractor POC & phone number:.R;..;:"ic"=a rd"'"o' Pa=d=i=ll=a _ Mfgr/Contractor Address: 1007 Whitehead Road Extension, Trenton, NJ 08638 Dealer/Rep address/phone number:.(L6.::..0..::= 9.L)..6;7:....;=--=32=1=9'------------------- 0 The requested material or service represents the minimum requirements of the Government. AGENCY AND CONTRACTING ACTIVITY: Department of Vete rans Affairs h NCO 1 8 3601 S. 61 Avenue Tucson AZ 85723 VISN: 22 NATURE AND/OR DESCRIPTION OF ACTION BEING APPROVED: A limited sources, firm-fixed price order with Rees Scientific Corporation for annual preventative maintenance, vali dation, calibration, certification, and servicing of SAVAHCS wireless temperature tracki ng system. Rees Scientific Corporation i s the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of the system that includes the main medical facility and i ts seven (7) associated Communi ty Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs). The system operates off radio frequency connectivity,sending wireless signals to OEM input devices that converts them digitally, then relaying the information to its related software node. All OEM equipment and i nformation i s proprietary to Rees Scientific. Validation and cali bration that is done cannot be provided by any other vendors due to Rees Scientific's software proprietary rights. (a) A DESCRIPTION OF THE SUPPLIES OR SERVICES REQUIRED TO MEET THE AGENCY'S NEED: To provide all labor, supervision, tools, parts, transportation, and l odging required to calibrate and maintain all wireless temperature tracking systems found at the main Southern VA Heal th Care facil i ty and i ts seven (7) Community Based Outpatient Clinics. OFOC SOP Revision 05 Original Date: 03/22/11 Revision OS Date: 05/02/2016 Page 1of 5 Attachment 2: Request for Limited Sources Justificat ion Format >$150K (b) ESTIMATED DOLLAR VALUE: $=2-6=-7:_,_4..:..3;::;..0.::;...:..0;::'4-' _ (c) REQUIRED DELIVERY DATE: =07:---2=.:0::..-.-2==01=7 _ (4) IDENTIFICATION OF THE JUSTIFICATION RATIONALE (SEE FAR 8.405-6), AND IF APPLICABLE, A DEMONSTRATION OF THE PROPOSED CONTRACTOR'S UNIQUE QUALIFICATIONS TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED SUPPLY OR SERVICE. (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY AND COMPLETE) 0 Specific characteristics of the material or service that limit the availability to a sole source (unique features, function of the item, etc.). Describe in detailwhy only this suggested source can furnish the requirements to the exclusion of other sources. [gl A patent, copyright or proprietary data limits competition. The proprietary data is: Software and servers that communicate between the main facility and its CBOCs. Data i s transferred via OEM hardware and software that only OEM trained and certified personnel have access to. I nformation is then utilized by Rees Scientific Tracking Node Managers who monitor and manage temperature readings from a central location. 0 These are "direct replacements" pa rts/components for existing equipment. 0 The material/service must be compatible in all aspects (form, fit and function) with existing systems presently installed/performi ng. Describe the equipment/function you have now and how the new item/serv ice must coordinate,connect, or interface with the existing system. 0 The new work is a logical follow-on to an original Federal Supply Schedule order provided that the original order was placed in accordance with the applicable Federal Supply Schedule ordering OFOC SOP Revision 05 Original Date: 03/22/11 Revision 05 Date:05/02/2016 Page 2 of 5 Chapter VI: Other Than Full and Open Competition (OFOC) SOP Attachment 2: Request for Limited Sources Justification Format >$150K Chapter VI:Other Than Full and Open Competition (OFOC) SOP procedures. The original order must not have been previously issued under sole source or limited source procedures. D An urgent and compelling need exists,and following the ordering procedures would result in unacceptable delays. DESCRIBE WHY YOU BELIEVE THE ORDER REPRESENTS THE BEST VALUE CONSISTENT WITH FAR 8.4 TO AID THE CONTRACTING OFFICER IN MAKING THIS BEST VALUE DETERMINATION: I AW FAR 8.404(d), fixed prices for services have already been determined fair and reasonable. Prices provided by the vendor have not i ncreased since the previous contract. When additional equipment i s acquired, Rees Scientific provides a quantity discount for increased services. Preventative Maintenance services are found in GSA, under Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) GS-07F-248AA, Special I tem Number (SIN) 615 5000. DESCRIBE THE MARKET RESEARCH CONDUCTED AMONG SCHEDULE HOLDERS AND THE RESULTS OR A STATEMENT OF THE REASON MARKET RESEARCH WAS NOT CONDUCTED: The requirement was first reviewed with the customer who stated the system was proprietary and on a GSA schedule. After reviewing the schedule, it was found that the current GSA contract expires in one year on May 5, 2018. The vendor 's regional POC was then contacted who provided a new quote that discounted the GSA pricing schedule. To see if any small business concerns could provide service, a sources sought was posted on FBO on April 28, 2017. On May 1 2, 2017, Rees Scientific was the only vendor that responded to the notice. OFOC SOP Revision 05 Original Date: 03/22/11 Revision 05 Date: 05/02/2016 Page 3 of 5 Attachment 2: Request for Limited Sources Justification Format >$1SOK ANY OTHER FACTS SUPPORTING THE JUSTIFICATION: Rees Scientific Corporation's GSA Contract remains active until May S, 2018. In accordance w ith FAR clauses S2.216-18 and S2.216-22, an order can extend beyond the term of the contract if these two clauses are included in the original contract. GSA contract GS-07F-248AA contains both of these clauses. S2.216-18 states that orders may be i ssued until the co ntract expiration date. This means that on the last day of the effective period of the contract, an order may be issued. S2.216-22 states that if an order is not completed within the effective period of the contract, that i t shall be completed within the time specified i n the order. I n February 201 6, GSA modified some of the Schedule cont racts to include FAR clause S2.216-22, Indefinite Quantity (OCT 199S) to allow options on orders to be exercised after the effective period. A review of S2. 216-22 in GS-07F -248AA,S2.216-22(d ) states that a ny order i ssue d during the effective period of this contract and not completed within that period shall be completed by the Contractor within the time specified on the order. The contract shall govern the Contractor's and Government's rights and obligation with respect to that order to same extent as if the order were completed during the contract's effec tive period; provided, that the contractor shall not be required to make any deliveries under this contact after the completion of the customer's order, includi ng options, 60 months following the expiration of the basic contract order i ng period. As such, NCO 1 8 may i ssue a task order against contract GS-07F- 248AA that extends beyond the expiration of the contract, and exercise four option years (if required) since the duration of the order i s equal to or l ess than the 60 months following the expiration of the basic ordering period as stated in S2.216-22 of the GSA contract. A STATEMENT OF THE ACTIONS, IF ANY, THE AGENCY MAY TAKE TO REMOVE OR OVERCOME ANY BARRIERS THAT LED TO THE RESTRICTED CONSIDERATION BEFORE ANY SUBSEQUENT ACQUISITION FOR THE SUPPLIES OR SERVICES IS MADE: I f f uture condit i ons change, a complete system will be solicited and other contractors will be given an opportunity to provide a suitable system that meets the needs and demands of a VA Lev e l a co mplex ity facilit. (9) REQUIREMENTS CERTIFICATION: I certify that the requirement outlined in this justification is a Bona Fide Need of the Department of Veterans Affairs and that the supporting data under my cognizance, which are included in the justification, are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that processing of this limited sources justification restricts consideration of Federal Supply Schedule contractors to fewer than the number required by FAR Subpart 8.4. (This signature is the requestor's superv isor, fu nd control point official, chief of service or someone with responsibility and accountability.) Ju ne 22 2017 SIGNATURE Richard B. Harker NAME DATE "B'""i"o"""m""""e"""d"'""i'"c=a""1'--E=""n'"'. g...."i"n"'"e""e"'r-_ Faci I i ti es Manage me nt Serv ice Line TITLE SERVICE LINE/SECTION OFOC SOP Revision OS Original Date: 03/22/11 Revision OS Date: OS/02/2016 Page 4 of 5 Southern Arizona VA Health Care System FACILITY (10) APPROVALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VHAPM,Vol ume 6, Chapter VI :OFOC SOP: Prepared by: I' CONTRACTI NG SPECIALIST DATE Michael Williams NCO 1 8 NAME AND TITLE FACILITY CONTRACTING OFFICER'S CERTIFICATION (required): Icertify that the foregoingjustificati on is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. CONTRACTI NG OFFICER/DESIGNEE'S SIGNATURE DATE Daniel C. Thiel/Division Chief NCO 1 8 NAME AND TITLE FACILITY SIGNATURE Director of Contracting/DESIGNEE: Icertify that the foregoingjustification is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. b-otJ 1 L. ///,{(_ rrna Sm+th NAME NCO 18 Di1ector of Co11t1acti1rg 'j),v1f,.r10 CN' 16f DATE OFOC SOP Revision 05 Original Date: 03/22/11 Revision 05 Date: 05/02/2016 Page 5 of 5
Web Link
FBO.gov Permalink
(https://www.fbo.gov/spg/VA/TuVAMC/VASAHCS/Awards/GS-07F-248AA VA258-17-F-0278.html)
File Name: GS-07F-248AA VA258-17-F-0278 GS-07F-248AA VA258-17-F-0278_1.docx (https://www.vendorportal.ecms.va.gov/FBODocumentServer/DocumentServer.aspx?DocumentId=3675135&FileName=GS-07F-248AA-000.docx)
Link: https://www.vendorportal.ecms.va.gov/FBODocumentServer/DocumentServer.aspx?DocumentId=3675135&FileName=GS-07F-248AA-000.docx

File Name: GS-07F-248AA VA258-17-F-0278 P03.Limited Sources_Rees_signed_Final.pdf (https://www.vendorportal.ecms.va.gov/FBODocumentServer/DocumentServer.aspx?DocumentId=3675136&FileName=GS-07F-248AA-001.pdf)
Link: https://www.vendorportal.ecms.va.gov/FBODocumentServer/DocumentServer.aspx?DocumentId=3675136&FileName=GS-07F-248AA-001.pdf

Note: If links are broken, refer to Point of Contact above or contact the FBO Help Desk at 877-472-3779.
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