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541330 — Engineering Services
Contracting Office
Department of the Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, USACE District, Kansas City, Attn: CENWK-CT, 635 Federal Building 60l East 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, 64106-2896, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
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Point of Contact
Carol W. Hodges, Phone: 8163893732
E-Mail Address
Small Business Set-Aside
SYNOPSIS Architect-Engineering (A-E) SERVICES INDEFINITE DELIVERY/INDEFINITE QUANTITY (IDIQ) CONTRACTS FOR MILITARY SERVICES FOR THE KANSAS CITY DISTRICT 1. CONTRACT INFORMATION: These contracts are being procured in accordance with Public Law 92-582, the Brooks Act as implemented in FAR Subpart 36.6 and DFARS 236.6. Firms will be selected for negotiation based on demonstrated competence and qualifications for the required work. The Architect-Engineer (A-E) contracts are required to support military design and studies within or assigned to the Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The contracts may also be used for civil works projects or planning efforts (master planning and similar). Up to four (4) indefinite delivery contracts (IDCs) will be negotiated and awarded. Up to three (3) contracts are restricted, and only open to small businesses. One (1) contract is open to all businesses regardless of size. The base ordering period for each IDC will be five years with no additional options. The total value of all task orders issued under each contract will not exceed $9,900,000. There is no limit on the value of individual task orders. Work will be issued by negotiated firm-fixed-price task orders. Task orders may be assigned for any work (civil or military) within the jurisdiction of Northwestern Division, but the selection will be based on military program criteria within the Kansas City District. Award of these contracts is anticipated in FY17. The System (NAICS) codes for this procurement is 541330 (Engineering Services), which has a small business size standard of $15,000,000 in average annual receipts. If a large business is selected, it must comply with FAR 52.219-9 regarding the requirement for a small business subcontracting plan on that part of the work it intends to subcontract. The subcontracting goals for the Kansas City District which will be considered in negotiation of this contract are: (1) at least 40% of a contractor's intended subcontract amount be placed with small businesses (SB) (which includes all categories of small businesses); (2) at least 3% of a contractor's intended subcontract amount be placed with small disadvantaged businesses (SDB); (3) at least 7% of a contractor's intended subcontract amount be placed with women owned small businesses (WOSB); (4) at least 1% of a contractor's intended subcontract amount be placed with HUBZone small businesses; (5) at least 2% of a contractor's intended subcontract amount be placed with Veteran Owned small businesses (VOSB); and (6) at least 3% of a contractor's intended subcontract amount be placed with Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSB). The plan is not required with this submittal, but will be required with the price proposal of the firm selected for negotiations. The wages and benefits of service employees (see FAR 22.10) performing under these contracts must be at least equal to those determined by the Department of Labor under the Service Contract Act. Service wage rates will be determined relative to the employee's office location rather than the location of work. The period of performance for the IDC will begin on the date of contract award and the ordering period will be in effect for the three (3) year base period and then, if the option is exercised, another two (2) years. The period of performance for task orders awarded under the IDC will be determined based upon the work requirement (not to exceed five (5) years from date the Task Order is awarded) and will be included in the task order solicitations and negotiated task order award documents. Firms must have a Bradstreet (D&B) and be registered in the Department of Defense (DoD) System for Award Management (SAM). If you were not previously registered, please go to https://www.sam.gov. Instructions for new registration are also located at the following link: https://www.sam.gov/sam/transcript/Quick_Guide_for_Contract_Registrations_v1.7.pdf. Contractors may obtain information on registration and annual confirmation requirements at http://www.sam.gov or by calling (866) 606-8220. Additionally, in accordance with FAR Part 22.1303, all firms must complete their VETS-1442 report. Information can be found at the Department of Labor website http://www.dol.gov/vets/programs/fcp/main.htm, or call the service center at 1-866-237-0275; you will be asked to provide your company name, employer identification number (EIN), and DUNs number. 2. PROJECT INFORMATION: Projects may include the preparation of special reports, planning and design charrettes, studies (to include value engineering studies), development of design criteria for design-build contracts, and design of construction and renovation. These contracts may include design work involving site investigation, UXO avoidance support for drill and survey crews, geotechnical reports, topographic surveys, preparation of contract drawings, technical specifications, design analyses and computer aided cost estimating. Construction phase services, including shop drawing review, design during construction, site visits, etc., could be included as options on task orders. CADD, Building Information Modeling (BIM) and GIS deliverables may also be required. Deliverables in MicrostationTM or AutoCADTM format will be required. Examples of new buildings or structures includes: vehicle maintenance facilities, administrative facilities, Child Development Centers, medical facilities, hangers and related aircraft support systems, industrial facilities, ranges, training facilities, runways, pavements/hardstands, barracks, kitchen and food service, etc. Examples of potential repair or renovation projects include: whole building renovation, repair or replacement of architectural elements, building seismic upgrades; force protection upgrades, repair or replacement of mechanical, electrical or fire protection/detection systems; asbestos and lead abatement services related to building renovation or demolition; renovation of historic structures, etc. A-E tasks will require an understanding of sustainable design principles, including the GBC LEED rating system. Sustainable design is an integrated design approach that emphasizes environmental stewardship, especially energy and water conservation and efficiency; use of recovered and recycled materials; waste reduction; reduction or elimination of toxic and harmful substances in facilities construction and operation; efficiency in resource and materials utilization; and development of healthy, safe and productive work environments. Projects designed under these contracts may require designers to obtain security clearances as well as having physical security measures in place before a firm can do the work. Security clearances are not required at the time of selection or award of a contract. In addition to CADD, the use of the latest BIM may be required. The BIM must be compliant with the latest version of the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) as established by the International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI). Examples of typical real property master planning activities that might be performed under these contracts include the following: preparation and updating of existing conditions maps to include aerial photography; facility utilization and space planning studies; future development plans, to include long range component, short range component, capital investment strategies, expansion capability plans, mobilization plans, and preparation of DD Form 1391 programming documents; project development brochures, programmatic NEPA documentation (EA and/or EIS), archeological and historic management studies, and other special reports. Project-specific requirements will be described in each individual task order's Statement of Work. Multiple task orders may be awarded with similar completion schedule and overlapping delivery dates. 3. SELECTION CRITERIA: The selection criteria are listed below in descending order of importance (first by major criterion and then by each sub-criterion). Criteria a through e are primary and will be evaluated for all offerors. Criteria f, g and h are secondary and will only be used as tie-breakers among firms that are essentially technically equal. a. Specialized experience and technical competence in: 1) Design of new buildings and structures, similar to the categories listed in paragraph 2 above. Experience should reflect design-bid-build and development of design-build contracts. The basis of the evaluation will be the information in Section F of the SF 330. 2) Design of repair and renovation projects, similar to the categories listed in paragraph 2 above. Experience should reflect design-bid-build and development of design-build contracts. The basis for the evaluation will be the information in Section F of the SF 330. 3) Real property master planning for military installations, similar to the categories listed in paragraph 2 above. The basis for the evaluation will be the information in Section F of the SF 330. 4) Quality management procedures. The basis of the evaluation will be the description of the firm's quality management procedures in Section H of the SF 330. A detailed quality control plan is not required with this submission but will be required subsequent to award of the contract. 5) Experience in sustainable design using the GBC LEED Rating System or equivalent sustainable system. Project information will be based on project descriptions in Section F of the SF 330. Project descriptions should specifically address sustainable design aspects of each project. b. Professional Qualifications: Responding firms should demonstrate the professional qualifications in these key disciplines: (1) Project manager (2) Architect (3) Structural engineer (4) Mechanical engineer (5) Electrical engineer (6) Civil engineer (7) Fire protection engineer (8) Interior design (9) Geotechnical engineer (10) Surveyor (11) Landscape architect. (12) Cost Engineer/estimator (13) Community/urban planner Additional disciplines required as part of the contract that will not be evaluated include: certified industrial hygienist, force protection specialist (physical security), force protection specialist (electronic security), aerial photography, archaeologist, architectural historian, wildlife biologist, environmentalist, and economist. The basis of evaluation will be information provided in section E of the SF 330. The SF 330 shall include a matrix in Section G showing experience of the proposed lead disciplines on the projects listed in Section F of the SF 330. The education, professional registration, certifications, overall and relevant experience, and longevity with the firm will be considered. All disciplines are equal in importance. This criterion is primarily concerned with the qualifications of the key personnel and not the number of personnel. The number of personnel is addressed under the capacity criterion below. The lead personnel for each discipline should be clearly identified in section E. Only one resume (the lead for that discipline) will be evaluated for each discipline. c. Past Performance Past performance on DoD and other contracts with respect to cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules. The Contract Performance Assessment Reports System (CPARS) is the primary source of information on past performance. CPARS will be queried for all firms submitting a SF330. If deemed appropriate by the evaluation board, performance evaluations for any significant team subcontractors who have previously been prime A-E contractors may also be considered. In addition to CPARS, the board may seek information on past performance from other sources. d. Knowledge of local conditions within the states of Kansas and Missouri. Knowledge of local conditions within Kansas and Missouri specifically regarding: (1) climatic conditions (key disciplines: architect, mechanical); (2) local construction methods, including geotechnical and seismic considerations (key disciplines: civil, structural, geotechnical) and (3) local construction climate impact on cost estimating (estimator). One rating will be determined for each of the three conditions. Within each condition, appropriate experience must be shown in each discipline to be counted. Evaluation will look at the specific experience of the proposed team as stated in Section E of the SF 330. e. Capacity to initiate work and complete within the time parameters of the project. The evaluation will consider the availability of an adequate number of personnel in the following key disciplines: architect; mechanical; electrical; civil; structural. The evaluation will look at numbers listed in Part II of the SF330 to evaluate the overall capacity of the team. Include a Part II form for each firm that is part of the proposed team. Secondary Selection Criteria. The following secondary criteria will only be used as a tie-breaker among firms that are essentially technically equal. The secondary criteria will not be co-mingled with the primary criteria in the evaluation. The three secondary selection criteria are listed in descending order of importance. f. Small Business Participation (not applicable to small businesses). Extent of participation of small businesses (SB), small disadvantaged businesses (SDB), women-owned small businesses (WOSB), HUBZone small businesses, Veteran Owned small businesses, Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses, historically black colleges and universities (HBCU), and minority institutions (MI) will be measured as a percentage of the total anticipated contract effort. The greater the participation, the greater the consideration. Large businesses will be expected to place subcontracts to the maximum practical extent with Small and Small Disadvantaged firms in accordance with Public Law 95-507. The basis of the evaluation will be information submitted in Section H of the SF 330. This criterion is not applicable to small businesses. g. Geographic Proximity. Responding firms should identify any offices operated in close proximity to the Kansas City District and the contribution these office(s) will make in support of the project. h. Volume of DoD AE contract awards in the last 12 months. Responding firms should cite all contract numbers, task orders and modifications, award dates and total negotiated fees for any DoD AE contract awarded within the past twelve (12) months. This information will assist in effecting an equitable distribution of DoD AE contracts among qualified firms. The basis of the evaluation will be information submitted in Section H of the SF 330. 4. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Interested firms having the capabilities to perform this work must submit one original and five copies of the SF 330 and one electronic copy on CD in PDF format to the address listed below no later than (2:00 PM) Kansas City time on August 7, 2017. Copies of the SF 330, Part II, for the prime firm and all consultants should be included in the SF 330. Only one SF 330 Part I for the team as a whole should be included. Include the firm's DUNS and CAGE CODE identification numbers in SF 330, Part I, Section B, Block 5. A maximum of ten (10) projects for the proposed team (including joint ventures and teaming partners) shall be shown in section F. A "project" is defined as work performed at one site or a single installation. An Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC) will not be considered a "project" for the purposes of evaluation. If the offeror provides a specific task order as a project, it should provide the base contract number and the task order number for reference purposes. If the offeror provides a site-specific contract as a project, it should provide the contract number for reference purposes. Project descriptions shall clearly state extent of work performed by the team, extent of design completed (for instance, preparation of design-build package; 100% design; etc.), and dates of completion for design and construction. Clearly cite whether the experience is that of the prime (or joint venture), consultant or an individual for each project in Section F. Work cited that is experience of the prime (or joint venture) from an office other than that identified in Section C should be so labeled. Projects (or phases of projects) with construction completed before July, 2011 will not be considered. Projects (or phases of projects) for which design is not complete will not be considered. Interviews will be held with the most highly qualified firms. Interviews will be conducted telephonically after determination of the most highly qualified firms. The SF 330 should have a total page limitation of 150 printed pages with Section H limited to twenty (20) pages. Each project in Section F should be limited to two (2) pages; Part II is excluded from the 150 printed page limit. Double-sided sheets will count as two pages. Page sheets of 11 inches X 17 inches will be counted as a single page. Tabs do not count against the page count limit, but information contained on divider tabs will not be evaluated. For all SF 330 sections, use no smaller than 11 point font. Note: this is not a request for proposal. Submit responses to: U.S. Army Corps of Engineer, Kansas City District ATTN: CECT-NWK-CT-M/ Carol Hodges 647 Bolling Federal Building 601 E. 12th Street Kansas City, Missouri 64106-2896 5. QUESTIONS: Questions of a technical nature should be addressed to Benjamin Davis at (816) 389-3273 and those of an administrative nature to Carol Hodges, Contract Specialist, at (816) 389-3732. TO SUBMIT QUESTIONS: The following is a list of the files when downloaded from Projnet at www.projnet.org/projnet will include the entire Solicitation documents. To submit questions you will have to provide valid business contact information (e.g. Company name, your name, business address, phone and email). Go to the aforementioned web page and click "Quick Add." Select agency USACE, enter the Plan Room Key for this solicitation listed below, your email address, and then click continue. The Solicitation Number is: W912DQ-17-R-4015 The Bidder Inquiry Key is: 3Q2C5B-MMDZ5V Specific Instructions for ProjNet Bid Inquiry Access: (a)From the ProjNet home page linked above, click on Quick Add on the upper right side of the screen. (b)Select the agency USACE. (c)Key. Enter the Bidder Inquiry Key listed above. (d)Email. Enter the email address you would like to use for communication. (e)Click Continue. A page will then open saying that a user account was not found and will ask you to create one using the provided form. (f)Enter your First Name, Last Name, Company, City, State, Phone, Email, Secret Question, Secret Answer, and Time Zone. Make sure to remember your Secret Question and Answer as they will be used from this point on to access the ProjNet system. (g)Click Add User. Once this is completed you are now registered within ProjNet and are currently logged into the system. Specific Instructions for Future ProjNet Bid Inquiry Access: (a) For future access to ProjNet, you will not be provided any type of password. You will utilize your Secret Question and Secret Answer to log in. (b)From the ProjNet home page linked above, click on Quick Add on the upper right side of the screen. (c)Select the agency USACE. (d)Key. Enter the Bidder Inquiry Key listed above. (e)Email. Enter the email address you used to register previously in ProjNet. (f)Click Continue. A page will then open asking you to enter the answer to your Secret Question. (g)Enter your Secret Answer and click Login. Once this is completed you are now logged into the system. NOTE: The Projnet system has regular maintenance everyday starting at 9:00 a.m. CST and will last for approximately 30 minutes and will reopen for use when the maintenance has been completed. The ProjNet call center operates weekdays from 8AM to 5PM U.S. Central Time Zone (Chicago) or by appointment for OCONUS. The telephone number for the Call Center is 1-800-428-HELP. Email to staff@rcesupport.com.
Web Link
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Place of Performance
Address: U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Kansas District, 601 E. 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri, 64106, United States
Zip Code: 64106
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