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68 -- Gas Cylinders - Attachment - 2 ELIN - Attachment - 1 PWS

Notice Date
Notice Type
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
325120 — Industrial Gas Manufacturing
Contracting Office
Other Defense Agencies, U.S. Special Operations Command, NAVSOC, 2000 Trident Way; Bldg 603M, San Diego, California, 92155, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Linda C. Lareau, Phone: 7577634431, WARCOM Contracts, Phone: 619-537-3201
E-Mail Address
linda.lareau@socom.mil, NSWKO2@socom.mil
(linda.lareau@socom.mil, NSWKO2@socom.mil)
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
PWS Attachment - 2 ELIN COMBINED SYNOPSIS/SOLICITATION This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the information in FAR subpart 12.6, Streamlined Procedures for Evaluation and Solicitation for Commercial Items: and FAR Part 13.5, Simplified Procedures Certain Commercial Items: as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; quotes are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. Solicitation H92240-17-Q-2021 is issued as a request for quotation (RFQ). The agency intends to award a one five year, firm fixed price Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity contract for the purchase of various gases cylinders as defined in this RFQ. The solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-95 effective 13 January 2017, and DFARS Change Notice 20161222. Quotes are due no later than 06 July 2017 at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. This combined synopsis/solicitation is for the purchase of various gas cylinders in accordance with the Attachment 1 - Performance Work Statement (PWS) and the Attachment 2 - Exhibit Line Item Numbers (ELINs). Pricing for each Task Order will correspond with the associated ELIN(s) in effect at the time the order is placed. Contractor shall provide delivery of required gas cylinders with a three (3) day turnaround and overnight for emergent requirements. Email is the only acceptable method of submission. All quotes must be emailed with the RFQ Number in the subject line. Contractors are responsible for verifying receipt of their quotes to this office before quote due date and time. This RFQ is solicited as a set aside for small business. Participating vendors must be registered under the NAICS 325120 at www.sam.gov; or self-certify in their quote. NAICS code 325120 Small business size standard 1000 Employees QUOTES: Quotes must be valid for 90 days. No facsimile quotes will be accepted. Contractors are responsible for verifying receipt of their quotes before offer due date and time specified. The following Provisions and Clauses apply to this acquisition and will be incorporated into any resultant contract. CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE 52.204-7 System for Award Management 52.204-13 System for Award Management Maintenance 52.209-2 Prohibition on Contracting with Inverted Domestic Corporations 52.204-18 Commercial and Government Entity Code Maintenance 52.212-1 Instructions to Offerors-Commercial Items 52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certification Commercial Items Alt I 52.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions--Commercial Items 52.217-5 Evaluation of Options 52.225-25 Prohibition On Contracting With Entities Engaging In Certain Activities Or Transactions Relating To Iran-Representation And Certification 52.232-39 Unenforceability of Unauthorized Obligations 52.232-40 Providing Accelerated Payments to Small Business Subcontractors 52.247-34 F.O.B. Destination 52.212-1 Instructions to Offerors-Commercial Items ADDENDUM Quote Preparation and Submission Instructions. (1) Quoters may submit written questions during the quote preparation period. Only written questions will receive a response. It is required that each question should include the document name, document date, specific page, paragraph, clause or other definitive citation requiring clarification. All questions and quotes shall be directed to the Contracting Office by email, citing at a minimum "H92240-17-Q-2021" In the subject line at the following address: warcom.contracts@socom.mil. (2) Comprehensive responses to the requirement of this Request for quote (RFQ) are required to enable the Government to evaluate the Quoters understanding of, capability and approaches to accomplish the stated requirements. Quotes shall be submitter in accordance with the instructions herein, and non-conformance with the specified required content may be cause for rejection of the quote. The quote shall be valid for no less than 90 days for the date of RFQ closing, a statement affirming this fact shall be included in the introduction. The quote shall provide comprehensive responses to the areas provided for in this section. The quote shall be complete response to the Attachment 1 Performance Work Statement and the requirements of this RFQ, taking into consideration required quantities and delivery schedules specified in this solicitation. The successful Quoter will be selected based on an evaluation of quotes as outlined in FAR 52.212-2, incorporated below. (3) Offerors must clearly identify any exception to the solicitation terms and conditions and provide complete accompanying rationale in their quote. Quote Format And Content. Electronic quotes shall address the sections listed below. Individual emails may not exceed 10 MB. Submissions with.zip files are not acceptable and will not be delivered by the government email server. Offeror is responsible for ensuring the electronic submission guidelines are followed, the government server may NOT issue a rejection notification. The quote page format will be 8 1/2" x 11" except for fold-outs used for charts, tables, or diagrams, which may not exceed 11" x 17". A page is defined as one face of a sheet of paper containing information. Type shall not be less than 12 pitch. Elaborate formats or color presentations are not desired or required. (1) INTRODUCTION: Complete business address of the Offeror, the corporate name to be used on any resultant contract, and the remittance address if different from that above. If this name does not identify a "parent company" or sponsoring "corporation" name, also provide such identity, as appropriate.  The Offeror's Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code and Dun & Bradstreet (DUNs) Number.  Name, telephone numbers and e-mail address of person(s) to be contacted for clarification or questions to the quote.  Fill-In Clauses: Provide all fill-ins or certifications required by the solicitation for inclusion in any resulting contract. The Quoter must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) to be eligible for award; Quotes received without the completed copy of the provision at FAR 52.212-3 or completed SAM representation may be considered non-compliant. Quoter must also provide all fill-ins for: 5652.204-9000 Individual Authorized to Sign (2014)  Terms and Conditions: The Quoter must include a statement that it either (a) agrees to the terms and conditions of this solicitation (which consists of the entire RFQ, including all documents, exhibits, and other attachments that are incorporated therein by reference and made a part thereof) and any solicitation amendments; or (b) takes exceptions to any terms or conditions of the solicitation, and clearly identifies those exceptions. Exceptions to any of; the terms and conditions of this RFQ may be considered by the Government to be unacceptable. (2) TECHNICAL: Each quote shall demonstrate that it meets the requirements in Attachment 1 - PWS, to include 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 4.6 and 4.7.  Quotes not completing the required information in Attachment 1 - PWS will be considered incomplete and will not be evaluated.  Quotes that do not indicate the capability to meet the required delivery timeframe indicated will be evaluated as not meeting the technical requirement. (3) PRICE: The offeror shall populate Attachment 2 - Elin Pricing, to reflect all costs (including delivery) for items under this contract. The Government may require additional "other than certified cost and pricing data" prior to award. There is no page limit to this volume. (End of provision) 52.212-2 -- Evaluation -- Commercial Items (Oct 2014) (a) The Government will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous to the Government, price and other factors considered. The following factors shall be used to evaluate offers: Factor - 1 Technical Capability, The Quoter will be evaluated on their ability to provide specified gases in identified cylinders with certificate of compliance attached to each cylinder. Factor - 2 Price, All prices, including options under FAR 52.217-8 and FAR 52.217-9 will be evaluated for reasonableness. This is a lowest price technically acceptable evaluation, the award will be made to the contractor whose price is lowest among all quotes that were deemed to be complete and technically acceptable. (b) Options. The Government will evaluate offers for award purposes by adding the total price for all options to the total price for the basic requirement. The Government may determine that an offer is unacceptable if the option prices are significantly unbalanced. Evaluation of options shall not obligate the Government to exercise the option(s). (c) A written notice of award or acceptance of an offer, mailed or otherwise furnished to the successful offeror within the time for acceptance specified in the offer, shall result in a binding contract without further action by either party. Before the offer's specified expiration time, the Government may accept an offer (or part of an offer), whether or not there are negotiations after its receipt, unless a written notice of withdrawal is received before award. (End of Provision) 52.212-5 -- CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT STATUTES OR EXECUTIVE ORDERS -- COMMERCIAL ITEMS (DEC 2014) (a) The Contractor shall comply with the following Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clauses, which are incorporated in this contract by reference, to implement provisions of law or Executive orders applicable to acquisitions of commercial items: (1) 52.209-10, Prohibition on Contracting with Inverted Domestic Corporations (Dec 2014) (2) 52.222-50, Combating Trafficking in Persons (FEB 2009) (22 U.S.C. 7104(g)). ____ Alternate I (AUG 2007) of 52.222-50 (22 U.S.C. 7104(g)). (3) 52.233-3, Protest After Award (AUG 1996) (31 U.S.C. 3553). (4) 52.233-4, Applicable Law for Breach of Contract Claim (OCT 2004) (Public Laws 108-77, 108-78 (19 U.S.C. 3805 note)). (b) The Contractor shall comply with the FAR clauses in this paragraph (b) that the contracting officer has indicated as being incorporated in this contract by reference to implement provisions of law or Executive orders applicable to acquisitions of commercial items: (End of Clause) 52.216-18 Ordering (OCT 1995) (a) Any supplies and services to be furnished under this contract shall be ordered by issuance of delivery orders or task orders by the individuals or activities designated in the Schedule. Such orders may be issued from July 2017 through July 2021. (b) All delivery orders or task orders are subject to the terms and conditions of this contract. In the event of conflict between a delivery order or task order and this contract, the contract shall control. © If mailed, a delivery order or task order is considered "issued" when the Government deposits the order in the mail. Orders may be issued orally, by facsimile, or by electronic commerce methods only if authorized in the Schedule. (End of Clause) 52.216-19 ORDER LIMITATIONS (OCT 1995) (a) Minimum order. When the Government requires supplies or services covered by this contract in an amount of less than $60.00, the Government is not obligated to purchase, nor is the Contractor obligated to furnish, those supplies or services under the contract. (b) Maximum order. The Contractor is not obligated to honor: (1) Any order for a single item in excess of $5,000.00; (2) Any order for a combination of items in excess of $5,000.00; or (3) A series of orders from the same ordering office within 10 days that together call for quantities exceeding the limitation in subparagraph (1) or (2) above. (c) If this is a requirements contract (i.e., includes the Requirements clause at subsection 52.216-21 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)), the Government is not required to order a part of any one requirement from the Contractor if that requirement exceeds the maximum-order limitations in paragraph (b) above. (d) Notwithstanding paragraphs (b) and (c) above, the Contractor shall honor any order exceeding the maximum order limitations in paragraph (b), unless that order (or orders) is returned to the ordering office within 5 days after issuance, with written notice stating the Contractor's intent not to ship the item (or items) called for and the reasons. Upon receiving this notice, the Government may acquire the supplies or services from another source. (End of clause) 52.216-22 INDEFINITE QUANTITY (OCT 1995) (a) This is an indefinite-quantity contract for the supplies or services specified, and effective for the period stated, in the Schedule. The quantities of supplies and services specified in the Schedule are estimates only and are not purchased by this contract. (b) Delivery or performance shall be made only as authorized by orders issued in accordance with the Ordering clause. The Contractor shall furnish to the Government, when and if ordered, the supplies or services specified in the Schedule up to and including the quantity designated in the Schedule as the "maximum". The Government shall order at least the quantity of supplies or services designated in the Schedule as the "minimum". (c) Except for any limitations on quantities in the Order Limitations clause or in the Schedule, there is no limit on the number of orders that may be issued. The Government may issue orders requiring delivery to multiple destinations or performance at multiple locations. (d) Any order issued during the effective period of this contract and not completed within that period shall be completed by the Contractor within the time specified in the order. The contract shall govern the Contractor's and Government's rights and obligations with respect to that order to the same extent as if the order were completed during the contract's effective period; provided, that the Contractor shall not be required to make any deliveries under this contract after the period of performance included in the last Task Order. (End of clause) 52.217-8 -- OPTION TO EXTEND SERVICES (NOV 1999) The Government may require continued performance of any services within the limits and at the rates specified in the contract. These rates may be adjusted only as a result of revisions to prevailing labor rates provided by the Secretary of Labor. The option provision may be exercised more than once, but the total extension of performance hereunder shall not exceed 6 months. The Contracting Officer may exercise the option by written notice to the Contractor prior to contract expiration CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE (FEB 1998) 52.217-9 -- OPTION TO EXTEND THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT (MAR 2000) a) The Government may extend the term of this contract by written notice to the Contractor prior to the contract expiration; provided that the Government gives the Contractor a preliminary written notice of its intent to extend at least 5 days before the contract expires. The preliminary notice does not commit the Government to an extension. b) If the Government exercises this option, the extended contract shall be considered to include this option clause. c) The total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any options under this clause, shall not exceed the end of the period of performance for the last Task Order. End of Clause) 52.252-2 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE (FEB 1998) This contract incorporates one or more clauses by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available. Also, the full text of a clause may be accessed electronically at this/these address(es): http://farsite.hill.af.mil/ http://www.acq.osd.mil/ (End of clause) 52.252-6 AUTHORIZED DEVIATIONS IN CLAUSES (APR 1984) (a) The use in this solicitation or contract of any Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR Chapter 1) clause with an authorized deviation is indicated by the addition of "(DEVIATION)" after the date of the clause. (b) The use in this solicitation or contract of any Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (48 CFR Chapter 1) clause with an authorized deviation is indicated by the addition of "(DEVIATION)" after the name of the regulation. (End of clause) The following DFARS provision and clauses apply to this acquisition and are incorporated by reference. If the offeror has completed any of the following provisions listed in this paragraph electronically as part of its annual representations and certifications at http;//www.acquisition.gov, the offeror they are to indicate in the submitted quote, there is no need to complete these provisions again for this solicitation. 252.203-7000 Requirements Relating to Compensation of Former DoD Officials 252.203-7002 Requirement to Inform Employees of Whistleblower Rights 252.203-7005 Representation Relating to Compensation of Former DoD Officials 252.204-7003 Control Of Government Personnel Work Product 252.204-7012 Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting. 252.204-7015 Notice of Authorized Disclosure of Information for Litigation Support 252.223-7008 Prohibition of Hexavalent Chromium 252.225-7001 Buy American And Balance Of Payments Program-- Basic 252.225-7002 Qualifying Country Sources As Subcontractors 252.225-7048 Export-Controlled Items 252.232-7003 Electronic Submission of Payment Requests and Receiving Reports 252.232-7006 Wide Area Workflow Payment Instructions (fill-in at time of award) 252.232-7010 Levies on Contract Payments 252.244-7000 Subcontracts for Commercial Items 252.247-7023 Transportation of Supplies by Sea 252.209-7992 REPRESENTATION BY CORPORATIONS REGARDING AN UNPAID DELINQUENT TAX LIABILITY OR A FELONY CONVICTION UNDER ANY FEDERAL LAW-FISCAL YEAR 2015 APPROPRIATIONS (DEVIATION 2015-OO0005) (DEC 2014) (a) In accordance with sections 744 and 745 of Division E, Title VII, of the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2015 (Pub. L. 113-235), none of the funds made available by this or any other Act may be used to enter into a contract with any corporation that- (1) Has any unpaid Federal tax liability that has been assessed, for which all judicial and administrative remedies have been exhausted or have lapsed, and that is not being paid in a timely manner pursuant to an agreement with the authority responsible for collecting the tax liability, where the awarding agency is aware of the unpaid tax liability, unless the agency has considered suspension or debarment of the corporation and made a determination that this further action is not necessary to protect the interests of the Government; or (2) Was convicted of a felony criminal violation under any Federal law within the preceding 24 months, where the awarding agency is aware of the conviction, unless the agency has considered suspension or debarment of the corporation and made a determination that this action is not necessary to protect the interests of the Government. (b) The Offeror represents that- (1) It is [ ] is not [ ] a corporation that has any unpaid Federal tax liability that has been assessed, for which all judicial and administrative remedies have been exhausted or have lapsed, and that is not being paid in a timely manner pursuant to an agreement with the authority responsible for collecting the tax liability, (2) It is [ ] is not [ ] a corporation that was convicted of a felony criminal violation under a Federal law within the preceding 24 months. (End of provision) 252.216-7006 ORDERING (MAY 2011) (a) Any supplies and services to be furnished under this contract shall be ordered by issuance of delivery orders or task orders by the individuals or activities designated in the contract schedule. Such orders may be issued as follows: CLIN From To 0001 First Year 12 months starting upon date of award of the contract Second Year 12 months starting upon completion of the first year Third Year 12 months starting upon completion of the second year Fourth Year 12 months starting upon completion of the third year Fifth Year 12 months starting upon completion of the fourth year (Chart will be completed with award) (End of clause) DESIGNATION OF ORDERING ACTIVITY the following activities are hereby authorized to place task orders: Naval Special Warfare Command The authorized ordering officer is responsible for issuing and administering any orders placed hereunder. Only Naval Special Warfare Command has authority to modify any provisions of the basic contract. Any deviations from the terms of the basic contract must be submitted to the Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO) for contractual action. Terminations of delivery orders shall be issued only by the PCO. The following SOFARS provision and clauses apply to this acquisition: 5652.201-9002 Authorized Changes Only by Contracting Officer (2005) The Contractor shall not comply with any order, direction or request of Government personnel unless it is issued in writing and signed by the Contracting Officer, or is pursuant to specific authority otherwise included as part of this contract. Except as specified herein, no order, statement, or conduct of Government personnel who visit the contractor's facilities or in any other manner communicates with Contractor personnel during the performance of this contract shall constitute a change under the Changes clause in Section I. In the event the Contractor effects any change at the direction of any person other the Contracting Officer, the change will be considered to have been made without authority and no adjustment will be made in the contract price to cover any increase in cost incurred as a result thereof. The address and telephone number of the Contracting Officer is: WARCOM-contracts@socom.mil 619-537-3201 (end of clause) 5652.204-9000 INDIVIDUAL AUTHORIZED TO SIGN (2014) (a) Proposals shall be signed by an authorized individual. The offeror hereby represents that the individual designated below is authorized to bind the corporation, partnership, individual or educational institution. Evidence of authorization shall be provided by the offeror in accordance with the applicable instructions below. If the offeror is a joint venture, each participant in the joint venture shall submit a separate representation. (1) CORPORATIONS: The signatory must be an official or person otherwise authorized to bind the corporation. A Corporate representation as shown below, shall be executed in accordance with the instructions, or other evidence must be furnished which satisfactorily shows that the person signing the proposal is empowered to bind the corporation. Corporations may establish the authority of its agents by furnishing a power of attorney with the offer, a corporate resolution, or by causing the following representation to be executed under its corporate seal, provided that the same officer shall not execute both the contract and the representation. I, _____________________________, represent that I am the ________________________ of the firm named as the offeror herein; that ________________________ signed this contractual instrument on behalf of the corporation and is __________________________ of said corporation; that said contractual instrument was duly signed for and in behalf of said corporation by authority of its governing body; and is within the scope of its corporate powers. AFFIX CORPORATE SEAL (Note: If a corporation does not have a seal or the offer is being submitted electronically, the offeror may print the word "SEAL".) ___________________________ (Signature) (2) PARTNERSHIPS: Partnerships shall establish their authority and the authority of their agents by completing the following representation, provided that it is executed by a partner other than the person signing the contractual instrument. I, _____________________________, represent that I am a partner of the firm of ___________________ consisting of the following partner's _____________________________________________________; that ______________ signed this contractual instrument on behalf of said firm and is __________________________ of said firm; that said contractual instrument was duly signed for and in behalf of said firm by authority of partnership; and is within the scope of its corporate powers. __________________________ (Signature) (3) INDIVIDUALS: The signatory must be the owner and the contractual instrument shall be signed as such unless an agent's authority has been established through a power of attorney. Individuals submitting contractual instruments under an agent's signature must furnish a power of attorney to establish the agent's authority. (4) EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS: The signatory must be an official or person otherwise authorized to bind the educational institution. A representation as shown below, shall be executed in accordance with the instructions, or other evidence must be furnished which satisfactorily shows that the person signing the proposal is empowered to bind the educational institution. Educational institutions may establish authority of their agents by furnishing with their offeror a power of attorney, a corporate resolution or by causing the following representation to be executed, provided that the same individual shall not execute both the contract and the representation. I, _____________________________, represent that I am the ________________________ of the educational institution named as the offeror herein; that ________________________ signed this contractual instrument on behalf of the educational institution and is __________________________ of said educational institution; that said contractual instrument was duly signed for and in behalf of said educational institution by authority of its governing body; and is within the scope of its corporate powers. ___________________________ (Signature) (b) Once a power of attorney or corporate resolution has been submitted to establish the authority of its agents, provide reference to the Procurement Instrument Identification Number with which it was submitted by including the following statement in lieu of furnishing an additional copy: "Evidence to establish the authority of the agent signing this document was submitted with Document Number _________________." 5652.204-9003 DISCLOSURE OF UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION (NOV 2007) (a) On September 21, 2001, the Department of Defense designated Headquarters US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) a sensitive unit, as defined by Title 10 United States Code (USC) Section 130b (10 USC 130b). In keeping with this designation, unclassified information related to USSOCOM military technology acquisitions managed by USSOCOM or any of its component commands, will be designated Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). As such, the contractor hereby unequivocally agrees that it shall not release to anyone outside the Contractor's organization any unclassified information, regardless of medium (e.g., film, tape, document, contractor's external website, newspaper, magazine, journal, corporate annual report, etc.), pertaining to any part of this contract or any program related to this contract, unless the Contracting Officer has given prior written approval. Furthermore, any release of information which associates USSOCOM, Special Operation Forces (SOF), or any component command with an acquisition program, contractor, or this contract is prohibited unless specifically authorized by USSOCOM. (b) Request for approval shall identify the specific information to be released, the medium to be used, and the purpose for the release. The contractor shall submit the request to the Contracting Officer at least 45 days before the propose date for release for approval. No release of any restricted information shall be made without specific written authorization by the Contracting Office. (c) The Contractor shall include a similar requirement in each subcontract under this contract. Subcontractors shall submit request for authorization to release through the prime contractor to the Contracting Officer. (d) The Contractor further understands that Title 18 USC Section 701 specifically prohibits the use of the USSOCOM emblem or logo in any medium (e.g., corporate website, marketing brochure, newspaper, magazine, etc.) unless authorized in writing by USSOCOM. Forward any request to use the USSOCOM emblem or logo through the Contracting Officer. 5652.204-9003 Disclosure of Unclassified Information and Notification Requirements for Cyber Security Breaches (2013) (Revised June 2013) (a) On September 21, 2001, the Department of Defense designated Headquarters US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) a sensitive unit, as defined by Title 10 United States Code (USC) Section 130b (10 USC 130b). In keeping with this designation, unclassified information related to USSOCOM military technology acquisitions managed by USSOCOM or any of its component commands, will be designated Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). As such, the contractor hereby unequivocally agrees that it shall not release to anyone outside the Contractor's organization any unclassified information, regardless of medium (e.g., film, tape, document, contractor's external website, newspaper, magazine, journal, corporate annual report, etc.), pertaining to any part of this contract or any program related to this contract, unless the Contracting Officer has given prior written approval. Furthermore, any release of information which associates USSOCOM, Special Operation Forces (SOF), or any component command with an acquisition program, contractor, or this contract is prohibited unless specifically authorized by USSOCOM. (b) Request for approval shall identify the specific information to bereleased, the medium to be used, and the purpose for the release. The contractor shall submit the request to the Contracting Officer at least 45 days before the propose date for release for approval. No release of any restricted information shall be made without specific written authorization by the Contracting Office. (c) The protection of sensitive but unclassified data reflecting Special Operations technologies, personnel, plans, and business associations requires due diligence on the part of those in possession of such information. The application of appropriate security measures to ensure the safekeeping of USSOCOM and company proprietary data, intellectual property, and personnel data is the responsibility of all parties who have access to such information. All contractors supporting USSOCOM are required to inform the Contracting Officer within three business days of when there has been a breach or successful penetration of the contractor's network(s) or information system(s). Breaches include unauthorized intrusions of the contractor's server(s) from external parties whether through introduction of malware, hacking, the compromise of access passwords, or any other unauthorized access or compromise. Breaches also include the physical loss of storage media such and disks, hard drives, thumb drives, laptops or other devices which contain duplicates of information contained on the contractor's data systems, or the willful or accidental transmission, copying or posting of contract information which has not been specifically authorized by the Contracting Officer. Estimates of damage and mitigation strategies will be submitted to the Contracting Officer within a period following the breach specified and agreed upon by the Contractor and the Contracting Officer. (d) The Contractor shall include a similar requirement to this clause in each subcontract under this contract. Subcontractors shall submit request for authorization to release and notifications related to cyber security breaches through the prime contractor to the Contracting Officer. (e) The Contractor further understands that Title 18 USC Section 701 specifically prohibits the use of the USSOCOM emblem or logo in any medium (e.g., corporate website, marketing brochure, newspaper, magazine, etc.) unless authorized in writing by USSOCOM. Forward any request to use the USSOCOM emblem or logo through the Contracting Officer. (end of clause) 5652.215-9016 TECHNICAL AND CONTRACTUAL QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS SOLICITATION (2000) All questions concerning this procurement, either technical or contractual must be submitted in writing to the Contracting Office. No direct discussion between the technical representative and a prospective Offeror will be conducted unless it is deemed necessary by the Contracting Officer. Questions shall be sent to the following point of contact: NSWKO2@socom.mil 5652.233-9000 INDEPENDENT REVIEW OF AGENCY PROTESTS (2013) All protests shall be submitted through the Contracting Officer. A request for an independent review of the protest decision shall be made through the Contracting Officer to the HCD/FCO. If the HCD/FCO is the Contracting Officer, submit the request in accordance with FAR 33.103(d)(4) to: Chief, SORDAC-KM or SORDAC-KX as appropriate, 7701 Tampa Point Blvd., MacDill AFB, FL 33621, Fax (813) 826-7504. List of Attachments Attachment 1 - Performance Work Statement Attachment 2 - Pricing Spreadsheet
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