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E -- Shadehill Visitor Center Exhibit

Notice Date
Notice Type
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
712110 — Museums
Contracting Office
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, BOR - All Offices, Denver Federal Center, Building 67, Room 380, Denver, Colorado, 80225, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Amanda Somerville, Phone: (406) 247-7797
E-Mail Address
Small Business Set-Aside
Total Small Business
This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Subpart 12.6, as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; quotes are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. The Request for Quote R17PS01401 document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 2005-95. The applicable NAICS code is 712110, and the small business size standard is $27.5 million. Quotes are due by 4:30 (MDT) on September 5, 2017. Quotes may be submitted via electronic submission to the Contracting Officer through email, fax, FedConnect, or FBO.gov. Contracting Officer is Amanda Somerville at ASomerville@usbr.gov; fax is 406-247-7798. PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT 1. BACKGROUND Shadehill State Park has never had a visitor's center. A local museum in nearby Lemmon focuses on the paleontology and cultural resources of the area. A park in Lemmon highlights the presence of petrified wood found in the surrounding areas. The local Forest Service office has a small exhibit on the natural history of the area. The focus on the dam itself for the exhibit at Shadehill would fill a gap in the local history and is pertinent to the reservoir where the park is situated. The exhibit space is limited, therefore a narrow focus would be the best use of the space. The goal of the project is to prepare an exhibit in the new visitor's center at Shadehill State Park on the Shadehill Reservoir approximately 15 miles south of Lemmon, South Dakota. The South Dakota Game Fish and Parks is Reclamation's managing partner at the reservoir. The exhibit would focus on the preparation, construction, purpose, and impacts of Shadehill Dam, including uses and benefits today. The target audience is recreational users of the reservoir and park lands. Labels would be written in a format interesting to the average reader. Historic aerials, maps, photographs, labels, and artifacts would be incorporated to help tell the story. The focal point for the story is not the detailed engineering or design of the dam, although there may be specific references to it. 2. SCOPE The contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, transportation, supplies, equipment, and supervision to satisfactorily prepare and install an exhibit at Shadehill State Park visitor's center representing the preparation, construction, purpose, impacts and current use and benefits of Shadehill Dam. The contractor shall complete historical research, interview the Park Manager, find historical aerials, maps, historic photographs, newspaper articles, documents, and artifacts and prepare succinct labels on the preparation, construction, purpose, impacts, and current use and benefits of Shadehill Dam. 3. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The Government anticipates the time required for completion is no more than six months. The period of performance is anticipated to begin September 2017. 4. TASKS a.) Historical Research. The contractor shall review history publications, newspaper accounts, photographs, and other related documentation for the period of approximately 1931 to 1970 as well as gather some pertinent information on the use of the dam today. Two recent reports prepared for Reclamation provide summaries of the historic background of the dam construction. Reclamation has scanned the two recent reports and historic documentation, photographs, and maps related to the construction of the Project. These resources would be provided to the contractor after award. The contractor may need to seek additional information, such as newspaper articles. b.) Exhibit Topics. Reclamation is requiring some exhibit topics and suggests several others to be considered by the contractor. Based on their research, the contractor may identify other topics not listed below or may provide justification if they determine that certain required topics are not feasible. Reclamation would retain the final approval for whether or not a required topic could be eliminated. Topics are as follows: i.When did the idea for the dam come into play, why was this location chosen, and what were the original purposes of the dam? (Required) ii.A map or aerial defining the full extent of the Grand River watershed before the dam was built and an outline of where the dam is located on that map. (Required) iii.What's inside a dam and how does it work? (Required) iv.Who have the dam tender's been and what are their years of service? Reclamation would provide photos and information; this would be a very small part of the exhibit. It may fit on the wall to the right of the window above the case described below. (Required) v.How did the points around the reservoir get their names (map and text)? Reclamation and the Park Manager would be able to provide some of this information. (Required) vi.What are the benefits and uses at the reservoir and dam today? (Required) vii.How are the lands managed today, camping, fishing, boating, hunting, etc. viii.Where was the dam construction camp located? ix.How long did it take to build the dam? x.Why doesn't the dam tender live on-site today? xi. c.) Artifacts, Maps, Photos, Log Books. See Government Furnished Information below. The contractor may suggest items that would be interesting to exhibit and Reclamation would make an attempt to locate these. d.) Visual Recognition. The contractor would work with the Area Archaeologist to determine an appropriate place and the means of identifying Reclamation's contribution to the exhibit. The exhibit space would be in a new visitor's center at the entrance to Shadehill State Park. The building is currently under construction and will be moved onsite this spring or early summer. The public space for the exhibit is to the left of the entrance to the visitor's center, it is 10 feet long by 6 feet wide. The walls will be drywall with a knockdown texture painted white. Flooring is a laminate with a wood look (http:ljwww.karndean.com/en/floors/products/vgw76t-vintage-pine). Specific measurements of the overall space, interior measurements of the glassed-in case and drawers, would be provided to the contractor as soon as they are available. Attached are two sketches depicting the exhibit space, a profile of the case with drawers and a photograph of a case very similar to the one being constructed for the visitor's center. i.Case. One exhibit case is currently under construction for the far wall. It will be placed below a 3 foot wide window. Approximately 18 inches of wall space would be available for exhibits to the right of the window. The case is 6 feet long (the width of the far wall), 2 feet deep, and 40 inches high. The glassed-in portion of the case is 2 feet high. The case is pine with a golden oak stain. A second tiered shelf located at the back of the case is also required, in order to maximize the space. ii.Wall. The other main exhibit space is a 10 foot long by 8 foot high interior wall, which includes the space for the 2 foot deep cabinet described above. There is no window on this wall. Photos, labels, shallow-depth cases, or mounted artifacts could be placed on this wall. iii.Additional Wall Space. If additional wall space is needed the contractor may wrap around the wall into the hallway for maps or photos for a few feet. This may be a good place for the map showing named points around the reservoir and how they got their names. iv.Six Drawers. There are six drawers, 3 across and 2 high, on the bottom of the case. Plexiglass inserts could be installed to protect items exhibited in the drawers. It is suggested that these drawers be used to exhibit natural history items related to the reservoir. Reclamation and the Park Manager will assist with locating items to display. The contractor is responsible for any text, maps, or photographs needed for the drawers. The contractor shall work closely with the Area Archaeologist and the Park Manager to determine which topics are chosen for each drawer. Drawer pulls depicting a fish, an egg, a projectile point, etc. would be used to identify what is in each drawer. •Types of fish in the reservoir •Game birds and their eggs on reservoir lands, feathers •Game animals or all animals on reservoir lands •Fossils found at the reservoir •Projectile point types found at the reservoir •Song birds at the reservoir, feathers? •Rock types at the reservoir •Animal tracks, scat •Former animals, e.g. buffalo v.Bench. On the opposite, exterior wall are two windows. Below the windows, a small bench will be built by the Park Manager for hands-on items. The contractor shall provide written ideas for items to be displayed or a theme for the bench but shall not provide artifacts or text. Ideas not used for the six drawers could be among the ideas for bench topics. e.) Drafts. First Draft Review. A preliminary draft of the exhibit layout and label text is due to Reclamation for review no later than 75 days after the contract is awarded. The purpose of the preliminary draft review is to ensure that the contractor has completed a significant portion of the exhibit research and planning and that the project would be completed on schedule. The preliminary draft would include a summary of each topic selected, possible photos, maps, artifacts, and documents, for the exhibit, and draft text. Reclamation will provide comments within 7 days of receipt of the first draft. There is no penalty for submitting the first draft for review earlier. Reclamation or the contractor can propose reasonable changes to the outline and organization of the exhibit at this time. If Reclamation identifies serious shortfalls to expectations a conference call may be required with the Area Archaeologist and manager of the Environmental and Resource Division to resolve problems. Second Draft Review. The contractor shall prepare a near-final layout and label text 30 days after the first draft is approved. This includes final photos, maps, drawings, logs, artifacts, and documents selected for the exhibit; sizes of each, label text, font, background color, and other details that provide an overall view of the exhibit. Reclamation will have 7 days to approve the final draft of the exhibit. f.) Installation. The contractor is responsible for installing the exhibit within 30 days following approval of the second draft. The contractor shall coordinate with the Area Archaeologist and the Park Manager to establish a time for installation. The contractor shall provide all tools and materials required to install the exhibit. The Park Manager may provide space in their shop for last minute preparation of exhibit furniture; this will be coordinated with the Park Manager if needed. The contractor is responsible for protecting floors, walls, ceiling, the case, and windows during installation and nightly clean-up of the space as well as coordinating with the Park Manager to ensure the work area is barricaded and equipment is properly used to prevent injuries to the public. Following installation, the Area Archaeologist shall conduct a final review and approval with the contractor. The review will include but not be limited to, grammar, spelling, appearance of labels, potential damage to photos, maps, or other display items or exhibit furniture, and quality of the installation. The contractor shall account for time required to correct any needed changes or repairs to the exhibit that may be identified in the final review to ensure that the exhibit is completed and approved prior to the purchase order deadline. g.) Monthly Reports. The contractor shall submit brief monthly progress reports to the Area Archaeologist in a format determined by the contractor describing accomplishments for the month, problems encountered, and issues that may impact progress and meeting milestones. Current drafts of labels and layouts shall be included. Monthly reports can be e-mailed to the Area Archaeologist, however, they must be written in a Word or pdf format that is an attachment to the email. The monthly report must include the purchase order number, project title, date, preparer's name and contracting organization. Monthly progress reports are due on the last day of each month from the start of the purchase order until it is closed out. 5. CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL Contractor employees performing the work will be required to show a driver's license before granted access to the building. In the absence of a driver's license, the employee shall provide an alternate source of official identification that includes: First, Middle, Last Name; date and place of birth; and place of residence. All contractor employees must be U.S. citizens or have a valid Immigrant Visa Number, Permanent Resident Card, or Resident Alien Card authorizing them to work in the U.S. 6. GOVERNMENT FURNISHED EQUIPMENT / INFORMATION Reclamation has identified some items that would be available to the contractor as research materials or could be used as artifacts in the exhibit. At this time, Reclamation is still searching for items in various locations. Photographs of items will be provided when the contract is awarded. The types of items include the following: •A series of scanned historic photos (jpegs) taken during construction of the dam •Aerial photos (jpegs) taken prior to construction •Possibly early blueprints or historic maps •Possibly an engineer's log book or a copy •1950s desk and drafting items •Surveying transit, tripod, and rod •Possibly items from the dam tender's house and storage buildings from the 1940s and 1950s that may be of interest (we could possibly remove an interior door from the house to display photographs or labels in the exhibit) Available Reclamation historic documents, maps, photos, and manuscripts pertinent to the project, including a brief history of the dam tender's house and buildings and a history of the Shadehill Dam, will be provided to the contractor within 7 days after award. Photos and dimensions of possible artifacts to be used in the exhibit will be provided to the contractor as they are available. 8. CONTRACTOR QUALITY CONTROL PLAN The contractor is responsible for the management and quality control actions necessary to meet the quality standards set forth by the purchase order. The contractor shall establish and maintain a Quality Control Plan (QCP) to ensure that all requirements of the purchase order are met. 9. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA The Quality Assurance Evaluator (QAE) will document acceptable and unacceptable purchase order performance. When he/she considers the contractor's performance to be unsatisfactory, the information will be reported to the CO. The CO may require the contractor to explain, in writing, the cause of the poor performance, any corrective actions the contractor has already taken to obtain an acceptable level and any future corrective actions the contractor will utilize to prevent unacceptable performance. The contractor's administration personnel may be required to meet with Reclamation personnel, as determined necessary, to discuss the contractor's performance, to include actual or potential problems. All parties shall make a mutual good faith effort to resolve any issues. All parties to the discussion shall review and sign written minutes of the meeting. Should the contractor not concur with the minutes, the contractor shall state any areas of non-concurrence in writing to the CO within 7 business days of receipt of the minutes. 10. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY TABLE (PRST). The following table summarizes the tasks, the performance standard, monitoring method, and disincentives for not meeting performance standards. Task DescriptionPerformance StandardMethod of MonitoringDisincentive First Draft ReviewDelivered to Reclamation within 75 days of award 100% Inspection (1.) Re-work at contractor's expense; may require expedited action or delivery (2.) Payment deductions as specified in Section 11 Final InstallationComplete installation and approval by the Period of Performance end date Second Draft ReviewDelivered 30 days after Reclamation approval of First Draft Monthly ReportsReceived by Reclamation on the last day of the month of each month of the Period of Performance Random 11. GOVERNMENT REMEDIES All work shall be subject to inspection, approval, and acceptance by the Government. The Government will compare the contractor's performance to industry standards and will not exclude common sense considerations as applied by designated Reclamation employees. The CO will follow the requirements of FAR Clause 52.212-4 for the contractor's failure to correct nonconforming services. The Government will consider work incomplete when any one of the following conditions exits: - The contractor did not perform any or all of the tasks. - The contractor was not timely. If the performance of any required service is unsatisfactory, and poor performance is clearly the fault of the contractor, the Government may reduce the purchase order price to reflect the reduced value of defective services, if the Government notifies the contractor in writing prior to executing such payment deductions. The CO will determine the payment deduction amount by calculating the percentage of acceptable services performed by the contractor. The Government will use the total number of deficiencies found to determine the percentage found unacceptable. The percentage found unacceptable subtracted from 100 percent will determine the percentage acceptable. ***The following listing of clauses and provisions apply to this acquisition*** Clauses 52.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions - Commercial Items. (JAN 2017) 52.212-5 Contract Terms and Conditions Required To Implement Statutes or Executive Orders - Commercial Items. (JAN 2017): 52.204-10, Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract Awards (Oct 2016), 52.209-6, Protecting the Government's Interest When Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment, 52.219-6, Notice of Total Small Business Set-Aside (Nov 2011) (15 U.S.C. 644), 52.219-28, Post Award Small Business Program Rerepresentation (Jul 2013) (15 U.S.C. 632(a)(2)), 52.222-3, Convict Labor (June 2003) (E.O. 11755), 52.222-21, Prohibition of Segregated Facilities (Apr 2015), 52.222-26, Equal Opportunity, 52.222-35, Equal Opportunity for Veterans, 52.222-36, Equal Opportunity for Workers with Disabilities, 52.222-37, Employment Reports on Veterans, 52.222-50, Combating Trafficking in Persons (Mar 2015), 52.223-18, Encouraging Contractor Policies to Ban Text Messaging While Driving (Aug 2011) (E.O. 13513), 52.225-13, Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases (June 2008), 52.232-33, Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer-System for Award Management (Jul 2013), 52.222-17, Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers (May 2014), 52.222-41, Service Contract Labor Standards (May 2014), 52.222-42, Statement of Equivalent Rates for Federal Hires (May 2014), 52.222-55, Minimum Wages Under Executive Order 13658 (Dec 2015). 52.217-8 Option To Extend Services. (NOV 1999) The Government may require continued performance of any services within the limits and at the rates specified in the contract. These rates may be adjusted only as a result of revisions to prevailing labor rates provided by the Secretary of Labor. The option provision may be exercised more than once, but the total extension of performance hereunder shall not exceed 6 months. The Contracting Officer may exercise the option by written notice to the Contractor within 30 days. 52.232-40 Providing Accelerated Payments to Small Business Subcontractors. (DEC 2013) 52.242-15 Stop-Work Order. (AUG 1998) 52.252-2 Clauses Incorporated by Reference. (FEB 1998) This contract incorporates one or more clauses by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available. Also, the full text of a clause may be accessed electronically at this/these address(es): www.acquisition.gov/ ?q=browsefar DOI Local Clause Electronic Invoicing and Payment Requirements Internet Payment Platform (IPP). (APR 2013) Payment requests must be submitted electronically through the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Internet Payment Platform System (IPP). "Payment requests" means any request for contract financing payment or invoicing payment by the Contractor. To constitute a proper invoice, the payment request must comply with the requirements identified in the applicable Prompt Payment clause included in the contract, or the clause 52.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions-Commercial Items included in commercial item contracts. The IPP website address is: https://www.ipp.gov. Under this contract, the following documents are required to be submitted as an attachment to the IPP invoice: Prior to official submission in IPP, the Contractor shall submit an electronic copy of a draft invoice to the Contracting Officer at ASomerville@usbr.gov. Once the CO provides acceptance, then the Contractor shall submit the official invoice through IPP with a copy of the invoice to the IPP submittal. Invoices submitted prior to goods or services being received and accepted shall be rejected. The Contractor must use the IPP website to register access and use IPP for submitting requests for payment. The Contractor Government Business Point of Contact (as listed in SAM) will receive enrollment instructions via email from the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (FRBB) within 3-5 business days of the contract award date. Contractor assistance with enrollment can be obtained by contacting the IPP Production Helpdesk via email ippgroup@bos.frb.org or phone (866) 973-3131. If the Contractor is unable to comply with the requirement to use IPP for submitting invoices for payment, the Contractor must submit a waiver request in writing to the Contracting Officer with its proposal or quotation. WBR 1452.237-80 Security Requirements --Bureau of Reclamation (Feb 2017) (a) General Security Requirements: (1) This clause addresses security requirements, including general procedural requirements, information security requirements, contractor employee suitability requirements, identification card requirements, site security requirements, vessel exclusion barriers, and information technology security requirements. Within this clause, COR means Contracting Officer's Representative. If there is no COR appointed and identified to the Contractor, the term instead will mean the Program Manager or any other authorized individual responsible for technical oversight under the contract. "Work site" means the Government facility, office, construction site, and any other area within the Government office or facility that the Contractor must access to accomplish work under this contract. (2) The work performed under this contract shall only be accomplished by individuals (in the employment of the Contractor or any subcontractors) whose conduct and behavior is consistent with the efficiency of the Federal Service and the requirements of this contract, and who are acceptable to the CO. If Reclamation finds a Contractor employee to be unsuitable or unfit for his or her assigned duties, the CO will direct the Contractor to remove the individual from the contract and access to the Federal facility at which the contract activities are occurring. (3) The Contractor's employees governed by this contract may need access to sensitive information and/or sensitive areas. The Federal Government (Government) reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine suitability of Contractor personnel and deny access to any sensitive information or project specific area to any personnel for any cause. (4) The Contractor is responsible for informing and ensuring compliance by its employees with any applicable security procedures of the Government facility where work may be performed under this contract. (5) Any Contractor employee that will have access to a Federally-controlled facility or information system will be required to have a Government-issued identification card, consisting of a Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Card, a temporary identification card, or a visitor badge. (Note: within the Department of the Interior this card is known as a DOI Access Card.) During performance of the contract, the Contractor shall keep the COR apprised of any changes in personnel, or changes in personnel access or duration, to ensure that performance is not delayed by compliance with credentialing processes. (6) A Contractor employee will not be provided access to a Government facility or information system until a Government PIV Card, temporary identification card, or visitor identification badge has been issued to the Contractor employee. For those individuals that will be receiving a PIV Card, the Government may, at its discretion, issue a temporary identification card or visitor identification badge after the electronic background investigation forms have been received and the investigation is initiated. (7) All Contractor employees shall access the facility via the facility's entry screening system and visibly display the Government-issued PIV Card, temporary identification card, or visitor identification badge at all times. Contractor employees must visibly wear the Government-issued identification card at all times they are on Government facilities. Contractor employees are responsible for the safekeeping of all Government-issued identification cards, whether on-site or off-site. Cards that have been lost, damaged, or stolen must be reported to the COR and DOI Access Sponsor within 24 hours. The Contractor shall return all identification cards and card keys and any other Government property and information upon completion of performance or when personnel depart permanently or for a period of 7 days or more. The Contractor may be required to turn in access control cards or identification cards on a daily basis. (8) Misuse or loss of access control or identification cards, or failure to comply with required surrender of such cards may, at Government discretion, result in Contractor personnel being denied access to the work site, at no cost to Government. The Contractor may be charged up to $500 for each occurrence for any required replacement of Government-issued access control or identification cards due to loss or misuse. At the end of contract performance, or when a Contractor employee is no longer working under this contract, the Contractor shall ensure that all access control and identification cards are returned to the COR. (9) All Contractor personnel, including subcontractor personnel, with access to the work site shall be U.S. citizens or foreign individuals legally residing in, or legally admitted to, the U.S. For all non-U.S. citizens working under this contract, irrespective of length of time working on the contract, the Contractor shall provide to the COR, legible and valid copies of the individual's passport and visa (unless individual is on the Visa Waiver Program) a minimum of 14 calendar days prior to beginning work or arriving at the facility. A driver's license is not acceptable identification. In addition, a completed form I-94 shall be submitted to the COR upon the individual's arrival at the work facility and prior to beginning work. (10) The Contractor shall report all contacts with entities, individuals, and counsel/representatives (including foreign entities and foreign nationals) who seek in any way to obtain unauthorized access to sensitive information or areas. The Contractor shall report any violations of contract provisions, laws, executive orders, regulations, and guidance to the Contracting Officer (CO). The Contractor shall report any information raising a doubt as to whether an individual's eligibility for continued employment or access to sensitive information is consistent with the interests of National Security and the Public Trust. (11) Unsanctioned, negligent, or willful inappropriate action on the part of the Contractor (or its employees) may result in termination of the contract or removal of some Contractor employees from Reclamation facilities at no cost to the Government. These actions include, but are not limited to, exploration of a sensitive system and/or information, introduction of unauthorized and/or malicious software, inappropriate release of sensitive information, or failure to follow prescribed access control policies and/or security procedures. Failure to comply with Reclamation policies, procedures, or other published security requirements may result in termination of the contract or removal of some contracted employees from Reclamation buildings and/or facilities at no cost to the Government. (12) All provisions of this clause shall equally apply to all subcontractors. The Contractor shall incorporate the substance of this clause in all subcontracts. (13) These security requirements apply to all sections of this Contract including Contract Drawings and other Contract Specifications as applicable. Related documents include other general provisions of Construction or Operations and Maintenance type Contracts, including FAR clauses by reference or as amended by related documents. (b) Information Security Requirements. (1) Sensitive Information. The term "sensitive information" means any information which warrants a degree of protection and administrative control as defined by Reclamation or that meets the criteria for exemption from public disclosure set forth under Sections 552 and 552a of Title 5, United States Code: the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act. Sensitive information is generally categorized as FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (FOUO) information or CONTROLLED UNCLASSIFIED INFORMATION (CUI), but in some cases may include other unclassified information. (The protection of National Security information is beyond the scope of this clause. If any work on National Security information is required under this contract, it is addressed under other contract clauses.) The Contractor shall protect this type of information from unauthorized release into public domain, or to unauthorized persons, organizations, or subcontractors. Information which, either alone or in aggregate, is deemed sensitive by Reclamation shall be handled and protected in accordance with Reclamation directives and standards for identifying and safeguarding sensitive information (SLE 02-01), which is available from the COR or at http://www.usbr.gov/recman/DandS.html#sle. (i) Any Government-furnished information or material does not become the property of the Contractor and may be withdrawn at any time. Upon expiration or termination of the contract, all documents released to the Contractor and any material created using data from such documents shall be returned to the COR for final disposition. Government-furnished information residing on any electronic systems (laptops, servers, desktops, media) shall be deleted from those systems using a COR-approved data erasure solution. Only with prior authorization from the CO may the Contractor retain the material. The Contractor or subcontractor shall not disclose or release the materials provided to the Contractor to any individuals of the Contractor's organization not directly engaged in providing services under the contract or that do not have a valid need-to-know. All technical data provided to the Contractor by the Government shall be protected from public or private disclosure in accordance with the markings printed on them. All other information relating to the items to be delivered or the services to be performed under this contract shall not be disclosed by any means without prior approval of the CO. Prohibited dissemination or disclosure includes, but is not limited to: permitting access to such information by foreign nationals or by immigrant aliens who may be employed by the Contractor, publication of technical or scientific papers, advertising, disclosure to Contractor staff not investigated and deemed acceptable at the appropriate information sensitivity level, and any other public release. The Contractor shall maintain, and furnish upon request of the CO, records of the names of individuals who have access to sensitive material in its custody. All questions regarding information security, access, and control shall be referred to the COR. (ii) The Contractor shall not release to anyone outside the Contractor's organization any sensitive, or otherwise protected information, regardless of medium in which it is contained (for example, film, tape, document, electronic), pertaining to any part of this contract or any Reclamation program or activity, unless the CO has given prior written approval. This includes, but is not limited to, news releases, marketing promotions, articles, interviews, reports, social media posts, and any other media releases. Requests for approval shall identify the specific information to be released, the medium to be used, the purpose for the release, and a description of the need-to-know. The Contractor shall submit its request to the CO ten business days before the proposed date for release. Subcontractors shall submit requests for authorization to release through the prime Contractor to the CO. (iii) The Contractor shall notify the COR immediately when known or suspected loss/compromise of sensitive information or other documents, notes, drawings, sketches, reports, photographs, exposed film or similar information which may affect the security interests of Government has occurred. This requirement extends to employees and other personnel working on behalf of the Contractor, and expands responsibility to include prompt reporting of security issues, including observed or subsequently discovered efforts by unauthorized persons to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information. (2) Classified Information. (i) The disclosure of U.S. Government documents by third parties can result in damage to our national security. While this contract may not deal directly with classified information, each contractor is obligated to protect classified information pursuant to all applicable laws and to use Government information technology systems in accordance with agency procedures so that the integrity of such systems is not compromised. (ii) Unauthorized disclosures of classified documents (whether in print, on a blog, or on websites, or other electronic or non-electronic media) do not alter the documents' classified status or automatically result in declassification of the documents. To the contrary, classified information, whether or not already posted on public websites or disclosed to the media, remains classified, and must be treated as such by Federal employees and contractors, until it is declassified by an appropriate U.S. Government authority. Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information (December 29, 2009), Section 1.1.(c) states, "Classified Information shall not be declassified automatically as a result of any unauthorized disclosure of identical or similar information." Although the Department has taken steps to prevent access to publicly disclosed classified materials from Departmental computers, it is important to understand our continuing duties and responsibilities in this regard. (iii) Contractors (which include all employees of the contractor, as well as subcontractors and its employees performing work for the contractor) are reminded of the following obligations with respect to the treatment of classified information and the use of unclassified government information technology systems: (iv)The contractor shall not, while using unclassified Government computers or other devices (such as phones or tablets) access documents that are marked classified (including classified documents made publicly available by a third party), as doing so risks that material still classified will be placed onto unclassified systems. This requirement does not restrict contractor access to unclassified, publicly available news reports (and other unclassified material) that may in turn discuss classified material, as distinguished from access to underlying documents that themselves are marked classified (including if the underlying classified documents are available on public web sites or otherwise in the public domain). (v) For contracts that require access to classified information, the contractor is responsible for obtaining the required national security clearance through the Department of the Defense National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). Any classified contracts will be coordinated through the Reclamation Chief Security Officer, or for IT requirements, the Bureau Chief Information Security Officer. No contractor shall access classified information unless proper clearances have been obtained and transmitted to Reclamation. For further information, refer to 443 DM 1 or DOD NISPOM 5220.22-M dated February 28, 2006 (incorporating change 2 dated May 18, 2016). \ (vi) Classified information shall not be removed from official premises. (vii) Classified information shall not be disclosed without proper authorization. (c) RESERVED (d) RESERVED (e) RESERVED 52.203-18 Prohibition on Contracting with Entities that Require Certain Internal Confidentiality Agreements or Statements-Representation. (JAN 2017) 52.212-1 Instructions to Offerors - Commercial Items. (JAN 2017) 52.212-3 Offeror Representations and Certifications-Commercial Items. (JAN 2017) 52.217-5 Evaluation of Options. (JULY 1990) 52.252-1 Solicitation Provisions Incorporated by Reference. (FEB 1998) This solicitation incorporates one or more solicitation provisions by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available. The offeror is cautioned that the listed provisions may include blocks that must be completed by the offeror and submitted with its quotation or offer. In lieu of submitting the full text of those provisions, the offeror may identify the provision by paragraph identifier and provide the appropriate information with its quotation or offer. Also, the full text of a solicitation provision may be accessed electronically at this/these address(es): www.acquisition.gov/?q=browsefar, 1452.215-71 Use and Disclosure of Proposal Information (APR 1984) WBR 1452.222-80 Notice of Applicability - Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies - Child Labor. (JAN 2004) (a) The clause at FAR 52.222-19, Child Labor, Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies, does not apply to Bureau of Reclamation acquisitions to the extent that the contractor is supplying end products mined, produced, or manufactured in - (1) Canada, and the anticipated value of the acquisition is $175,000 or more; and (2) Israel, and the anticipated value of the acquisition is $175,000 or more. (b) Nonapplicability thresholds for other countries are the same as listed in the FAR clause. WBR 1452.222-81 Employment Verification. (MAR 2017) It is the contractor's responsibility to verify employment of its employees. FAR 9.406(b)(2) Causes for Debarment, specifically states, based on a determination by the Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General of the United States, any contractor not in compliance with the INA is a cause for debarment. WBR 1452.225-82 Notice of World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement Evaluations--Bureau of Reclamation. (MAY 2005) In accordance with the Agreement on Government Procurement, as amended by the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (Pub. L. 103-465), and other trade agreements, FAR Subpart 25.4, World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement, applies to Bureau of Reclamation acquisitions. In order to apply trade agreements unique to Reclamation, the contracting officer will (irrespective of any other provision or clause of this solicitation) evaluate acquisitions at or above the dollar thresholds listed in FAR 25.402(b) without regard to the restrictions of the Buy American Act. 52.212-2 Evaluation-Commercial Items. (OCT 2014) (a) The Government will award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible offeror whose offer conforming to the solicitation will be most advantageous to the Government, price and other factors considered. The following factors shall be used to evaluate offers: (i) Project Approach and Work Plan (ii) Price All non-price factors, when combined, are significantly more important than price. The factors above are listed in order of importance. However, the degree of importance of cost or price may increase with the degree of non-cost or non-price equality between the offers. If an offer is determined by the Contracting Officer to be "technically unacceptable" as a result of evaluating all factors other than cost or price, the offer may be rejected from further consideration. The Contracting Officer reserves the right to make award to other than the technically-acceptable offeror with the lowest cost/price offer if it is determined that the technical benefits of another offer justify its higher cost/price. The Contracting Officer also reserves the right to make award to a lower-cost/price, lower-scored offeror if it is determined that the cost/price premium involved in awarding to a higher-rated, higher-cost/price offeror is not justified. Prospective Offerors shall provide enough information in order to make an adequate determination regarding the evaluation factors: (1) Project Approach and Work Plan - The contractor shall provide a written work plan along with their offer. Offers that do not include the required information may not be evaluated, which may potentially result in a less favorable rating of the contractor's offer. At a minimum, the written work plan shall address the following: (i) A description of methods, procedures, and equipment the contractor will use to perform the tasks identified; (ii) A sketch of the exhibit space (2) Price - The Government will consider quotations for award only for those offers that are responsive to the solicitation. All proposed prices will be evaluated for price reasonableness and any incidents of unbalanced pricing. (b) Options. The Government will evaluate offers for award purposes by adding the total price for all options to the total price for the basic requirement. The Government may determine that an offer is unacceptable if the option prices are significantly unbalanced. Evaluation of options shall not obligate the Government to exercise the option(s). (c) A written notice of award or acceptance of an offer, mailed or otherwise furnished to the successful offeror within the time for acceptance specified in the offer, shall result in a binding contract without further action by either party. Before the offer's specified expiration time, the Government may accept an offer (or part of an offer), whether or not there are negotiations after its receipt, unless a written notice of withdrawal is received before award.
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