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66 -- Radio Frequencey-Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometer - Sources Sought Survey - Item Description SOW

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Sources Sought
334516 — Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing
Contracting Office
Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, PK/PZ Tinker AFB, 3001 Staff Drive, Ste 1AG76A, Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, 73145-3015, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Point of Contact
Ryan Moehle, Phone: 4057399118
E-Mail Address
Small Business Set-Aside
Item Description SOW- See for specific requirements Sources Sought Survey (Please download, complete and return survey) Sources Sought Survey Radio Frequency (rf) Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometer NSN 6625-PGDA-60GD This market survey is being conducted to identify potential sources that may possess the expertise, capabilities, and experience to meet the requirements for qualification and production of the Radio Frequency Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometer (rf-GDOES) for use by United States Air Force (USAF) personnel. Contractors/Institutions responding to this market research are placed on notice that participation in this survey may not ensure participation in future solicitations or contract awards. The government will not reimburse participants for any expenses associated with their participation in this survey. Survey due August 24, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. CST. INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Below is a document containing a description of the RF-GDOES requirement and a Contractor Capability Survey, which allows you to provide your company's capability. NOTE: Please see the attached Item Description/SOW for further requirement details. 2. If, after reviewing these documents, you desire to participate in the market research, you should provide documentation that supports your company's capability in meeting these requirements. Failure to provide documentation may result in the government being unable to adequately assess your capabilities. If you lack the capabilities in a particular area, please provide details explaining how you would overcome the lack of capabilities in order to perform that portion of the requirement. 3. Both large and small businesses are encouraged to participate in this Market Research. Joint ventures or teaming arrangements are encouraged. 4. Please complete the following survey if your company can provide the specified equipment with noted requirements. PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION This item description provides the salient characteristics for the procurement of a glow discharge optical emission spectrometer (GDOES) suitable for quantitatively depth profiling the elemental composition of metals, alloys, and aerospace coatings used on jet engines and aircraft. This survey is being conducted to identify sources that can provide a Brand Name or Equivalent system, to the Horiba GD-Profiler HR TM. System must provide glow discharge, monochromator, and a pulsed frequency mode. Salient characteristics are provided in the attached "Item Description SOW.pdf" for more specific requirement information. The Analytical Chemistry Section, Oklahoma City Air Logistics Center (OC-ALC), Tinker Air Force Base, OK is responsible for the chemical analysis of metals, composites, aerospace coatings, and other materials used in the United States Air Force (USAF) aircraft and jet engines managed at OC-ALC. Alloy families frequently encountered include iron, aluminum, nickel, cobalt, titanium, copper, magnesium, lead, and zinc. A radio-frequency (rf) Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometer (rf-GDOES) is needed for depth profiling both electrically conductive and electrically non-conductive aerospace materials as well as elemental quantification of bulk metal samples for bench stock quality control, failure analysis, and first article testing. Bulk analysis includes iron, aluminum, nickel, cobalt, copper, lead, magnesium, titanium, zinc, glass, ceramics, polymers, and plasma spray powders. Depth profiling applications include plating, galvanizing (Sn, Cr, Cd, Ni, Cu), thermochemical treatments(Carburizing, Nitriding, Carbonitriding), plasma spray coatings, YSZ thermal barrier coatings, clad (Aluminum), anodized coatings, oxide layers, paints, determination of contamination and cleanliness at surfaces and interfaces, determination of migration/diffusion at interfaces, determination of heterogeneity of coating/substrate, oxidation/corrosion, inclusions/blisters, and layer thickness. SMALL BUSINESS QUESTIONS/CONCERNS: As a small or large business, do you believe conditions exist for a small business set-aside in accordance with FAR 19.502-3(a) for any portion of the requirement described above? If yes, please indicate which portion of the requirement and the most appropriate NAICS code for each portion. Of the portion of work you identified as having the potential to be small business set-aside, are you most interested in performing as a prime contractor or subcontractor for the requirement described above and indicate whether you would qualify as a small or large business under the NAICS code you believe is most appropriate? If you are a small business, of the portion of work you identified as having the potential to be partially set-aside, are you capable of performing at least 50% of the work, in order to comply with FAR Clause 52.219-14, specifically 52.219-14(c)(1), "At least 50 percent of the cost of contract performance incurred for personnel shall be expended for employees of the concern." If you are a small business interested in performing a portion of the requirement as a set- aside, provide a brief summary of your company's experience and past performance within the past three years as a prime contractor as it relates to the magnitude of this anticipated requirement and/or the portion of the work you identified as having the potential to be partially set-aside. If a large business, relative to NAICS Code 334516, submit the reasonable expectation of subcontracting opportunities for small business concern(s) to provide materials, parts and/or services in support of your capabilities to provide a Brand Name or Equivalent system, to the Horiba GD-Profiler HR TM. Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions on ways to increase small business participation in this requirement? CONTRACTOR CAPABILITY SURVEY Radio Frequency (rf) Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometer NSN 6625-PGDA-60GD Part I. Business Information Please provide the following business information for your company/institution and for any teaming or joint venture partners: • Company/Institute Name:__________________________________________ • Address:__________________________________________________ • Point of Contact:________________________________________ • CAGE Code:_____________ • Phone Number:___________________ • E-mail Address:_________________________________ • Web Page URL:_________________________________________________ • Size of business pursuant to North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code: 334516- 1,000 Employees Based on the above NAICS Code, state whether your company is: • Small Business (Yes / No) • Woman Owned Small Business (Yes / No) • Small Disadvantaged Business (Yes / No) • 8(a) Certified (Yes / No) • HUBZone Certified (Yes / No) • Veteran Owned Small Business (Yes / No) • Service Disabled Veteran Small Business (Yes / No) • System for Award Management Registration (SAM) (Yes / No) • A statement as to whether your company is domestically or foreign owned (if foreign, please indicate the country of ownership). If you have questions please contact Ryan Moehle at 405-739-9118. Submit the completed survey to ryan.moehle.1@us.af.mil. Part II. Capability Survey Questions A. General Capability Questions: 1. Describe your company's capability to provide an rf-GDOES system. Also, provide information on the processes used to generate accurate data. 2. Are there specific requirements in the documentation that we provided that would currently preclude your product from being a viable solution to our requirement? If so, please explain any alternative methods or provide additional information. 3. Describe your company's past experience on previous projects similar in complexity to this requirement. Include contract numbers, a brief description of the work performed, period of performance, agency/organization supported, and individual points of contact (Contracting Officer or Program Manager). B. Hardware Questions: 1. Does your rf-GDOES provide a monochromator? 2. Is Pulsed Frequency mode an available option with the rf-GDOES? C. Software Development Questions: 1. Describe your capabilities and experience in managing software upgrades to support the rf-GDOES equipment. D. Repair Questions: 1. Describe your capabilities and experience in modifying existing systems/equipment (hardware and software) to solve maintenance and support problems in the depot environment. 2. Describe your configuration management processes and how you identify and resolve parts obsolescence and diminishing manufacturing sources problems? E. Commerciality Questions: 1. Are there established catalog or market prices for our requirement? If you offer this product has it been sold to both the U.S. Government and commercial sources? Is our requirement offered to both under similar terms and conditions? Briefly describe any differences. F. Services Support Questions 1. Describe your services capabilities and experience with regard to the requirements of this effort. 2. Describe your training and onsite support, calibration capabilities, and follow on service contract experience. How many years can you support the system and what service agreement plans are available? 3. If your company can not perform the entirety of the requirement what part could or would your company be able to perform? What part cannot?
Web Link
FBO.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, 73145, United States
Zip Code: 73145
SN04620972-W 20170811/170809232930-606f755ebfcd7cc10bc46a75179b54eb (fbodaily.com)
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