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Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
541712 — Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology)
Contracting Office
N39430 NAVFAC EXWC, Port Hueneme 1000 23rd AVE Port Hueneme, CA
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Point of Contact
LMR Program Office (805) 982-4853
E-Mail Address
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This announcement constitutes a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for the Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center (NEXWC) under FAR 6.102(d)(2) and 35.106. A formal Request for Proposals (RFP), other solicitation, or additional information regarding this announcement will not be issued. FAR Part 35 restricts the use of BAAs, such as this, to the acquisition of basic and applied research and that portion of advanced technology development not related to the development of a specific system or hardware procurement. Contracts made under BAAs are for scientific study and experimentation directed towards advancing the state of the art and increasing knowledge or understanding. This announcement is not for the acquisition of technical, engineering, or other types of support services. The Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center, through the Living Marine Resources (LMR) program, is soliciting pre-proposals for efforts related to the need topic listed below. If invited, offerors will be asked to submit a full proposal. NEED TOPIC (N-0159-18): IN-SITU EXPLOSIVE SOUND CHARACTERIZATION AND PROPAGATION DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS RESEARCH NEED The Navy models the effects of explosive detonations to determine the potential impacts to marine species (mammals, sea turtles, fish, and birds). However, there is a concern that current modeling results may not accurately predict the distance at which sound propagation, and thus effects to marine species, will occur. The current models were validated using explosive sound source characterization and propagation data primarily collected from small net explosive weight (NEW) charges of less than 20 lbs., occurring in shallow water, with sandy bottom conditions, and from near field recording locations. As a result, these data may not be representative of the sound source characterization and propagation conditions that may occur in different training and testing environments and with charges of varying sizes. There is a research need to collect additional underwater in-situ data from real explosive events in a variety of conditions and with a variety of charge sizes ranging from 20 to 250 lbs. NEW, to validate the model. The model validation will be done by the Navy, this current research need is focused on the collection and analysis of underwater in-situ data only. BACKGROUND: NAVY ACOUSTIC EFFECTS MODEL The Navy Acoustic Effects Model (NAEMO) is the standard navy software tool used to evaluate the effects of anthropogenic sound on marine species. NAEMO Analysis inputs include training and testing activity definitions, marine species abundance and distributions, and sound propagation data computed for each impulsive source. Activity definitions include operational characteristics of each platform (ship, submarine, aircraft, or unmanned vehicle) and source. These inputs are then used to build a virtual three dimensional environment that is used to run a series of computer simulations. Output from each computer simulation produces time dependent sound exposures for each animat (virtual animal) defined in the simulation. Animat sound exposures are then evaluated and compared to criteria thresholds to determine the number and level of animat effects that result from each simulation. Effects from all simulations are then combined to determine the overall effects. The Comprehensive Acoustic Simulation System (CASS) Gaussian Ray Bundle (GRAB) software is used to compute the sound propagation for impulsive sources. Modeling of the impulsive signal is time-dependent. The time dependence is incorporated by using outputs from CASS/GRAB to build a transfer function, and convolving this with a similitude source signature. CASS/GRAB is a navy standard software product that is part of the Oceanographic and Atmospheric Master Library (OAML). CASS/GRAB supports multiple inputs of environmental properties which can change depending on the distance from the source. Environmental inputs include parameters such as bathymetry, bottom types, water temperature and salinity, and wind speed along with source characteristics. EXPLOSIVE MEASUREMENT REQUIREMENTS AND ASSUMPTIONS For the pre-proposal, develop your technical approach and cost estimate to empirically measure underwater in-situ explosive sound propagation based on the following requirements and assumptions: 1.Field tests and data collection should be assumed to occur in the Navy ™s Point Mugu W-289S Sea Range off the coast of southern California. The Living Marine Resources program will coordinate with Navy personnel at the Point Mugu Sea Range in regards to logistics and testing schedules for explosive events. In addition, the LMR program will coordinate with the NAEMO modeling team to define metrics and requirements. Assume several planning calls and at least one in-person meeting in the first full year of effort. 2.Explosive sources of interest include the use of air launched missiles and rockets or air dropped bombs from fixed and rotary wing aircraft. Explosive detonations can occur at or near the surface of the water, or in-air (within 100 ™of the surface), and is dependent on the type of munitions. Explosive weights of interest range in size from 20 to 250 lbs. net explosive weight (NEW). Assume at least two types of explosive sources will be measured. 3.Plan to deploy the underwater recording sensors at least one day prior to the explosive event and recover them at least one day after the event in coordination with Range operations. 4.Data collection should include various measurements to calculate the sound velocity profile (temperature, salinity, and water depth), and other environmental measurements such as bottom type, wind speed and wave height. 5.A minimum of three measurement sites between the explosive charge location and the maximum measurement distance (~10 km). Ranges would depend on the size of explosives used. 6.A minimum of two underwater measurement depths between the explosive charge depth and the maximum measurement depth (~1000m). 7.Sampling design should include multiple radials to assess bathymetry effects including up/down/cross slope affects 8.The units for pressure and time can be any of the standard units (such as PSI, MPa, etc.) as long as it is identified which units are used for the measurements and reporting of the data and agreed upon ahead of time. Distance measurements should be in units that are consistent with the pressure units. 9.Include at least one experimental design test and two field measurements, with sufficient time for analysis and verification of the data to make adjustments or improvements between tests. 10.Consider ports of departure and mobilization along the California coast, such as Oxnard and Ventura, as there is no port on San Nicolas Island capable of supporting this effort. 11.List in your proposal any other assumptions you may need to make. Accurately measuring the pressure time histories requires sufficient experience and instrumentation capable of capturing the rapid rise times that are typically associated with explosive or shock wave time series. This would be particularly important for any proposed near-field measurement sites where the highest rapid rise times occur. Available modeling methods should be used to predict best approach to sampling and experimental design and equipment specifications. The proposal should focus solely on explosive sound propagation measurements in the field. While the effort will be used to inform and validate the NAEMO model results, we are not requesting any updates or tools to specifically support the NAEMO process. The goal of the project is to collect, analyze, and report on data in an unclassified manner. However it may be beneficial to have a secret clearance to initially handle and analyze the data. DATA REPORTING Data reporting requirements include a detailed description of the experimental design and analysis of results. In addition, measured pressure time history information should be provided both electronically and graphically in the report. The electronic data format should be clearly identified in the report. SUPPORTING INFORMATION: For more information on what is required in a proposal, guidance on LMR priority species and geographic regions, how to submit a proposal via the LMR website, and how proposals are evaluated, refer to Appendix A. Offerors will be required to adhere to the data rights and handling procedures agreement (Appendix B) and the geospatial data requirements (Appendix C). Modifications to the data rights and handling procedures agreement or geospatial data requirements should be discussed with the LMR program staff prior to proposal submission. Offerors will also need to comply with the LMR Ocean Observing Systems (OOS) Notification Procedures (Appendix D). Offerors should note, however, that locations labelled in red in Appendix D as incompatible with acoustic OOS actually overlap with some of the LMR priority geographic regions outlined in Appendix A. Strict adherence to passive acoustic monitoring site selection, passive acoustic device deployment notification and data custody guidance will be required. Site selection should be discussed with the LMR program staff prior to submission of the proposal package. DoD is still finalizing their plan to meet the goals and requirements of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) memorandum titled Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Scientific Research issued 2013 February 22. All projects funded by LMR would be subject to DoD policy once it is finalized. SUBMISSION PROCESS: Please note the website and procedures have been changed since previous announcements. Instructions, forms, and reference documents can be found on the LMR website at http://greenfleet.dodlive.mil/environment/lmrproposals/. The pre-proposal submittal process is now an email-based submission. Once the pre-proposal form is filled out, it is submitted via email to exwc_lmr_program@navy.mil. All pre-proposal submissions must be received before the deadline. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: To be considered for funding in FY 2018, pre-proposals must be received no later than 11:59 pm, Pacific Daylight Time on 17 OCTOBER, 2017. If invited to submit a full proposal, these will be due 30 days after notification. EVALUATION PROCESS: Offerors will receive an automated email message acknowledging successful submission to the LMR program website. Following a 2 month evaluation and approval process, successful pre-proposal offerors will receive an email inviting submission of a full proposal, also via the LMR program website. Unsuccessful pre-proposal offerors will receive an email via the LMR program website, but will not receive a detailed description of the reasons for pre-proposal rejection, due to the anticipated volume of submissions. Awards to non-government entities (academic institutions, not-for-profit organizations, industry) will be in the form of contracts. A nominal award amount has not been provided. However, proposals less than $300K/year are more likely to be funded given the limited budget of the LMR program in FY 2018-2019. The nominal duration of a project is expected to be up to 3 years, with a maximum of 5 years. Applicants are strongly encouraged to use realism of cost for the proposed effort as their metric, as this will be a critical element in the review process. Otherwise meritorious pre-proposals and full proposals will be rejected if cost does not accurately reflect the proposed scope of work. The explosives used in this study will be expended by Navy and will be covered under the Navy ™s existing Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) and Endangered Species Act (ESA) permits. If your project involves developing or demonstrating a technology, an agreement with NAVFAC EXWC will need to be established to describe the ownership/use of the technology. EVALUATION CRITERIA: The pre-proposals and full proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria, of approximately equal weight. 1.TECHNICAL APPROACH: The scientific/technical merits and objectives in terms of meeting the stated need topic, as well as evidence that the science/technology is mature enough for applied research funding, and the performance criteria to measure success of the research effort. 2.OFFEROR ™S EXPERIENCE: For the pre-proposal phase, the offeror should clearly provide evidence or examples showing experience related to the solution being proposed. The organization ™s capabilities related to experience, techniques, or a unique combination of these that are integral factors in achieving the contractors proposed objectives. This equates to past performance, and will be assessed based on both relevance and confidence. If invited to submit a full proposal, NAVFAC also requires the offeror to provide their EMR and DART ratings. Safety is an integral and important aspect in all NAVFAC work. If the offeror does not have an EMR/DART rating, they should state this and provide a narrative rationale. See NFAS 15.304. 3.PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR ™S AND KEY MEMBER ™S RELATED EXPERIENCE: For the pre-proposal phase, the offeror should provide the name, highest degree earned, organization/affiliation, location, and years of experience for the Principal Investigator and key personnel who are critical in achieving the objectives of the proposal. Principle Investigators and key personnel should be identified in the pre-proposal as such. If invited to submit a full proposal, the offeror will need to submit CVs for the Principal Investigator and key personnel. 4.COST/PRICE: The cost relative to the proposed scientific/technical approach. For the pre-proposal phase this information may be limited to a total cost estimate by calendar year (Jan 1 “ December 31). Assume for Year 1 of your project that effort will begin by the end of September due to the time it takes to get a contract in place. It is assumed in Year 1 (September-December) of the project your cost estimate should only include labor/travel associated with the LMR In-Progress Review in Fall 2018. The majority of effort would take place in Year 2 and beyond. In addition to any other relevant travel required for the project, please include a trip for the PI to attend the In-Progress Review (IPR) meeting (3 days) each year (fall) in Port Hueneme, CA to present on the progress of the project. If invited to submit a full proposal, additional guidance on cost/price information will be provided. This is not prescriptive, and can be submitted in the contractor ™s format. However, the same information will be required. 5.NAVY BENEFITS AND IMPACT: Expected benefits of the proposed project, key issues the proposed solution addresses, potential application of the results of the project, and advantages over current approaches. 6.PRODUCT IMPLEMENTATION: Describe the intended product(s) and all associated deliverables, the requirements for implementing the proposed products of this effort by the Navy, and the potential technical risks that may pose a challenge to successful implementation. NOTES: 1.An eligible pre-proposal or full proposal does not guarantee a contract. Multiple contracts may result. 2.An offeror is required to register with the system for award management (SAM). No contract award will be made to any offeror that is not registered. Registration may take up to three weeks. SAM may be accessed at https://www.sam.gov. Registration is not required for proposal submission, but must be completed prior to initiation of award negotiation. To avoid delays in the award process, applicants are encouraged to initiate SAM registration early in the submission and review process. Non-government awardees will also need to provide a DUNS (Dunn and Bradstreet) number (http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform/displayHomePage.doc) and CAGE (Commercial and Government Entity) code (http://govwin.com/knowledge/ccr-registration) before an award can be made. 3.The preceding data should be sufficient for completing the pre-proposal form. 4.There are no solicitation documents applying to this LMR program BAA. Request for a solicitation package will not be acknowledged. Those interested in participating in the LMR program BAA must follow the instructions to submit a pre-proposal. 5.There is no commitment by the Navy either to make any contract awards or to be responsible for any money expended by the contractor before a contract award. 6.As no funding for contracts has been reserved in advance, NEXWC will be sharing qualified pre-proposals with other Federal Government activities to seek demonstration sites and/or funding. Some Federal Government activities may employ civilian contractors to determine the applicability of an offered technology to specific projects. Technical and cost pre-proposals and full proposals submitted under this BAA will be protected from unauthorized disclosure in accordance with FAR 3.104-4 and 15.207. The cognizant Program Manager and other scientific experts will perform the evaluation of technical proposals. Restrictive notices notwithstanding, one or more support contractors may be utilized as subject-matter-expert technical consultants in accordance with FAR 37.204. However, pre-proposal and full proposal selection and award decisions are solely the responsibility of Government personnel. Each support contractor ™s employee having access to technical and cost pre-proposals and full proposals submitted in response to this BAA will be required to sign a non-disclosure statement prior to receipt of any pre-proposal or full proposal submissions. An offeror may require the non-government personnel to execute a supplemental non- disclosure agreement by including a copy of their institutional NDA with their proposal. However, note that a failure to come to an agreement may impact the ability to make an award. Please review FAR 37.204 and NFAS 15.303(d)(4). Eligibility notification will be sent to all contractors who have submitted a pre-proposal, after the Technical Review Committee (TRC) and Living Marine Resources Advisory Committee (LMRAC) have reviewed all pre-proposals submitted by the solicitation cut-off date. 7.For questions regarding this BAA, contact NAVFAC EXWC at (805) 982-4853 or (805) 982-5872 or via this e-mail address: exwc_lmr_program@navy.mil. Correspondents are advised not to include Personally Identifiable Information (PII), business proprietary, or competition-sensitive information via email. Offerors will receive an automated email message acknowledging successful submission to the LMR program website. If the contractor does not receive a notification of pre-proposal receipt, the contractor should call or e-mail NEXWC by using the phone number or e-mail address provided in this section. 8.Historically Black Colleges/Universities and Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI) will be recognized according to DFARS 226.3. All responsible sources from academia and industry may submit proposals. No portion of this BAA will be set aside for HBCU and MI participation, due to the impracticality of reserving discrete or severable items of this research for exclusive competition among the entities. Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs), including Department of Energy National Laboratories, are not eligible to receive awards under this BAA. However, teaming arrangements between FFRDCs and eligible principal bidders are allowed so long as they are permitted under the sponsoring agreement between the Government and the specific FFRDC. DFARS 235.017-1 allows DOD FFRDCs which function primarily as research laboratories to apply. Naval laboratories and Warfare Centers as well as other DOD and civilian agency laboratories are not eligible to receive awards under this BAA and should not directly submit proposals in response to this BAA. If any such organization is interested in one or more of these program areas, they should contact the NEXWC program office to discuss its interest. As with the FFRDCs, these organizations may team with other responsible sources from industry and academia that are submitting proposals under the BAA. University Affiliated Research Centers (UARC) are eligible to submit proposals under this BAA unless precluded from doing so by their DOD UARC contract or an organizational conflict of interest. 9.Do not call the Contracting Office for verification. The pre-proposal is not received by the Contracting Office.
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