71 -- OTS Classroom Furniture - Combo Synospsis/Solicitation
- Notice Date
- 9/9/2017
- Notice Type
- Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
- 337215
— Showcase, Partition, Shelving, and Locker Manufacturing
- Contracting Office
- Department of the Air Force, Air Education and Training Command, Maxwell AFB Contracting Squadron, 50 LeMay Plaza South, Bldg 804, Maxwell AFB, Alabama, 36112-6334
- ZIP Code
- 36112-6334
- Solicitation Number
- F2XJA87130AW03
- Archive Date
- 10/5/2017
- Point of Contact
- Marcus E. Abram, Phone: 3349533526, Pedro Bonachea, Phone: 334-953-1549
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- Combo Synospsis/Solicitation GENERAL INFORMATION The 42nd Contracting Squadron, 50 LeMay Plaza, Building 804, Maxwell AFB, AL has a requirement to purchase items as described in this document. This is a combined synopsis/solicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in FAR Subpart 12.6 as supplemented with additional information included in this notice. This announcement constitutes the only solicitation; proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued. This requirement is issued as a Request for Quote (RFQ) (Reference-Number F2XJA87130AW03). The solicitation document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through FAC 2005-95 effective 19 Jan 2017 and DPN 20161222 effective 22 Dec 2016. A Firm Fixed Priced Award will be made in accordance with the following: NAICS Code: 337215; size standard: 500 employees The Defense Priorities and Allocations System rating is C9E. IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. THE GOVERNMENT IS SOLICITING FOR "OPEN MARKET" QUOTES ONLY. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (GSA) QUOTES WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. 2. ALL PRODUCTS MUST BE NEW; NO REFURBISHED OR USED ITEMS WILL BE ACCEPTED. 3. THIS IS A 100% SMALL BUSINESS SET-ASIDE AND ONLY OFFERS FROM SMALL BUSINESSES WILL BE ACCEPTED. NATURE OF ACQUISITON: The Holm Center on Maxwell AFB, AL has a requirement to purchase the below listed items outlined in CLINS 0001 - 0013. This procurement will be awarded under Simplified Acquisition Procedures as a 100% small business set-aside. All inquiries/responses to this notice must be received by 20 September 2017, 5:00 p.m. CST. SCHEDULE OF SUPPLIES/SERVICES: This acquisition is for the purchase of the following items: CLIN 0001: The contractor shall provide Rectangular Tables as described in the attached Statement of Requirements (SOR) sections 2.0 - 2.2.7. Estimated Quantity: 552 Each CLIN 0002: The contractor shall provide Metal Cabinets as described in the attached SOR. (SOR) sections 3.0 - 3.1.5. Estimated Quantity: - 69 Each CLIN 0003: The contractor shall provide Hutches with Integrated Overhead Shelf as described in the attached SOR. (SOR) sections 4.0. - 4.1.5. Estimated Quantity: - 69 Each CLIN 0004: The contractor shall provide Whiteboards as described in the attached SOR sections 5.0. - 5.1.5. Estimated Quantity: - 69 Each CLIN 0005: The contractor shall provide Corkboards as described in the attachedSOR sections 6.0. - 6.1.2. Estimated Quantity: - 69 Each CLIN 0006: The contractor shall provide Podiums as described in the attachedSOR sections 7.0. - 7.1.2. Estimated Quantity: - 69 Each CLIN 0007: The contractor shall provide Work Station Tables as described in the attached SOR sections 8.0. - 8.4. Estimated Quantity: - 4 Each CLIN 0008: The contractor shall provide High Metal Filing Cabinets as described in the attached (SOR) sections 9.0. - 9.5. Estimated Quantity: - 14 Each CLIN 0009: The contractor shall provide Storage Cabinets as described in the attached (SOR) sections 10.0- 10.4. Estimated Quantity: - 142 Each CLIN 0010: The contractor shall provide Plastic Stackable Chairs as described in the attached SOR sections 11.0-11.1.4. Estimated Quantity: - 1,242 Each CLIN 0011: The contractor shall provide Four Leg Guest Plastic Stackable Chairs as described in the attached SOR sections 11.2. - 11.2.4 Estimated Quantity: - 250 Each CLIN 0012: The contractor shall provide Plastic Stackable Chairs as described in the attached SOR sections 11.3- 11.3.4. Estimated Quantity: - 125 Each CLIN 0013: The contractor shall provide Delivery, Installation and Removal as described in the attached SOR sections 12 - 12.23. Estimated Quantity: - 1 Each DELIVERY INFORMATION Officer Training School Bldg. 1487 501 LeMay Plaza N. Maxwell AFB, AL 36112 QUOTATION PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS To ensure timely and equitable evaluation of quotes, offerors must comply with instructions contained herein. Quotes must be complete, self-sufficient, and respond directly to the requirements of this RFQ. Offerors must clearly identify any exception to the solicitation terms and conditions and provide complete accompanying rationale. 1. The offeror must submit a quote with unit prices and extended prices in response to this solicitation. The extended amount must equal the whole dollar unit price multiplied by the number of units. In addition to the unit and extended prices, quote must include the manufacturer and part number for each item. In doing so and without taking any exception to the requirements of this synopsis/solicitation, including specification, "Schedule of Supplies/Services", and terms and conditions, the offeror accedes to all solicitation requirements. 2. Specifications: The vendors shall provide detailed specifications that clearly meet the minimum requirements referenced in CLIN(s) 0001- 0012 and Statement of Requirements sections 2.0 - 11.3.4. 3. Samples: As part of the quote, the vendor shall provide samples of the color, finish, texture and edge/trim of the items specified in CLIN(s) 0001-0003 and 0006- 0009 in accordance SOR sections 2.2.6, 3.1.4, 4.1.4, 7.1.3, 8.4, 9.7 and 10.5. 4. Project Milestone Plan (PMP): The offeror shall provide a PMP that establishes a timeline from issuance of the contract to the location identified in this solicitation. The exact format and content of the PMP is at the offeror's discretion, but it shall be expressed in terms of "days after contract" and include, at a minimum, a timeline for: Description Days after Contract Product Design Product Ordering Product Delivery Installation of Furniture Removal of Materials/Debris Total # of Days to Contract Completion The Project Milestone Plan will be incorporated into the contract. 5. If any products offered are not a domestic, qualifying country, or designated country end product IAW DFARS 252.225-7021 (Trade Agreements), offerors are required to submit a completed copy of the DFARS 252.225-7020 (Trade Agreement Certificate) certification, from SAM, with their quote. 6. IAW 52.212-3, the offeror shall complete only paragraphs (b) of this provision if the Offeror has completed the annual representations and certification electronically via the System for Award Management (SAM) Web site accessed through If the Offeror has not completed the annual representations and certifications electronically, the Offeror shall complete only paragraphs (c) through (r) of this provision, including the additions to (c) (11) at 52.212-3, Alternate I. 7. Interested parties capable of providing the requirement must submit a written quote to include discount terms, tax identification number, cage code, and DUNS. 8. To be eligible to receive an award resulting from this RFQ, contractors must be registered in the DoD Systems for Award Management database, no exceptions. To register, please visit or by calling 1-866-606-8220. 9. Site Visit: A site visit is scheduled for the Officer Training School, Bldg 1487, Maxwell AFB, AL on Monday, 15 September, 2017 at 10:00 AM Central Daylight Time (CDT). Offerors should be at the Maxwell Blvd Gate, Visitor's Center at Maxwell AFB, AL at 10:00 AM CDT to receive a visitor's pass. Please provide a list of all attendees and ensure they have their driver's license, proof of vehicle insurance, and vehicle registration. All attendees' names will need to be submitted by Friday, 14 September, 2017 at 11:00 AM CDT. In addition to the attendees name (as reflected on their driver's license), include title and a telephone number for each individual. Submit the requested information to AIC Pedro Bonachea at and Mr. Marcus Abram at Vendors are encouraged to visit the site and take steps as may be reasonably necessary to ascertain the nature and location of work and the general and local conditions that can affect the work or cost thereof. Failure to do so will not relieve bidders/offerors from the responsibility for estimating properly the difficulty or cost of successfully performing the work. The Government will assume no responsibility for any understanding or representation concerning conditions made by any of its officers or agents prior to the execution of the contract, unless included in the invitation for bids/request for proposals, the specification, or related documents. All pertinent questions shall be submitted by e-mail by 18 September 2017 at 11:00 am C.D.T. 10. Responses to this notice shall be provided in writing via e-mail to AIC Pedro Bonachea at and Marcus Abram at All responses shall be received NLT 5:00 PM CDT on 20 September 2017. Email is the preferred method. Points of Contact: A1C Pedro J. Bonachea, Contracting Specialist; Phone (334) 953-1549, Fax (334) 953-3543 and Marcus Abram, Contracting Officer, Phone (334)953-3526. IMPORTANT NOTE: Multiple Offerors nor Multiple Awards will be considered. A single award will be made in the resultant contract. BASIS FOR AWARD: This will be a competitive best value acquisition utilizing FAR 13.5, Simplified Procedures for Certain Commercial Items. Award will be based on technical acceptability and price. For quotes determined technically acceptable, a best value selection will be based on price. 1. TECHNICAL ACCEPTABILITY. a. Specifications - The vendors detailed specification will be evaluated for completeness to ensure the minimum requirements referenced in in CLIN(s) 0001- 0012 and Statement of Requirements paragraphs 2.0 - 11.3.4 are met. b. Project Milestone Plan (PMP) - The PMP will be evaluated to ensure a reasonable timeline is established from issuance of the contract to the delivery location identified in this solicitation. The PMP shall be expressed in terms of "days after contract" and include, at a minimum, the milestones described in the Quotation Preparation Instructions, paragraph 4. Quotes will be assigned ratings of acceptable (clearly meets the minimum requirement) or unacceptable (does not clearly meet the minimum requirements. 2. PRICE: The Government will evaluate the price of all quotes that receive an acceptable technical rating in accordance with FAR 13.106-3(a) (1) and (2). CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS: CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE 52.202-1 Definitions (Nov 2013) 52.203-3 Gratuities (Apr 1984) 52.203-6 Alt I, Restrictions on Subcontractor Sales to the Government (Sep 2006) 52.203-12 Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions (Oct 2010) 52.203-17 Contractor Employee Whistleblower Rights and Requirement To Inform Employees of Whistleblower Rights (Apr 2014) 52.204-4 Printed or Copied Double-Sided on Postconsumer Fiber Content Paper (May 2011) 52.204-9 Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel JAN 2011 52.204-10 Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract Awards (Oct 2016) 52.204-13 System for Award Management Maintenance (Oct 2016) 52.209-6 Protecting the Government's Interest When Subcontracting with Contractors Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment (Oct 2015) 52.209-9 Updates of Publicly Available Information Regarding Responsibility Matters (Jul 2013) 52.219-4 Notice of Price Evaluation for HUBZone Small Business Concerns (Oct 2014) 52.219-8 Utilization of Small Business Concerns (Nov 2016) 52.219-9 Small Business Subcontracting Plan (Jan 2017) 52.219-28 Post-Award Small Business Program Rerepresentation (Jul 2013) 52.222-19 Child Labor-Cooperation With Authorities and Remedies (Oct 2016) 52.222-54 Employment Eligibility Verification (Oct 2015) 52.223-18 Encouraging Contractor Policies to Ban Text Messaging While Driving (Aug 2011) 52.225-13 Restriction on Certain Foreign Purchases (Jun 2008) 52.228-5 Insurance -- Work on a Government Installation (Jan 1997) 52.232-18 Availability Of Funds (Apr 1984) 52.232-33 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer-- System for Award Management (Jul. 2013) 52.232-39 Unenforceability of Unauthorized Obligations (Jun 2013) 52.233-3 Protest after Award (Aug 1996) 52.233-4 Applicable Law For Breach Of Contract Claim (Oct 2004) 52.242-13 Bankruptcy (Jul 1995) 252.203-7000 Requirements Relating to Compensation of Former DoD Officials (Sep 2011) 252.203-7002 Requirement to Inform Employees of Whistleblower Rights (Sep 2003) 252.204-7003 Control Of Government Personnel Work Product (Apr 1992) 252.204-7012 Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting (Oct 2016) 252.209-7004 Subcontracting With Firms That Are Owned or Controlled By The Government of a Country that is a State Sponsor of Terrorism (Oct 2015) 252.223-7006 Prohibition On Storage, Treatment, and Disposal of Toxic or Hazardous Materials (Sep 2014) 252.223-7008 Prohibition Of Hexavalent Chromium (Jun 2013) 252.225-7002 Qualifying Country Sources As Subcontractors (Dec 2016) 252.225-7012 Duty-Free Entry (May 2016) 252.225-7021 Trade Agreements--Basic (Dec 2016) 252.226-7001 252.232-7003 Utilization of Indian Organizations and Indian-Owned Economic Enterprises, and Native Hawaiian Small Business Concerns Electronic Submission of Payment Requests and Receiving Reports (Sep 2004) (Jun 2012) 252.232-7010 Levies on Contract Payments (Dec 2016) 252.243-7001 Pricing Of Contract Modifications (Dec 1991) 252.243-7002 Requests for Equitable Adjustment (Dec 2012) 252.244-7000 Subcontracts for Commercial Items (Jun 2013) 252.247-7023 Transportation of Supplies by Sea (Apr 2014) CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT FAR 52.212-5, CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT STATUTES OR EXECUTIVE ORDERS--COMMERCIAL ITEMS (Dec 2014) (a) Comptroller General Examination of Record The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of this paragraph (d) if this contract was awarded using other than sealed bid, is in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold, and does not contain the clause at 52.215-2, Audit and Records -- Negotiation. (1) The Comptroller General of the United States, or an authorized representative of the Comptroller General, shall have access to and right to examine any of the Contractor's directly pertinent records involving transactions related to this contract. (2) The Contractor shall make available at its offices at all reasonable times the records, materials, and other evidence for examination, audit, or reproduction, until 3 years after final payment under this contract or for any shorter period specified in FAR Subpart 4.7, Contractor Records Retention, of the other clauses of this contract. If this contract is completely or partially terminated, the records relating to the work terminated shall be made available for 3 years after any resulting final termination settlement. Records relating to appeals under the disputes clause or to litigation or the settlement of claims arising under or relating to this contract shall be made available until such appeals, litigation, or claims are finally resolved. (3) As used in this clause, records include books, documents, accounting procedures and practices, and other data, regardless of type and regardless of form. This does not require the Contractor to create or maintain any record that the Contractor does not maintain in the ordinary course of business or pursuant to a provision of law. (b) (1) Notwithstanding the requirements of the clauses in paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of this clause, the Contractor is not required to flow down any FAR clause, other than those in this paragraph (e)(1) in a subcontract for commercial items. Unless otherwise indicated below, the extent of the flow down shall be as required by the clause- (i) 52.203-13, Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct (Apr 2010) (41 U.S.C. 3509). (ii) 52.219-8, Utilization of Small Business Concerns (Oct 2014) (15 U.S.C. 637(d)(2) and (3)), in all subcontracts that offer further subcontracting opportunities. If the subcontract (except subcontracts to small business concerns) exceeds $650,000 ($1.5 million for construction of any public facility), the subcontractor must include 52.219-8 in lower tier subcontracts that offer subcontracting opportunities. (iii) 52.222-17, Nondisplacement of Qualified Workers (May 2014) (E.O. 13495). Flow down required in accordance with paragraph (1) of FAR clause 52.222-17. (iv) 52.222-26, Equal Opportunity (Mar 2007) (E.O. 11246). (v) 52.222-35, Equal Opportunity for Veterans (Jul 2014) (38 U.S.C. 4212). (vi) 52.222-36, Equal Opportunity for Workers with Disabilities (Jul 2014) (29 U.S.C. 793). (vii) 52.222-37, Employment Reports on Veterans (Jul 2014) (38 U.S.C. 4212). (viii) 52.222-40, Notification of Employee Rights Under the National Labor Relations Act (Dec 2010) (E.O. 13496). Flow down required in accordance with paragraph (f) of FAR clause 52.222-40. (ix) 52.222-41, Service Contract Labor Standards (May 2014), (41 U.S.C. chapter 67). (x) 52.222-50, Combating Trafficking in Persons (Feb 2009) (22 U.S.C. 7104(g)). ___ Alternate I (Aug 2007) of 52.222-50 (22 U.S.C. 7104(g)). (xi) 52.222-51, Exemption from Application of the Service Contract Labor Standards to Contracts for Maintenance, Calibration, or Repair of Certain Equipment--Requirements (May 2014) (41 U.S.C. chapter 67.) (xii) 52.222-53, Exemption from Application of the Service Contract Labor Standards to Contracts for Certain Services--Requirements (May 2014) (41 U.S.C. chapter 67) (xiii) 52.222-54, Employment Eligibility Verification (Aug 2013). (xiv) 52.225-26, Contractors Performing Private Security Functions Outside the United States (Jul 2013) (Section 862, as amended, of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008; 10 U.S.C. 2302 Note). (xv) 52.226-6, Promoting Excess Food Donation to Nonprofit Organizations. (May 2014) (42 U.S.C. 1792). Flow down required in accordance with paragraph (e) of FAR clause 52.226-6. (xvi) 52.247-64, Preference for Privately-Owned U.S. Flag Commercial Vessels (Feb 2006) (46 U.S.C. Appx 1241(b) and 10 U.S.C. 2631). Flow down required in accordance with paragraph (d) of FAR clause 52.247-64. (xvii) 52.222-55, Minimum Wages Under Executive Order 13658 (Dec 2014)(Executive Order 13658). (2) While not required, the contractor may include in its subcontracts for commercial items a minimal number of additional clauses necessary to satisfy its contractual obligations. (End of Clause) 52.252-2 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE (FEB 1998) This contract incorporates one or more clauses by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available. Also, the full text of a clause may be accessed electronically at this/these address(es): (End of clause) 52.252-6 AUTHORIZED DEVIATIONS IN CLAUSES (APR 1984) (a) The use in this solicitation or contract of any Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR Chapter 1) clause with an authorized deviation is indicated by the addition of "(DEVIATION)" after the date of the clause. (b) The use in this solicitation or contract of any (48 CFR Chapter 2) clause with an authorized deviation is indicated by the addition of "(DEVIATION)" after the name of the regulation. (End of Clause) 252.232-7006 WIDE AREA WORKFLOW PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS (MAY 2013) (a) Definitions. As used in this clause-- Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DoDAAC) is a six position code that uniquely identifies a unit, activity, or organization. Document type means the type of payment request or receiving report available for creation in Wide Area WorkFlow (WAWF). Local processing office (LPO) is the office responsible for payment certification when payment certification is done external to the entitlement system. (b) Electronic invoicing. The WAWF system is the method to electronically process vendor payment requests and receiving reports, as authorized by DFARS 252.232-7003, Electronic Submission of Payment Requests and Receiving Reports. (c) WAWF access. To access WAWF, the Contractor shall-- (1) Have a designated electronic business point of contact in the System for Award Management at; and (2) Be registered to use WAWF at following the step-by-step procedures for self-registration available at this Web site. (d) WAWF training. The Contractor should follow the training instructions of the WAWF Web-Based Training Course and use the Practice Training Site before submitting payment requests through WAWF. Both can be accessed by selecting the "Web Based Training" link on the WAWF home page at (e) WAWF methods of document submission. Document submissions may be via Web entry, Electronic Data Interchange, or File Transfer Protocol. (f) WAWF payment instructions. The Contractor must use the following information when submitting payment requests and receiving reports in WAWF for this contract/order: (1) Document type. The Contractor shall use the following document type(s). Invoice And Receiving Report (Combo) (2) Inspection/acceptance location. The Contractor shall select the following inspection/acceptance location(s) in WAWF, as specified by the contracting officer. Inspection Location: Destination Acceptance Location: Destination (3) Document routing. The Contractor shall use the information in the Routing Data Table below only to fill in applicable fields in WAWF when creating payment requests and receiving reports in the system. Routing Data Table* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Field Name in WAWF Data to be entered in WAWF -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pay Official DoDAAC F87700 Issue By DoDAAC FA3300 Admin DoDAAC FA3300 Inspect By DoDAAC F2XJA8 Ship To Code F2XJA8 Ship From Code Not Applicable Mark For Code Not Applicable Service Approver (DoDAAC) Not Applicable Service Acceptor (DoDAAC) F2XJA8 Accept at Other DoDAAC Not Applicable LPO DoDAAC Not Applicable DCAA Auditor DoDAAC Not Applicable Other DoDAAC(s) Not Applicable -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) Payment request and supporting documentation. The Contractor shall ensure a payment request includes appropriate contract line item and subline item descriptions of the work performed or supplies delivered, unit price/cost per unit, fee (if applicable), and all relevant back-up documentation, as defined in DFARS Appendix F, (e.g. timesheets) in support of each payment request. (5) WAWF email notifications. The Contractor shall enter the email address identified below in the "Send Additional Email Notifications" field of WAWF once a document is submitted in the system. (g) WAWF point of contact. (1) The Contractor may obtain clarification regarding invoicing in WAWF from the following contracting activity's WAWF point of contact. Not Applicable (2) For technical WAWF help, contact the WAWF helpdesk at 866-618-5988. (End of clause) 5352.201-9101 OMBUDSMAN APR 2014 (a) An ombudsman has been appointed to hear and facilitate the resolution of concerns from offerors, potential offerors, and others for this acquisition. When requested, the ombudsman will maintain strict confidentiality as to the source of the concern. The existence of the ombudsman does not affect the authority of the program manager, contracting officer, or source selection official. Further, the ombudsman does not participate in the evaluation of proposals, the source selection process, or the adjudication of protests or formal contract disputes. The ombudsman may refer the interested party to another official who can resolve the concern. (b) Before consulting with an ombudsman, interested parties must first address their concerns, issues, disagreements, and/or recommendations to the contracting officer for resolution. Consulting an ombudsman does not alter or postpone the timelines for any other processes (e.g., agency level bid protests, GAO bid protests, requests for debriefings, employee-employer actions, contests of OMB Circular A-76 competition performance decisions). (c) If resolution cannot be made by the contracting officer, the interested party may contact the ombudsman, Primary: Mr. David E. Jones, Deputy Director of Contracting, AFICA/KT; Alternate: Mr. Stephen G. Smith, Chief, Clearance and Program Support Division, AFICA/KTC; Address: 2035 First Street West, JBSA Randolph AFB TX 78150-4304; Telephone Numbers: (210) 652-1722 or (210) 652-7075; and E-mail Addresses: or Concerns, issues, disagreements, and recommendations that cannot be resolved at the Center/MAJCOM/DRU/HQ AFICA/AFISRA/SMC ombudsman level, may be brought by the interested party for further consideration to the Air Force ombudsman, Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary (ADAS) (Contracting), SAF/AQC, 1060 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC 20330-1060, phone number (571) 256-2395, facsimile number (571) 256-2431. (d) The ombudsman has no authority to render a decision that binds the agency. (e) Do not contact the ombudsman to request copies of the solicitation, verify offer due date, or clarify technical requirements. Such inquiries shall be directed to the Contracting Officer. (End of clause) STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENTS Officer Training School (OTS) Classroom Furniture 1.0 Description of Requirement: To enhance the learning environment, a new classroom layout has been designed for each of sixty nine (69) Officer Training School (OTS) classrooms. Classroom design minimum requirements shall be based on 16 cadets and 1 instructor, spacing sized in accordance to AFMAN 32-1084, Chapter 6 (attachment A) and fit the floor plans of building 1487 and 1487A (attachment B). The requirement calls for delivery and installation of 552 rectangular tables (8 per classroom), podium (1 per classroom), computer hutch (1 per classroom), dry erase board (1 per classroom 12ft x 4ft per classroom), cork board (1 5ft x 4ft per classroom), metal cabinet (one per classroom, closed cabinet, two doors, freestanding). Tables will have two (2) power receptacles integrated into the table tops. Lockable casters will be mounted to each table leg to allow for ease of movement across a carpeted floor. The metal cabinet will serve as a counter for a coffee makers and have doors with concealed shelving for storage. The contractor shall use Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 1-200-01 General Building Requirements (located at to reference facility standards to ensure no facility standards are violated. 2.0 Tables 2.1 Rectangular Tables (Quantity: 552) 2.2.1 Tops shall be rectangular in shape ranging in 24-26 inches in width and 58-60 inches in length. 2.2.2 Height shall be a minimum of 27-32 inches. 2.2.3 The Metal legs shall each have lockable rolling casters (360° swivel) and tables must be foldable for ease of storage in each classroom. 2.2.4 A minimum of two (2) three-pronged power receptacles rated for 110VAC, 60Hz. When not in use the receptacles shall be flush (or nearly flush) with the table top. (See Attachments 1 & 2 for approximate locations of power. Actual locations may be dictated by engineering constraints.) 2.2.5 The power cord shall be minimally visible (e.g. neatly affixed to the table's underside and strapped to or concealed within a table leg). A minimum of eight (8) feet of unrestrained cord shall be available to plug the table into a 3-pronged outlet (100VAC, 60Hz). The first table on either side of the room must plug into center of room floor outlets then all the tables will plug into each other. 2.2.6 The contractor shall provide a sample of the color, finish, texture and edge/trim of the tables as a part of the proposal. The Government request that the contractor provide various style options including, but not limited to a laminated worksurface. The style of all furniture items within this SOR shall be identical the table top needs to be light, neutral in color laminate worksurface with complimentary colored trim and dark colored metal leg. The Government shall select the color, finish, texture and edge/trim of the tables prior to contract award based upon the samples. 2.2.7. The contractor shall install eight (8) tables in each classroom. 3.0 Storage 3.1 Metal Cabinets (Quantity: 69) 3.1.1 A freestanding metal cabinet with doors and at least two storage shelves. 3.1.2 Shelves shall be 30-36 inches in length and at least 24 inches in depth. 3.1.3 Cabinets must be no taller than 36-40 inches and no wider than 30-32 inches. 3.1.4 The contractor shall provide a sample of the color of the proposed cabinets as a part of the proposal. The contractor shall provide a sample of the various style options including, but not limited to, color, finish, texture, and edge/trim detail shall be provided for selection consideration. The style of all furniture items within this SOR shall be identical the metal cabinets needs to match the metal legs on the table or compliment the laminate on the table tops, neutral in color. The Government shall select the color of the cabinets prior to contract award based upon the samples. 3.1.5. The contractor shall install one (1) metal cabinet in each classroom. 4.0 Hutch 4.1 Hutch with Integrated Overhead Shelf (Quantity: 69) 4.1.1 The base cabinet of the hutch shall be suitable for housing and concealing a computer, keyboard and monitor. 4.1.2 The cabinet shall range from 36-42 inches wide. 4.1.3 Cabinet doors shall conceal the contents of the overhead shelf's contents. 4.1.4 The contractor shall provide a sample of the color, finish, texture and edge/trim of the dutches as a part of the proposal. The Government request that the contractor provide various style options including, but not limited to, color, finish, texture, and edge/trim detail shall be provided for selection consideration. The styleof all furniture items within this SOR shall be identical in color, a light color laminate finish, neutral in color must match tables. The Government shall select the color, finish, texture and edge/trim of the hutch prior to contract award based upon the samples. 4.1.5 The contractor shall install one (1) hutch in each classroom. 5.0 Whiteboard 5.1 Dry Erase Boards (Quantity:69) 5.1.1 The dry erase boards must be 12 ft long X 4 ft wide. 5.1.2 The board must have a storage tray attached to bottom of the board for markers and other items to be stored on it. 5.1.3 The board must be magnetic. 5.1.4 The board must be plain white in color with no grid. 5.1.5 The contractor shall install one (1) whiteboard in each classroom. 6.0 Corkboards 6.1 Corkboards (Quantity:69) 6.1.1 The boards must be 5 ft long X 4 ft wide with wood trim 6.1.2 The contractor shall install one (1) corkboard in each classroom. 7.0 Podium 7.1 Podiums (Quantity: 69) 7.1.1 The podium must stand a minimum of 44-46n.H X 15-19In.D X15-19In.W,Laminate finish. 7.1.2 The podium must have lockable rolling casters (360° swivel). 7.1.3 The contractor shall provide a sample of the color, finish, texture and edge/trim of the podiums as a part of the proposal. The Government request that the contractor provide various style options including, but not limited to, color, finish, texture, and edge/trim detail shall be provided for consideration. The style of all furniture items within this SOR shall be identical in color, a light color laminate finish, neutral in color must match tables. 8.0 Work Station Tables (Quantity 4): 8.1 The contractor shall provide and install four (4) collapsible tables. 8.2 The work station tables shall be portable and allow for easy storage. 8.3 Work Station Tables shall be approved by the Contracting Officer and the OTS facility manager prior to installation. 8.4 The contractor shall provide a sample of the color, finish, texture and edge/trim of the tables as a part of the proposal. The Government request that the contractor provide various style options including, but not limited to a laminated worksurface. The style of all furniture items within this SOR shall be identical the table top needs to be light, neutral in color laminate worksurface with complimentary colored trim and dark colored metal leg. The Government shall select the color, finish, texture and edge/trim of the tables prior to contract award based upon the samples. 9.0 High Metal Filing Cabinets (Quantity 14): 9.1 The contractor shall provide and install 14 High Metal Filing Cabinets 9.2 20" deep by 42" wide by 5' high lateral metal filing cabinets. 9.3 Seven (7) cabinets are to be installed in room C112. 9.4 Six (6) are to be installed in 1st floor large cubical area in bldg 1487. 9.5 The filing cabinets shall be lockable and meet Privacy Act Information requirements. The color scheme shall be neutral. 9.6 Work Station Tables shall be approved by the Contracting Officer and the OTS facility manager prior to installation. 9.7 The contractor shall provide a sample of the color of the proposed cabinets as a part of the proposal. The contractor shall provide a sample of the various style options including, but not limited to, color, finish, texture, and edge/trim detail shall be provided for selection consideration. The style of all furniture items within this SOR shall be identical the metal cabinets needs to match the metal legs on the table or compliment the laminate on the table tops, neutral in color. The Government shall select the color of the cabinets prior to contract award based upon the samples. 10.0 Storage Cabinets (Quantity 142): 10.1 The contractor shall provide and install 142, 72" tall metal storage cabinets. 10.2 The cabinets shall have four (4) shelves with a wardrobe hanging area and neutral in color. 10.3 71 cabinets will be install on the first floor of bldg of 1487 large cubical area. 10.4 71 cabinets will be installed on the second floor of bldg 1487 large cubical area. 10.5 The contractor shall provide a sample of the color of the proposed cabinets as a part of the proposal. The contractor shall provide a sample of the various style options including, but not limited to, color, finish, texture, and edge/trim detail shall be provided for selection consideration. The style of all furniture items within this SOR shall be identical the metal cabinets needs to match the metal legs on the table or compliment the laminate on the table tops, neutral in color. The Government shall select the color of the cabinets prior to contract award based upon the samples. 11.0 Seating- The contractor shall provide, assemble, and install seating in sixty-nine Officer Training School (OTS) Classrooms and 125 cubicles located in buildings 1487 and 1487A here at Maxwell AFB, AL. 11.1 Plastic Stackable Chair with casters and no arm rest (Qty 1242 ea): The plastic stackable chairs shall meet the following requirements: 11.1.1 Polypropylene stackable guest chair 11.1.2 Tubular steel frame 11.1.3 Minimum weight capacity of 300 lbs. 11.1.4 Chairs shall be installed in each classroom 11.2 Four-Leg Guest Plastic Stackable Chair with out arms (Qty: 250 ea): The four-leg plastic stackable chairs shall meet the following requirements: 11.2.1 Polypropylene stackable guest chair 11.2.2 Tubular steel frame 11.2.3 Minimum weight capacity of 300 lbs. 11.2.4 The contractor shall be responsible for installing all chairs in the location specified by the facility manager. 11.3 Plastic Stackable Chair with casters (Qty: 125): The plastic stackable chairs shall meet the following requirements: 11.3.1 Polypropylene stackable guest chair 11.3.2 Tubular steel frame 11.3.3 Minimum weight capacity of 300 lbs. 11.3.4 One (1) chair will be installed in each Cubicle. 12.0 Delivery, Installation and Removal 12.1 All furniture shall be delivered to Building 1487 and Bldg 1487 Annex at Maxwell AFB. 12.2 Delivery vehicle(s) shall park in an area designated for unloading (approx. 25 yards from the building's front entrances). 12.3 The contractor Project Manager shall be responsible for on-site coordination of all staging and deliveries of their product, to include access to and operation of any equipment needed for unloading and movement of materials or product. Access to the second floor of building 1487A is by stairs only. No elavator exist in this building. 12.4 No loading dock is available but an interior elevator is available (61L, 78W, 84H inches). 12.5 There are 24 stair steps from the parking area's level to the second floor. 12.6 Twenty classrooms are located on the first floor and twenty classrooms are on the second floor of Building 1487. 12.7 Delivery shall take place during normal duty hours (Mon-Fri 0430-1900) excluding holidays and weekends. 12.8 Staging: The contractor shall deliver all required items to the Officer Training School, Building 1487, 501 LeMay Plaza N., Maxwell AFB, AL, 36112. Any delivery or staging shall be coordinated with Ms. Crystal Turgeon, Comm: 334-318-1049. 12.9 Installation: The contractor shall install all new furniture, boards, cabinets and associated hardware. 12.10 The rooms are currently filled with furniture. The contractor shall be responsible for the disposal of all furniture. The removal of the existing furniture shall be coordinated with the OTS facility manager and disposal Air Force's Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO) prior to disposal. 12.11 The contractor is responsible for post installation cleanup, which will include removal of all material, packaging, and all other debris left as a result of installation. General clean-up of material, packaging, and work areas will be conducted during job progress (at the end of each day as a minimum) to minimize unacceptable appearance of job site to student/visitor populations. All trash removed from the worksite shall be disposed of in accordance with state laws, and packaging and other recyclable materials shall be recycled where ever possible. 12.12 Work shall comply with applicable building standards and codes, specifically: National Electrical Code (National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 70) and National Life Safety Code (NFPA 101) and National Electrical Code (NEC) Standards. 12.13 The contractor shall be responsible for following all safety and security guidelines within the area in which work is being performed, to include securing any contractor owned tools or equipment, and any on site storage being utilized. 12.14 The contractor shall maintain a means of egress within all designated work areas to comply with fire codes. 12.15 Contractor shall be responsible for determination of the appropriate delivery method and handling, based on site conditions to include the non- existence of loading docks and equipment at any given location. Special circumstances may be identified by and negotiated with the Contracting Officer. 12.16 The contractor representative shall meet with Government Acceptor and/or Government Project Manager to review the installation drawings prior to installation. 12.17 Contractor shall be liable for any damage to government property caused by the contractor or their representatives. 12.18 During installation the contractor shall protect all furniture and building materials, to include carpet, existing within the space with industry approved protective coverings inclusive of craft paper, moving blankets and such type material. The contractor shall not use protective materials that will leave any type of residual print, outline or imaging on any furniture or building materials. Contractor shall not repair damage to finishes but will be responsible to pay for damages. The contractor will be responsible for repairs at no cost to the Government. 12.19 The contractor shall inspect to ensure the new furniture is free of surface dirt and defects, the installation is complete, and the new furniture is ready for use. 12.20 The contractor shall provide all new components, completely assembled, installed, and operational. 12.21 All new cabling must be compliant with a Plenum Environment for the heating, ventilation, air conditioning system (HVAC). 12.22 All Electrical work must meet National Electrical Code (NEC) Standards. The Maxwell AFB Civil Engineering Squadron representative must inspect and approve the workmanship of electrical work before power is turned on. 12.23 Delivery Address: Officer Training School Bldg. 1487 501 LeMay Plaza N. Maxwell AFB, AL 36112 Attn: Ms. Crystal Turgeon - 334-318-1049 13.0 Project Milestone Plan (PMP). The contractor shall furnish a PMP that shows a timeline from issuance of the contract to delivery and installation of the modular furniture to the delivery location identified in this solicitation. The PMP may be expressed in terms of "days after contract" and shall include, at a minimum a timeline for: Description Days After Contract Product Delivery Product Installation Total # of Days to contract completion 14.0 General Information 14.1 The contractor shall provide 14.2 Training Operations: OTS hours of operations are from 0430 hours to 1900 hours Monday through Friday. Weekend hours vary depending upon training requirements (see attachment C). The contractor shall not interrupt training operations and must work around training schedules. Contractors shall not interact with students unless it is a life, health, safety concern. Prior to being on campus the contractor shall coordinate with the OTS facility manager or OTS scheduling office at least 24 hours in advance. 14.3 All contractors shall submit a complete list of personnel in accordance with installation policy, including deliverymen, who will be expected to work on the installation. This list will contain Privacy Act information as required as well as the expectation that each individual will be able to present a current and valid state identification, to meet local Air Force security requirements. (Please note that many installations require this information be coordinated days in advance). 14.4 Recognized US Federal Holidays are as follows: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. If the holiday falls on a Saturday, it is observed on Friday. If the holiday falls on Sunday, it is observed on Monday. 15.0 SECURITY REQUIREMENTS FOR UNCLASSIFIED SERVICES ONLY No CAC REQUIRED 15.1 Contractor Notification Responsibilities: The contractor shall notify the contracting office within 30 days before on-base performance of the service. The notification shall include: a. Name, address, and telephone number of contractor representatives. b. The contract number and contracting agency. c. The location(s) of service performance and future performance, if known. d. The date service performance begins. e. Any change to information previously provided under this paragraph. 15.2 Installation Access Requirements: As prescribed by the AFFAR 5352.242-9000, Contractor access to Air Force installations, AFI 31-218, Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision, and AFMAN 31-113, Installation Perimeter Access Control. 15.3. The contractor shall obtain base identification and vehicle passes, if required, for all contractor personnel who make frequent visits to or perform work on the Air Force installation(s) cited in the contract. Contractor personnel are required to wear or prominently display installation identification badges or contractor-furnished, contractor identification badges while visiting or performing work on the installation. 15.4 The contractor shall submit a written request on company letterhead to the contracting officer listing the following: contract number, location of work site, start and stop dates, and names of employees and subcontractor employees needing access to the base. The letter will also specify the individual(s) authorized to sign for a request for base identification credentials or vehicle passes. The contracting officer will endorse the request and forward it to the issuing base pass and registration office or Security Forces for processing. When reporting to the registration office, the authorized contractor individual(s) should provide a valid driver's license, current vehicle registration, valid vehicle insurance certificate to obtain a vehicle pass. Government ID card holders may not use their credentials to sponsor an individual on to the base to perform work that's been contracted to an official contractor. 15.5 During performance of the service, the contractor shall be responsible for obtaining required identification for newly assigned personnel and for prompt return of credentials for any employee who no longer requires access to the work site. 15.5 All commercial vehicles will be directed to Gate 3 (Kelly St) or Gate 4 (Congressman Dickenson for Gunter) for processing through the Commercial Vehicle Inspection (CVI) Area, when operational. During non-duty hours and holidays, commercial vehicle inspections will be conducted at Gate 1 (Maxwell Blvd) or Gate 4 only. Inspection members will conduct thorough inspections of the interior and exterior of the vehicle for items prohibited from the installation such as explosive devices, weapons and ammunition, drugs, and open or closed alcohol containers. 15.6 Upon completion or termination of the contract or expiration of the identification passes, the prime contractor shall ensure that all base identification passes issued to employees and subcontractor employees are returned to the issuing office. 15.7 Failure to comply with these requirements may result in withholding of final payment. 15.8 Reporting Requirements: The contractor shall comply with AFI 71-101, Volume-1, Criminal Investigations, and Volume-2, Protective Service Matters, requirements. Contractor personnel shall report to 42d Security Forces Information Protection Office, any information or circumstances of which they are aware may pose a threat to the security of DoD personnel, contractor personnel, resources, and classified or unclassified defense information. Contractor employees shall be briefed by their immediate supervisor upon initial on-base assignment and as required thereafter. 15.9 Traffic Laws: The contractor and their employees shall comply with base traffic regulations set forth in AFI 31-218, Motor Vehicle Traffic Supervision and AFMAN 31-113, Installation Perimeter Access Control. Personnel in violation may be issued a Central Violations Bureau Form 1805 traffic ticket. 15.10 Random Installation Entry/Exit Checks: Entry/exit vehicle checks are conducted by order of the 42 ABW Commander. These checks are conducted for the purpose of safeguarding the base and protecting government property by discovering and seizing stolen property, classified information and contraband. Refusal to submit to an installation (entry/exit) vehicle check may result in the loss of base driving privileges, revocation of base registration, or debarment action. 15.11 Cellular Phone Operation Policy: The use of cellular phones while operating a motorized vehicle is prohibited on Maxwell-Gunter. Although discouraged, drivers are authorized to use devices, i.e. ear bud or ear boom, which allows their cellular phone to be operated hands-free. The device must not cover both ears. This policy applies to everyone driving on Maxwell AFB and Gunter Annex. Personnel in violation may be issued a Central Violations Bureau Form 1805 traffic ticket. 15.12 Wireless Electronic Devices: The contractor will not establish their own Information Technology (IT) systems or networks (Local Area Networks [LAN], Wide Area Network [WAN], Cellular phone/USB Modem as WAN, Wi-Fi as WAN, etc.), or camera system without the direct permission of the Program Manager and governing communications and responsible information systems office (42 CS). 15.13 Firearms and Ammunition: Transporting weapons or ammunition, concealed or otherwise, IS NOT permitted by any non-law enforcement personnel on Maxwell AFB/Gunter Annex at any time regardless of state issued concealed weapons/LEOSA permits. Violations may result in criminal prosecution under the applicable federal laws. 15.14 Illegal Weapons. The below weapons are considered illegal, unless specifically authorized by competent authority, and are prohibited on Maxwell AFB/Gunter Annex. Violations may result in criminal prosecution under the applicable federal laws. a. Switchblade knives or knives with any type of automatic blade release. b. An incendiary/explosive weapon (e.g., grenades, flash bangs). c. Fireworks d. Homemade mortars, aka "tennis ball launchers" or similar PROVISION PROVISIONS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE 52.203-11 Certification and Disclosure Regarding Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions SEP 2007 52.204-7 System for Award Management OCT 2016 52.209-7 Information Regarding Responsibility Matters JUL 2013 52.212-1 Instructions to Offerors -- Commercial Items JAN 2017 52.233-2 Service of Protest SEP 2006 252.204-7004 Alt A Representation Relating to Compensation of Former DoD Officials OCT 2016 252.209-7001 System for Award Management FEB 2014 252-215-7007 Notice of Intent to Resolicit JUN 2012 252.215-7008 Only One Offer OCT 2013 PROVISIONS INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT FAR 52.212-3, ALT 1, Offeror Representations and Certifications - Commercial Items (Jan 2017) Offerors are reminded that Representations and Certifications are maintained at the following website: In the event Representations and Certifications are not on file, Offerors must include a completed copy of the provisions at FAR Part 52 or on on-line at 52.252-1 Solicitation Provisions Incorporated By Reference (FEB 1998) This solicitation incorporates one or more solicitation provisions by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available. The offeror is cautioned that the listed provisions may include blocks that must be completed by the offeror and submitted with its quotation or offer. In lieu of submitting the full text of those provisions, the offeror may identify the provision by paragraph identifier and provide the appropriate information with its quotation or offer. Also, the full text of a solicitation provision may be accessed electronically at this/these address (es): (End of provision)
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- Address: Maxwell AFB, Alabama, 36112, United States
- Zip Code: 36112
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