- Notice Date
- 10/4/2017
- Notice Type
- Justification and Approval (J&A)
- 336413
— Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
- Contracting Office
- Defense Logistics Agency, DLA Acquisition Locations, DLA Aviation - Huntsville, Defense Logistics Agency, Aviation AHA, Martin Road, Building 5201, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, 35898-5280, United States
- ZIP Code
- 35898-5280
- Solicitation Number
- SPRRA1-17-R-0277
- Archive Date
- 10/29/2017
- Point of Contact
- Erica Allen, Phone: 2569559253
- E-Mail Address
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Award Number
- SPRRA1-17-D-0277
- Award Date
- 9/29/2017
- Description
- DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY AVIATION 800 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23297-5002 COORDINATION AND APPROVAL FOR OTHER THAN OPEN COMPETION DLA CONTRACTIN ACTIVITY: DLA AVIATION So li c itati o n N umb e r : S PRRAl-1 7 -R- 0277 JUSTIFICATIO N FOR OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION •I. CONTRACTINGACTIVITY Thi s Ju s tifi cat i o n a nd Appro va l t o r e qu est a u t h o rity for Oth e r Than F ull an d Op e n Co mp et i t i o n s upp o 1 i s r e quirem e nt s g en e rat e d fo r t he U S Arm y Av iati o n an d Mi ss il e Life Cy cle Man age m e nt Co mmand (AMC OM ). Th e co n t ra ct in g aut h o ri ty for t hi s r e quir e men t i s D efe n se L og i st i cs Age n cy (D L A) - S tr ateg i c Ac qui s iti o n s P rog ram - Hun tsv ill e, A labam a, DL A - AVN -AHAA. Th e pur c h ase r e qu es t numb e r s upp o 1iin g t hi s co n t ra ct in g ac ti o n i s AX7 F0 576AX. •II. NATURE AND / OR DESCRIPTION OFTHE ACTION BEINGPROCESSED Du e to t h e c ir c ums t an ces d esc rib e d h e r e in, t hi s a ct i v i ty r e qu ests aut h o ri ty to a c quir e th e it e ms / s par es li sted in t hi s doc um e n t u s in g O t h e r Than Full a n d Op e n Co mp et iti o n as pr esc ri bed b y 6.3 0 2 -1, Onl y On e R es p o n s ibl e So ur ce an d N o O t h e r S uppli es o r Se r v i ces W ill Sat i sfy Age n cy R e quir e m e n ts. Thi s act i o n w ill r es ul t in th e awa r d of a n ew co n t ra ct, w hi c h w ill b e firm-fi xed p ri ce, F i ve yea r, In de fini te D e li ve 1 y Ind e fini te Quanti ty (ID IQ ) co nt rac t. Thi s r e quir e m e n t w ill b e so li c it ed a s a so l e so ur ce r e quir e m e n t fr o m th e fo ll ow in g co mp a n y : S imm o n ds Pr ec i s i o n P rod u cts In c. DB A Good ri c h Se n so r s a n d In tegrated Syste m s 1 00 P anto n R o a d Ve r ge nn es, VT 05 4 9 1-1 0 0 8 CA GE Code: 893 0 5 Lar ge Bu s in ess III. DESCRIPTION QFTHE SUPPLIES/SERVICES REQUIRED TO MEET THEAGENCY ' S NEEDS The G ove rnm e nt proposes to acq uir e o n a Fi1m- Fixed Pri ce Fi ve -Y ea r IDI Q co n t ra ct, a qu ant i ty o f 50 e a c h ( minimum ) to a q uanti ty o f 25 0 eac h ( m axi mum ) of a Di g i ta l Co mput e r, DI, N SN: 1 68 0- 0 1- 566 - 0366, Part Numb e r : 30279 - 0302, app li ca bl e to t h e Bla c kh aw k (BE) we ap o n system. Army Work in g Ca pit a l Fun ds i s co n te mpl ated. Th e est imat ed co nt rac t va lu e ran ges fr o m a minimum o f m ax imum o f Ye ar 2 50 Y e ar 3 50 Ye ar 4 50 Y e ar 5 50 TOTAL PROTENTIAL CONTRACT VALUE Solicitation Number: SPRRA1-17-R-0277 The Government is obligated to procure the Base Year quantity of 50 each under the proposed contract. The maximum quantity of 250 each represents the Government's anticipated requirements for the total period of performance. The estimated Production Lead-time is 270 days after receipt of order (DARO) without First Article Testing (FAT). •IV. STATUTORY AUTHORITY PERMITTING OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1), as implemented by FAR 6.302-1, Only One Responsible Source and No Other Supplies or Services Will Satisfy Agency Requirements. •V. DEMONSTRATION THAT THE CONTRACTOR'S UNIQUE QUALIFICATIONS ORNATURE OF THE ACQUISITION REQUIRES THE USE OF THE AUTHORITY CITED ABOVE The Aviation and Missile Research, Development Engineering Center (AMRDEC) Breakout Engineers have assigned the Acquisition Method Reason Code (AMRC) "3D" thereby restricting the manufacture of the item from only the approved sources. The approved sources have the unique design capability, engineering skills and manufacturing knowledge to produce the items. Breakout Engineering has assigned Acquisition Method Code (AMC) "3", which states, "Acquire, for the second or subsequent time, directly from the actual manufacturer." And the Acquisition Method Suffix Code "D" states, "This data needed to acquire this part competitively, is not physically available, it cannot be obtained economically, nor is it possible to draft adequate specifications or any other adequate, economical description of the material for a competitive solicitation." Suitable technical data, Government data rights, or manufacturing knowledge are not available to permit acquisition from other sources, nor qualification testing of another part, nor use of a second source part in the intended application. Although, by DoD-STD-100 definition, altered and selected items shall have an adequate technical data package, data review discloses that required data or data rights are not in Government possession and cannot be economically obtained. Accordingly, Simmonds Precision Products, Inc. is the only known firm approved to provide the supplies described in Paragraph 3 above without the warfighter experiencing unacceptable delays in fulfilling its requirements. •VI. DESCRIPTION OF EFFORTS MADE TO ENSURE THAT OFFERS ARE SOLICITED FROM AS MANY POTENTIAL SOURCES AS DEEMEDPRACTICABLE This requirement was synopsized on Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps) as required by FAR 5.201. The extent of competition anticipated is the source identified in paragraph 2. In an effort to obtain maximum competition, the synopsis will encourage firms/suppliers that recognize and can produce the item described in paragraph 3 to identify themselves. The synopsis encourages firms/suppliers to seek source approval in order to compete for future solicitations by accessing the AMCOM Competition Management Office website and looking under Standardized Aviation and Missile Source Approval Request (SAMSAR). Improving the competitive status of acquisition include review and screening under the procedures of the DOD Spare Parts Breakout Program, Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Procedures, Guidance and Information (PGI) 217.7506. A Sources Sought Synopsis (SSS) in support of Market Research was conducted by the Defense Logistics Agency to identify potential manufacturing/supply sources, and if future efforts can be competitive or Set- Solicitation Number: SPRRA1-17-R-0277 Aside for Small Business. The proposed North American Industry Classification Systems (NAICS) Code is 336413 which have a corresponding Size Standard of 1,250 employees. The SSS notified companies that the Defense Logistics Agency, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, was seeking qualified sources for the acquisition referenced in paragraph III. No responses were received to date. •VII. DETERMINATION BY THE CONTRACTING OFFICER THAT THE ANTICIPATED COST TO THE GOVERNMENT WILL BE FAIR ANDREASONABLE The overall cost of this acquisition will be fair and reasonable to the Government. In the event this requirement is Sole Source, in accordance with FAR 15.403-3 (c), the contractor will be required to provide other than certified cost or pricing data to be used in supporting the Government's evaluation of the proposed price. A thorough price analysis will be conducted using available information and approved pricing techniques that will support the contracting officer in making a determination that the price paid to the contractor is fair and reasonable to the Government. The contract price will be negotiated in accordance with the procedures in FAR Part 15. Based on the foregoing, the Contracting Officer hereby determines the anticipated price to the Government will be fair and reasonable. •VIII. DESCRIPTION OF THE MARKET RESEARCH CONDUCTED AND THE RESULTS, OR STATEMENT OF THE REASONS MARKET RESEARCH WAS NOTCONDUCTED Market Research as defined in FAR 10.001 was conducted on knowledge of individuals within the requirements community. This item was not listed in the Competition Advocate Shopping because it is an unprogrammed requirement. A Sources Sought Notice was posted on 24 April 2017 and no responses were received. In the event a potential candidate had identified themselves, the Source Approval Request (SARS) would be reviewed and a determination made if the vendor's technical capabilities meet the requirements to manufacture the item. It has been determined that the Government's need can be met by an item available in the commercial marketplace; therefore, FAR Part 12 will be used. •IX. ANY OTHER FACTS SUPPORTING THE USE OF OTHER THAN FULL ANDOPEN COMPETITION The Technical Justification and Certifications (J&Cs) state full screening has been completed and that competition cannot be improved at this time for reasons of lack of sources. Re-screening will occur prior to the expiration date of the AMC/AMRC and no orders will be issued until after the AMC/AMRC has been re- validated. The AMRC expiration date is 18 December 2017. There is no pending Source Approval Request (SARs) on this NSN. This OEM is not willing to sell data rights to the Government, which means the technical data package, specification, and engineering description suitable for Full and Open Competition cannot be developed without reverse engineering. The Government has determined that reverse engineering is cost prohibitive. The technical factors supporting the recommendation for other than full and open competitive acquisition are based on review and analysis information residing in the Commodity Command Standard System National Stock Number Maintenance Data Record and the Aviation Acquisition Engineering Part Number Files. •X. LIST OF SOURCES, IF ANY, THAT EXPRESSED INTEREST IN THEACQUISITION See Section VI above. So li c itati o n N umb e r : S PRRAl-1 7 -R- 0277 •XI. A STATEMENT OF THE ACTIONS. IF ANY. THE AGENCY MAY TAKE TO REMOVE QR OVERCOME ANY BARRIERS TO COMPETITION BEFORE MAKING SUBSEQUENT ACQJJISITIQNS FOR THESJJPPLIES Finns a re e nc o ur ag ed to se ek so ur ce app rova l in o r d er to co mp et e for fu t ur e so li c it at i o n s b y acc e ss in g th e w e bs i te http s: // a m co mdmz. r e d sto n e. ai m y. mil / cas l_ c m o / cas ld ba.cas l_ c m o _ s am sa r an d cli c kin g o n "AMC OM S p are Part s Ma nufa ct ur e r o r Di s tri buto r SA R. " Currently, t h e re a r e n o o ut s t a nd in g qu a lifi c ati o n r e qu ests o n t hi s i te m ; h oweve r, t hi s i s a co n t inu o u s m et h od o f i de n t i fy in g p ote ntial n ew so ur ces of s uppl y. •XII. CONTRACTING QFFICER ' SCERTIFICATIQN I h e r e b y certify that the in for m at i o n co n ta in ed in t hi s ju s tifi cat i o n i s acc ur ate a n d co mpl ete t o t h e b es t o f m y kn ow l edge an d be li ef. Thi s s i gnat ur e se r ves as t h e ap p rova l. S i gnat ur e : Nam e: Scott W ilhi te Titl e: Co n t ra ct in g Offi ce r
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- Record
- SN04706274-W 20171006/171004231336-7e9b5064eabc545a39e8c7aba9dc69bf (
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