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C -- Architect-Engineer Services for one (1) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity Contract primarily for Geotechnical Engineering Services within the Central Command (CENTCOM) Area of Responsibility (AOR)

Notice Date
Notice Type
541380 — Testing Laboratories
Contracting Office
Department of the Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, USACE District, Louisville, Attn: CELRL-CT, PO Box 59, Louisville, Kentucky, 40201-0059, United States
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Travis I. Dunn,
E-Mail Address
Small Business Set-Aside
Architect-Engineer Services for one (1) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity Contract primarily for Geotechnical Engineering Services within the Central Command (CENTCOM) Area of Responsibility (AOR). 1. GENERAL CONTRACT INFORMATION: This contract is being procured in accordance with the Brooks A-E Act as implemented in FAR Subpart 36.6. One (1) Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contract will be awarded. The maximum cumulative contract value for the contract is $9,000,000. The contract period is for a base year and up to four (4) one-year options. Projects will be awarded by individual task orders. There is no minimum or maximum on the amount of individual task orders, except the overall contract value will not be exceeded. The contract period is cumulative, not to exceed five (5) years from the date of award. This announcement is open to all businesses regardless of size. If a large business is selected to negotiate a contract, the firm must comply with FAR 52.219.9 and Public Law 95-507 regarding the requirements to submit a subcontracting plan prior to award. The current subcontracting goals are 40% to Small Business, 3% to Small Disadvantaged Business, 7% to Women-Owned Small Business, 3% to Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business, 3% to Veteran Owned Small Business, and 1% to HUBZone Small Business. These percentages are applied to the total amount of subcontracted dollars. The selected A/E may be required to attend a partnering meeting to define the District's expectations of the A/E, create a positive working atmosphere, encourage open communications, and identify common goals. Significant emphasis will be placed on the A/E's quality control procedures as the District performs the quality assurance role only. The following factors will be used in deciding which contractor will be selected to negotiate task orders: performance and quality of Geotechnical Engineering Services, current capacity to accomplish the work in the required time, and uniquely specialized experience. Significant emphasis will be placed on the A/E firm's ability to manage concurrent projects in multiple locations. Secondary selection criteria will be used as a tiebreaker between firms considered as technically equal. The estimated start date is August 2018. In accordance with FAR 36.604 and supplements thereto, and upon final acceptance or termination, all task orders above $35,000 will receive a performance evaluation. A performance evaluation may be prepared for lesser task orders and interim performance evaluations may be prepared at any time. Performance evaluations will be maintained for use in future source selections for architect-engineer services. 2. PROJECT INFORMATION: Provide geotechnical investigation and engineering services to provide site soil information for construction. All test boring and field testing locations shall be surveyed and comply with topographic survey requirements As much as possible, procedures, practices, and tests, shall conform to ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials) standards. The services will primarily be for use with designs generated by TAM staff or in support of smaller specialty projects for CENTCOM Area of Responsibility customers. Projects primarily are located in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait, but could be located in any of the twenty countries that comprise the CENTCOM AOR, as follows: Afghanistan - Oman - Lebanon - Yemen - Pakistan - Egypt - Kyrgyzstan - Uzbekistan - Iran - Iraq - Turkmenistan - United Arab Emirates -Jordan - Syria - Kazakhstan - Tajikistan Perform geotechnical services such as; a) SITE SOIL INVESTIGATIONS: Activities such as soil and rock drilling and sampling, field instrumentation installation and evaluation, test location surveying, supervision of geotechnical investigations, on shore and off-shore investigation operations. Explorations shall be in accordance with ASTM D 5434 "Field Logging of Subsurface Explorations of Soil and Rock. Prepare exploration logs in accordance with ASTM D 653, "Standard Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained Fluid", and ASTM D 5434, "Standard Guide for Field Logging of Subsurface Explorations of Soil and Rock". The method of advancement shall be determined by the AE based on available equipment and ASTM D 6169, "Selection of Soil and Rock Sampling Devices Used with Drill Rigs for Environmental Investigations". Finalized logs ready for publication shall be prepared from the field logs and adjusted to reflect the results of the laboratory testing. b) LABORATORY TESTING: Soil and rock physical property testing, soil and rock mechanical property testing, and soil chemical analysis following appropriate ASTM guidance. c) RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTING: Creating geotechnical reports providing recommendations for design and construction, climate data, local geography, seismic and geological data, bearing capacity and settlement determination, pavement recommendations for ground vehicles and aircraft, drainage and dewatering, slope stability, earth pressures for retaining structures, and foundation recommendations for a wide range of structures to include medical facilities, airfield facilities, military base housing, administrative facilities, communication facilities, and utility infrastructure volume computations, engineering literature searches, geologic field mapping, seismological studies, surveying, the use of geotechnical software to perform geotechnical analyses (e.g. slope stability, seepage, etc.), shallow and deep foundation analysis and design, and safety are anticipated. d) RESEARCH: Determine availability of construction materials such as, admixtures, aggregate, water, Portland cement and asphalt cement, investigate local design or construction practices, apply local customs and laws. e) DESIGN AND REVIEW: Serve as geotechnical engineer for District designs and/or design reviews. Perform independent technical reviews and/or construction submittal reviews, review of 3rd party submittals. 3. SELECTION CRITERIA: Criteria a thru e are primary. Criteria f and g are secondary, and will only be used as tie-breakers among technically equal firms. The specific selection criteria are listed in descending order of importance as follows and must be documented in the SF330: a) PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: The evaluation will consider education, training, professional registration or regional equivalence, voluntary certifications, overall and relevant experience, and longevity with the firm. Resumes for three (3) geotechnical engineers and three (3) geotechnical reviewers are required; at least two (2) of the geotechnical engineers and three (3) of the geotechnical reviewers must be registered professional engineers or regional equivalent, trained and experienced in geotechnical engineering. A professional Geotechnical Engineer's license will be given a higher consideration. An individual cannot be submitted as both an engineer and a reviewer for this contract. Two (2) resumes for trained and experienced registered professional geologists, or regional equivalence, are required. The resume of one (1) registered professional engineer or geologist project manager, or regional equivalent, qualified by training, experience and education is required. The individuals proposed for these project assignments may not be dual-utilized. A project manager with a PMP may receive additional consideration. b) SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE AND TECHNICAL COMPETENCE: The government's evaluation of Specialized Experience and Technical Competence will consider example projects in the SF330 Section F which include Specialized Experience and Technical Competencies below. The government will also consider the same Specialized Experience and Technical Competencies of individual team members in SF330 Section E. individual resumes in the project activities identified above, to include: Field and Laboratory Investigation -On/Off-shore design-phase soil investigations -borehole geophysical investigations and reporting (including borehole logging, geothermal conductivity and diffusivity testing) -Auger boring (solid and hollow stem) -Drive boring (push/drive sampling, Becker hammer drill sampling, standard penetration testing) -Undisturbed boring ("Shelby tube" sampling, fixed piston sampling, etc) -Rock and concrete pavement core boring (double or triple core sampling) -Test pit excavations -In-Situ testing (Tables 5-2, 5-3 EM 1110-1-1804) -Acquire laboratory services to conduct soil / rock testing -Work must have been self-performed (or 50% self-performed) to qualify as experience -Drilling rigs shall comply with EM 1110-1-1804 and be capable of reaching 25m below grade In-situ testing may include: surface geophysical investigations and reporting (including electromagnetic, electrical resistivity imaging, ground penetrating radar and seismic methods); field permeability testing; instrumentation installation and evaluation (piezometers, slope inclinometers, settlement and displacement movement monuments); Analyses and reporting including - seismological studies; stability analyses; - seepage analyses; - shallow and deep foundation analysis and design; - flexible and rigid pavement design using Corps of Engineers Technical manuals and software; - integration of geotextiles into pavement designs; - development of foundation geotechnical design parameters (deep and shallow Foundations); Design and Review task - Serve as district geotechnical engineer for projects - Conduct independent technical review; - Conduct design transmittal review; - Conduct construction transmittal review (includes request for information). Individuals performing the inspections of geotechnical and subsurface investigations must demonstrate at least three (3) years of experience in the use of Unified Soils Classification System (USCS) for field classifications. In addition, a brief Design Management Plan including an explanation of the firm's management approach; management of subcontractors (if applicable), quality control procedures (for plans, design analysis and electronic documents), and an organizational chart showing the inter-relationship of management and various team components (including subcontractors) must be included in Block H of the SF 330. Also in Block H indicate the estimated percentages involvement of each firm on the proposed team or describe the type of work and roles the prime and subcontractors will perform under this contract. c) CAPACITY to complete the work in the required time. The evaluation will consider the experience of the firm and consultants on similar size projects and the availability of an adequate number of personnel in key disciplines. Two (2) 2-person (or more) drill crews readily available with a one (1) week notice and three (3) additional 2-person (or more) drill crews readily available with a four (4) week notice are required. Offerors should include a narrative on any existing offices and/or personnel they have operating in the primary areas and throughout the remaining countries in the CENTCOM AOR. d) PAST PERFORMANCE. Past performance of the A-E, and key subcontractors on Department of Defense (DoD), Host Nation Governmental Agencies and other contracts with respect to cost control, quality of work, and compliance with performance schedules, as determined from Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS) Contractor Performance Assessment Report System (CPARS) and other sources. Past Performance Questionnaires (PPQs) maybe be submitted for sample projects. A template will be provided for use by offerors. e) KNOWLEDGE OF LOCALITY. Demonstrate knowledge of the geotechnical conditions (e.g. geology, seismicity, subsurface conditions, climate, etc.) in the Arabian Peninsula. Have working relationships with firms from identified countries. Demonstrate the ability to access sites and enter countries with reasonable amount of time to perform work. Entering countries includes access for personnel and equipment where required. Most projects will be located on Military Bases through the AOR. You will need to demonstrate previous experience obtaining base passes access to various military bases and working on military bases in the primary countries. Additional consideration will be given for experience on military bases in the remainder of the countries in the CENTCOM AOR. f) VOLUME OF DoD and/or Host nation contract awards in the last 12 months. g) SMALL BUSINESS PARTICIPATION: In paragraph H, provide a brief narrative explaining the roles proposed for small businesses on the team. Additionally, estimate the proposed extent of participation of Small Business, Small Disadvantaged Business, Woman-Owned Small Business, HUBZone Small Business, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business and Veteran Owned Small Business team members in the contract team using a chart showing each firm that is a team member, their small business category, and their proposed level of participation measured as a percentage of the overall estimated effort (i.e. a chart with 3 columns, respectively entitled 'Firm Name', 'Small Business Category', and '% Participation'). ****AMDT 0001**** 4. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Interested firms having the capabilities to perform this work must submit six (6) paper copies and one (1) electronic copy on CD of the SF 330, Part l, along with one (1) paper copy and one (1) electronic copy on CD of the SF330, Part II for the prime firm. Each branch office that will have a key role in the proposed contract must also submit a copy of the SF 330 Part II. Responding firms must submit a current and accurate SF 330, Part II, for each proposed sub consultant. Any firm with an electronic mailbox responding to the solicitation should identify such address in the SF 330, Part I. ****AMDT 0001**** The proposal shall be submitted as one file using Microsoft Word (.doc) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf). Font size shall be 10 or larger. The SF 330 will be no longer than 100 pages in length (excluding the SF 330, Part IIs) and block H will be 20 pages or less in length. Each printed side of an 8 ½ inch x 11 inch page will count as one page. An 11 inch x 17 inch page may be used, but each side will count as two (2) pages toward the overall total page count. ****AMDT 0001**** Release of firm status will occur within 10 days after approval of any selection. All responses on SF 330 to this announcement must be received no later than 2:00 p.m. EST on Thursday, 12 July 2018. No other general notification to firms under consideration for this project will be made. Facsimile transmissions will not be accepted. Solicitation packages are not provided and no additional project information will be given to firms during the announcement period. ****AMDT 0001**** REGISTRATIONS: To be eligible for award Offerors shall have and shall maintain an active registration in the following database: System for Award Management (SAM) at http://www.sam.gov to be eligible for a Government contract award. If the Offeror is a Joint Venture (JV), the JV entity shall have a valid SAM registration in the SAM database representing the JV as one business/firm/entity. Please identify the Dun & Bradstreet number of the office(s) performing the work in Block 5 of the SF 330, Part I. Dun & Bradstreet numbers may be obtained by contacting (866) 705-5711, or via the internet at http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform. ALERT: You must submit a notarized letter appointing the authorized Entity Administrator before your registration will be activated. This requirement now applies to both new and existing entities. Effective 29 April 2018, the notarized letter process is now mandatory on all CURRENT registrants at SAM who have a requirement to update data on their SAM record. The notarized letter is mandatory and is required before the GSA Federal Service Desk (FSD) will activate the entity's registration. Technical inquiries and questions relating to proposal procedures are to be submitted via Bidder Inquiry in ProjNet at http://ProjNet.org/ProjNet. The attached file titled ProjNet Instructions provides guidance on how to submit and review bid inquiry items. Bidders will need to be a current registered user or self-register into the system. The Bidder Inquiry Key or Quick Add Key for this project is PPJJPC-ZRZ8VS. Submit responses to US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District, ATTN: Travis Dunn, 600 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Pl., Room 821, Louisville, KY 40202.
Web Link
FBO.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: USACE District, Transatlantic Middle East, 201 Prince Frederick Drive, Winchester, Virginia, 22601, United States
Zip Code: 22601
SN04969549-W 20180628/180626231238-e6083ac50740a21e3795967a74204f75 (fbodaily.com)
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