65 -- Precision 7920 Tower XCTO Base-NX-Workstation, High Power - Attachment
- Notice Date
- 8/7/2018
- Notice Type
- Attachment
- 334111
— Electronic Computer Manufacturing
- Contracting Office
- Department of Veterans Affairs;Network Contracting Office 22;4811 Airport Plaza Drive;Suite 600;Long Beach CA 90815
- ZIP Code
- 90815
- Solicitation Number
- 36C26218Q9929
- Response Due
- 8/10/2018
- Archive Date
- 8/25/2018
- Point of Contact
- Francisco Acevedo, CONTRACTING OFFICER
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- REQUEST FOR INFORMATION: 36C26218Q9928 THIS REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) IS ISSUED SOLELY FOR INFORMATION AND PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A SOLICITATION. THE SUBMISSION OF PRICING, CAPABILITIES FOR PLANNING PURPOSES, AND OTHER MARKET INFORMATION IS HIGHLY ENCOURAGED AND ALLOWED UNDER THIS RFI IN ACCORDANCE WITH (IAW) FAR 15.201(e). This is not a solicitation announcement. This is a sources sought synopsis only. The purpose of this synopsis is to gain knowledge of potential qualified Businesses relative to NACIS 334111. Responses to this synopsis will be used by the Government to make appropriate acquisition decisions. After review of the responses to this sources sought synopsis, a solicitation announcement may be published in the FedBizOpps or GSA eBuy websites. Responses to this sources sought synopsis are not considered adequate responses to the solicitation announcement. All interested offerors will have to respond to the solicitation announcement in addition to responding to this sources sought announcement. The Department of Veterans Affairs, Network 22 Contracts Office, is seeking sources to provide the supplies listed below. If you are interested, and are capable of providing the required supplies please provide the requested information as indicated below. Responses to this notice should include: company name, address, point of contact, size of business pursuant to the following questions: Please indicate the size status and representations of your business, such as but not limited to: Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB), Hubzone, Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB), Large Business, etc.)? Is your company considered small under the NAICS code identified under this RFI? Are you the manufacturer or distributor of the items being referenced above (or equivalent product/solution)? What is the manufacturing country of origin of these items? If you re a small business and you are an authorized distributor/reseller for the items identified above (or equivalent product/solution), do you alter; assemble; modify; the items requested in any way? If you do, state how and what is altered; assembled; modified? Does your company have an FSS contract with GSA or the NAC or are you a contract holder with NASA SEWP or any other federal contract? If so, please provide the contract type andnumber. If you are an FSS GSA/NAC or NASA SEWP contract holder or other federal contract holder, are the referenced items/solutions available on your schedule/contract? Please provide general pricing for your products/solutions for market research purposes. Please submit your capabilities in regards to the salient characteristics being provided and any information pertaining to brand name or equal to items to establish capabilities for planning purposes? Responses to this notice shall be submitted via email to Telephone responses shall not be accepted. Responses must be received no later than 08/10/2018 8:00 AM PST. If a solicitation is issued it shall be announced at a later date, and all interested parties must respond to that solicitation announcement separately from the responses to this request for information. Prospective bidders must be authorized re-sellers in order to participate in the solicitation process. Responses to this notice are not a request to be added to a prospective bidders list or to receive a copy of the solicitation. Please provide unofficial pricing. SPECIAL REMARKS THIS IS AN EQUIPMENT REQUEST FOR A HIGH POWERED WORKSTATION FUNDED UNDER DR. DONG'S RR&D PROJECT C2296-R "IMPROVING RESTORATION OF MIDDLE-EAR FUNCTION FOLLOWING BLAST RELATED INJURIES". THIS REQUESTWILL EFFECT FY18, QTR 3 FUNDS. REFERENCE VA FINACIAL POLICIES AND RPOCEDURE, VOLUME II CHAPTER 6. EER: 43986; EIL: 380; MCA NOT APPLICABLE/NO MCA# LISTED FOR RESEARCH. JUSTIFICATION OF NEED A PRECISION 7920 TOWER XCTO WORKSTATION WILL FUNCTION AS A COMPUTER SERVER FOR OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY (OCT) DATA ANALYSIS OF DR. DONG'S NEW REHABILITATIVE MEDICAL RESEARCH PROJECT TITLED:"IMPROVING OF RESTORATION OF MIDDLE EAR FUNCTION FOLLOWING BLAST-RELATED INJURIES". ANALYSIS OF OCT DATA REQUIRES INSTALLATION OF SPECIALIZED SOFTWARE DESIGNED TO READ AND WRITE LARGE OCT DATASETS(MANY GB PER SUBJECT), PROCESS THOSE DATASETS IN PARALLEL, CREATE ADVANCED VISUALIZATIONS FOR DATA ASSESSMENT AND PRESENTATION, AND PERFORM SPECIALIZED COMPUTATIONS FOR DIFFERENT IMAGING MODALITIES.IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO BE ABLE TO RUN THIS SPECIALIZED SOFTWARE EFFICIENTLY. THEREFORE, WE ARE REQUESTING A COMPUTER SERVER WITH AMPLE STORAGE (> 2 TB) AND COMPUTATIONAL CAPABILITIES (DUAL4-CORE PROCESSORS EACH EQUIPPED 512 GB RAM). THIS COMPUTER WILL NOT BE CONNECTED TO THE VA NETWORK AND WILL BE DEDICATED PRIMARILY TO SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. THIS ADVANCED EQUIPMENT IS NECESSARY FOR THE RESEARCH AND NOT AVAILABLE FROM THE COMPUTING EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY VA IT. PRICE/COST SCHEDULE ITEM INFORMATION ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0001 1.00 EA HIGH POWERED WORKSTATION - PRECISION 7920 TOWER XCTO BASE Funding/Req. Number: 1 605-18-3-1824-0135 GRAND TOTAL ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA ACRN APPROPRIATION REQUISITION NUMBER AMOUNT 1 605-368/90161-1824-810300 Merit Reviewed M-3131 Medical, Dental, and Scie-820010143 605-18-3-1824-0135 (P) DELIVERY SCHEDULE ITEM NUMBER QUANTITY DELIVERY DATE 0001 1.00
- Web Link
- Permalink
- Document(s)
- Attachment
- File Name: 36C26218Q9929 36C26218Q9929.docx (
- Link:
- Note: If links are broken, refer to Point of Contact above or contact the FBO Help Desk at 877-472-3779.
- File Name: 36C26218Q9929 36C26218Q9929.docx (
- Place of Performance
- Address: Department of Veterans Affairs;VA Loma Linda Healthcare System;RESEARCH SERVICE (151);11201 Benton Street;Loma Linda, CA
- Zip Code: 92357-1000
- Zip Code: 92357-1000
- Record
- SN05024520-W 20180809/180807231423-12c0f8da61049aa70c9bc46238849e8a (
- Source
FedBizOpps Link to This Notice
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