B -- 656-19-4-0256-0199 - Service - Asbestos Survey Services - STC
- Notice Date
- 6/10/2019
- Notice Type
- Synopsis
- 541620
— Environmental Consulting Services
- Contracting Office
- Department of Veterans Affairs;Network 23 Contracting Office (NCO 23);113 Comanche Rd.;Fort Meade SD 57741
- ZIP Code
- 57741
- Solicitation Number
- 36C26319Q0672
- Response Due
- 6/18/2019
- Archive Date
- 7/18/2019
- Point of Contact
- 605-720-7020
- Small Business Set-Aside
- N/A
- Description
- 2 The St. Cloud VA Healthcare System is requiring Asbestos survey assessment services per the attached performance work statement (PWS). This is a sources sought/proof of capability solicitation looking for SDVOSB and VOSB vendors to perform the services per the PWS for market research purposes. No award of a contract will be made from this announcement. If you are an SDVOSB or VOSB vendor that could complete the work described in the PWS, please send your information with a description of proof of capability to: on or before June 18, 2019. Performance Work Statement Facility Asbestos Assessment VA Medical Center, St. Cloud, MN 1.0 INTRODUCTION This statement of work (SOW) describes the contractor required services necessary to perform an asbestos survey, review material from previously performed asbestos surveys, incorporate all information gathered into a database management system, update the Asbestos Management Plan and update the Asbestos Operation and Maintenance Plan for the VA Medical Center (VAMC), St. Cloud, MN. The work will be accomplished for the St. Cloud, MN, VAMC. 1.1 Scope: This statement of work outlines the requirements for performing asbestos surveys and incorporating the information gathered in previously performed asbestos surveys into a database system. When previously collected survey data is incorporated into the database, additional limited assessment work is required to verify sampling locations and confirm the validity of older survey results. This SOW addresses some of the many services, materials, equipment, and labor required to provide the St. Cloud VAMC with a comprehensive management tool capable of quickly identifying all asbestos hazards for the facility in text and graphic formats. The survey will provide a consistent and effective program for managing Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) in accordance with Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) requirements. The final survey results and database, in conjunction with revised/updated management plans, shall provide a means of planning repairs, renovations, and demolition projects, prioritizing health risks and planning to respond to emergency situations. Assessments under this scope include identification, sampling, and analysis of accessible suspect ACMs from both the interior and exterior of VAMC facilities. ACM survey results will specify the type (both friable and non-friable materials) and the quantity of ACMs in either linear or square feet, as appropriate, and specify existing health risks using the AHERA Rating system, (40 CFR 763.88). If this information is not available from previously performed assessments, then the need for its collection will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, and collected appropriately. 1.2 Background: The structures at the site have been constructed and/or renovated at various stages over the last 95 years. Asbestos abatement activities have occurred from 1986 to the present. A facility-wide asbestos assessment for all visible structures was first conducted in 1995, and most recently in 2016. Renovation and repair projects of existing facilities have routinely included asbestos abatement in those areas within the limits of such contracts. 2.0 COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS It shall be the contractors responsibility to identify the applicable Federal, State and VHA laws and regulations and apply the procedures and protocols as required. 2.1 Public Laws and Statutes: The contractor shall comply with the issue or version (including all changes and amendments) of federal, state and local environmental statutes and regulations in effect of date of issuance of this delivery order, including, but not restricted to, the applicable portions of the latest edition of the documents cited in the basic contract and below. - 29 CFR 1926. 1101 Asbestos. - 29 CFR 1910.134 Respiratory Protection Standard. - 29 CFR 1910.1001 Asbestos - Guidance for Controlling Asbestos-Containing Materials in Buildings, USEPA 560/5-85-024. - 40 CFR 763, Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools - 40 CFR 61, Sub-part M, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) 3.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE ACTIVITIES 3.1 Environmental Compliance: 3.1.1 Record Review: The contractor shall perform a thorough review of building records to include drawings, specifications, past removal actions (when information is available), inspection reports, industrial hygiene data, maintenance records, and reports/findings of independent asbestos surveys. The contractor shall document the presence or absence of ACM as indicated by the records review. The contractor shall make themselves familiar with the facility and all building materials used on-site. 3.1.2 Visual Inspection: The contractor shall conduct a preliminary walk-through to visually inspect and document all building spaces and building materials. This walk-through shall include all occupied spaces, utility spaces, crawl spaces, mechanical spaces (boiler/chiller, generator, elevator equipment, telephone/electrical rooms, air-handling and fan rooms, cable and equipment vaults), attics, garages, pipe chases, locker rooms, auditoriums, pool, etc., to look for suspect ACBM. 3.1.3 Sampling Strategy: Upon completion of the record review and visual inspection, the contractor shall meet with the VA s Contracting Officer s Representative (COR) and Industrial Hygienist (IH) to develop a sampling strategy. The contractor shall use previous data and assessments performed to reduce survey time and effort. In many cases, sampling may be reduced based on the previous asbestos assessment. However, it is the intent of the VA that all accessible asbestos be positively identified. Sufficient samples of suspect ACM shall be taken to define their limits. Ultimately, this may require more extensive sampling than that required by AHERA. The sampling strategy shall be established and approved by the VA COR & IH BEFORE initiation of any actual sampling. A survey schedule for all buildings shall also be developed at this time. 3.2 Survey Work: The contractor shall perform asbestos survey work with accredited persons meeting the inspector training requirements of AHERA and all other Federal and State requirements. The format for survey data submittal is described in SOW paragraph 3.3.1. 3.2.1 Survey Inspections: The contractor shall conduct a comprehensive physical inspection and sampling of material in all buildings listed on the campus records. In those instances where previously surveyed areas will require supplemental sampling or information gathering it will be accomplished under this SOW. Areas in this category will be verified at the work plan review meetings. 3.2.2 Sampling is to be conducted one building at a time. If sufficient staff are allocated to the project, more than one building may be surveyed at one time, but once a survey begins in a building, that building survey must be completed prior to moving on to the next building. A meeting between contractor and VA COR & IH is to be scheduled after sample completion in each building. 3.2.3 ACM Sample Collection: Asbestos survey shall be conducted in accordance to 40 CFR 763.85 and.86. The contractor shall collect all samples of suspected ACM in accordance with EPA and OSHA regulations preventing airborne fiber exposure to the surveyor and facility personnel. Sufficient samples will be taken to definitively identify locations of ACM. Samples taken in occupied office spaces will be taken in locations that minimize the visual impact of the resulting sample location. The contractor shall restore visible sample locations to a condition as close to original as possible. The contractor shall encapsulate all locations to prevent any subsequent release of asbestos fibers after sample collection. The contractor shall mark all sample locations in a standardized and conspicuous manner. The contractor shall photograph sample locations at the time of sample collection to aid in future identification. VAMC will require escorts during the course of this survey for restricted portions of the buildings or other areas where access may be difficult. The samples will be placed in sealed containers and the location and description recorded. 3.2.4 ACM Bulk Samples Management. Samples of suspect asbestos-containing materials will be analyzed by polarized light microscopy (PLM) with dispersion staining in accordance with EPA Interim Method of the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples, EPA-600/M4-82-020. The contractor may implement a stop at first positive strategy of analysis to conserve limited funding resources. All bulk sample analysis shall be conducted by laboratories who are accredited under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). The bulk samples resulting from the survey shall be managed or disposed of by the contractor in accordance with established federal and state rules and regulations. 3.2.5 Occupational Safety: The contractor shall perform survey activities in a manner that will protect the survey team and facility personnel from exposure to asbestos fibers. The contractor shall immediately notify the COR of any imminent asbestos hazards encountered during the course of the survey. The contractor shall likewise notify the COR of any areas where access should be limited and signs erected immediately to warn of asbestos health risks. 3.3 Reports: 3.3.1 ACM Sample Locations and Database: The contractor shall develop a database for tracking and reporting each sample taken. The bulk sample database shall include complete description of the sample location by building, floor, area, and room. The material sampled shall be fully described by type, color, and physical characteristics. The results of the analysis shall be reported indicating the type and percentage of asbestos found. 3.3.2 Asbestos Survey Data: The asbestos assessment report shall comply with 40 CFR 763.88. Under this survey contract the final report is to be provided in electronic format, Auto Cad files, and hard copy. The asbestos assessment database shall be created to be used as a tool capable of quickly identifying potential asbestos hazards within a building for a particular space and for a specific material. This system shall be capable of providing a visual and quantitative means of managing ACM by viewing data screens and CAD drawings. The system shall allow for planning options for abatement prioritization and quantity/man-hour/cost estimations. The system shall be capable of providing consolidated and individual building data, producing AHERA rating assessments, tracking of plant abatement actions, cost modeling estimates for abatement actions, fiscal budget projections, and shall allow data fields to be added later by the VA. Database: The data shall include, but not be limited to: building number, floor, location, sample number, homogenous areas, sample location and ACM locations in three dimensional coordinates within sampled spaces, quantity of material observed, accurate and understandable description of material, and AHERA ranking factors [reference 40 CFR 763.88]. The system shall be configured to be compatible with existing VA Software. Any new software being proposed must be approved for use on the VAMC by the site Information Management Specialist prior to installation. The contractor shall input previously performed asbestos survey data into the new database. The contractor shall also perform survey work for those areas at VAMC that the previous 1995 assessment identified as having questionable existing data. Confirmatory analysis will be performed on suspect materials not positively identifiable from the previous survey reports. 3.3.3 Auto Cad Files: Drawings shall be developed to provide a visual means of locating all accessible asbestos at the facility. The drawing layer scheme shall be developed in conjunction with the COR and the VA Cad Operator. The drawings shall show all boundaries used in describing locations, i.e. functional spaces. The drawings shall show all sample locations with positive sample locations highlighted. They shall show the location of all asbestos-containing materials. Floor tile and mastic shall be shown on a separate layer. Locations of pipe insulation need not be fully detailed but must at a minimum show the extent and approximate location in each room. 3.3.4 Photographs: The contractor shall take photographs of all sample locations and include in the final survey report summary to aid in future identification. In addition, the contractor will take photographs representative of the types of ACM found on-site. 3.3.5 Technical Report: The contractor shall write a technical report (separate from the survey database management system) summarizing asbestos survey results for all buildings. This report shall identify the buildings surveyed and summarize locations and condition of all confirmed and suspected ACM. Based on the volume, location and condition of the suspected and positively identified ACM, buildings shall be prioritized using the AHERA models on the data management system. Based on the AHERA rating, the contractor shall provide in the summary report a cost estimate for abatement. The cost estimate shall detail the assessment of material volume and location and shall indicate the unit cost basis used to develop the total cost estimate. The contractor shall provide interim operations and maintenance procedures for the priority sites identified. The Contractor shall develop the proposed report formats prior to beginning report preparation. To the maximum extent possible supporting data generated from the survey should be digitized and not listed in the technical reports. 3.3.6 Management Plans: The contractor shall review and provide an updated Asbestos Management Plan and Asbestos Operations and Maintenance Plan for the VAMC St. Cloud facility. The update shall be facility specific and include at a minimum, current: 1) State, Federal and VHA laws and regulations 2) maintenance and/or emergency repair procedures, 3) responsibilities for the VAMC designated person for managing these materials, 4) local, specific procedures to reduce the level of airborne asbestos fibers and exposure in areas where ACM must remain in place (or cannot be removed) for an extended period of time, 5) checklists, 6) procedures specifying conditions which may require notifications to building occupants, safety precautions, cleaning methods, disposal methods, etc., and 7) references to the asbestos inventories on the database. The Management Plan will be presented in a written manual and on Microsoft Word. 3.4 Asbestos Identification: This section applies mainly to asbestos-containing pipe insulation. When an asbestos-containing material is found and its limits identified, the material shall be marked or labeled in the field. Pipe insulation and fittings shall be stenciled in orange with the word ASBESTOS in 2 inch letters fittings may be spray painted orange. Labels according to 29 CFR 1926.1101(k)(8)shall be used to identify other ACM. 4.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT The contractor shall supply all personnel, material, equipment, transportation, etc. required to perform work described in this SOW. The contractor shall conduct management and planning functions during the course of the effort. The contractor shall plan activities, schedule activities and milestones, describe the status of resources, report on activity and progress toward accomplishing objectives, and document the results of project efforts. 4.1 Staff Organization and Responsibilities: The contractor shall provide all necessary personnel for the completion of this delivery order. 4.2 Submittals/Deliverables: 4.2.1 Reports: Work Plan: The contractor shall write a work plan detailing survey methods, work breakdown structure and timelines for work accomplishment. The work plan shall comply with all facilities directives in regards to access and infection control, including above-ceiling inspections. Care shall be taken to minimize disruption to clinical, patient and staff activities in the areas being surveyed. Sampling Strategy: The contractor shall develop with VA IH and COTR a sampling strategy that will result in the positive identification of all accessible asbestos-containing material and their limits. Survey Data: The contractor shall submit the survey data as part of an included in the database management system and software for the VAMC St. Cloud in accordance with SOW paragraph 3.3.2. Technical Report: The Technical Report for the VAMC St. Cloud shall be submitted in accordance with SOW paragraph 3.3.5. The proposed report format shall be submitted 30 days after the completion. VA comments on the report format shall be incorporated into the draft Technical Report. The draft and final reports shall be submitted along with the submittal of the database system and software as described in SOW paragraph Management Plans: The contractor shall submit the draft management plans for the Asbestos Management Plan, Asbestos Operation and Maintenance Plan for VAMC St. Cloud in accordance with SOW paragraphs 3.3.6 at the time of submittal of the Final Technical Report (SOW paragraph 4.2.2 Meetings, Conferences, Site Visits: Meetings. The contractor shall plan for and attend a kickoff meeting at the St. Cloud VAMC within 15 days from the date of award. This meeting will used to develop a work plan and to develop a sampling strategy to attain the goal of the VA to positively identify all accessible ACM and their limits. These meeting should take place after the initial site walk-through. The contractor shall plan for and attend a work plan and sampling strategy review meeting to assure all procedures and responsibilities are understood. The meeting shall be held within 30 days date of award. The contractor shall plan for and attend an informal review meeting held at the completion of sampling in each building. The participants shall include contractor site manager, VA COR, and VA IH. The purpose of these meetings will be to discuss the findings of the survey, identify materials found that may require additional sampling in order to pin down the exact extent/quantity of the particular material, and any other problems or concerns with the building. These meetings can also be used to discuss survey progress, support and logistical problems, and to review project completion timelines. The contractor shall plan for and attend a final report review and presentation meeting upon completion of the final report and system delivery at the VAMC St. Cloud. The Contractor shall prepare meeting minutes and briefing notes for all contractor meetings/teleconferences held between the Contractor and VAMC personnel. The contractor shall submit minutes within 3 calendar days of each meeting. Site Visits: The contractor shall perform site visits to the VAMC St. Cloud facility to accomplish the requirements of this delivery order. The contractor shall coordinate the visits with the VA IH and VA COR. The schedule for the site visits shall be proposed in the work plan (SOW Paragraph The contractor shall gather data/information and perform survey work necessary for the successful completion of the tasks described in this SOW. Site visit reports summarizing the project tasks addressed will include a list of contacts, a discussion of observations, data obtained and any accomplishments. 4.2.3 Training/Education/Briefings: Upon completion of the final Technical Report and database, the contractor shall provide sufficient training to the VA users in how to use and interpret the data and the report. If the report or data base is in a software format not currently used at the VA Medical Center, training must be provided in the use of the new software. 4.2.4 Photographs: Photographs shall be taken of all sample locations and be included in the final survey report. Photographs shall be digital type. 4.2.5 Deliverables: All hard copy deliverables shall be submitted on recycled content paper and printed double-sided. GOVERNMENT FURNISHED MATERIALS/INFORMATION 1. ASSISTANCE BY FACILITY ENGINEERS 1.1 VAMC Facilities Management will provide to the contractor the following items: One hard copy of C-Size record drawings for listed VAMC facilities; The Cad Files of the record drawings for the listed VAMC Facilities, one copy of the previous Asbestos Assessment for the facility (this copy will be on loan to the contractor), and an electronic copy of the past Asbestos Assessment. Any contract documents relating to past asbestos removal projects, when pertinent, will be made available. The contractor s survey team will require support from the project COR. The individual will be made available to support the team by arranging access to areas and restricted access areas. The individual will be the team s point of contact with all building managers and other organizations at the VA Medical Center. This person will be made available on an as needed basis for the duration of the survey. A set of keys to all mechanical rooms hospital-wide will be provided to the contractor s team for the duration of the survey. Contractor site personnel shall be responsible for restoring occasional visible sampling locations in occupied areas, to near original condition. (i.e., offices, family housing units, where samples cannot be taken in concealed locations.) This will require small amounts of touch up painting for a number of sampling locations. Support for this requirement will be supplied by the VAMC paint shop. 1.2 Public Health: As a result of the public interest and concern for issue revolving around asbestos, contractors could potentially be subjected to questions about the survey. All of the contractor personnel will refer all questions to the COR and/or IH/Safety offices since they cannot act as spokespersons for the VAMC. NOTE: THIS NOTICE WAS NOT POSTED TO FEDBIZOPPS ON THE DATE INDICATED IN THE NOTICE ITSELF (10-JUN-2019); HOWEVER, IT DID APPEAR IN THE FEDBIZOPPS FTP FEED ON THIS DATE. PLEASE CONTACT 877-472-3779 or REGARDING THIS ISSUE.
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