R -- Economic Reform Activity (ERA)
- Notice Date
- 11/20/2019 3:54:31 AM
- Notice Type
- Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
- 541990
— All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
- Contracting Office
- ZIP Code
- 20523
- Solicitation Number
- 72027819R00011
- Response Due
- 12/5/2019 8:00:00 AM
- Archive Date
- 12/20/2019
- Point of Contact
- Hourig DelDelian, Sr. Contracting Specialist , Michael Ashkouri, Contracting Officer
- E-Mail Address
- Description
- Solicitation Issuance Date: October 10, 2019 / 16:00 (Jordan Time)Previous Closing Date/Time for receipt of Technical and Cost proposals: November 25, 2019 / 16:00 (Jordan Time)New Closing Date/Time for receipt of Technical and Cost proposals: December 5, 2019 / 16:00 (Jordan Time)Subject: Amendment No. Three (3) to Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 72027819R00011The purpose of this Amendment to the subject RFP is to:1. Amend the RFP Closing Date/Time for receipt of Technical and Cost proposals toDecember 5, 2019 / 16:00 (Jordan Time)2. Responses to all timely questions received (Attachment One (1)) to this amendment.3. Provide Revision Two (2) to Attachment J.2, CASE STUDY and COST/PRICE EVALUATION MATRIX4. Provide Revision Two (2) to Attachment J.6, CONTRACTOR PAST PERFORMANCE REPORT5. Revise the following sections of the RFP: a. Delete Section B.5, FIXED FEE CEILING (Cost-Plus- Fixed-Fee Task Orders Only), in its entirety and replace it with the following in lieu thereof:“B.5 FIXED FEE CEILING (Cost-Plus- Fixed-Fee Task Orders Only)(a) For each cost-reimbursement task order issued under this IDIQ, the TOCO and Contractor agree to negotiate a set dollar amount for the fixed fee. In negotiating the fixed dollar amount for fee, the TOCO must consider the policies and factors for establishing fee in FAR 15.404-4 as well as any applicable USAID policy on establishing a fixed fee amount. In no event, however, may the amount of fixed fee in any individual task order exceed [negotiated approved ceiling percentage] of the task order’s estimated cost, excluding fee.This fee ceiling is not applicable to Grants under Contracts (GUCs), if any, or other costs that have a separate fee ceiling established in the contract. The fixed fee ceiling applies to the prime contract and all cost reimbursement subcontracts.Fees for CPIF or CPAF task order types will be negotiated by the TOCO at the time of task order award.(b) The Total Estimated Cost -Plus- Fixed- Fee for each Task Order must be negotiated in accordance with the terms of this contract.(c) Fixed Fee Payment. For any Task Order issued under this Contract, at the time of each payment of allowable costs to the contractor, the USAID paying office ordinarily pays the contractor a percentage of the fixed fee that directly corresponds to the percentage of allowable costs being paid. Three exceptions to paying fixed fee in this manner apply:(1) If the TOCO incorporates a performance based fixed fee payment schedule. (2) If the TOCO determines that this method results in paying a disproportionately higher ratio of fixed fee than the percentage of work that the contractor has completed, then the TOCO may suspend further payment of any fixed fee until the contractor has made sufficient progress to justify further payment, up to the agreed percentage.(3) Because the clauses entitled "Allowable Cost and Payment" (FAR 52.216-7) and "Fixed Fee" (FAR 52.216-8) are incorporated into this Contract, the terms and conditions of these clauses apply after total payments of fixed fee reach eighty-five percent (85%) of the total fixed fee.(d) Separate Fixed Fee Ceiling Applicable To Grants Under Contracts (GUCs) If a Letter of Credit has been issued to the Contractor for GUC expenditures only, in no event may the amount of fixed fee (if any) applicable to GUCs in any individual task order exceed [ ] percent (Offeror proposes ceiling percentage at the Task Order level) of the task order GUC cost.”b. Under Section B.6, Labor, subsection B.6.1, Unburdened Ceiling Daily Rates, delete paragraph (a) in its entirety and replace it with the following in lieu thereof:“(a) Unburdened Ceiling Daily Rates (“CDR”) apply to all labor (i.e., the prime contractor, subcontractor, Third Country Nationals (“TCNs”), Cooperating Country Nationals (“CCNs”), and consultant salaries) on cost-type task orders.” c. Under Section B.6, Labor, subsection B.6.1, Unburdened Ceiling Daily Rates, delete paragraph (h) in its entirety. d. Under Section B.6.3, Subcontractor Labor Rates, delete paragraphs (i) and (ii) in their entirety and replace them with the following in lieu thereof:“(i) Prime subcontracts with an approved subcontractor from the original IDIQ competition, the unburdened CDR’s for the prime contract apply to the subcontractor. (ii) Prime contracts with a new subcontractor not yet approved, the unburdened CDR’s for the prime contract apply to the new subcontractor.” e. Under Section H, SECTION H - SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS, delete provision H.31 in its entirety and replace it with the following in lieu thereof: “(a) Definitions. Base pay, or base salary, is defined as an employee’s basic compensation (salary) for services rendered. Income taxes are the responsibility, or liability, of the employee and are inclusive of, not additive to, base pay or salary. The base pay excludes benefits and allowances, bonuses, profit sharing arrangements, commissions, consultant fees, extra or overtime payments, overseas differential or quarters, cost of living or dependent education allowances. (b) Setting Salaries. The reasonableness of proposed salaries will be evaluated applying the factors set forth in the applicable cost principles (FAR Part 31), AIDAR 752.7007 and AIDAR 722.170. In addition to these factors, the Contracting Officer will consider the “market value” of each proposed position and the associated minimum qualifications as defined in the position description. The reasonableness of salaries or compensation will be determined by the Contracting Officer. (c) Salaries and wages must be reflective of the “market value” for each position. Salaries and wages may not exceed the contractor’s established policy and practice, including the contractor’s established pay scale for equivalent classifications of employees. (d) Replacement Staff. With the exception of key personnel, initial salaries of new staff replacing those previously approved in the contractor’s final proposal revision do not require prior approval by the Contracting Officer, provided that the following conditions are met: the position has been authorized in the contract; the proposed rate is reflective of the market value; and does not exceed the approved salary for the particular position in the final proposal revision. The contractor must obtain COR approval of the individual’s technical appropriateness to work on program activities.(e) Annual Salary Increases. Contractor employees may be granted a one-time annual increase after their completion of twelve months of satisfactory service. The annual salary increase may not exceed 3% per employee regardless of the annual escalation pool in the budget. Annual salary increases of any kind exceeding these limitations, or exceeding the maximum SES established rate (AWCPAS), the USAID CST or AIDAR 722.170, require the advance written approval of the Contracting Officer. (f) Salaries During TravelSalaries and wages paid while in travel status will not be reimbursed for a travel period greater than the time required for travel by the most direct and expeditious route possible.(g) Return of Overseas Employees Salaries and wages paid to an employee serving overseas who is discharged by the contractor for misconduct, inexcusable non-performance, or security reasons will in no event be reimbursed for a period which extends beyond the time required to return him/her promptly to his/her point of origin by the most direct and expeditious air route. (h) Work Week Non-overseas Employees - The length of the contractor's U.S., non-overseas employees workday shall be in accordance with the contractor's established policies and practices and shall not be less than 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week. Overseas Employees - The work week for the contractor's overseas employees shall not be less than 40 hours and shall be scheduled to coincide with the work week for those employees of the USAID Mission. Holidays taken by contractor’s overseas employees may not exceed those of the U.S. Mission, as published annually.”f. Under Section I, CONTRACT CLAUSES, delete Clause I.7, 52.216-19 ORDER LIMITATIONS (OCT 1995) in its entirety and replace it with the following in lieu thereof: “I. 7 52.216-19 ORDER LIMITATIONS (OCT 1995) (a) Minimum order. When the Government requires supplies or services covered by this contract in an amount of less than $75,000, the Government is not obligated to purchase, nor is the Contractor obligated to furnish, those supplies or services under the contract. (b) Maximum order. The Contractor is not obligated to honor—(1) Any order for a single item in excess of $150 million;(2) Any order for a combination of items in excess of $150 million; or(3) A series of orders from the same ordering office within 30 days that together call for quantities exceeding the limitation in paragraph (b)(1) or (2) of this section. (c) If this is a requirements contract (i.e., includes the Requirements clause at subsection 52.216- 21 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)), the Government is not required to order a part of any one requirement from the Contractor if that requirement exceeds the maximum-order limitations in paragraph (b) of this section. (d) Notwithstanding paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, the Contractor shall honor any order exceeding the maximum order limitations in paragraph (b), unless that order (or orders) is returned to the ordering office within [7] days after issuance, with written notice stating the Contractor’s intent not to ship the item (or items) called for and the reasons. Upon receiving this notice, the Government may acquire the supplies or services from another source.(End of clause)” g. Under Section L.5, Procedures for Offer Submission, delete paragraph (h) in its entirety and replace it with the following in lieu thereof: “(h) USAID prefers that the Offeror submit the technical and cost proposal as a single email attachment, respectively (e.g., consolidate the various parts of a technical proposal into a single document.). However, as an email should not exceed 25MB, the Offeror may send the proposal through multiple emails, indicating in the subject line of the email whether the e-mail relates to the technical or cost proposal and note the desired sequence of multiple emails and attachments (e.g., “Organization X, Cost Proposal, Part 1 of 4,” etc.). The Offeror must not send files in ZIP format. Links to documents stored the Cloud (i.e. Google Drive, One Drive) will not be accepted.” h. Delete Section L.7, Instructions for the preparation of the Past Performance Report, in its entirety and replace it with the following in lieu thereof: “L.7 Instructions for the preparation of the Past Performance Report (See Section M.4.2)[U1] (a) The Offeror must provide past performance information for itself and each major subcontractor (as defined in section L.8 below). 1. List no more than 3 of the most recent (defined as any activity performed within 3 years of the closing date for receipt of the Contractor Past Performance Information) and relevant contracts/agreements for efforts similar to the work in the subject proposal for the Offeror, as well as no more than 2 of the most recent and relevant contracts/agreements for each of the Major Subcontractors. The Offeror must provide the Past Performance Report in the standardized format provided in Attachment J.6, Past Performance Report and not materially differ from the information provided pursuant to Section L.5.b.The most relevant indicators of performance are contracts/agreements of similar scope and requiring similar provision of services, and similar technical complexity. The Offeror must provide a brief description of the work along with the results achieved. 2. Provide for each of the contracts/agreements listed above that are not in CPARS, a list of contact names, job titles, mailing addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and a description of the performance to include:• SOW or complexity/diversity of tasks;• Primary location(s) of work;• Term of performance;• Skills/expertise required;• Dollar value; and• Contract type, i.e., fixed-price, cost reimbursement, etc. (a) USAID recommends that the Offeror alert the contacts that their names have been submitted and that they are authorized to provide performance information concerning the listed contracts if USAID requests it. (b) If extraordinary problems affected any of the referenced contracts, provide a short explanation and the corrective action taken (FAR 15.305(a)(2)). (c) Describe any quality awards or certifications that indicate exceptional ability to provide the service or product described in the statement of work. This information is not included in the page limit. (d) Performance in Using Small Business (SB) Concerns (as defined in FAR 19.001). 1. This section (d) is not applicable to offers from small business concerns. 2. As part of the evaluation of performance in Section M.4.2 of this solicitation, USAID will evaluate the extent to which the offeror used and promoted the use of small business concerns under current and prior contracts. The evaluation will assess the extent small business concerns participated in these contracts relative to the size/value of the contracts, the complexity and variety of the work small business concerns performed, and compliance with the offeror’s SB subcontracting plan or other similar small business incentive programs set out in offeror’s contract(s). 3. In order for USAID to fully and fairly evaluate performance in this area, all offerors who are not small business concerns must do the following: (A) Provide a narrative summary of offeror’s use of small business concerns over the past three years. Describe how small businesses were employed--as subcontractors, as joint venture partners, through other teaming arrangements, etc. Explain the nature of the work small businesses performed--substantive technical professional services, administrative support, logistics support, etc. Describe the extent of offeror’s compliance with SB subcontracting plan(s) or other similar SB incentive programs in the Offeror’s contract(s) and explain any mitigating circumstances if goals were not achieved. (B) To supplement the narrative summary in (A), provide a list of three recent contracts for which offeror submitted subcontract reports to eSRS (FAR 52.219-9(d)(10)) and a copy of any similarly recent subcontracting reports if they were not submitted to eSRS. (C) Provide the names and addresses of three SB concerns for USAID to contact for their assessment of the offeror's performance in using SB concerns. Provide a brief summary of the type of work each SB concern provided to the offeror and the name of a contact person, his/her title, phone number, and email address. Format and Page Limitations. The Offeror must limit its Past Performance Report to a combined total of 12 pages, plus 2 additional pages when addressing the Utilization of Small Business.An additional page is allowed to capture the information required in Section L.7(a)(2), if applicable. USAID will not read or evaluate any of the pages which exceeds the page limit. A page in the Proposal that contains a table, chart, graph, etc., not otherwise excluded remains subject to the page limitation. The Offeror must write the Past Performance Proposal in English use A4 or 8 1/2" x 11" paper (210mm by 297mm), single spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font, with margins no less than one inch on each border, with each page numbered consecutively. Font size 9 is acceptable for graphics, text boxes and tables. Pages must be numbered consecutively.” i. Delete SectionL.8, Instructions for the Preparation of the Technical Approach Proposal, in its entirety and replace it with the following in lieu thereof:“L.8 Instructions for the Preparation of the Technical Approach Proposal: The technical approach proposal must be entirely separate from the cost proposal and it must not include cost information in the content of the technical approach proposal. The technical approach proposal must be organized by the technical evaluation criteria listed in Section M.4.1. In the case only major subcontractors are required for the proposal submission, the definitions is provided below: Major subcontractors are those expected to perform at least 20% or a prominent part of the technical effort. All major subcontractors will need approval by the IDIQ CO in accordance with FAR part 52.244-2 and part 44.202-2. L.8.1.a Organization of the Technical Approach Proposal a) Technical Approach Proposal Outline and Page limitations: The Offeror must organize the Technical Approach Proposal to correspond with the technical evaluation factors specified in Section M. Therefore, the Offeror must organize the Technical Approach Proposal in the following manner:I. Cover Page (not to exceed 1 page, does not count toward page limits)II. Table of Contents (as appropriate, does not count toward page limits)III. List of Acronyms (as appropriate, does not count toward page limits)IV. Executive Summary (not to exceed 2 pages, pagination must start on page 1 of the Executive Summary)V. Corporate Capability and Experience (not to exceed 18 pages)Format and Page Limitations. The Offeror must limit its Technical Approach Proposal to a combined total of 20 pages, exclusive of the Contractor Past Performance which is to be submitted separately per section L.7and other pages not subject to the page limitation, as defined below. USAID will not read or evaluate any of the pages after Page 20.A page in the Technical Approach Proposal that contains a table, chart, graph, etc., not otherwise excluded the below paragraph (b) remains subject to the page limitation.The Offeror must write the Technical Approach Proposal in English use A4 or 8 1/2" x 11" paper (210mm by 297mm), single spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font, with margins no less than one inch on each border, with each page numbered consecutively, beginning with the first page of the Executive Summary. Font size 9 is acceptable for graphics, text boxes and tables. Pages must be numbered consecutively.b) Page Limitation Exclusions. The following do not count towards the page limitation:i) Cover page must not exceed 1 page and must include the following:• RFP number;• Name of organization(s) submitting proposal;• Name and title of contact person with the organization;• Name and title of person with authority to negotiate;• Email address; telephone numbers; postal and physical addresses;• Name of proposed team members involved in the proposal;• DUNS number; and• Indication as to which classification the Offeror is bidding for under the IDIQ, Large or Small Business Set-Aside.ii) Table of Contents must list, at a minimum, the main sections and page numbers in the proposaliii) List of Acronyms Used - as appropriateThis section must detail acronyms used throughout the proposal; however, an acronym must first be spelled out in full the first time it appears in the proposal.iv) Dividers - as appropriate, any content included on divider pages will not be evaluatedL.8.1.b Content of the Technical Approach Proposal:The Technical Approach Proposal must be well-written, logical, and concise. The Offeror must organize the Technical Approach Proposal in accordance with Section L.8.1 through SectionL.8.3. The Technical Approach Proposal must address all of the evaluation factors identified in Section M.4.1. This section must include the following sub-sections: A. Corporate Capability and Experience (See Section M.4.1) The Offeror must detail and highlight its capabilities in the sub-sections below, as appropriate.(a) Team Composition. The Offeror must detail the team composition and demonstrate the team’s expertise in the provision of services in the following areas: (i) Economic Reform, (ii) Private Sector Competitiveness (including Business Enabling Environment, Exports, and Investment), and (iii) Flexible Design and Implementation.The Offeror may establish teaming arrangement in any manner it finds appropriate given the IDIQ service areas requirements in Section C. USAID encourages a lean team structure that minimizes management burden and is nimble and responsive. The Offeror should emphasize organizational ability and experience over specific personnel. To the greatest extent possible, the Offeror must strategically maximize its utilization of local and regional expertise and capacity.(b) Gender Approach Relative to Economic Reform and the Business Enabling Environment. Women are the key untapped natural resource in Jordan. The Offeror and its team must demonstrate their capability and approach to innovatively, meaningfully, and realistically weave gender considerations relative to economic reform and the business enabling environment throughout all objectives.(c) Technical Implementation Capacity: The Offeror must describe and demonstrate its expertise and experience in providing Technical Assistance (TA) to analyze, advance, and implement key complex economic reforms and demonstrate key understanding of the Jordan context. The Offeror must describe and demonstrate its expertise, understanding of, and experience in relevant areas of increasing inclusive private sector competitiveness (including those relative to the business enabling environment, exports, and investment). The Offeror will propose approaches on co-work planning, engage with other Task Order Contractors, and other related USAID economic development activities. (d) Project Management Experience and Plan. The Offeror must describe its management approach to addressing the key subject areas in Section C and its capacity to: assemble technical assistance teams, including subcontractors, place them in the field in a timely manner, and provide them with all necessary support and oversight; simultaneously manage multiple task orders involving collaborative efforts drawing upon multi-disciplinary skills; recruit, retain, and manage a cross-sectoral team comprised of both local and international experts, in-country subcontractors, and private sector entities. B. Technical Proposal AnnexesNo Technical Proposal Annexes are requested or will be evaluated. “j. Under Section L.9, delete Part 11, Legislative Reporting Information in its entirety and replace it with the following In lieu thereof: “Part 11 - Legislative Reporting Information Provide the following information in a separate page; this information will be used for Congressional reporting if your organization is selected: ? The Offeror’s name and address (street, city, state, zip code). In the case of commodity awards, please indicate the place or places of U.S. production if known. ? The awardee's contact name and telephone number. ? The following subcontract information: the total value of anticipated subcontracting included in the total estimated cost or price.” k. Under Section M, EVALUATION FACTORS FOR AWARD, subsection M.4.1, Offeror Corporate Capability and Experience (See Section L.8.1.b(A)), delete paragraph (c) in its entirety and replace it with the following in lieu thereof:“(c) Technical Implementation Capacity: USAID will evaluate the Offeror on its expertise and experience in providing Technical Assistance (TA) to analyze, advance, and implement key complex economic reforms and demonstrate key understanding of the Jordan context. USAID will evaluate the extent to which the Offeror describes and demonstrates its expertise, understanding of, and experience in relevant areas of increasing inclusive private sector competitiveness (including those relative to the business enabling environment, exports, and investment). USAID will evaluate how the Offeror would approach co-work planning, engage with other Task Order Contractors, and other related USAID economic development activities.”There are no other changes to this RFP.This RFP in no way obligates USAID to award a contract nor does it commit USAID to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal. Award of a Contract under this RFP is subject to availability of funds and other internal USAID approvals.This RFP and subsequent amendments can be viewed and downloaded from . USAID bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes. USAID advises to regularly check the above website for amendments.Sincerely,/S/Michael Ashkouri, Esq.Supervisory Contracting OfficerUSAID/JordanSolicitation Issuance Date: October 10, 2019 / 16:00 (Jordan Time)Closing Date/Time for receipt of Technical and Cost proposals:November 25, 2019 / 16:00 (Jordan Time)Subject: Amendment No. Two (2) to Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 72027819R00011The purpose of this Amendment to the subject RFP is to partially respond to questions received and revise the affected sections of the RFP as follows:1. Provide Revision One (1) to Attachment J.2, CASE STUDY and COST/PRICE EVALUATION MATRIX2. Provide Revision One (1) to Attachment J.6, CONTRACTOR PAST PERFORMANCE REPORT3. Under Section B.6, Labor, delete Tables One (1) and Three (3) in their entirety and replace them with the following in lieu thereof:“Table 1. Labor Categories Labor CategoriesUnburdened CDR (Senior- Level)Unburdened CDR (Mid- Level)Unburdened CDR (Junior- Level)Chief of Party$N/AN/AComponent Leader$N/AN/ASubject Matter Expert$$N/AOfficer$$$Support SpecialistN/A$$Table 3: Minimum Qualifications for Labor Categories: Labor CategoriesSeniorMidJuniorRelevant Work Experience Only (years)Relevant Work Experience Only (years)Relevant Work Experience Only (years)Chief of Party10N/AN/AComponent Leader8N/AN/ASubject Matter Expert85N/AOfficer532Support SpecialistN/A30”4. Under Section B.7, Indirect Costs and Advanced Understanding of Ceilings:a. Delete the “Note” in its entirety and replace it with the following in lieu thereof:“Note: The unshaded columns in Table 4 are the current approved indirect cost rates for the prime contractor”b. Delete paragraph (c) in its entirety and replace it with the following in lieu thereof:“(c) The Contractor must not change its established method of classifying or allocating indirect costs without the prior written approval of the Contracting Officer.”5. Delete Clause I.6, Ordering, in its entirety and replace it with the following in lieu thereof: “I.6 52.216-18 ORDERING (OCT 1995)(a) Any supplies and services to be furnished under this contract shall be ordered by issuance of delivery orders or task orders by the individuals or activities designated in the Schedule. Such orders may be issued from [TBD at Award] through [TBD at Award]. (b) All delivery orders or task orders are subject to the terms and conditions of this contract. In the event of conflict between a delivery order or task order and this contract, the contract shall control. (c) If mailed, a delivery order or task order is considered “issued” when the Government deposits the order in the mail. Orders may be issued orally, by facsimile, or by electronic commerce methods only if authorized in the Schedule. (End of Clause)”A subsequent amendment will be issued to respond to the remaining questions.There are no other changes to this RFP.This RFP in no way obligates USAID to award a contract nor does it commit USAID to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a proposal. Award of a Contract under this RFP is subject to availability of funds and other internal USAID approvals.This RFP and subsequent amendments can be viewed and downloaded from USAID bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes. USAID advises to regularly check the above website for amendments.Sincerely, /S/Michael Ashkouri, Esq.Supervisory Contracting OfficerUSAID/Jordan
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