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99 -- Exploration Extravehicular Activity (xEVA) Production and Services

Notice Date
5/6/2020 2:18:09 PM
Notice Type
Sources Sought
336419 — Other Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
2/26/2020 10:00:00 AM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Vance Benton, Phone: 281.792.7978
E-Mail Address
This is modification 2 to 80JSC020xEVAPS.� The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC), is pleased to release the Draft Statement of Work (SOW) for the anticipated Exploration Extravehicular Activity Production and Services (xEVAPS) contract.� NASA is seeking comments regarding potential acquisition strategies. Additionally released is the Industry Day Presentation. NASA originally requested feedback on the xEVAPS overall procurement strategy through the xEVAPS Request for Information (RFI), issued in�October 2019. In continuing our dialogue with industry, we would appreciate further feedback you have on the Draft SOW that will help NASA achieve our goal to effectively procure the hardware production, sustaining engineering, and mission operations for the xEVA System. All responses shall be submitted in writing via e-mail to the Contracting Officer listed at the end of this synopsis on or before May 22, 2020, at 1:00 pm Central Time. Unique features that offerors should note regarding the xEVAPS contract include the following: The xEVAPS contract is anticipated to be structured into four (4) CLINs. It is anticipated that CLIN I and CLIN IV will be single award. It is anticipated that CLIN II and CLIN III will be Multiple-Award. It is anticipated that CLIN I will have Core and IDIQ scope. It is anticipated that CLIN II and CLIN III will be IDIQ scope only. It is anticipated that CLIN IV will be Core scope only. It is anticipated that CLIN I will function as the Integrator of information and data across all four (4) CLINS. It is anticipated that CLIN II will have both an on-ramp and off-ramp option. It is anticipated that CLIN III will have both an on-ramp and off-ramp option. It is anticipated that all contractors will generate, maintain, and store all data related to the work performed under the xEVAPS contract in a Collaborative Data Environment developed and administered under CLIN IV of the contract. It is anticipated that CLIN I, CLIN II and CLIN III of the xEVAPS acquisition will be assigned the North American Industry Classification System code 336419, Other Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing.� The size standard is 1000 employees. It is anticipated that CLIN IV of the xEVAPS acquisition will be assigned the North American Industry Classification System code 541512, Computer System Design Services.� The size standard is $30 million. Areas where we would appreciate specific feedback to meet our goal and to promote understanding of the requirement include: Contemplated Contract CLIN structure Provide recommendation and/or potential drawbacks related to the contemplated contract structure. Provide advantages and disadvantages to dividing CLIN II and CLIN III into separate multiple-award vendor pools. Collaborative Data Environment How would Industry approach developing and working in a collaborative environment to execute the requirements in the statement of work? Earned Value Management (EVM) Provide recommendations and/or potential drawbacks related to the use of EVM on the xEVAPS contract. Provide recommendations for tailored EVM based on xEVAPS requirements. Program Requirements Given that new Programs are being stood up and many requirements currently do not exist, how can the government reduce the uncertainty associated with proposed costs? Potential Organizational Conflicts of Interest (OCI) associated with the xEVAPS contract. Provide feedback regarding any Potential Organizational Conflicts of Interest. In addition to responses regarding the Draft SOW, NASA/JSC would also like to request information from industry regarding potential organizational conflicts of interest (OCI) arising from the xEVAPS contract. The nature of the work anticipated under the may create the potential for OCI as currently described in FAR Subpart 9.5. Each interested party should review FAR Subpart 9.5 considering NASA�s anticipation of OCI issues and consider carefully the extent to which an OCI may arise before making the decision to compete for the xEVAPS contract. xEVAPS OCI issues include: (1) Unequal access to nonpublic information of the type that may provide the xEVAPS contractor(s) an unfair competitive advantage in a later competition for a government procurement contract; (2) The contractor(s) may be required to inspect, evaluate, access, critique, review, or perform other similar services with respect to products or services provided by the contractor under other NASA contracts; (3) Potential impaired objectivity if the xEVAPS contractor(s) or potential subcontractors are assessing data developed by themselves, related companies (e.g., affiliates, joint ventures, partnerships, etc.), or subcontractors. A link to the NASA Guide on Organizational Conflicts of Interest is https://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/procurement/OCIGuide.pdf. Please reference this document for additional information about NASA�s policies with respect to OCI issues. Interested parties are requested to address the following questions: 1. What type(s) of OCI issues would your company or potential team identify, if any, should you choose to propose on the xEVAPS contract? 2. What strategies would you anticipate proposing to mitigate the OCI issues that you identified (if any)? Please provide strategy details, previous examples/experience with other contracts with NASA or other agencies, etc. 3. Are there any other types of potential OCI issues with the proposed xEVAPS contract that were not identified in this RFI? 4. Does your company foresee any OCI issues associated with the xEVAPS contract that would cause you to decide not to propose on the potential xEVAPS RFP? NASA will review any responses received regarding potential OCI and each offeror�s proposed OCI mitigation strategy. NASA will respond to each company who submits a mitigation strategy. NASA�s response will simply be an attempt to examine circumstances which might lead to or eliminate an OCI and is not intended to serve as a confirmation that, in fact, all potential OCI have been identified, an OCI will ultimately exist, or that an interested party is capable of successfully eliminating or mitigating an identified OCI. NASA�s response is also not intended to encourage or discourage any interested party from responding to an RFP issued for xEVAPS contract in the future. Furthermore, NASA�s response in no way alters or interprets FAR 9.5 as it applies to a final statement of work or a final proposal submission, should an interested party elect to submit a proposal to an RFP for xEVAPS. After the initial OCI submission and NASA�s response, the Government will not consider further information as it relates to this RFI. This synopsis is for information and planning purposes, to allow industry the opportunity to comment, and to promote competition only.� This is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government, nor will the Government pay for information solicited.� In accordance with FAR 15.201(e), responses to this notice are not offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract.� Respondents will not be notified of the results of the evaluation.� The Government is under no obligation to issue a solicitation or to award any contract on the basis of this request for information/synopsis.� The Government intends to review the responses submitted by industry.� No evaluation letters and/or results will be issued to the respondents.� The data will not be shared outside the Government, but may be used to develop future requirements, refine requirements, and/or develop the best approach for any contract strategy, and therefore such information may be recognizable to the interested party who submitted it. If a respondent believes their response contains confidential, proprietary, competition-sensitive, or business information, those questions or comments shall be marked appropriately. Please do not submit proprietary information.� Data that is marked as proprietary will not be reviewed.� Any information submitted that is marked as �Confidential Commercial or Financial Information� will be considered as voluntarily submitted in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. However, questions that are marked as containing confidential, proprietary, competition sensitive or business information will not be provided a Government response. Questions and comments are highly encouraged. Questions and comments submitted in response to the Draft SOW will be separated from, and have no bearing on, subsequent evaluation of proposals submitted in response to any resulting solicitation Eligibility in participating in a future acquisition does not depend upon a response to this notice. This Draft SOW should not be used by offerors to market their products/services.
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