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Y -- Maintenance Dredging of Jamaica Bay, New York Federal Navigation Project

Notice Date
1/13/2021 1:23:51 PM
Notice Type
237990 — Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction
Contracting Office
New York New York NY 10278-0090
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
1/28/2021 12:00:00 AM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Adrian J Stafford-Browne, Phone: 9177908087, Nicholas P. Emanuel, Phone: 9177908069
E-Mail Address
adrian.j.stafford-browne@usace.army.mil, Nicholas.P.Emanuel@usace.army.mil
(adrian.j.stafford-browne@usace.army.mil, Nicholas.P.Emanuel@usace.army.mil)
The New York District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) proposes to perform maintenance dredging of the Jamaica Bay Federal� Navigation Project, Rockaway Inlet, New York with subsequent placement of the� dredged� sand� for beneficial use at the Rockaway Ocean Sand Borrow Area West (ROSBA-West). The proposed maintenance dredging would remove approximately 500,000 cubic yards (CY)� of selected critical shoals from the Jamaica Bay (Rockaway Inlet) Channel. Dredging in this channel would be required to a depth of -20 feet Mean Lower Low Water� (MLLW) plus 1-foot allowable overdepth. The proposed dredged material consists�� of� predominantly sand. Based on past dredging cycles, it is recommended that� the� proposed� work� be performed by utilizing either a hopper dredge or mechanical dredge with a clamshell bucket. Additionally, multiple ocean-going barges and tugboats may be needed� to perform the work at the required production rate of� at least� 5,000 CY per� calendar� day� of work. The dredged material would be required to meet� all� federal,� state,� and� approved local criteria required by� the government� agencies having jurisdiction� where the dredging and placement sites are located. Once the contract is awarded, the contractor will be required to commence work within five (5) calendar days after the date of receipt by� him� of� the notice to proceed (NTP), and maintain an integrated production rate of� at least� 5,000 cubic� yards per� calendar� day for the dredging, transportation and placement of the material. The presence of dredging equipment in the channel will impact ship traffic, and it is� necessary� to� maintain this production rate while minimizing the duration of this impact. The work is estimated to cost between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000. Due to restrictions found in the water quality� certificate, dredging is prohibited from� February� 15 � May 20� of any calendar year. Liquidated Damages of $2,505.00 per calendar day of delay will be assessed to the contractor until all work under the contract is accepted as complete. This is an unrestricted Procurement.
Web Link
SAM.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: NY, USA
Country: USA
SN05891233-F 20210115/210113230105 (samdaily.us)
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