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16 -- F-16 Harness Multiple Award IDIQ Acquisition

Notice Date
1/15/2021 6:12:53 AM
Notice Type
336413 — Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
10/16/2020 3:00:00 PM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Laurie Auernig, Corey Muir
E-Mail Address
laurie.auernig@us.af.mil, Corey.Muir@us.af.mil
(laurie.auernig@us.af.mil, Corey.Muir@us.af.mil)
Small Business Set-Aside
SBA Total Small Business Set-Aside (FAR 19.5)
A.� 21 May 2020.� This is a DRAFT RFP.� Any information pertaining to the following needs to be submitted by Monday, 22 June 2020, 2:00 PM (MST).� 1.� Offerors that need to obtain the following documents to provide a proposal for the F-16 Harness Solicitation # FA8232-20-R-3000 will need to contract LM Aero to enter into a PIA to obtain these documents. 16PR15634 Rev b 16PR15635 Rev d 16PR15636 Rev c The LM Aero Contracts POC for this activity is Mr. Kameron Turner (kameron.m.turner@lmco.com).� The data will be provided under the conditions of a Proprietary Information Agreement (PIA) and the competitors may contact Mr. Turner directly to complete the PIA process. Once the PIA process is complete, Carole Johnson will then distribute the copy to that individual supplier POC via the Secure Information Exchange (SIE) application under solicitation number subject line with the instruction: The attachments are provided for _xxx_ use in responding to Solicitation No. FA8232-20-R-3000 and should be handled in accordance with PIA Control No. _xxx_. 2.� Offerors are highly encouraged to fully review this DRAFT RFP package and provide a list of any referenced documents (that would be required for the offeror to submit a complete proposal) that are included within the solicitation and any attachments, but are not physically attached to this DRAFT RFP package. � 3.� Offerors are highly encouraged to look carefully at the DRAFT delivery schedules that are included in the DRAFT sample task.� If the offeror may not be able to propose to these DRAFT delivery schedules, it is highly encouraged to submit a response stating the reasons why these DRAFT delivery schedules are not obtainable and provide recommended delivery schedules with rationale of why these dates should be considered for the final RFP.� Offerors will not be allowed to recommend different delivery schedules when the final RFP is released.� The DRAFT is the time for potential offerors to provide recommendations/rationale. 4.� Offerors are �highly encouraged to review the DRAFT sample task technical data packages to review all the parts/part numbers and provide a list of alternate parts/part numbers and rationale why the original parts/part numbers cannot be supplied.� Offerors may not be allowed to recommend different parts/part numbers when the final RFP is released.� The DRAFT is the time for potential offerors to provide recommendations/rationale. 5.� The Government�s current plan is to allow 45 days for proposal submissions following the release of the final RFP.� If there are issues with this, Offerors are requested to provide rationale as to why a longer duration would be needed.� 6.� Offerors are highly encouraged to review all documents and provide feedback, comments and/or questions.� B.� 22 May 2020.� The purpose of this posting is also to provide a�synopsis/presolicitation notice�in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 5.204/5.207.� See ""Harness Presolicitation Notice"" attachment for details.� C. 8 June 2020.� The purpose of this posting is to update the Lockheed Martin POC from Mr. Tom Fowler to Mr. Kameron Turner.� See Paragraph A for the updated information.�� D. 29 September 2020.� The purpose of this posting is to respond to questions received on the Draft Harness Solicitation.�� 1.� As mentioned in the initial post, the Government is looking for feedback related to schedule and any other relevant information that vendors can provide. �Please reference the original post for specifics.� Vendors will have until Friday, 16 October 2020, 4:00 PM (MST) to provide a response.� 2.� See attached �F-16 Draft RFP Harness Q&A (1 � 21) Response_29Sep20� document for responses to questions received.� 3.� The additional requested documents requested by prospective offerors are attached.� Interested vendors will need to submit a Beta SAM Explicit Access Request in order to access these documents. 4.� Regarding the three documents (16PR15634, Rev. B, 16PR15635, Rev. D, and 16PR15636, Rev. C) owned by Lockheed Martin (LM), each individual who will have access to the documents must complete and sign a Proprietary Information Agreement (PIA) in order to obtain access to the documents.� The PIA template titled �Harness_PIA_Template� is attached.� The POCs for providing the completed PIA(s) to are Mr. Corey Muir (corey.muir@us.af.mil) and Ms. Laurie Auernig (laurie.auernig@us.af.mil). Note: If a company has a single POC requesting the data and additional people within the company will have/need access to the documents, then that POC cannot forward or provide access to the documents until a PIA has been executed and provided to the F-16 Contracting Office POCs for each of those individuals.� Prospective offerors will need to submit an explicit access request in Beta SAM for these documents.� However, the Government will not approve access until the PIA(s) are fully executed with all applicable individuals.� 5.� The PIA referenced in Paragraph 3 will cover only pre-award.� Successful offerors will need to sign a separate Technical Data License (TDL) with LM at award.� A draft of the TDL titled ""Draft Technical Data License for F16 Wiring Harness Awardee"" is attached for the information and reference of prospective offerors.� 6.� Please Note: The solicitation number will change from FA8232-20-R-3000 to FA8232-21-R-0001 prior to official issuance of the solicitation since solicitation issuance will take place in FY21 and not FY20.� E.� 30 September 2020.� The purpose of this posting is to delete the ""Special License Agreement (SLA)"" document that was posted by mistake.� Instead, it has been replaced with a draft ""Technical Data License"" document titled ""Draft Technical Data License for F16 Wiring Harness Awardee.""� This document is just provided for reference as only successful offerors�will need to complete this document at award.���� F.� 28 October 2020.� The purpose of this posting is to provide additional documents requested.� The documents are provided for reference purposes only and the draft RFP is not being extended at this time.� The file name is ""Additional Documents Requested 2.zip.""�� G.� 15 January 2021.� The purpose of this posting is to provide answers to questions received and provide additional documents requested.� The documents are provided for reference purposes only and the draft RFP is not being extended.� The file name for the Q&A is ""F-16 Draft RFP Harness_Questions_22_thru_24_Response_15Jan21.pdf."" The file name for the additional documents requested is ""Additional Documents Requested 3.zip.""� Note: The official FA8232-21-R-0001 solicitation is anticipated to be issued shortly.��
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SAM.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: USA
Country: USA
SN05893599-F 20210117/210115230108 (samdaily.us)
SAM.gov Link to This Notice
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