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99 -- Industry Day - American River Common Features � Sacramento River and American River Erosion Contracts

Notice Date
1/22/2021 5:03:29 PM
Notice Type
Special Notice
237 —
Contracting Office
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Solicitation Number
Response Due
2/4/2021 10:00:00 AM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Melissa A. DeNigris, Phone: 9165575137, DeAnna Wagner, Phone: 9165576690
E-Mail Address
Melissa.a.denigris@usace.army.mil, DeAnna.L.Wagner@usace.army.mil
(Melissa.a.denigris@usace.army.mil, DeAnna.L.Wagner@usace.army.mil)
The American River Common Features (ARCF) Program will be holding a virtual industry day on Thursday, 4 February, 2021 at 1:00 PM (PST).� The ARCF Program was authorized to address levee seepage, stability, overtopping and erosion to improve levee safety for the city of Sacramento. The overall objective of the erosion projects is to reduce the risk of levee failure from an erosion related levee breach. The Industry Day event will focus on upcoming erosion contracts, including four contracts each on the Sacramento and American rivers.� These projects will improve up to nine (9) miles of levee bank along the Sacramento River, East Levee as far north as Captains Table Road south to el Vado Court and up to 11 miles of levee bank American River levee between River Bend Park and the confluence with the Sacramento River.� The levee improvements will utilize a combination of techniques, such as launchable rock trenches, rock sills with planting benches, instream woody material, and other erosion control methods.� The goal of the program is to have all erosion construction complete by September 2024. The work along the American River may involve excavation of as much as 1.6 million cubic yards of material, and placement of up to 1.5 million tons of rock and 750,000 cubic yards of soil fill.� American River Contract 1, planned for 2022-2023, consists of Site 2-1 which extends along the left bank from Glenn Hall Park to roughly 1,000 feet upstream of the H Street Bridge.� The work includes roughly 5,500 feet of stream bank protection and stabilization of the existing levee to protect critical infrastructure against the effects of erosion during large flood events. The work involves: clearing, grubbing, and stripping; protecting-in-place vegetation, existing facilities, and structures not scheduled for removal; earthwork, including import of earthen materials; construction of stone protection structures; installation of planting benches and instream wood structures; planting and seeding. Work areas will be accessed from upland staging areas and haul routes. American River Contract 2, planned for 2022-2023, consist of three sites. Site 2-2 is approximately 1,200 feet long on the right bank at the Howe Avenue Bridge. Site 2-3 is approximately 6,600 feet long on the right bank and extends from the downstream side of the Campus Commons Golf Course upstream to the buried river pipe crossing of the Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District's two sewer force mains. The work at these two sites will excavate and stabilize the bank, install erosion protection features and install onsite environmental mitigation. The final site is referenced as the Arden Pond Ecosystem Restoration Project and is located upstream of Site 2-2 and Site 2-3 at Arden Pond in the William B. Pond Recreation Area.� The Arden Pond site is intended to provide habitat to mitigate the impacts of Sites 2-2 and 2-3.� Significant amounts of soil excavated from Site 2-3 will be hauled to and placed at the Arden Pond site for use as fill.� Managing three sites and the associated hauling is expected to provide significant logistical effort. Overall the work involves, but is not limited to: clearing, grubbing, and stripping within the construction limits; protecting-in-place vegetation, existing facilities, and structures not scheduled for removal; earthwork; import of rock materials; import, export, and transfer of earthen materials; construction of stone protection structures shown on the Drawings, installation of planting benches, instream wood structures and willow cuttings; grass seeding and erosion control; replacement of existing infrastructure disturbed or relocated by construction, and all incidental related work.� Work areas would be accessed from upland staging areas and haul routes. The Sacramento River rock staging and placement would be largely conducted from barge.� The work in total along the Sacramento River may involve excavation of as much as 63,000 cubic yards of material, and placement of up to 1.3 million tons of rock and 100,000 cubic yards of soil fill.� Sacramento River Contract 1, planned 2022, consists of one river segment of 1,100 linear feet of levee erosion protection.� The site is located near Rio lane and the Westin Sacramento.� The work involves grubbing, earthwork, construction of stone protection structures with in-stream woody material, installation of soil filled planting benches and seeding.� Material volumes/qualities needed for this contract include approximately 24,000 cubic yards of quarry stone, 1,000 cubic yards of soil, 190 trees for in-stream woody material, 11,980 square feet of seeding, beaver barrier fence and erosion control material.� Vegetation, existing facilities, and structures not scheduled for removal shall be protecting-in-place. � Sacramento River Contract 2, planned for 2022-2023, is comprised of 11 segments (not continuous), up to 3.4 total miles, starting at the northern extent of Leiva Park south to Garcia Bend Park.� This work includes grubbing, earthwork, construction of stone protection structures with in-stream woody material, installation of soil filled planting benches and seeding.� Material volumes/qualities needed for this contract include approximately: 415,000 cy of 400 lb rock, 7,350 cy soil filled rip-rap, 53,230 cy of silt/loam/clay soil, 14,800 square yards of articulated concrete mat, 14 acres of seed, 35,000 plants, and over 500 trees for in-stream woody material. Sacramento River Contract 3, planned for 2023-2024, may be up to 5 segments and 3 miles. Sacramento River Contract 4, planned for 2024, consists of one segment and up to 0.5 river miles. All work on the American River will be conducted within the American River parkway, a popular recreational area for local residents.� It is also a federally and state listed Wild and Scenic River with a native fishery of listed Chinook Salmon. Other Federal species impacted among the 8 erosion contracts may include, depending on site, but are not limited to the Yellow Billed Cuckoo, Delta Smelt, Green Sturgeon and the Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle. Therefore, a key consideration for this work is the mitigation of environmental impacts and meeting permit requirements.� Work occurring below the ordinary high water line is considered, �in water work� which is limited to July through October.� The area is surrounded by highly used recreation areas, suburban residences and businesses.� It is expected that construction will inevitably cause some disruption of nearby recreation areas, residents and businesses, and the Government wishes to minimize disruption as much as reasonably possible.� The contractor will be expected to provide traffic control and detours; temporary utilities to minimize impacts during construction; restrict construction to all appropriate seasonal, weekly, and daily construction windows; and implement best-practice mitigations for noise, light, dust, vibration, and other construction impacts. The Government anticipates that each construction contract, from Notice to Proceed to Construction complete and contractor de-mobilization, will require anywhere between one to three construction seasons.� There will be two sessions of the industry day. �The first session will include a project presentation.All interested parties are invited to attend the program presentation 1:00 PM (PST) on Thursday, 4 February, 2021 via webex below.� The second session will include meetings with individual interested parties. �In these one-on-one meetings, USACE will solicit comments and feedback from the program presentation.� If you would like to participate in a one-on-one session, please email your name and company to Melissa.A.DeNigris@usace.army.mil. We will coordinate a date and time with your company approximately one-two weeks after session one. �� https://usace1.webex.com/usace1/j.php?MTID=mb36a3ce47875a14563eef3dfb027a33f Join by phone� 1-844-800-2712 US Toll Free� Technical questions/comments may be submitted via Bidder Inquiry in ProjNet at https://www.projnet.org/projnet. However, please note the Bidder Inquiry System will only be used to receive contractor comments/feedback and the Government will not provide responses to industry. 1. To submit and review questions, contractors will need to be a current registered user or self-register into the system.� To self-register go to the aforementioned web page and click on the QUICK ADD link.� Select agency as USACE, and enter the Bidder Inquiry Key for this notice listed below, your e-mail address, and then click continue.� Fill in all required information and click Add User. 2.�From this page you may view all questions or add an inquiry.� 3.�Contractors will receive an acknowledgement of their question via e-mail �4. The Notice number is: �W91238-21-S-0013����� �����The Bidder Inquiry Key is:�9T9FI4-F4SZ8N���� The Bidder Inquiry System will be unavailable for new inquiries/comments after 5 March 2021.�
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Place of Performance
Address: Sacramento, CA, USA
Country: USA
SN05897679-F 20210124/210122230057 (samdaily.us)
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