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99 -- Air Force Digital Campaign Virtual Industry Exchange Day- UPDATE

Notice Date
2/23/2021 9:02:41 AM
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Special Notice
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Response Due
11/13/2020 2:00:00 PM
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Jason Cadek
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**UPDATE 2/23/2021** The Air Force has completed its review of industry comments/feedback and has updated the DE features matrix as well as�the associated slide deck introducing the concept and its application. We appreciate all the feedback received as it helped the team enhance the product and make it more useful for teams to consider. The revised documents which are now being utilized by the Digital Campaign are included with this posting. Note: As this effort is an evolving process it is likely that additional changes will be made and addtional products could be developed. In the event of any major revision or additional documentation, the Air Force will utilize this post to share the updated information.� **UPDATE 12/16/2020** The Air Force appreciates all the vendor feedback received in response to the RFI and is currently in the process of analyzing each of the vendor�s response packages.� The Air Force intends to take all inputs into consideration and will revise documents as necessary.� Air Force estimates that it will post revised documents by 1 Feb 21.� **UPDATE 10/14/2020** The AFMC Digital Campaign effort includes defining a standard set of Digital Engineering features that acquisition team members select from to meet their overall acquisition goals and objectives.� Prototype, demonstration system, and commercial buys may require a modest set of DE features while major acquisitions for enduring product lines may require a full set of DE features.� Acquisitions in between may require a different set of DE features. Materials for Review: The AFMC Digital Campaign has produced a set of slides to explain the concept and use of DE features from Acquisition Strategy to Contract award.� The associated Excel file contains a list of the 23 DE features, their description, and potential choices an acquirer could make if the feature is needed.� Another tab identifies potential SOW language, by feature, that could be integrated into an overall SOW.� The other tabs identify reference language used in the excel and the source of the DE feature information. Context for the Materials for Review: The AFMC Digital Campaign intends to continue developing this DE feature-based acquisition approach by adding CDRLs/DIDs to the SOW paragraphs and identify any key standards needed (for example those necessary for digital information exchange).� A next step is to provide three digital acquisition examples; DE/model-supported, DE/model-collaborative, and DE/model-centric of current programs using the features and choices.� Other planned steps include identified DE enabled CDRLs/DIDs and to provide training.� Consideration is being given to conduct an Industry Exchange Day to communicate the approach more fully and to further request feedback. We request feedback on the approach: Review the list of Key DE Features provided in the �Key Features� tab.� Identify any items that are missing from the list. Review the DE Feature Descriptions in the list of Key DE features provided in the �Key Features� tab.� Identify any differences from the terminology that you believe is commonly used to describe these features. Review the possible Feature Choices for each Key DE Feature.� Identify any additional choices the Government may need to make for that feature. Would a future Industry Exchange Day on this topic be desired and if so, what additional information on the approach would be helpful? We welcome specific recommendations on the slides and excel file content, but it is important to realize these are a living set of draft documents and they will likely change as further information/requirements are gathered. Please use the RFI Comment Form (in attachments) to supply your comments to our team. **UPDATE 8/31/2020** The Honorable Dr. Will Roper, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (SAF/AQ), and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) Commander General Bunch, will virtually host an Air Force Digital Campaign Industry Exchange day on 21 September 2020 via Microsoft Teams Live Event.� The Department of the Air Force intends to digitally transform the acquisition lifecycle to create an ecosystem with the speed and agility needed to compete in the 21st Century battlespace.� This will be achieved through a systematic employment of Digital Engineering capabilities coupled with Agile Software Development and Open System Architectures.� This event will highlight digital engineering activities of select exemplar programs to scale lessons learned, best practices, and results across the enterprise.� The goals are to inform industry and academia on the overall Department of the Air Force Digital Transformation vision and strategy, share how the Air Force and Space Force expects to conduct future business, and request feedback, partnerships, and collaborations to move the Department and its partners towards one digital future. The Air Force Digital Campaign plans on conducting these Industry Exchange events on a continuous basis and updating industry and academia on the progress and breakthroughs being made.�� For those that have not registered or to receive a calendar invite, please register through [https://www.eventbrite.com/o/air-force-digital-campaign-31053208429] preferably one week prior to the Digital Campaign Virtual Industry Exchange Day, but no later than two days prior.� Note: registration may need to be completed on personal computers.� Material for the meeting will be on [https://www.afmc.af.mil/digital/] website.� Please log into the meeting with company, academia, or media name, and contact information (phone and email). *We apologize for any inconvenience, but we are delaying the AFMC Digital Campaign Virtual Industry Exchange Day (new date will be forthcoming).� The primary reason for delay is to bring in the entire enterprise.� Sorry for the late notice � please continue to visit the AFMC Digital Campaign website��https://www.afmc.af.mil/digital/�for updates.� Also, if you have any questions please email�hqafmcen.digitalcampaign@us.af.mil.� Again, we apologize and look forward to the future event.* The Air Force Digital Campaign, led by Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) Commander General Bunch and Major General Cooley, will host an AFMC Digtial Campaign�Virtual Industry Exchange�Day on 30 July 2020 via CVR Microsoft Teams.�� AFMC�s top priority is to transition the Air Force lifecycle enterprise to implement a modern technology solution to manage Air Force technical baselines.� A Digital Campaign has been established to deliver capabilities at ever increasing speed and efficiency by designing, sustaining, and modernizing them in an integrated digital environment.� The Digital Campaign consists of 6 Line of Efforts (LOEs) where each has a specific Champion and lead responsible for forming teams and driving the Air Force to accomplish the LOE objectives.� The Digital Campaign Virtual Industry Exchange Day goals are:� 1) brief Academia and Industry on the overall Digital Campaign Strategy, by LOE leads, to prepare them for the future of how the Air Force expects to conduct business, 2) Request feedback (via a questionnaire) and gather comments regarding the government�s strategy.� Overall, the USAF wants Academia and Industry to understand and discuss the digital strategy and expectations for future contracts including any insight on the strategy that is mutually beneficial to all.� �The AFMC Digital Campaign plans on conducting these AFMC Digital Campaign Industry Exchange �events every 6 months to a year and updating Academia and Industry on the progress and breakthroughs being made. ��Attendees will also be required to register through [https://www.eventbrite.com/o/air-force-materiel-command-afmc-30524375330]�preferable 1 week prior to the Virtual Industry Exchange�Day, but no later than 2 days prior.� Note: registration may�need to be completed on personal device.� Material for the meeting will be on [https://www.afmc.af.mil/digital/] website.� Please log into the meeting with academia,�company, or media name, and contact information (phone and email)
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