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13 -- FY23-27 60mm/81mm HF-1 and non HF-1 Mortar Shell Bodies Production (Market Survey)

Notice Date
4/23/2021 10:00:59 AM
Notice Type
Sources Sought
332993 — Ammunition (except Small Arms) Manufacturing
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
4/23/2021 2:00:00 PM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Benjamin L. Blalock, Phone: 9737245226, Kim M. Potempa Niedosik, Phone: 9737243927
E-Mail Address
benjamin.l.blalock3.civ@mail.mil, kim.m.potempaniedosik.civ@mail.mil
(benjamin.l.blalock3.civ@mail.mil, kim.m.potempaniedosik.civ@mail.mil)
The U.S. Army Contracting Command�New Jersey (ACC-NJ), Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000, on behalf of the Office of the Project Manager Combat Ammunition Systems (OPM-CAS), is conducting a market survey to identify potential sources capable of providing the following items: 60mm M720A1/M768/M720A2/M768A1 High Explosive (HE) HF-1 (High Fragmentation) Mortar Shell Bodies (referred to as �60mm HF-1 shell bodies�) 81mm M821/M889 HE HF-1 Mortar Shell Bodies (referred to as �81mm HF-1 shell bodies�) 81mm M821A4 HE HF-1 Mortar Shell Bodies (referred to as �81mm M821A4 shell bodies�) 81mm M879A1 Full Range Practice Cartridge (FRPC) Mortar Shell Bodies (referred to as �81mm M879A1 shell bodies�) 60mm M722/M722A1 Smoke Mortar Shell Bodies (referred to as �60mm M722/M722A1 shell bodies�) 60mm M769 FRPC Mortar Shell Bodies (referred to as �60mm M769 shell bodies�) The purpose of this survey is to obtain current information on the capability of potential sources to provide these products to the warfighter in support of Fiscal Year (FY)23 through FY27 requirements. The 60mm HF-1 shell body is a forged shell body made of HF-1 (High Fragmentation) steel.� The body contains internal threads at the nose to accept the M734A1 or M783 Fuze, with plastic adapter, and external threads at the rear to accept the M27 Fin Assembly.� The 60mm HF-1 shell body is painted olive drab on the exterior. The 81mm HF-1 shell body is a forged shell body made of HF-1 (High Fragmentation) steel.� The body contains internal threads at the nose to accept the M734A1, M783, or M935 Fuze, with plastic adapter, and external threads at the rear to accept the M24 Fin Assembly.� The 81mm HF-1 shell body is painted olive drab on the exterior. The 81mm M821A4 shell body is a forged shell body made of HF-1 (High Fragmentation) steel.� The body contains internal threads at the nose to accept the M734A1 Fuze, with plastic adapter, external threads at the nose to accept a cowling, and external threads at the rear to accept the M24 Fin Assembly.� The 81mm M821A4 shell body is painted olive drab on the exterior. The 81mm M879A1 shell body is a forged shell body made of 1340 steel. The body contains internal threads at the nose to accept the M781 Fuze, external threads at the rear to accept the M24 Fin Assembly, and six vent holes on the aft end. The M879A1 shell body is painted blue on the exterior. The 60mm M722/M722A1 shell body is a forged shell body made of non HF-1 (High Fragmentation) steel. The body contains a press-fit surface at the nose to accept the M216 Burster and external threads at the rear to accept the M27 Fin Assembly.� The 60mm M722/M722A1 shell body is painted light green on the exterior. The 60mm M769 shell body is a forged shell body made of 1340 steel. The body contains internal threads at the nose to accept the M775 Training Fuze, external threads at the rear to accept the M27 Fin Assembly, and four vent holes on the aft end. The 60mm shell body is painted blue on the exterior. Technical Data Packages (TDPs) may be made available through the Procuring Contracting Officer upon request, and after submission of a valid DD2345 and signed Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA), per the JPEO Policy of TDPs.� The TDP that may be provided as a result of this market survey will be uncertified and is subject to change upon the certification process, prior to the Request for Proposal (RFP). To be considered as a capable source for this effort, all interested parties must submit the requested information as follows: Provide evidence of capabilities including an ability to produce the 60mm HF-1 shell bodies at a rate of 10,000 units per month, 81mm HF-1 shell bodies at a rate of 10,000 units per month, and 81mm M821A4 shell bodies at a rate of 10,000 units per month concurrently; Provide evidence of capabilities including an ability to produce the 60mm Non-HF1 shell bodies at a rate of 10,000 units per month, 81mm Non-HF1 shell bodies at a rate of 10,000 units per month, concurrently; Manufacturing experience with Mortar Shell Bodies or similar items within the past 3 years; Description of facilities, personnel and environmental compliance as it relates to the above technical services; Provide evidence of Quality Assurance and Reliability programs to support these technical services; and Provide their name, address, point of contact, telephone, email, and size of business.� � All contractors interested in this potential future solicitation must be registered in the System of Award Management (SAM).� � This is a market survey for planning purposes only and shall not be construed as a RFP or as an obligation on the part of the Government. The Government does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this market survey.� All submissions are requested to be made within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of this publication at no cost to the Government.� All information submitted will be held in a confidential status.� The maximum allowable page limit to the market survey response shall be no more than 15 pages in length.� The requested information should be sent to Benjamin Blalock,� benjamin.l.blalock3.civ@mail.mil.
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