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70 -- AdaCore CodePeer native toolset for automatic code review and validation for x86 GNU Windows (64 bits) native for up to 15 users (SACE) and AdaCore CodePeer native for up to 25 users in Support of Advanced Field Artillery Data System (AFATDS)

Notice Date
4/28/2021 9:32:52 AM
Notice Type
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
541519 — Other Computer Related Services
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
4/30/2021 3:00:00 PM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Tran Thuy Ngoc Nguyen, Shawn Jamerson
E-Mail Address
tranthuyngoc.nguyen.civ@mail.mil, shawn.l.jamerson.civ@mail.mil
(tranthuyngoc.nguyen.civ@mail.mil, shawn.l.jamerson.civ@mail.mil)
A. DESCRIPTION: The AdaCore CodePeer software is necessary for continued Cybersecurity for C3T and AFATDS programs. AdaCore CodePeer native toolset is a development and compiler environment that includes a software compiler, debugger, tools and libraries for the Ada programming language and provides source code analysis. The Government has a requirement for software: a. that can develop and sustain cyber secure applications in addition to creating functionally acceptable code; b. capability to assess a program and determine potential bugs before it is executed; c. source code analyzer that detects run-time and logic errors; d. must run on Windows and Linux platforms. Specified items: Adacore CodePeer native toolset for autocode review and val for x86 Windows (64 bits) native/for up to 15 users - AdaCore -4162 -Quantity 1 Adacore CodePeer native toolset for autocode review and val for x86 GNU Linux(64 bits) native/for up to 15 users - AdaCore - 4162 - Quantity 1 Adacore CodePeer native toolset for automatic code review and validation for x86 Windows (64 bits) native up to 25 users AdaCore � 4167� - Quantity 1 Adacore CodePeer native toolset for automatic code review and validation for x86 GNU Linux (64 bits) native up to 25 users - AdaCore � 4167� - Quantity 1 This effort will consist of one (1) year base period of performance starting 15 May 2021 - 14 May 2022 and 2 one-year-options: 15 May 2022 - 14 May 2023 and 15 May 2023 - 14 May 2024. Further details are�specified in the file ""B01 Adacore Combined Synopsis Solicitation"" attached hereto. B. INSTRUCTIONS TO QUOTERS B.1� SUBMISSION OF QUOTATION GUIDELINES: The quotation shall be prepared and written in a clear, concise and legible manner. In addition, the quotation shall be written in English and must be specific and complete as described in these instructions. Adherence to the prescribed format is required. Failure to provide a quotation in compliance with the instructions specified in this RFQ may render the Contractor�s quotation non-compliant. If a contractor�s quotation is deemed non-compliant, the quotation may not be further evaluated and may not be further considered for award. All information pertaining to a particular volume shall be confined to that volume. For example, no price information shall be included in any volume other than the price volume. The Government is not required to, and will not, search other volumes for a missing file or missing information. No classified material shall appear anywhere within the quotation. Submission of a quotation shall be on an all or none basis. Partial quotations are not acceptable and shall not be evaluated. Contractor must be registered in the System for Award Management and have a Commercial and Government Entity Code. Digital Microsoft Word files and Microsoft Excel files shall be compatible with Microsoft Office 2013 Please note: Do not lock or password protect any file (e.g., *.doc, *.pps, *.xls, *.txt,*.msg). Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format) Files: Scanned documents must be legible and shall have the ability to be viewed in Adobe Acrobat. Compressed (e.g., *.zip) and executable files (e.g., *.bat, *.exe, *.jar, *.vb, *.wsf) will NOT be accepted. The Government�s required method of quotation submission is through email. NOTE: The Government will not accept any hard copies, facsimile, or CDs/DVDs. B.2� SUBMISSION OF QUOTATION FORMAT: Submission of a quote shall provide the following separate volumes broken out as follows: Cover Letter, Technical Response and Pricing Response. The following paragraphs provide submission instructions for Technical and Price. Cover Letter � This shall include the name of the Contractor�s representative authorized to commit the Contractor to contractual obligations, position title, telephone number, and electronic mail address of that individual; Paragraph K � Acknowledgement of Letter RFQ Amendments; and Paragraph M � Quotation Validity Date; Contractor CAGE Code, DUNS Number and business type / size. Volume One: Technical Response �{Contractor} Technical Response. Volume Two: Pricing Response �{Contractor} Pricing Response B.2.a Volume One: Technical Response The contractor must confirm the ability to provide ALL of the proprietary brand name items specified in paragraph A above.� All quotes should indicate the part numbers specified under the Product Description in paragraph A above. Any deviations from the Part Numbers specified shall be explained in the contractor response. The contractor must confirm the ability to meet the requirement and delivery date specified in paragraph A above. PROVIDE A COPY OF END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT(s) OR SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE ITEMS LISTED ABOVE. If no agreement exists clearly state that in the provided quote. Do not submit this information via a link. No exceptions to paragraph A will be accepted. B.2.b� Volume Two: Pricing Response Provide pricing for each line item identified in paragraph A above, Published Commercial Price, if applicable. The contractor must provide pricing for all items specified in paragraph A above. Pricing may be proposed with discounts�as more competitive pricing is always preferred. Quotes should separately identify any applicable costs associated with meeting the delivery instructions. The Government reserves the right to require the submission of any data (i.e. other than certified cost and pricing data) necessary to validate the reasonableness of any quoted price. Evaluation of options does not obligate the Government to exercise the option. C. EVALUATION METHODOLGY: TECHNICAL: The evaluation shall consist of the response to Paragraph B.2.a. Any exceptions taken to the requirements may deem the contractor ineligible for award. PRICING: Prices will be evaluated by adding the extended total price for the base period and each option period to arrive at a total evaluated price. The Government will evaluate the prices to determine if the prices appear to be fair and reasonable utilizing proposal analysis techniques consistent with FAR 15.404-1 and 15.403-3. Evaluation of options does not obligate the Government to exercise the options. D. BASIS FOR AWARD: A single FFP contract will be awarded on a Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA) �basis. The evaluation will be based upon the base year and any awarded options. The offeror must also be responsive, and responsible. To receive award, the awardee must propose ALL of the stated items under the terms specified in paragraph A above to be determined technically acceptable. A technically acceptable rating must be achieved and have the lowest price. Award will be made on the basis of determining fair and reasonableness of the total evaluated price, contractor responsibility in accordance with FAR Part 9, and compliance with the terms of the letter RFQ. �In order to be determined compliant with the terms of the letter RFQ, the following apply: (1) the quote shall meet the minimum technical specifications as identified in Paragraph A and Paragraph B.2; (2) the quote shall include the information required in Paragraph F below; and (3) the quoter shall have acknowledged any letter RFQ amendments as required by Paragraph K. It is the intention of the Government to award without meaningful exchanges with the quoter, but the Government reserves the right to conduct meaningful exchanges if determined to be in the best interest of the Government. For price evaluation purposes, the Government may seek other than cost and pricing data as necessary to aid in the establish fair and reasonableness of software pricing. E. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Except as provided herein and in the file B01 Adacore Combined Synopsis Solicitation attached hereto, all other terms and conditions of the solicitation number W56JSR21Q0024 shall apply. F. ADDITIONAL REQUIRED INFORMATION: A dedicated Point of Contact(s) is required. This shall include the POCs telephone number and email address. In order to be eligible for consideration for this competition, you must currently have a Letter of Authorized Reseller in place containing the above listed items. G. CLAUSES: Contract Clauses/Provisions: FAR/DFARS ��������������������� Description 52.204-7 ���������������� System for Award Management (Oct 2018) 52.204-16 �������������� Commercial and Government Entity Code Reporting (Jul 2018) 52.204-18 �������������� Commercial and Government Entity Code Maintenance (Jul 2016) 52.204-19 �������������� Incorporation by Reference of Representations and Certifications (Dec 2016) 52.204-24��������������� Representation Regarding Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment.(Dec 2019) 52.204-25 �������������� Prohibition on Contracting for Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment. (Aug 2019) 52.204-26��������������� Covered Telecommunications Equipment or Services- Representations 52.212-1������������������ Instructions to Offerors � Commercial Items 52.212-2 ���������������� Evaluations � Commercial Items 52.212-3 ���������������� Offeror Representation and Certifications � Commercial Items 52.212-4 ���������������� Contract Terms and Conditions�Commercial Items (Oct 2018) 52.212-5 ���������������� Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive Orders � Commercial Items (Deviation 2018-00021) (Sep 2018) 52.217-4 ���������������� Evaluation of Options Exercised At Time of Contract Award (Jun 1988) 52.217-5 ���������������� Evaluation of Options (Jul 1990) 52.217-9������������������ Option to Extend the Term of the Contract (Mar 2000) 52.222-3 ���������������� Convict Labor (JUN 2003) (E.O. 11755) 52.222-19 �������������� Child Labor Cooperation with Authorities and Remedies (Jan 2018) 52.222-21 �������������� Prohibition of Segregated Facilities (April 2015) 52.222-26 �������������� Equal Opportunity (Sept. 2016) (E.O. 11246)) 52.222-36 �������������� Equal Opportunity for Workers with Disabilities (July 2014) (29 U.S.C. 793) 52.222-50 �������������� Combatting Trafficking in Persons (Jan 2019) 52.232-8������������������ Discount for Prompt Payment (Feb 2002) 52.232-23��������������� Assignment of Claims (JAN 1986) � Alternate I (APR 1984) 52.232.33 �������������� Payments by Electronic Funds Transfer�System for Award Management (Oct 2018) 52.232-39 �������������� Unenforceability of Unauthorized Obligations (June 2013) 52.233-1������������������ Disputes (Jul 2002) 52.233-2 ���������������� Service of Protest (SEP 2006) 52.233-3 ���������������� Protest After Award (Aug. 1996) 52.233-4 ���������������� Applicable Law for Breach of Contract Claim (Oct 2004) 52.242-15��������������� Stop-Work Order (AUG 1989) 52.246-2������������������ Inspection of Supplies � Fixed Price (AUG 1996) 52.246-16��������������� Responsibility for Supplies (APR 1984) 52.252-1 ���������������� Solicitation Provision Incorporated by Reference 252.203-7000 ������� Requirements Relating to Compensation of Former DOD Officials (Sept. 2011). 252.204-7015 ������� Notice of Authorized Disclosure of Information for Litigation Support (May 2016) 252.204-7018 ������� PROHIBITION ON THE ACQUISITION OF COVERED DEFENSE TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT OR SERVICES 252.232-7003 �������� Electronic Submission of Payment Requests and Receiving Reports 252.232-7006 �������� Wide Area Workflow Payment Instructions 252.232-7010 ������� Levies on Contract Modifications (Dec 2006) 252.239-7098��������� PROHIBITION ON CONTRACTING TO MAINTAIN OR ESTABLISH A COMPUTER NETWORK UNLESS SUCH NETWORK IS DESIGNED TO BLOCK ACCESS TO CERTAIN WEBSITES--REPRESENTATION (DEVIATION 2021-O0003) 252.243-7001 ������� Pricing of Contract Modifications (Dec 1991) 252.243-7002 ������� Requests for Equitable Adjustment (Dec 2012) H. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE: Inspection and Acceptance shall be Destination/Destination. Inspection Official and Address are identified below: DODAAC: W81B81����������� ���������������� ���������������� Attn: Mrs. Monica Herbert������������������������ Software Engineering Center - Aberdeen�������� ����������������������� 6585 Surveillance Loop, D4-342A Pod 14�������������������������������� Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005�������������������������� monica.p.herbert.civ@mail.mil��������������������������� (443) 861-8491������ Acceptance Official and Address are identified below: DODAAC: W56JSR Attn: Shawn Jamerson Army Contract Center - Division E 6565 Surveillance Loop Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005 Shawn.L.Jamerson.civ@mail.mil ����������� I. DELIVERY: Delivery terms for contract deliverables are to be quoted FOB Destination to: �DODAAC: W81B81��������� ���������������� ���������������� Attn: Mrs. Monica Herbert������������������������ Software Engineering Center - Aberdeen�������� ����������������������� 6585 Surveillance Loop, D4-342A Pod 14�������������������������������� Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005�������������������������� monica.p.herbert.civ@mail.mil��������������������������� (443) 861-8491 J. QUESTIONS:� Vendors shall submit questions regarding this Letter RFQ electronically to the Contract Specialist, Tran Thuy Ngoc Nguyen, Email: tranthuyngoc.nguyen.civ@mail.mil and Contracting Officer, Shawn Jamerson, Email: �shawn.l.jamerson.civ@mail.mil by 1200 Eastern Standard Time on 27 April 2021. K. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF LETTER RFQ AMENDMENT(S): Should an amendment be issued against this RFQ, the vendor shall acknowledge each amendment. Acknowledgement of all amendments shall be made part of the quotation submittal. If an amendment is issued after the quotation submission date, the vendor shall acknowledge by providing it as part of the revised quotation submission or by email. Amendment acknowledgement shall reference the Letter RFQ and the respective amendment number. Submission shall be submitted electronically to the POCs as identified in paragraph M of this Letter RFQ. L. DUE DATE AND TIME FOR QUOTE SUBMISSION:� The due date and time for quotation submission is 12:00 Eastern Standard Time on 29th April 2021. Submissions, including technical and pricing volumes shall be submitted electronically to the Contract Specialist, Tran Thuy Ngoc Nguyen, Email: tranthuyngoc.nguyen.civ@mail.mil and Contracting Officer, Shawn Jamerson, Email: shawn.l.jamerson.civ@mail.mil M. QUOTATION VALIDITY: Quotation shall be valid for 90 days from the required submission date. A redacted Memorandum for Record - Limiting Competition at or below the Simplified Acquisition Threshold is also attached hereto.
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