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Y -- FOLLOW UP QUESTIONS TO INDUSTRY; DRAFT SOLICITATION FOR REVIEW & MARKET SURVEY -Project: Chamber Floor and Wall Repairs at the Chicago Harbor Lock, Chicago, IL

Notice Date
5/13/2021 5:59:36 PM
Notice Type
Sources Sought
237990 — Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
5/20/2021 2:30:00 PM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Ericka D. Hillard, Phone: 3128465378, Fax: 3128865475, Regina G. Blair, Phone: 3128465371, Fax: 3128865475
E-Mail Address
ericka.d.hillard@usace.army.mil, regina.g.blair@usace.army.mil
(ericka.d.hillard@usace.army.mil, regina.g.blair@usace.army.mil)
Effective May 13, 2021, the USACE-Chicago District has posted follow up questions relative to the previously issued sources sought notice, which is embedded hereunder.��Accordingly, please provide us with responses to the following 5�questions to aid in our market research efforts for this critical upcoming project.� Any and all responses would be greatly appreciated!� Capability statements/example projects�are very welcomed, but not neccessary for a reply! - Thanking you in advance, Regina Blair, Contracting Officer 1. Does your company have construction experience constructing underwater marine monolithic concrete structures? 2. Does your company have construction experience with installation of cast-in-place (CIP) concrete in winter weather months above- and under water using the tremie method? 3. Does your company have construction experience with CIP concrete underwater using the tremie methods, accounting for stabilizing reinforcing steel prior to concrete pours under water? 4. Does your company have construction experience with rock anchors installation underwater? 5. Please note, the USACE will be changing the solicitation type to a negotiated procurement (Request for Proposals), wherein requesting technical and price proposals.� Would your company be interested in providing a proposal package if the solicitation were advertised in June 2021? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attached herein is a draft Solicitation, numbered �W912P621B0015,� which is not provided for bidding purposes.� We are requesting that interested parties thoroughly review the Draft Solicitation and provide any comments, questions, suggested changes, and feedback in table format using the attached �Comments Form� (excel spreadsheet).� When commenting on any area of the solicitation/specs/ or drawing sheets, please be sure to list the Section/Section Number, Page Number, Clause and/or applicable Provision Title.� Note: We do not anticipate posting responses to any comments, questions, suggested changes, and/or feedback received; however, all input will be considered in developing the Final Solicitation. Additionally, the Draft Solicitation is subject to change in the development of the Final Solicitation package. This notice also serves as a Market Survey/Sources Sought Notice, whereby the USACE-Chicago District intends to determine the extent of firms that are engaged in providing the services described hereunder for the Chicago Harbor Lock Chamber Floor and Wall Repair. The responses to this Notice will be used for planning purposes for an upcoming procurement. Therefore, this Notice does not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Invitation for Bid (IFB); it does not guarantee the future issue of a RFP or IFB; nor does it commit the government to contract for any supply or service whatsoever. Further, this Agency will not accept unsolicited proposals. Respondents are advised that this Agency will not pay for any information or administrative cost incurred in response to this Notice; all costs associated with responding to this Notice will be solely at the responding party's expense. At this time, proprietary information is not being requested, and respondents shall refrain from providing proprietary information in response to this Notice. Responses to this Notice will not be returned. Please be advised that all submissions become Government property and will not be returned. Not responding to this Notice does not preclude participation in any future IFB, if any is issued. In accordance with FAR 15.201(e), responses to this notice are not offers and cannot be accepted by the U.S Government to form a binding contract. It is the responsibility of the interested parties to monitor this site for additional information pertaining to this Notice. GOVERNMENT REQUIREMENTS:� The United States Army Corp of Engineers, Chicago District is preparing to conduct maintenance work on the floor and walls of the Chicago Lock Harbor to prevent further deterioration and ultimately unsafe conditions. The purpose of the required maintenance work is to create a secure and durable floor to prevent scour and ensure the north and south walls of the lock chamber will withstand forces from extreme weather and impacts from vessels passing the lock chamber. The concrete floor was constructed in 1938 and consists of approximately 250 precast concrete panels, 6x27 ft in size and 8 inches thickness. These panels have been displaced over the years and there are scour holes developed at various locations. The proposed repair work for the floor will consist of the removal of the existing broken and dislodged precast concrete floor panels and ballast blocks. The existing floor base will be dredged to allow for placement of new concrete floor.� Reinforced cast-in-Place (CIP) concrete, 22� depth, will be placed over a 6� bedding layer using tremie methods. The contractor will be required to design the appropriate concrete mix for construction in accordance to the performance requirements outlined in the specifications. Rock anchors will be used to secure the concrete floor to bedrock. This repair work will be done under wet conditions. All scour holes will be filled prior to placement of concrete. The Chicago Lock concrete walls were built in the late 1930s with a sheet pile system and 16� CIP walls cantilevered to the sheet pile system. The proposed work for the walls is to remove an approximately 8-inch thick layer of the existing concrete wall and resurface the them with new CIP concrete. Wall repair work will be done behind a cofferdam to create a dry working area approximately 10x24x14 feet in size. Additionally, 1200 feet of replacement railing, new bollards, cleat replacement, and installation of chains for railing gaps are included in the scope of work. COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT SOLICITATION AND TECHICAL SPECIFICATIONS: - Please use the attached �COMMENTS FORM.�� - see the Attachments Section of this Notice. � MARKET SURVEY�INFORMATION: This Agency requests that interested contractors complete the following questions to assist the government in its efforts. 1. Firm�s name and BUSINESS SIZE, address, point of contact, phone number, and e-mail address: 2. Is your company currently ""active"" at the System for Award Management (http://www.sam.gov)? If not, does it plan to register? Contractors are now REQUIRED to be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) AT THE TIME ITS BID IS SUBMITTED to comply with the annual representations and certifications requirements (Reference: FAR Subpart 4.1102 � Policy (a)).� 3. In consideration of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code 237990, with a small business size in dollars of $39.5M, which of the following small business categories is your business classified under, if any? Small Business, Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business, Small Disadvantaged Business, Woman-Owned Small Business, HUBZone Small Business, or 8(a) Small Business. 4. Is your firm capable of obtaining a performance and payment bond for a construction project valued over $10,000,000 million? 5. Is your firm interested in performing as a subcontractor or prime? 6. Does the interested vendor have experience in the work described for this project? If so, how many years? 7. In the consideration of the aforementioned government requirements, if your firm were to see an advertisement for this planned procurement within the next two to three�months, would your firm be interested in providing a bid? SUBMISSION OF RESPONSES: Respondents interested in providing a response to this Notice shall provide their submittals to Ericka Hillard prior to 4:30 p.m. (Central Time) on 20�May, 2021, via email to: ericka.d.hillard@usace.army.mil (ensure that the number & title of the Sources Sought Notice of ""W912P621S0016, Chamber Floor and Wall Repairs at the Chicago Harbor Lock,� is included in the subject line of the email). Any electronic files (EMAIL) CANNOT EXCEED this Agency's size limit of 20MB (includes email and its attachment); files exceeding this size will be denied access to Ms. Hillard�s email inbox. NEGATIVE REPLIES ARE WELCOMED.
Web Link
SAM.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: Chicago, IL, USA
Country: USA
SN06001790-F 20210515/210513230126 (samdaily.us)
SAM.gov Link to This Notice
(may not be valid after Archive Date)

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