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A -- Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Medical Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Medical Countermeasures Efforts Under Procurement Contracts, Grants, Cooperative Agreements, And Prototypes Under other Transactions Agreements

Notice Date
6/2/2021 8:36:19 AM
Notice Type
Special Notice
541715 — Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Nanotechnology and Biotechnology)
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
6/1/2022 4:01:00 PM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Richard Totten, Contracting Officer, Phone: 3016192446
E-Mail Address
****MCS BAA 17-01, Amendment 0009, is hereby issued to supplement those Areas of Interest in BAA Section VII and/or Section VIII and is hereto attached to this announcement. The POC for this amendment is listed below.**** ****MCS BAA 17-01 Amendment 0008 is hereby issued to extend the closing date of this solicitation from 1 Jun 2021, to 1 Jun 2022. The POC for this amendment is listed below.**** ****MCS BAA 17-01 Amendment 0007 is hereby attached to this announcement, replacing Section VII.C.2 in its entirety, and Section VIII.A.11 in its entirety. The POC for this amendment is listed below.**** *****MCS BAA 17-01 Amendment 0006 is hereby attached to this announcement, replacing Amendment 00005 in its entirety. The POC for this Amendment is listed below.***** *****MCS BAA 17-01 Amendment 00005 is hereby revised to extend the consideration date of paragraph ""e"" from 20 Oct 2020, to 30 Oct 2020***** *****MCS BAA 17-01 Amendment 0005 is hereby added to this announcement to incorporate changes to Section VIII.3 by adding paragraph e, and Appendix A.� Amendment 0005 is attached to this announcemnt. POC for this Amendment is listed below.***** ***************************************************************************************************************** The general delivery mailbox for preproposal and proposal submission has been changed to usarmy.detrick.dod-jpeo-cbrnd.mbx.baa@mail.mil. The following sections/paragraphs are hereby revised: Section I.A.8 Section III.F.1 Section VIII.A.2 Section VIII.B.1.a Point of Contact for all Areas of Interest is Richard Totten at richard.w.totten2.civ@mail.mil unless otherwise delineated within the BAA. ******************************************************************************************************************* ****MCS-BAA-17-01 is hereby amended to add paragraphs Section VII.B.7, and Section VII.C.6 as amendment 0001. Amendment 0001 is separately attached**** ****MCS-BAA-17-01 is hereby amended to incorporate changes identified in amendment 0002, hereby attached to this announcement**** ****MCS BAA-17-01 is hereby amended to incorporte changes identified in amendment 0003, hereby attached to this announcment**** ****MCS BAA-17-01 is hereby amended to replace� Section VIII.A.11 as follows: ""In accordance with 10 U.S.C. � 2371b(f), the Government may award a follow-on production contract or Other Transaction (OT) for any OT awarded under this BAA if: (1) that participant in the OT, or a recognized successor in interest to the OT, successfully completed the entire prototype project provided for in the OT, as modified; and (2) the OT provides for the award of a follow-on production contract or OT to the participant, or a recognized successor in interest to the OT.""
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