70 -- Computrition VISN 2 Annual License Subscription (COTS) (VA-22-00011500) Last Updated 10/20 Type: Standard; Base+4
- Notice Date
- 12/7/2021 2:02:40 PM
- Notice Type
- Justification
- 511210
— Software Publishers
- Contracting Office
- ZIP Code
- 12208
- Solicitation Number
- 36C24222Q0076
- Archive Date
- 12/17/2021
- Point of Contact
- Kendall Jones, Contracting Officer, Phone: 315-425-4400 x 56553
- E-Mail Address
- Award Number
- 36C24222A0008
- Award Date
- 12/01/2021
- Awardee
- Award Amount
- 0
- Description
- VHAPM Part 808.405-6 Limiting Sources Request for Limit ed Sou rces Justification Form at >SAT VHAPM Part 808.405-6 Limiting Sources Original Date: 08/30/2017 Revision 03 Eff Date: 03/18/2021 Page 1 of 5 LIMITED SOURCES JUSTIFICATION ORDER >SAT FAR PART 8.405-6 Acquisition Plan Action ID Contracting Activity: Department of Veterans Affairs, VISN 02, Syracuse VA Medical Center, 1304 Buckley Road, Suite 104, Syracuse NY 13212. James J Peters Bronx VAMC NY Harbor -Brooklyn VAMC ) Albany Stratton VAMC NJ Healthcare East Orange VAMC Syracuse VAMC HV Healthcare- Montrose VAMC Bath VAMC ) St. Albans VAMC Commissary (6 Canandaigua VAMC ( Northport VAMC WNY- Buffalo VAMC Description of Action: This acquisition is conducted under the authority of the Multiple-Award Schedule Program (41 U.S.C. 152(3) and 40 U.S.C. 501). Procurement is for a combined VISN 2 Computrition Food Service contract. This will add all current VISN2 sites utilizing Computrition under one contract and add the VHA WNY Healthcare System to the requirement. This will create a combined VISN2 new Base +4 option year BPA. Order against: FSS Contract Number: 47QTCA21D005U Name of Proposed Contractor: Computrition Street Address: 8521 Fallbrook Avenue Suite 100 City, State, Zip: West Hills, CA 91304 Phone: (818)961-0430 Description of Supplies or Services: $ The estimated value of the proposed action is Computrition s Hospitality Suite, food operations management and nutrition care management software are comprised of totally integrated food service and patient management programs. This system was developed specifically for menu planning, purchasing, inventory, automatic order entry, production planning, recipe management, forecasting, costing control, and nutritional labeling. The systems automated food safety Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) and diet office management software has been implemented and is currently in use at facilities across VISN 2. With the modernization of the Nutrition and Food Services including VA single sign on requirements, and the acquisition of continued annual licenses for the Computrition software for each of these facilities an effective install date of 1 December 2021 is needed to combine all VISN 2 sites and 6C242-22-A P-009 cfl prevent disruption in food operations for our current sites. Utilizing this system and incorporating those sites who do not currently have this system will allow VISN 2 Food and Nutrit ion Service to meet its requirements as a combined unit. There are annual licensingfees that need to be renewed and combining the VISN into one BPA will streamline this process. Period of Performance: 12/01/2021 to 11/30/2026 2, 7,5 .8 SITE Base year Option Year 1 Option Year 2 Option Year 3 Option Year 4 12/1/21- 11/30/2022 12/1/2022- 11/30/2023 12/1/2023- 11/30/2024 12/1/2024- 11/30/2025 12/1/2025- 11/30/2026 St Albans Commissary Svc -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ James J Peters- BronxVAMC Hudson Valley- HCS (1) New Jersey HCS Northport VAMC NY Harbor HCS (2) Albany Stratton VAMC Syracuse VAMC Bath VAMC 36C242-22-AP-0090 Canandaigua $ VAMC Western NY $ HCS (3) totals $ additional system requirements added in base year Additional system requirements added in Option year 1 New Service established in base year Identify the Authority and Supporting Rationale (see below and if applicable, a demonstration of the proposed contractor s unique qualifications to provide the required supply or service. FAR 8.405-6(a)(1)(A): An urgent and compelling need exists and following the ordering procedures would result in unacceptable delays: FAR 8.405-6(a)(1)(B): Only one source is capable of providing the supplies or services required at the level of quality required because the supplies or services are unique or highly specialized. Computrition, Inc. is the only company able to provide software upgrades and equipment maintenance on the current equipment located at each of the facilities. Changing vendors would disrupt the operability and functionality of services and meals to our patients. Furthermore, any changes in the vendor would result in increased costs to the government. FAR 8.405-6(a)(1)(C): In the interest of economy and efficiency, the new work is a logical follow-on to an original Federal Supply Schedule order provided that the original order was placed in accordance with the applicable Federal Supply Schedule ordering procedures. The original order must not have been previously issued under sole source or limited source procedures. FAR 8.405-6(b): Items peculiar to one manufacturer: A patent, copyright or proprietary data limits competition. The proprietary data is: These are direct replacements parts/components for existing equipment. The material/service must be compatible in all aspects (form, fit and function) with existing systems presently installed/performing. Describe Why You Believe the Order Represents the Best Value consistent with FAR 8.404(d) to aid the contracting officer in making this best value determination: The Computrition System is currently in use at VISN2 facilities changing to a different vendor would increase costs to the government. VISN2 intends to combine into one VISN BPA which would increase cost savings. Furthermore, purchase will be via GSA FSS contract whose pricing has been determined to be fair and reasonable. VHAPM Part 808.405-6 Limit ing Sou r ces Request for Limited Sources Justification Format >SAT 36(242-22-AP-0090 VHAPM Part 808.405-6 Limiting Sources Original Date: 08/ 30/ 2017 Revi sion 03 Eff Date: 03/ 18/ 2021 Page 4 of 5 Describe the Market Research Conducted among schedule holders and the results or a statement of the reason market research was not conducted . CO performed market research to include: A search on VIP Vet Biz ut ili zing NAICS 511 210 and keyword Comp ut rition resulted in zero (0) VOSB/SDVOSB vendors, a similar search was performed on SBA-DSBSwhich resulted in zero (0) SB vendors. GSA E lib rary has an existing FSScontract to Original Equipm ent M anufacturer . FPDS confirmed previous awards to Original Equipm ent Manufacturer (OEM) via its FSS contract. CO posted an int ent to sole source on GSA eBuy and (10/ 21/ 2021-11/ 01/ 2021) which result ed in zero (0) responses. CO previously awarded to OEM and new market research confirmed OEM as sole vendor. The OEM provided a sole source letter stating they are sole manufacturer and dist rib utor of the required it em. Any Other Facts Supporting the Justi fication : System is compliant with VA Single Sign on initiative . A Statement of the Actions, if any, the agency may t ake to remove or overcome any barriers that led to the restricted consideration before any subsequent acquisit ion for the supplies or services is made: The Government will continueto conduct market research t o ascertain if t here are changes in t he marketplace that would enable future actions to be competed. Requirements Certification: I certify that the requirement outlined in t his justifica t ion is a Bona Fide Need of t he Department of Veterans Affairs and that the supporting data under my cognizance, which are included in the justifi cation, are accurate and complete to t he best of my knowledge. I understand that processing of t his limited sources justificatio n rest ricts consideration of Federal Supply Schedul e contractors to fewer t han the number required by FAR Subpart 8.4. (This signature is the requestor's supervisor, fund control point official, chief of service or someone with responsibility and accountability.) SIGNATURE DATE 11 /4/2021 NAME M anager TITLE Food and Nutrition SERVICE LINE/ SECTION VHA WNY- Buff alo VAMC FACILITY Approvals in accordance with the VHAPM Part 806.3 OFOC SOP: Contracting Officer's Certification (require4 I certify that theforegoing justification is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. CONTRACTIN G OFFICER DATE NAM E AND TITLE Syracuse VAM C NCO2 FACILITY/NCO/PCO One Level Above the Contracting Officer (Required over the SAT but not exceeding $750K): I certify the justification meets requirements for other than full andopen competit ion. SIGNATURE DATE HIGHER LEVEL APPROVAL (Required for orders over $750,000): VHA RPO HCA Review and Approval (over $750,000 to $75 million): I have reviewed the foregoing justification and find it to be complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief and approve for restricting consideration of the Fede ra l Supply Sched ule contractors to fe we r than the number required by FAR Subpart 8.4.
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