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35 -- AN/SQQ-89 Surface Ship Combat System Software and Hardware Development

Notice Date
12/17/2021 11:59:58 AM
Notice Type
Sources Sought
334511 — Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
1/7/2022 1:00:00 PM
Point of Contact
Stephanie Little, Brian Kimm
E-Mail Address
stephanie.little@navy.mil, brian.h.kimm.civ@us.navy.mil
(stephanie.little@navy.mil, brian.h.kimm.civ@us.navy.mil)
SECTION 1: SYNOPSIS This is a Request for Information (RFI) issued by the Department of the Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), on behalf of the Program Executive Office Integrated Warfare Systems Undersea Systems directorate (PEO IWS 5.0). The Government is conducting market research seeking industry interest in supporting Surface Ship Undersea Warfare (USW) systems by performing systems engineering, software development, program management, logistics and supportability engineering, configuration management, hardware and software integration (including integration of Government Furnished Property (GFP), as applicable), test, evaluation, and installation support. The Program Executive Office for Integrated Warfare Systems, Undersea Systems Program Office (PEO IWS 5.0) executes the acquisition and total life cycle system support for the AN/SQQ-89 Surface Ship Combat System, with provisions included to support other Surface USW systems and components. AN/SQQ-89 is fielded on Cruisers (CGs) and Destroyers (DDGs), Frigates (FFGs), and Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) class systems, both USN platforms and foreign platforms as part of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases. USW support systems are also fielded on Carriers (CVNs) and Amphibious class ships. Each USW system variant combines improved sensors, support systems, and USW weapon control systems with advanced acoustic data processing and displays. The systems are specifically designed to support multiple ship class requirements by leveraging technology and common components to meet operational requirements for each ship class. Individual systems integrate the USW subsystems specific to each platform, together with the MH-60R Multi-Mission Helicopter, shipboard electronics, weapon control and launch systems, and other sensors. The AN/SQQ-89(V) is a fully-interoperable element of the Aegis Combat System on forward fit DDGs, back fit DDGs, and back fit CG platforms. The AN/SQQ-89(V) family of systems enable Aegis Destroyers and Cruisers to support battlespace dominance through effective conduct of USW operations in open ocean and littoral environments. It supports implementation of command doctrine for end-to-end execution of assigned USW missions. This support includes the ability to 1) plan, conduct, and evaluate underwater searches; 2) detect, classify, localize, and track contacts; and 3) engage or evade submarines, small objects, and torpedo threats as part of multiple platform or individual ship operations. The processing hardware supporting deployed AN/SQQ-89(V) systems is periodically upgraded with updated Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) hardware, a new configuration of which is currently developed every two years, with updated software also fielded every two years to those ships with appropriate processing hardware infrastructure. Each unique pairing of an AN/SQQ-89A(V)15 baseline with its receiving Aegis parent baselines requires separate Aegis Integration Certification, with associated testing and validation. As part of the Technology Insertion (TI)/ Advanced Capability Build (ACB) process, the extent of hardware and software upgrades and technical refreshes applied to the baseline is based on cost trade analyses, resolution of Fleet generated issues, and the approved budget. The AN/SQQ-89 program is in a post delivery, technology refresh and sustainability life cycle phase. IWS 5.0 intends to standardize SQQ-89 variants across ship variants to achieve improved warfighting capability and reduce the cost of maintaining numerous legacy baselines. As IWS 5.0 moves towards a future that embraces modern paradigms such as DevSecOps and virtualization, there remains a need to maintain deployed configurations that reflected waterfall development processes and software tuned to specific processing hardware infrastructure. Fundamental to the development, testing, fielding and support of the AN/SQQ-89(V) family is the ability to work cooperatively with as many as 25 development contractors as component capabilities and associated upgrades are developed and integrated.� Also key is the ability to integrate biennial software improvements on production representative TIs, in multiple configurations as necessary to replicate different classes of surface warships.� These TI/ACB combinations must support frequent updates, tests, troubleshooting, and life cycle support.�� SECTION 2: GENERAL INFORMATION Pursuant to FAR 52.215-3 this RFI is for planning purposes only and is issued solely for conducting market research in accordance with FAR Part 10. Responses to this notice are not offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract. The Government will not reimburse respondents for any comments and questions submitted or information provided as a result of this notice. This does NOT constitute a Request for Proposal. The Government is NOT seeking or accepting unsolicited proposals. This notice shall not be construed as a contract, a promise to contract, or a commitment of any kind by the Government. Specific responses will not disqualify or have an impact on participation and evaluation on future solicitations. Not responding to this RFI does not preclude participation in any future solicitation. If a solicitation is issued in the future, it will be announced via SAM.gov and interested parties must comply with that announcement. It is the responsibility of interested parties to monitor SAM for additional information pertaining to this requirement. Any small businesses that believe they can accomplish this entire requirement should indicate their small business status (see FAR Part 19) in their response. Questions regarding this announcement shall be submitted in writing using the form contained in Attachment 2. Attachment 2 shall be submitted via email to the Contract Specialist and Contracting Officer�s email addresses by 07 January 2022 16:00 EST. Verbal questions will not be accepted. Questions shall not contain classified information. Information submitted in response to this RFI will become the property of the United States Government. Submitters should properly mark their responses with the appropriate restrictive markings. Information that is proprietary or competition-sensitive may be protected from disclosure under the public records law only if properly labeled as such. SECTION 3: REQUIREMENTS OVERVIEW The Navy issues this Request for Information to help determine current interest, technical capability, and qualifications of industry to meet the Government's needs to support Surface Ship USW systems, most notably the AN/SQQ-89(V) system. A sample Statement of Work illuminating the scope of the required effort is provided as Attachment 1. Interested parties are requested to provide the following in their responses: Section 1 of the response shall provide administrative information, and shall include the following as a minimum: Organization name, mailing address, overnight delivery address (if different from mailing address), phone number, fax number, and name and e-mail of designated point of contact. Business type (large business, small business, small disadvantaged business, 8(a)-certified small disadvantaged business, HUB Zone small business, woman-owned small business, very small business, veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business). Country of origin for main component(s) Section 2 of the response shall provide a technical description and information, and shall include the following as a minimum I. Company Qualifications and Experience Describe your experience with undersea warfare sensors and warfighting requirements and how that informs your understanding of whether your prior efforts on warfighting systems is truly analogous to the undersea warfare problem. Describe your capabilities and experience working in a collaborative, peer-review environment with Navy Laboratories, Academia and other industry partners to integrate capabilities and enhancements from different third-party developers into a surface ship warfighting system. Describe your experience working directly with government organizations and Integrators using Government and contractor facilities (including test equipment) for Subsystem and System Level Tests. Describe your capabilities and experience in the development and integration of complex, networked signal processing and fire control, to include integration with complex system-of-systems combat systems, such as the AEGIS Combat System and constituent weapon systems and launchers. Describe your capabilities and experience in development, qualification, production, and installation of processing infrastructure, to include obsolescence planning and mitigation. Describe your facilities and infrastructure to perform classified software development and conduct classified on-site and distributed system testing to support multiple ship classes and Aegis baselines, including classified connections for remote data sharing and testing with other government and contractor facilities.� Describe your ability to conduct classified electronic communications with the Government and other industry partners, including the ability to gain approval for and operate COMSEC equipment.� Describe your facilities and infrastructure establishment to conduct DevSecOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Development, or your plans to attain this ability in the near future. Describe your experience in developing Level 3 Technical Data Packages (TDP) for integrated systems production and life cycle support. Discuss your experience with protecting Critical Program Information. II. Technical Approach In light of the scope of work represented by the example Statement of Work provided in Attachment 1, describe your approach to transitioning such tasking from the current incumbent. Describe your approach for the efficient integration of system improvements and capabilities from third-party developers in an open architecture approach without compromising a third-party developer�s intellectual property rights. Describe your approach for developing a comprehensive and agile Test and Evaluation program to include integration testing with the AEGIS Combat System and supporting systems; end to end evaluation of a complex system of systems analogous to the SQQ-89A(V)15 integrated ASW capability; complex warfighting scenario testing with Fleet operators; and Navy Cybersecurity Red Team events. Describe your experience with Navy processes and certifications necessary to deliver the a complex Naval Combat System Element analogous to the AN/SQQ-89A(V)15, including Element or System-level Certification, AEGIS Combat System Certification, WSESRB, and Cybersecurity Risk Management Framework.� Describe innovative methods and technologies for accelerating capability development for a complex Naval Combat System analogous to the AN/SQQ-89A(V)15. This narrative shall address how the approach described will speed software deliveries to the Fleet while maintaining software quality and technical rigor. Describe your approach for implementing cybersecurity principles into your software development processes and the overall design of a complex system analogous to the AN/SQQ-89A(V)15 system. Describe your approach for maintaining a cost-effective, common software baseline that supports existing and future AN/SQQ-89A(V)15 variants on different surface ship platforms, including Cruisers/Destroyers (CRUDES), Frigates, Littoral Combat Ships, and Foreign combatants that would be fitted with bespoke Foreign Military Sales (FMS) variants of AN/SQQ-89A(V)15. Describe your ability and approach to leverage processing capability improvements from other similar systems in a manner analogous to how AN/SQQ-89A(V)15 capability development benefits from advancements initially designed for submarine and surveillance platforms. Describe your ability and experience in the design, development and integration of commercial processing hardware assemblies within electronic enclosures, and testing enclosures for compliance to MIL-STD shipboard requirements for Shock, Vibration, EMI, Temperature, Altitude, Humidity, Airborne Noise, Structureborne Noise, Power Quality, and Safety. Describe your ability and experience on Performance Based Logistics (PBL) Business Case Analyses (BCA) as a part of the systems engineering that address Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) elements such as supply support, technical manuals, and training and alternatives for fulfilling associated requirements. Describe your experience performing Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Level of Repair Analysis (LORA), Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Analysis, and other ILS products. Describe your experience designing acquiring processing hardware to an established Technical Data Package. Also describe your experience with the key steps involved in preparing such hardware for installation aboard a Navy combatant. III. Data Rights: For the technical approach outlined in section II above, provide details on any limitations of technical data rights, specifically proprietary information, that would not be shared with the US Government. SECTION 4: SUBMISSION OF RESPONSES Responses to this RFI should be submitted by 07 January 2022 16:00 EST via e-mail to Stephanie Little, Contract Specialist, stephanie.m.little6.civ@us.navy.mil, with a copy to the Contracting Officer, Brian Kimm, brian.h.kimm.civ@us.navy.mil. SECTION 4.1: CONTENT Responses under this RFI can be unclassified or classified. Unclassified responses should be in PDF or MS Word format and emailed to [insert name], Contract Specialist, [insert email], with a copy to the Contracting Officer, Brian Kimm, brian.h.kimm.civ@us.navy.mil. The subject line of the email should read as follows: �Response AN/SQQ-89 Surface Ship Combat System RFI Response � N0002422R5208� Classified responses shall be submitted directly to the attention of PEO IWS 5.0 �document Control Unit at the following address and marked in the following manner: OUTSIDE ENVELOPE � (no classification marking): �Stephen Lee, PEO IWS 5.0 1333 Isaac Hull Ave SE Washington Navy Yard, DC 20376� The inner wrapper of the classified response should be addressed to the attention of Stephen Lee, PEO IWS 5.0 and marked in the following manner: INNER ENVELOPE � (stamped with the overall classification of the material) �AN/SQQ-89 Surface Ship Combat System Attn: Stephen Lee, PEO IWS 5.0 1333 Isaac Hull Ave SE Washington Navy Yard, DC 20376� SECTION 4.2: FORMATTING Respondents to this RFI must adhere to the following details: 1. Submissions shall be single spaced, typed or printed in Times New Roman font with type no smaller than 12-point font. 2. Submissions shall not exceed ten (10) pages. Product specification, sketches, or listings of authorized distributors do not count toward the page limitation. 3. Paper should be 8 1/2 x 11 inches with a minimum of 1 inch margins around the page. Any text contained within tables, graphs, etc. should be 8-point Times New Roman font or larger. 4. Included files should be created/prepared using Microsoft Office 2010 compatible applications. Graphics, photographs, and other data that may not be compatible with Microsoft Office 2010 should be submitted in Adobe Acrobat format. 5. Submitted electronic files should be limited to the following extensions: .docx Microsoft Word .xlsx Microsoft Excel .pptx Microsoft PowerPoint .pdf Adobe Acrobat .mmpx Microsoft Project Submitted electronic files should not be compressed.
Web Link
SAM.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: Washington Navy Yard, DC 20376, USA
Zip Code: 20376
Country: USA
SN06200667-F 20211219/211217230108 (samdaily.us)
SAM.gov Link to This Notice
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