99 -- Rough River Cutoff Wall & Outlet Works: Industry Day
- Notice Date
- 2/14/2022 11:43:03 AM
- Notice Type
- Special Notice
- Contracting Office
- ZIP Code
- 40202-2230
- Response Due
- 1/30/2022 9:00:00 AM
- Archive Date
- 02/28/2022
- Description
- ************************UPDATE TO INDUSTRY DAY POSTING************************ Date entered: 14 February 2022 Subject: Project Status Update & Industry Day Participant List Attached to this notice is the interested firms/participant list succeeding the Industry Day held on 18 January 2022 for the Rough River Dam Safety Modification Phase 2: New Outlet Works and Cutoff Wall Project. Please see: RRCW Industry Day Participant and Interested Subs List Note: Funds are currently not available for this project. Once funds become available, a separate notice will be posted to SAM.gov to provide an estimated date as to when the solicitation will be advertised on SAM.gov.� Please note that there is presently no estimated timeframe as when this project will be solicited. ************************UPDATE TO INDUSTRY DAY POSTING************************ Now available for download: Industry Day PowerPoint Presentation�- file titled:�Industry Day Presentation_Final Industry Day Presentation in PDF format�(includes slide notes)�- file titled:�Industry Day Presentation_PDF with Notes_Final Updated Industry Day Kick-off Agenda - see file titled: 2nd REVISION_Industry Day Kickoff Packet With Agenda_14JAN22 ************************UPDATE TO INDUSTRY DAY POSTING************************ ************************UPDATE TO INDUSTRY DAY AGENDA************************ Due to an increase in COVID-19 cases we will be moving to a site visit only.� Starting time remains the same; however, please note that the meeting location has changed and a new address is provided below. Additionally, reflective vests are now required for participation. An overview of the originally planned in-person presentation will be uploaded to SAM prior to the Industry Day for download/review. ************************UPDATE TO INDUSTRY DAY AGENDA************************ An Industry Day for the Rough River Dam Safety Modification Phase 2: New Outlet Works and Cutoff Wall Project at Rough River Lake, Falls of Rough, KY will be held on 18 January 2022 beginning at 09:00AM Central Standard Time (10:00AM Eastern Standard Time). The Industry Day will kick-off in the Project Office Parking Lot, followed by an in-briefing and safety review, prior to beginning the tour to the project site. Please review the REVISED Industry Day Kick-Off Packet that is attached to this notice for further details on the full agenda for the day, as well as descriptions and directions to the various rally points. The Project Office is located at: 14957 Falls of Rough Rd Falls of Rough, KY 40119 Note:�PPE is not required to participate in the Industry Day; however, reflective vests ARE required. Be advised that the event will be held rain or shine and contractors are cautioned to dress appropriately for the outdoors.� RELEASE OF DRAFT RFP: A draft version of the solicitation is included as an attachment to this notice. The purpose of releasing a draft version of the RFP is to allow Contractors to begin forming teaming arrangements, begin evaluating the available subsurface information, and afford contractors the opportunity to ask questions pertaining to the project requirements. This will also give the Government an opportunity prior to the official solicitation release to clarify Contract requirements based on questions received from Contractors. Proposals are not being requested at this time, nor will they be accepted. All slides presented at the Industry Day will be posted to SAM.gov the next business day. Additionally, a list of participants and interested firms will be posted to this notice following the Industry Day as well. Contractors planning to attend the Industry Day are asked to complete the Pre-registration Form attached to this notice and return a copy to Amy M. Phillips at amy.m.phillips@usace.army.mil. Please submit the pre-registration form to amy.m.phillips@usace.army.mil NLT 1:00 pm ET Tuesday, 11 January 2022.�� The Draft RFP will generally� consist of the following documents: Volume 1: New Outlet Works (OTW) [Civil] Volume 2: New Outlet Works (OTW) [Facilities] Volume 3: Cutoff Wall (CTW) and State Road Relocation (STR) Volume 4: Technical Specifications Volume 5: Technical Specifications: Geotechnical Baseline Report, Geotechnical Data Report (GDR), Data Management Attachments, Joint Instrumentation and Monitoring Plan (JIMP) - Contractual Documents Volume 6: For Information Only (FIO) Miscellaneous Documents - Geotechnical Interpretive Report, Rough River Dam Phase IB - Exploratory Drilling and Grouting Completion Report, As-Builts, Phase IB Boring Logs Contractor Inquiries: Contractors may submit questions related to the draft solicitation and/or Industry Day via ProjNet.� Instructions for use are incorporated into Section 00 21 00 of the Draft RFP. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Provide all labor, material, and equipment necessary to safely construct a new outlet works and cutoff wall in accordance with the plans and specifications on time and within budget.� Construction consists of several features of work. The project will require a new approach channel, control tower, tunnel conduit, stilling basin, retreat channel, a cutoff wall, and relocation of Highway 79 back to the dam crest. The full project scope of work is available in Volume 4A � Technical Specifications in specification 01 11 00 SUMMARY OF WORK. Approach Channel The trapezoidal approach channel extends approximately 945 feet to the face of the control tower and has a 50 feet wide base width with 6V:1H side slopes. The approach channel is predominately� excavated into the Big Clifty Sandstone and interbedded shale. The area from Station 0+00 to Station 1+80 is anticipated to be underwater soil excavation only. The upstream portion of the approach channel between Station 1+80 to Station 4+50 requires both underwater soil excavation and underwater rock excavation. Underwater blasting is only permitted to occur during any period of time that the reservoir is below 490 and is restricted to between the months of October and April.� The alignment between Stations 4+50 and 7+50 is seasonally submerged by the reservoir. The Contractor has the option to construct a temporary cofferdam composed of the same materials and geometries as the Stage I cofferdam to extend the surface excavation limits further up station, but for the approach channel only - not the control tower excavation. Surface mass excavation methods are required for the remainder of the alignment up to the control tower excavation tie in.� Permanent rock slopes which exist above the summer pool elevation� require permanent rock fence installed on the slopes and concrete protection for exposed shale layers Control Tower The control tower excavation and construction must be achieved via mass excavation methods in the Haney Limestone and Big Clifty Sandstone subunits of the Golconda Formation.� The tower excavation base width consists of a pit approximately 120 feet long by 60 feet wide at a maximum depth of approximately 110 feet below the top of the existing ground. The excavation must be accomplished via mass excavation of soil and intact bedrock. The slopes of the rock excavation must be 6V:1H and include two 10-foot wide benches. Karstic geology (Haney Limestone) must be treated with concrete bulkheads, rock fence, and rock dowels. A shale seam exists between the Haney Limestone and the Big Clifty Sandstone which requires temporary shotcrete and a concrete bulkhead for protection. The exposed areas above the lowest bench must be covered with rock fence doweled into place as indicated in the Contract Drawings.� The slope of the excavation below the lowest bench excavated below the Upper Big Clifty Shale are near vertical. The lower control tower and foundation must be cast directly against bedrock which is mechanically excavated down to final grade. A earth cofferdam with a minimum length of 650- foot long is required to protect the excavation up to the top of active storage for the reservoir.� The cofferdam must be founded on a dentally treated core trench and downstream sand filter. The embankment must be composed of lime stabilized compacted earth.� A double line grout curtain must be completed below the cofferdam and extend to surround the perimeter of the control tower excavation to minimize groundwater and seepage entering the excavation work area. The dry control tower is composed of reinforced concrete and has a footprint of approximately 56 feet by 60 feet and stands approximately 177 feet tall. A 150-foot long service bridge connects the control tower to the left abutment.� The control tower has two sets of twin 6.25-feet x 14-feet steel emergency and service� gates for flow conveyance along with two low-flow bypass pipes that are 31 inches in diameter. Several bulkheads are also included for dewatering and maintenance. The control tower flow passages must be constructed using mass concrete with an abrasion resistant concrete facing in combination with a stainless steel liner. The gates and bypass valves are hydraulically operated with a four section Motor Control Center (MCC). The control tower incorporates post-tensioned concrete floors to allow bulkheads, gates, and other equipment to be pulled and/or removed from the tower via truck for maintenance. Tunnel The approximate 970 feet long tunnel is composed of an upstream portal, a 14-feet inside diameter concrete lined tunnel with a 12-inch thick abrasion resistant reinforced concrete, and a downstream portal. The rock support for the upstream portal is provided by both initial support designed by the Contractor and permanent steel support designed by the Government that must become embedded into the concrete for the transition monoliths. The control tower must be cast directly against the upstream portal face. The downstream portal is the primary heading for the tunnel excavation with access provided via a staged excavation in the stilling basin footprint. The downstream portal is constructed with permanent steel sets for rock support and must be integrally cast into the concrete liner and stilling basin headwall upon tunnel completion. Permanent support is designed by the Government and included in the Plans and Specifications. Excavation methods in the tunnel are limited to mechanical methods only. The tunnel and portals require support in the form of rock dowels, wire mesh, and/or shotcrete. It is required that the concrete liner be installed after completion of the tunnel excavation to prevent damage to the liner. Stilling Basin/Apron The stilling basin excavation and construction is staged to facilitate access to the downstream portal and tunnel construction. A 760+ foot long sheetpile seepage cutoff and a series of well point dewatering wells and sumps are required to dewater the stilling basin excavation as shown in the Volume 1 Plans. The sheetpile cutoff crosses the outlet works alignment near Station 25+30. The Stage 1 excavation must be achieved via mass excavation methods in the Big Clifty Sandstone and is approximately 420 feet long by 48 feet wide excavated to an approximate depth of 55 feet below the ground surface. The excavation slopes change at a 15-foot rock bench to be constructed near the top of the stilling basin training walls. The excavation above the bench requires 4V:1H rock slopes with rock fence extending down to the base of the excavation near the top of the stilling basin training walls. The excavation below the top of the training walls requires 10V:1H slopes.� The Stage 2 excavation to achieve final grade in the stilling basin and apron area must occur in the Lower Big Clifty Sandstone, interbedded sandstone,� and shale via mechanical excavation methods after the tunnel lining is complete and stilling basin construction is ready to proceed.� The US Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) Type 3 Stilling Basin is over 115 feet long and 40 feet wide.� The bedrock excavation continues downstream of the stilling basin end sill.� A 300 feet long concrete apron must be constructed in this area to protect the lower shale from desiccation.� Approximately 100 feet of the new retreat channel earthwork, grading, bedding stone, and KYTC Class III Channel Lining must be constructed inside the sheetpile seepage cutoff protected area upstream of Station 25+30. Details for how to construct the transition for the concrete apron and the channel lining are contained in the Volume 1 Plans. New Retreat Channel Immediately downstream of the sheetpile protected area, the new retreat channel/tailwater tie-in area extends from approximate Station 25+30 to 27+00. The section contains the existing stilling basin access road and must be constructed last. Between approximate Stations 27+00 and 30+70, the new tailwater/river tie-in area must be constructed in the wet. Both areas ultimately require earthwork operations, grading, placement of bedding stone, and the placement of KYTC Class III Channel Lining.� Construction of these features must not interfere with required releases from the existing outlet works. Access to the existing stilling basin must be maintained� after the new retreat channel excavation is complete. Spoils and Disposal Material from the outlet works excavation must be excavated, re-used as part of the project, or otherwise spoiled in order to construct the outlet works. Requirements for mass excavation and disposal work plan are contained in the Mass Excavation Specification 31 23 05.00 06 and are summarized in the Volume 1 Plans on OTW-GS501/503. A key assumption for the excavated spoils is the re-use of excavated material, once processed, to construct the work platform, service bridge abutment, access/haul roads, and tailwater abandonment for the project. The work platform is anticipated to be constructed concurrent to control tower and stilling basin excavations. Underwater excavation must be spoiled in the underwater reservoir spoil area along the upstream side of the dam. Additionally, the upland disposal area has the capacity to accept up to 275,000 cubic yards of excavated material. Existing Outlet Works Abandonment Once the new outlet works is operational and fully commissioned, the existing control tower must be abandoned by permanently sealing the existing service gates and filling the lower control tower forebay� with tremie concrete. The outlet conduit must be abandoned with cellular concrete or a balanced, stable, high mobility cement/bentonite grout.� The material must be injected or pumped from inside the control tower through the by-pass pipes into the outlet conduit at gravity pressures. Secondary contact grouting is required to ensure no voids remain open. Upon abandonment of the conduit, the lower control tower must be abandoned per the contract documents and filled up to the 507 elevation. The procedures for abandonment of the conduit are summarized in the Volume 3 CTW Plans. Dam Foundation Grouting Post abandonment of the conduit, a double-line grout curtain must be placed in the area near the conduit for slurry control during seepage barrier installation.� The grout holes are advanced from the dam crest and battered at twenty degrees towards the right abutment extending fully through the conduit, backfill, and Beech Creek Limestone. Additional grouting is required in the upper right abutment. The grout lines are indicated in the Volume 3 Plans on sheets OTW-CG204/205. Cutoff Wall The 1,640 - foot long cutoff wall must provide a continuous 2 feet thick seepage barrier extending across the entire dam foundation through the abandoned outlet conduit. The contract requires the seepage cut-off to extend through the outlet conduit located at Monolith 12 near dam station 22+50. This area is referred to as ""Critical Area A"". The depth and extents of the cutoff wall treatment are summarized in the Volume 3 plans.� Successful installation of the cutoff wall will reduce project risks below tolerable risk guidelines.� Additional instrumentation is required to be installed prior to and after cutoff wall construction. Dam Restoration and State Road Relocation Once the cutoff wall is installed and accepted by the Government, the work platform must be removed. The existing toe of the dam and tailwater area must be abandoned by draping a filter drain and placing spoils to backfill and abandon the existing tailwater area and retreat channel. Rip rap on the downstream slope of the dam must be extended further upslope as indicated in the plans.� The final feature of work requires KY State Highway 79 to be relocated back to the dam crest and new permanent dam instrumentation installed to monitor the dam and cutoff wall performance. Improvements to the tailwater area include construction of a latrine, a covered pavilion, parking, and a playground. Data Management A data management system is required to collect and display spatial, structured, semi-structured and unstructured data as required in Section 01 31 00 DATA MANAGEMENT. The project must utilize a data management system with contractor-built components such as an SQL database, an SFTP file sharing site, and an advanced web-based user interface that employs 3D GIS spatial modeling and engineering data analytics. The database must contain pertinent historical data, and all construction related progress, QC monitoring, and documentation. Release of the final solicitation is subject to budget authorization and approval. Funding for this project is NOT presently available. Details regarding the Optional Site Visit will be included in the official solicitation. Actual dates and times will be identified in the solicitation when it is posted to http://SAM.gov. SOLICITATION WEBSITE: The official solicitation, when posted, will be available free of charge by electronic posting only and may be found on the SAM website, http://SAM.gov. Paper copies of the solicitation will not be issued. Information regarding the issuance of the project solicitation and proposal submission will be found in the Presolicitation Notice and solicitation documents, when issued, at SAM.gov. REGISTRATIONS: Offerors shall have and shall maintain an active registration in the SAM database at http://www.sam.gov to be eligible for a Government contract award. If the Offeror is a Joint Venture (JV), the JV entity shall have valid SAM registration in the SAM database representing the JV as one business/firm/entity. If at the time of award an Offeror is not actively and successfully registered in the SAM database, the Government reserves the right to award to the next prospective Offeror.
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