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99 -- Selection of a Consultant for the study related to the preparation and implementation of a Geographic Information System for SENELEC (Soci�t� Nationale d��lectricit� du S�n�gal) - RELAUNCH

Notice Date
3/10/2022 12:29:52 PM
Notice Type
Special Notice
541611 — Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Response Due
4/6/2022 7:00:00 AM
Point of Contact
Procurement Agent
E-Mail Address
General Information Country:��SenegalCity/Locality:��DAKAR SENEGALPublication Date:��Feb 23, 2022Deadline:��Apr 6, 2022Agency:��Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)Buyer:�� Eligibility of Bidders:��Consultant firms eligible and meeting requirements set forth in the Request for proposalsOriginal Language:��English Contact Information Address:��MCA SENEGAL II Procurement Agent, CARDNO EMERGING Market Rue 3 X B, Point E, Immeuble Talix 1er et 2�me �tages, Dakar-Senegal. Dakar SenegalTelephone:��+221-33-889-11-34/+221-33-889-05-10E-mail:��Click hereWeb site::��http://www.ucf-mcasn.com/ � Goods, Works and Services 38221000 - Geographic information systems (GIS or equivalent)�� Original Text MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE ACCOUNT SENEGAL II (MCA-Senegal II) SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE (SPN) Country General information: Country: SENEGAL City/Locality: Dakar Notice/Contract Number: DP/ MCA2/2020/CIF/QCBS/RE10/F16 (R) Issue Date: February 23, 2022 Closing date: April 06, 2022 Funding Agency: (MCC) Millennium Challenge Corporation Buyer: Millennium Challenge Account Senegal II (MCA-Senegal II) Procurement name: Selection of a Consultant for the study related to the preparation and implementation of a Geographic Information System for SENELEC (Soci�t� Nationale d��lectricit� du S�n�gal) - RELAUNCH Type of notice: Request for Proposals Eligibility of bidders: Consultant firms eligible and meeting requirements set forth in the Request for proposals The United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (�MCC�), and the Government of Senegal (the �GoS�) signed a Compact for a grant known as the Millennium Challenge Account. The Compact includes an investment of about USD 550 million from MCC (�MCC Funds�) and an additional contribution of USD 50 million from the Government for a global amount of USD 600 million to contribute to poverty reduction through economic growth in Senegal. The Compact program includes: ? The �Modernizing and Strengthening of Senelec Transmission Network� Project aims to provide quality electricity from the low-cost sources available for Senelec to meet the growing demand on the interconnected network in Senegal; ? The �Increasing Access to Electricity in Rural and Peri urban Areas� Project aims to increase the quality electricity supply and demand in rural and peri urban areas in Senegal; ? The �Power Sector Enabling Environment and Capacity Development� Project has as objective to create an environment favorable to improvement of the financial viability and good governance of the sector for a quality and quantity electricity supply. All payments made by MCA-Senegal II under the expected contract are subject, in all regards, to terms and conditions of the compact and related documents, including restrictions on the use and disbursement of MCC Funding. No party other than the Government and MCA-Senegal II shall have claims or rights from the Compact or the proceeds of MCC Funding. The Compact and related documents can be found on MCC website (www.mcc.gov) and MCA-Senegal II website (www.mcasenegal.sn). This specific procurement Notice is a supplement to the general procurement Notice, issued on DgMarket on December 30, 2020, on UNDB Online on January 06, 2021 and, on MCA-Senegal II website and local media (le Soleil and le Quotidien) on January 5, 2021. MCA Senegal II hereby invites duly established firms to submit a proposal for the provision of the above-mentioned services (�Proposals�). More information regarding such Consultant Services are provided in the Terms of Reference. This Request for proposals is open to all eligible entities (�Consultant firms�) that want to participate. Subject to restrictions set forth in the RFP, Consultants can join other consultants to optimize their ability to successfully implement the contract. A consultant will be selected through the QCBS (Quality and Cost-Based Selection) method: evaluation procedure which is described in the RFP sections, in accordance with �MCC Program Procurement Guidelines�, which can be found on MCC Web site (www.mcc.gov/ppg). The selection process, as described, includes the review and assessment of the consultant qualifications and past performances, as well as a check of its references, before contract award. Note that prior to submission of proposals, a conference will be held on March 9, 2022, as indicated in the Specific Data of the Request for Proposals, in Section II. The Consultants who want to submit a Proposal are invited to register by mail, mentioning their full contact details to the following address: MCA Senegal II Procurement Agency E-mail: MCAPASenegal@cardno.com Copy to: bids@mcasenegal.sn Once, you are registered, the PDF version of the Request for Proposals (RFP) will be forwarded to you. The registration of interested Consultants will enable them to be directly informed of potential additional information and/or updates of the RFP. Proposals shall be submitted by email to the address and in the manner indicated at IC 17.3 of the Specific Data of the RFP, not later than April 6, 2022 at 3 pm (Dakar/Senegal time). Note that only proposals transferred by email, through the Dropbox link indicated in the specific data of the RFP, will be accepted. Submissions for which financial proposals are not password-protected will be rejected. It is not necessary to password-protect technical proposals. However, if a bidder decides to submit a password-protected technical proposal, the password of the technical proposal should be sent to the Procurement Agent (MCAPASenegal@cardno.com) not earlier than April 5, 2022 and not later than 15 minutes before the submission date and time (Dakar time). Late proposals will not, in any case, be considered. Sincerely yours, Director General, MCA-Senegal II Oumar DIOP MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE ACCOUNT SENEGAL II (MCA-S�n�gal II) AVIS SPECIFIQUE DE PASSATION DES MARCHES (ASPM) Informations G�n�rales Pays : Pays : SENEGAL Ville/Localit� : Dakar Avis/ Num�ro de Contrat: DP/ MCA2/2020/CIF/QCBS/RE10/F16 (R) Date de publication : 23.02.2022 Date limite : 06.04.2022 Agence de financement : (MCC) Millennium Challenge Corporation Acheteur : Millennium Challenge Account S�n�gal II (MCA-S�n�gal II) Nom du march� : S�lection de Consultant pour l��tude relative � la pr�paration et � la mise en place d�un Syst�me d�Information G�ographique pour la Soci�t� Nationale d��lectricit� du S�n�gal (SENELEC) - RELANCE Type d�avis : Demande de Propositions Admissibilit� des soumissionnaires : Firmes de Consultants �ligibles et r�pondant aux exigences �nonc�es dans la Demande de propositions Les �tats-Unis d�Am�rique, agissant par l�interm�diaire de la Millennium Challenge Corporation (� MCC �) et le Gouvernement du S�n�gal ou � [GdS] �) ont sign� un Compact en vue d�une assistance au titre du Millennium Challenge Account pour un montant d�environ 550 millions dollars US (le � Financement MCC �) auquel s�ajoutent 50 millions dollars US de contribution du Gouvernement du S�n�gal, soit un montant global de 600 millions de dollars am�ricains afin de contribuer � la r�duction de la pauvret� par la croissance �conomique au S�n�gal Le Programme du Compact comprend : ? Le projet � Modernisation et renforcement du r�seau de transport de Senelec � a pour objectif de fournir de l��lectricit� de qualit� � partir de sources, � faible co�t, disponibles pour que Senelec satisfasse la demande croissante sur le r�seau interconnect� au S�n�gal ; ? Le projet � Elargissement de l�acc�s � l��lectricit� dans les zones rurales et p�ri- urbaines � vise � augmenter l�offre et la demande en �lectricit� de qualit� dans les zones rurales et p�ri-urbaines du S�n�gal ; ? Le projet � Cadre propice et de renforcement de capacit�s des acteurs du secteur de l��lectricit� � a pour l�objectif de cr�er un cadre propice � l�am�lioration de la viabilit� financi�re et � la bonne gouvernance du secteur pour une fourniture de l��lectricit� en quantit� et en qualit�. Tous paiements effectu�s par MCA-S�n�gal II au titre du contrat envisag� seront soumis, � tous �gards, aux termes et conditions du Compact et des documents connexes, y compris aux restrictions sur l�utilisation et le d�caissement du Financement MCC. Aucune partie autre que le Gouvernement et MCA-S�n�gal II ne peut se pr�valoir du Compact ni pr�tendre au produit du Financement MCC. Le Compact et les documents s�y rapportant sont disponibles sur le site web de MCC (www.mcc.gov) et sur le site web de MCA-S�n�gal II (www.mcasenegal.sn). Cet avis sp�cifique vient compl�ter l�Avis g�n�ral de passation des march�s qui a �t� publi� sur DgMarket le 30 d�cembre 2020, sur UNDB Online 06 janvier 2021 ainsi que sur le site web de l�Entit� MCA-S�n�gal II et dans des journaux locaux � Le Soleil � et � Le Quotidien � le 05 janvier 2021. MCA-S�n�gal II invite � pr�sent les Firmes d�ment constitu�es � soumettre une proposition pour la fourniture des services susmentionn�s (� Propositions �). De plus amples informations sur ces services de Consultants sont donn�es dans les Termes de R�f�rence. La pr�sente DP est ouverte � toutes les entit�s �ligibles (� Firmes de Consultants �) souhaitant y participer. Sous r�serve des restrictions �nonc�es dans la DP, les Consultants peuvent s�associer � d�autres Consultants en vue d�optimiser leur capacit� � ex�cuter le contrat avec succ�s. Un Consultant sera s�lectionn� en vertu du mode de S�lection Fond� sur la Qualit� et le Co�t (SFQC), proc�dure d��valuation dont les �tapes sont d�crites dans les sections de la pr�sente DP conform�ment aux � Directives relatives � la Passation des march�s du Programme de la MCC � disponibles sur le site web de la MCC (www.mcc.gov/ppg). Le processus de s�lection, tel que d�crit, inclut l�examen et la v�rification des qualifications et des performances pass�es ainsi qu�un contr�le des r�f�rences du Consultant, avant l�adjudication du Contrat. Il convient de noter qu�une Conf�rence pr�alable aux Propositions se tiendra le 09 Mars 2022 comme indiqu� dans les Donn�es Particuli�res de la Demande de Propositions (� DPDP �), � la Section II. Les Consultants qui souhaitent soumettre une Proposition sont invit�s � s�enregistrer par courriel, en indiquant leurs coordonn�es compl�tes � l�adresse suivante : Agence de Passation des March�s de MCA S�n�gal II E-mail : MCAPASenegal@cardno.com et copie � : bids@mcasenegal.sn Une fois enregistr�, la DP vous sera transmise en version PDF. L�enregistrement des Consultants int�ress�s leur permettra en outre, d��tre inform�s directement des �ventuels compl�ments d�informations et/ou mise � jour de la DP. Les Propositions doivent �tre soumises par voie �lectronique � l�adresse et de la mani�re indiqu�es au point IC 17.3, des Donn�es Particuli�res de la DP, au plus tard le 06 avril 2022 � 15 Heures (Heure de Dakar/ S�n�gal). Il convient de noter que seules les Propositions transmises par voie �lectronique, suivant le lien Dropbox indiqu� dans les donn�es particuli�res de la DP, sont accept�es. Les soumissions pour lesquelles les propositions financi�res ne sont pas prot�g�es par mot de passe seront rejet�es. Il n�est pas n�cessaire que les propositions techniques soient prot�g�es par mot de passe. Toutefois si un soumissionnaire d�cide de soumettre une proposition technique avec protection par mot de passe, le mot de passe de la proposition technique doit �tre envoy� � l�Agence de Passation des March�s (MCAPASenegal@cardno.com) au plus t�t le 05 avril 2022 et au plus tard 15 minutes avant la date et l�heure limites de soumission, heure de Dakar Les propositions en retard ne seront en aucun cas accept�es. Veuillez agr�er, Madame/Monsieur l�assurance de ma consid�ration distingu�e. Le Directeur G�n�ral de MCA-S�n�gal II Oumar DIOP DISCLAIMER: THIS NOTICE IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. FOR UPDATES ON THIS SOLICITATION PLEASE FOLLOW THE FULL ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE LINK PROVIDED. THIS PROCUREMENT IS NOT CONDUCTED UNDER THE FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATIONS, IS NOT ADMINISTERED BY THE US GOVERNMENT, AND THE RESULTING AWARD WILL BE MADE BY THE COUNTRY INDICATED IN THE FULL ANNOUNCEMENT. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS PROCUREMENT PLEASE CONTRACT THE PERSON NAMED IN THE FULL ANNOUNCEMENT.
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