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R -- Rendezvous, Proximity Operations and Capture (RPOC) V Notices

Notice Date
6/22/2022 9:53:25 AM
Notice Type
Special Notice
541330 — Engineering Services
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
1/24/2022 1:00:00 PM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Wendy S. Crisman, Jeffrey L. Finley
E-Mail Address
jsc-rpocv@mail.nasa.gov, jsc-rpocv@mail.nasa.gov
(jsc-rpocv@mail.nasa.gov, jsc-rpocv@mail.nasa.gov)
Small Business Set-Aside
SBA Total Small Business Set-Aside (FAR 19.5)
MODIFICATION 10 -�June 21, 2022 This is modification 10�to the special notice entitled Rendezvous, Proximity Operations and Capture (RPOC) V�posted on January 18, 2022. �You are notified of the following: The updated Draft Request for Proposal (DRFP) Rev 1 is attached, and Industry feedback is requested no later than June 24, 2022, at 12:00 PM Central Time. This revision 1 of the DRFP updates the clause found in section L.11(b). Questions regarding the DRFP should be submitted electronically in writing has changed from June 20, 2022, to June 24, 2022. See attached file: 80JSC022RPOCV - DRFP A-M_Rev1.pdf All contractual and technical questions regarding the DRFP should be submitted electronically in writing, to jsc-rpocv@mail.nasa.gov� by June 24, 2022, 12:00 PM Central Time. (End of Modification 10) MODIFICATION 9 -�June 15, 2022 This is modification 9�to the special notice entitled Rendezvous, Proximity Operations and Capture (RPOC) V�posted on January 18, 2022. �You are notified of the following: The Draft Request for Proposal (DRFP) is attached and Industry feedback is requested no later than June 24, 2022 at 12:00 PM Central Time. The DRFP includes the following, attached files: 80JSC022RPOCV - DRFP Cover Letter.pdf 80JSC022RPOCV - DRFP SF33.pdf 80JSC022RPOCV - DRFP A-M.pdf 80JSC022RPOCV - DRFP- L-4 Past Performance Matrix.zip 80JSC022RPOCV - DRFP � L-5 EPM Workbook_R1.zip 80JSC022RPOCV - DRFP � L-6 Preaward Survey of Prospective Contractor.pdf 80JSC022RPOCV - DRFP � DRD 533M Final Attachment.zip All contractual and technical questions regarding the DRFP should be submitted electronically in writing, to jsc-rpocv@mail.nasa.gov �by June 24, 2022, 12:00 PM Central Time. (End of Modification 9) MODIFICATION 8 -�June 9, 2022 This is Modification 8 to the Special Notice 80JSC022RPOCV posted on January 18, 2022.� �You are notified that the following changes are made:� 1) The the following technical documents are added: � � �- International Space Station Program ISS Configuration Document - SSP 50949 Revision A� � � �- JSC Safety and Health Requirements - JPR 1700 Revision L, December 2018 with Change 2 2) Technical Library Content Rev 2.pdf is updated with Technical Library Content Rev 3.pdf.�� The due date for responses is not extended, as it is not applicable at this time. Offerors are responsible for monitoring this site for the release of the solicitation and any amendments. Potential offerors are responsible for downloading their own copy of the solicitation and amendments (if any). OBTAINING ACCESS TO EXPORT CONTROLLED CONTENT: Individuals requesting access to the export controlled scientific and technical information must provide the following information to the Contracting Officer through an authorized manager of their company�s Security or Human Resources Offices.� That authorized individual shall verify that the information provided to NASA is correct, complete, and accurate.� The Contracting Officer is Wendy S. Crisman; email to jsc-rpocv@mail.nasa.gov. Companies are responsible for ensuring their compliance with all U.S. export regulations: Full Company Name: Company Address: Is this a corporation, business association, partnership, society, trust, or any other entity, organization or group that is incorporated to do business in the United States? Yes [� ]�� No [� ] Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code: Company Security or Human Resources Point of contact(s) providing/verifying information about the individual requesting access Name and Title: Phone Number: e-mail: List the names of all individuals requesting access to the export-controlled data including: Name: the individual named above is [� ] or is not [� ] a U.S. person� as defined in Title 22, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 120.15 If the individual is not a U.S. person what is their citizenship? _________ ALTERNATE 6b:� Citizenship:� �Specify Citizenship [� ] Non-U.S. Persons must list any other countries to which individual claims citizenship __________ List Place of Birth: _______________ All foreign nationals from designated countries covered by a Programmatic Technology Transfer Control Plan (P-TTCP) or requiring access to export controlled information are required to have an Individual Technology Transfer Control Plan (I-TTCP) with a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).� Foreign nationals from non-designated countries requiring access to export-controlled information covered by a P-TTCP are required to comply with the International Partner or Foreign National Certification contained in the P-TTCP.� Point of Emphasis: The Company is responsible for ensuring compliance with the export regulations. Points of Contacts: Organization Export Control Representative if assigned. (End of Modification 8) MODIFICATION 7 -�MAY 27, 2022 This is Modification 7 to the Special Notice entitled �Rendezvous, Proximity Operations and Capture (RPOC) V�, Industry Day Notice, 80JSC022RPOCV which was posted on January 18, 2022.� �You are notified that the following changes are made:� - The notice is updated to remove 'Industry Day' from the title to more accurately reflect the updates made within. - The Technical Library Content Rev 1.pdf is updated with Technical Library Content Rev 2.pdf.� A system description has been added regarding NASA TRICK software. The due date for responses is not extended, as it is not applicable at this time. Offerors are responsible for monitoring this site for the release of the solicitation and any amendments. Potential offerors are responsible for downloading their own copy of the solicitation and amendments (if any). (End of Modification 7) February 16, 2022 - Modification 6 This is modification 6 to the Special notice entitled �Rendezvous, Proximity Operations and Capture (RPOC) V�, Industry Day Notice, 80JSC022RPOCV which was posted on January 18, 2022. You are notified that the following documents are posted: Technical Library Content 2.16.2022 Rev 1 SSP 41000-RevCK SSP 41163-Rev L SSP 50021 � Baseline_DCN005 SSP 50261-01-Rev L-SSCD 16419 SSP 50964 � Baseline- SSD 15818 CCT-REQ-1130 DSG-RQMT-001 RPOC IV contract data and FY22 TOs� The Preliminary Milestone Schedule will has also been updated and posted to the RPOC V procurement website : https://www.nasa.gov/jsc/procurement/rpoc5.� Offerors are responsible for monitoring this site for the release of the solicitation and any amendments. Potential offerors are responsible for downloading their own copy of the solicitation and amendments (if any).� OBTAINING ACCESS TO EXPORT CONTROLLED CONTENT: Individuals requesting access to the export controlled scientific and technical information must provide the following information to the Contracting Officer through an authorized manager of their company�s Security or Human Resources Offices.� That authorized individual shall verify that the information provided to NASA is correct, complete, and accurate.� The Contracting Officer is JR Carpentier; email to jsc-rpocv@mail.nasa.gov. Companies are responsible for ensuring their compliance with all U.S. export regulations: Full Company Name: Company Address: Is this a corporation, business association, partnership, society, trust, or any other entity, organization or group that is incorporated to do business in the United States? Yes [� ]�� No [� ] Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code: Company Security or Human Resources Point of contact(s) providing/verifying information about the individual requesting access Name and Title: Phone Number: e-mail: List the names of all individuals requesting access to the export-controlled data including: Name: the individual named above is [� ] or is not [� ] a U.S. person� as defined in Title 22, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 120.15 If the individual is not a U.S. person what is their citizenship? _________ ALTERNATE 6b:� Citizenship:� �Specify Citizenship [� ] Non-U.S. Persons must list any other countries to which individual claims citizenship __________ List Place of Birth: _______________ All foreign nationals from designated countries covered by a Programmatic Technology Transfer Control Plan (P-TTCP) or requiring access to export controlled information are required to have an Individual Technology Transfer Control Plan (I-TTCP) with a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).� Foreign nationals from non-designated countries requiring access to export-controlled information covered by a P-TTCP are required to comply with the International Partner or Foreign National Certification contained in the P-TTCP.� Point of Emphasis: The Company is responsible for ensuring compliance with the export regulations. Points of Contacts: Organization Export Control Representative if assigned. (End of Modification 6) February 9, 2022 - Modification 5 This is modification 5 to the Special notice entitled �Rendezvous, Proximity Operations and Capture (RPOC) V�, Industry Day Notice, 80JSC022RPOCV which was posted on January 18, 2022. You are notified that the following documents are posted: 1.) Technical Library is created to include RPOC V Technical Documents� Offerors are responsible for monitoring this site for the release of the solicitation and any amendments. Potential offerors are responsible for downloading their own copy of the solicitation and amendments (if any).� OBTAINING ACCESS TO EXPORT CONTROLLED CONTENT: Individuals requesting access to the export controlled scientific and technical information must provide the following information to the Contracting Officer, JR Carpentier, through an authorized manager of their company�s Security or Human Resources Offices at the following email:� jsc-rpocv@mail.nasa.gov.� That authorized individual shall verify that the information provided to NASA is correct, complete, and accurate.� Companies are responsible for ensuring their compliance with all U.S. export regulations: Full Company Name: Company Address: Is this a corporation, business association, partnership, society, trust, or any other entity, organization or group that is incorporated to do business in the United States? Yes [� ]�� No [� ] Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code: Company Security or Human Resources Point of contact(s) providing/verifying� information about the individual requesting access Name and Title: Phone Number: e-mail: List the names of all individuals requesting access to the export-controlled data including: Name: the individual named above is [� ] or is not [� ] a U.S. person� as defined in Title 22, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 120.15 If the individual is not a U.S. person what is their citizenship? _________ ALTERNATE 6b:� Citizenship:� �Specify Citizenship [� ] Non-U.S. Persons must list any other countries to which individual claims citizenship __________ List Place of Birth: _______________ All foreign nationals from designated countries covered by a Programmatic Technology Transfer Control Plan (P-TTCP) or requiring access to export controlled information are required to have an Individual Technology Transfer Control Plan (I-TTCP) with a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).� Foreign nationals from non-designated countries requiring access to export-controlled information covered by a P-TTCP are required to comply with the International Partner or Foreign National Certification contained in the P-TTCP.� Point of Emphasis: The Company is responsible for ensuring compliance with the export regulations. Points of Contacts: Organization Export Control Representative if assigned. (End of Modification 5) Modification 4 � February 3, 2022 The purpose of this RFI is to inform industry that NASA/JSC is providing interested parties an opportunity to provide information regarding potential organizational conflicts of interest (OCI) arising from the upcoming Rendezvous, Proximity Operations, and Capture V (RPOC V) contract. NASA will provide a written response and an optional virtual briefing to each interested party submitting a response to this RFI. Written responses/briefings are intended to provide information on the Government�s analysis of the mitigation approach proposed in the company�s OCI mitigation strategy. Written responses/briefings will not discuss how to mitigate an OCI but will provide context on the Government�s analysis of the OCI mitigation strategy. The Government will only address information provided in the company�s OCI mitigation strategy, will not address hypotheticals or NASA non-public information, and will not entertain any new information brought up during the briefing. The nature of the work anticipated under the RPOC V contract may create the potential for OCI(s) as currently described in FAR Subpart 9.5. Each interested party should review FAR Subpart 9.5 in light of NASA�s anticipation of OCI issues and consider carefully the extent to which an OCI may arise before making the decision to compete for the RPOC V contract. Specifically, NASA anticipates that the effort under the RPOC V contract will include the following types of tasks which could lead to potential OCI issues: Oversight of all non-Russian Visiting Vehicles to the International Space Station (ISS) including Commercial Crew Transportation Capability (CCtCAP), Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) Program, Private Astronaut Missions (PAM), Commercial Element (Axiom), and HTV (H-II Transfer Vehicle) and its follow-on HTV-X including analyzing the spacecraft design and the rendezvous, proximity operations, and capture capabilities of the vehicles. Oversight and/or partnering activities related to Guidance, Navigation, & Control, trajectory, and/or mission design of Gateway and/or the Human Landing System (HLS). Oversight of Commercial LEO space station Guidance, Navigation, and Control, trajectory, and/or mission design development. These types of tasks could lead to the following categories of OCI depending on the composition of the team selected for the RPOC V contract: Potential impaired objectivity if the RPOC V contractor or its subcontractors are assessing data developed by themselves or related companies or subcontractors. Potential impaired objectivity if the RPOC V contractor or its subcontractors or related companies are responsible for assessing or involved in creating safety analysis/hazard reports for hardware or data under another JSC contract. Unequal access to information if the RPOC V contractor are responsible for assessing data developed and provided under another JSC contract. This list is representative of potential OCI issues that NASA has identified, however, it is not intended to be all inclusive of areas of OCI concern that your company may identify related to the performance of the RPOC V contract requirements. Interested parties are requested to address the following questions in their response: What type(s) of OCI issues would your company or potential team identify, if any, should you choose to propose on the RPOC V contract? What strategies would you anticipate proposing to mitigate the OCI issues that you identified (if any)? Please provide strategy details, previous examples/experience with other contracts with NASA or other agencies, etc. Are there any other types of potential OCI issues with the proposed RPOC V contract that were not identified in this RFI? Does your company foresee any OCI issues associated with the RPOC V contract that would cause you to decide not to propose on the potential RPOC V RFP? Responses must be submitted via e-mail to the Contracting Officer listed below by 4:00 PM Central Time on February 10, 2022.� NASA will review any responses received regarding potential OCI and each offeror�s proposed OCI mitigation strategy. NASA will respond to each company who submits a mitigation strategy. NASA�s response is not intended to serve as a confirmation that, in fact, all potential OCI issues have been identified, an OCI will ultimately exist, or that an interested party is capable of successfully avoiding or mitigating an identified OCI. NASA�s response is also not intended to encourage or discourage any interested party from responding to an RFP issued for RPOC V in the future.� Furthermore, NASA�s response in no way alters or interprets FAR 9.5 as it applies to a final statement of work or a final proposal submission, should an interest party elect to submit a proposal to an RFP for RPOC V. Subsequent to this OCI submission and NASA�s response, NASA will not consider further information as it relates to this RFI. The documents currently on the NASA RPOC V acquisition website are for information and planning purposes to allow industry the opportunity to comment, and to promote competition only. NASA will not affirmatively release any information received in response to this RFI to the public, but may use information received in developing the best approach for a contract strategy, and therefore such information may be recognizable to the interested party who submitted it. Any information submitted in response to this RFI that is marked as �Confidential Commercial or Financial Information� will be considered as voluntarily submitted in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. All questions should be directed to the point of contact identified below. In accordance with FAR 15.201(e), responses to this notice are not offers and cannot be accepted by NASA to form a binding contract. NASA is under no obligation to issue a solicitation or to award any contract on the basis of this RFI. NASA will not pay for any information solicited under this RFI. No solicitation exists; therefore, do not request a copy of a solicitation. If a solicitation is released it will be synopsized on SAM.gov. It is the interested party�s responsibility to monitor this website for the release of any subsequent solicitation or synopsis. Point of Contact Name: J.R. Carpentier Title: Contracting Officer Email: john.r.carpentier@nasa.gov (End of Modification 4) Modification 3 � February 2, 2022 This is modification 3 to the Special notice entitled �Rendezvous, Proximity Operations and Capture (RPOC) V�, Industry Day Notice, 80JSC022RPOCV which was posted on January 18, 2022.� You are being notified that the following changes are made: Industry Day Q&As will be added to the RPOCV website listed below. The Industry Day Q&As are attached to this modification 3 notice.� Please continue to monitor this sam.gov posting for updates on the release of any documents, as well as the RPOCV website at https://www.nasa.gov/jsc/procurement/rpoc5. (End of Modification 3) Modification 2 - January 27, 2022 This is modification 2 to the Special notice entitled �Rendezvous, Proximity Operations and Capture (RPOC) V�, Industry Day Notice, 80JSC022RPOCV which was posted on January 18, 2022.� You are being notified that the following changes are made: Industry Day charts are updated and will be added to the RPOCV website listed below. The updated Industry Day charts are attached to this modification 2 notice.� Please continue to monitor this sam.gov posting for updates on the release of any documents, as well as the RPOCV website at https://www.nasa.gov/jsc/procurement/rpoc5. (End of Modification 2) Modification 1 - January 21, 2022 This is modification 1 to the special notice �Rendezvous, Proximity Operations and Capture (RPOC) V�, Industry Day Notice, 80JSC022RPOCV which was posted on January 18, 2022.� The following details are being provided as follows: Industry Day and One-on-one Meeting RSVPs The RPOC V Industry Day is open to firms that are interested in pursuing the RPOCV contracting requirement and will be held on Monday 24th, January 2022 from 9:00-10:30 am CST virtually via Microsoft Teams.� To RSVP for the RPOC V Industry Day and a One-on-one meeting, please email John R Carpentier at john.r.carpentier@nasa.gov �no later than 5:00PM central standard time, Friday, January 21, 2022. A Question and Answer (Q&A) session will be provided at the end of the presentation.� Vendors are required to post all questions into the chat box.� Following the presentation and the Q&A session, please email any additional questions to John R. Carpentier �john.r.carpentier@nasa.gov .� The Government will officially respond to all questions by posting responses to beta.sam.gov and the RPOC V website after Industry Day. One-on-one Meetings To facilitate interactive communications with industry, JSC personnel will also be available for meetings with individual companies in conjunction with Industry Day Tuesday 25th, January 2022 starting 8:00 am until 5:00 pm CST.� The meetings are intended to be Q&A sessions in which neither side will make a formal presentation.� Meetings will start at the top of each hour and will be 30 minute in duration.� To request a One-on-one meeting, please send an email to john.r.carpentier@nasa.gov and request a time. The following topics may be discussed at the One-on-one meetings: 1. The general purpose of the announced procurement; 2. Any information about JSC that NASA has already made accessible to the public or is otherwise being made available to all potential offerors; 3. Historical information about the general nature or scope of prior contracts whose requirements will be addressed in whole or in part under a follow-on procurement; 4. Information that describes the federal procurement process as defined by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), NASA FAR Supplement (NFS), or other published procurement policy documents; and 5. Procurement specific information already published such as information contained in the acquisition forecast, Statement of Work (SOW), and sources sought synopsis. Questions regarding the subjects below will not be discussed: 1. Proprietary or confidential business information of incumbent contractor(s) or other business entities; 2. Privacy Act protected information such as, incumbent contractor employees� personal data; 3. Trade Secrets Act protected information; 4. Speculation on what the Government might be looking for in proposals; 5. Different technical and management approaches; 6. Technical Efficiencies; 7. Any particular Government Emphasis; and 8. Incumbent�s performance. A confirmation email will be sent to acknowledge your reservation(s) and provide further instructions. The Industry Day charts are attached to this modification 1 notice.� Please continue to monitor this beta.sam.gov posting for updates on the release of any documents, as well as the RPOCV website at https://www.nasa.gov/jsc/procurement/rpoc5. It is the potential offeror's responsibility to monitor the website for updates to the technical library. (End of Modification 1) Industry Day will be held�on Monday 24th, January, 2022 from 9:00 - 10:30 am CST via TEAMS.Vendors should email john.r.carpentier@nasa.gov for an invite to the meeting no later than COB Friday 21st January, 2022�and provide a valid email address to send the invitation to. Charts will be posted prior to the the start of the meeting. One on One's - Tuesday 25th January,� 2022 via TEAMS Meetings will be at the top of each hour starting at 8:00 am until 5:00 pm CST Offerors can schedule a one-on-on by requesting a time via email to john.r.carpentier@nasa.gov Meeting time can only be requested until 3:00 pm CST on January 24, 2022 -� No more than three (3) individuals may represent any party or team of parties - Only one meeting will be allowed per company - Meetings will not exceed 30 minutes in length
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