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V -- Solicitation for Layberthing of Five (5) Ready Reserve Force (RRF) Vessels, 3 and 4 on the Gulf Coast and vessels 5, 6 and 7 on the East Coast of the United States

Notice Date
10/12/2022 11:19:06 AM
Notice Type
488390 — Other Support Activities for Water Transportation
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
10/31/2022 11:00:00 AM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Henry H. Puppe, Phone: 2024938977, Wilbur W. Turner, Phone: 2023660700
E-Mail Address
henry.puppe@dot.gov, wilbur.turner@dot.gov
(henry.puppe@dot.gov, wilbur.turner@dot.gov)
This is an IFB.� IFB's will be opened at 2pm EST OCTOBER 31th, 2022 on MS TEAMS:� Microsoft Teams meeting https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZDdkY2MxNzktMGQyMS00ZTg3LWFlZDctOGFlOWVhMWYzYzE5%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22c4cd245b-44f0-4395-a1aa-3848d258f78b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22db5728dc-5af0-4a71-8552-846dafd3d43f%22%7d Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Meeting ID: 289 739 695 96 Passcode: kHfBuf Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 509-931-1572,,309220661# � United States, Spokane Phone Conference ID: 309 220 661# The Maritime Administration (MARAD) requires layberth services for five additional commercial Ro/Ro vessels being brought into the Ready Reserve Force (RRF).� The vessels are to be layberthed on both the Gulf Coast and the US East Coast.�� This solicitation is a new requirement. The solicitation will consist of a two-ship group to be located in the Gulf Coast, a second two ship group and a single ship to be layberthed on the East Coast. The vessels to be procured have not been identified by name at this time.� The solicitation is being published with the ship characteristics providing the maximum length, draft and beam.� The solicitation is being published because procurement and capital improvement of layberth facilities is expected to take 6-10 months longer than to prepare the vessels for induction into the RRF.� For identification purposes for this solicitation the vessels will be named Vessel Acquisition Manager (VAM) vessels 3-7. These vessels constitute five of the eighteen commercial vessel to be acquired through 2025 to augment the RRF. It is determined that VAM vessels 3 and 4 are to be layberthed in the Gulf and VAM vessels 5, 6, in a group and VAM vessel 7 as a single vessel are to be located on the East Coast. Although the layberths are intended for the vessels identified in this solicitation, the Government may substitute vessels of a similar size or smaller. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Department of the Defense (DoD) and the Department of Transportation (DOT) establishes that, in consideration of the National Defense and the American Merchant Marine, a mutual interest and responsibility exists for the joint establishment, maintenance and control of a Ready Reserve Force (RRF), which is an element of the National Defense Reserve Fleet (NDRF).� The ships of the RRF are maintained by MARAD in various states of readiness to meet common user lift requirements of the armed services in a contingency.� The RRF consists of 42 vessels as of July 22, 2022.
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