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G -- Maine Emergency Shelter Beds

Notice Date
1/26/2023 7:15:37 AM
Notice Type
Sources Sought
624221 — Temporary Shelters
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
1/11/2023 7:00:00 AM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Craig Harris, Contracting Specialist, Phone: 603-314-1664
E-Mail Address
This is a Sources Sought notice only. This is not a request for quotes and no contract will be awarded from this announcement. The Government will not provide any reimbursement for responses submitted in response to this Source Sought notice. Respondents will not be notified of the results of the evaluation. The purpose of this announcement is to perform market research to gain knowledge of potential qualified sources and their size classification relative to NAICS 624221, Temporary Shelters with a size standard 12 Million. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Network Contracting Office 1 (NCO 1) is seeking to identify any vendor capable of providing VA Maine HCHV emergency shelter per the requirements below. Refer to the Performance Work Statement below for the requested requirement description. The standard shall be of quality; meeting or exceeding those outlined in the Performance Work Statement. This Sources Sought notice provides an opportunity for respondents to submit their capability and availability to provide the requirement described below. Vendors are being invited to submit information relative to their potential to fulfill this requirement, in the form of a capability response that addresses the specific requirement identified in this Sources Sought. Information received from this Sources Sought shall be utilized to facilitate the Contracting Officer s review of the market base, for acquisition planning, size determination, and procurement strategy. Interested parties should complete the attached Sources Sought Worksheet. Parties may submit additional information related to their capabilities, provided it contains all the requirements contained in the Sources Sought Worksheet. Responses to this Sources Sought shall not exceed 8 pages. In addition, all submissions should be provided electronically in a Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format. SAM: Interested parties shall be register in the System for Award Management (SAM) as prescribed in FAR Clause 52.232-33. SAM information can be obtained by accessing the internet at www.sam.gov or by calling 1-866-606-8220. Interested parties not registered in SAM will be ineligible to receive a government contract, should a solicitation be issued resulting from this Sources Sought. Attachment 1 Sources Sought Worksheet QUALIFICATION INFORMATION: Company / Institute Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________________________________________________ Point of Contact: _______________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: ________________________________________________________________ Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) #: ___________________________________________________ CAGE Code: __________________________________________________________________ Other available contract vehicles (GSA/FSS/NASA SEWP/ETC): ________________________ SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS: VIP Verified SDVOSB: (Y / N) VIP Verified VOSB: (Y / N) 8(a): (Y / N) HUBZone: (Y / N) Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business: (Y / N) Women-Owned Small Business: (Y / N) Small Business: (Y / N) NOTE: Respondent claiming SDVOSB and VOSB status shall be registered and Center for Veterans Enterprise (CVE) verified in VetBiz Registry www.vetbiz.gov. BASED ON THE RESPONSES TO THIS SOURCES SOUGHT NOTICE/MARKET RESEARCH, THIS REQUIREMENT MAY BE SET-ASIDE FOR SDVOSB, VOSB, SMALL BUSINESSES OR PROCURED THROUGH FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION. CAPABILITY STATEMENT: Provide a brief capability and interest in providing the service) as listed in Attachment 2 (PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT) with enough information to determine if your company can meet the requirement. The capabilities statement for this Sources Sought is not a Request for Quotation, Request for Proposal or Invitation for Bid, nor does it restrict the Government to an ultimate acquisition approach, but rather the Government is requesting a short statement regarding the company s ability to provide the services outlined in the (PWS). Any commercial brochures or currently existing marketing material may also be submitted with the capabilities statement. This synopsis is for information and planning purposes only and is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government. The Government will not pay for information solicited. Respondents will not be notified of the results of the evaluation. Attachment 2 PERFORMANCE WORK STATEMENT MAINE HCS CONTRACT EMERGENCY RESIDENTIAL SERVICES BEDS PURPOSE. The Department Affairs Medical Center in Maine requires Contractors to provide services as part of its Community Based Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program. The goal of the HCHV program is to remove homeless Veterans from the street or habitation unfit for Veterans and place them in community-based, residential environments with sufficient supportive services to meet their needs and ultimately facilitate the improvement of their housing situation. BACKGROUND. Through the HCHV program, VA provides supportive services to Veterans and facilitates their access to a broad range of medical, mental health, and rehabilitative services. The purpose of this solicitation is to obtain offers from Contractors in Maine (should we specify counties?) who can provide housing, and supportive services to Homeless Veterans and/or their families in community-based Contracted Emergency Residential Services (CERS) facilities offering a safe and secure environment that supports their goals for recovery from homelessness. The Contractor will be required to provide a low- barrier therapeutic and rehabilitative milieu and attendant services targeting the underlying factors contributing to homelessness. The Contractor will not be required to provide detoxification or other hospital level treatment- those services will be provided by the VA at VA facilities. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BASIC SERVICES: The Contractor shall furnish up to 14 Veteran who have been approved as eligible by the VA and admitted for care under this contract with the following basic services: ROOM AND BOARD: Room and Board shall be accessible to the Veteran 7 days a week and 24 hours per day. Accommodations will include a bed and other furnishings such as a dresser, storage locker or designated secured space, and personal linens (towels, pillows, blankets and bed sheets, etc.). The Contractor will allow Veteran to store personal belongings for at least 72 hours after formal HCHV discharge. At least three nutritious meals, 7 days a week will be provided for the Veteran. In addition, there will be availability of snacks of nourishing quality (e.g. fruits, vegetables, protein sources, etc.), between meals and bedtime for those requiring or desiring additional food, even when it is not medically indicated. There will not be more than a 14 hour span between evening meal and breakfast of the following day. Contractor will provide alternative meals for Veterans with dietary restrictions if medically indicated (e.g. diabetic, renal and soft mechanical diets) and reasonable accommodation for Veterans with cultural/religious preferences around food (e.g. Kosher, Sikh, etc.). Food shall be prepared, served and stored under sanitary conditions. The facility shall provide storage space in an onsite refrigerator for Veterans to store and freely access personal food. The facility shall establish and maintain sanitary procedures for washing dishes, cleaning equipment and work areas, and disposing of waste. LAUNDRY FACILITIES: Laundry facilities and necessary detergent free of charge and adequate for residents to do their own laundry or to have laundry done at minimum one time per week. THERAPEUTIC AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES: Each Veteran will have an Individual Care Plan (ICP) completed by the Contractor with input from the Veteran and the VA liaison (or Designee). Therapeutic and rehabilitative services will be stated in the plan of care. Services which the Contractor must be able to furnish or provide shall be detailed in the QASP and will include: Group Activities: Structured group activities, as appropriate, shall occur two times per month examples include group therapy, life skills training, social skills training, financial workshops, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, vocational counseling and physical activities as appropriate. For the purposes of this contract House Meetings and VA Housing Resource Groups may not be counted as a structured group activity should have a therapeutic value and facilitation shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Should a Veteran have mental health, medical, family and/or employment obligations which directly conflicts with this requirement alternate group activities will be arranged and/or the Contractor will clearly document efforts made to accommodate the Veteran. VA Coordination: Collaboration and coordination with VA program staff, as needed, will include coordination of supportive psychosocial services. In particular, coordinated efforts must be made with the Liaison around medical, mental health, admission and discharge needs. Case Management: A thorough written Individualized Care Plan (ICP) will be developed within 72 business hours of admission for each Veteran. This will include structured individual case management, at minimum, weekly including counseling on self-care skills, adaptive coping skills, financial planning, permanent housing search, written care plan, referral for financial benefits. Additional counseling may include, professional and vocational rehabilitation counseling in collaboration with VA programs and community resources. In addition, special attention will be made to address High Suicide Risk (HSR) Veterans as identified by the VA Liaison, VA Mental Health Staff and/or the contracted Case Manager. On a weekly basis the contracted case manager will be required to update the VA Liaison on Veteran progress and/or safety concerns for HSR Veterans. Contracted case manager will review the HSR Safety Plans with the Veteran on a bi-weekly basis. HSR Safety plan reviews and a copy of the Veteran s Safety Plan will be documented in the chart. All Veterans will be referred to VA for Primary Care and Mental Health appointments and Contractors will support Veterans in making initial and subsequent appointments. Efforts will be documented in the Veterans ICP and reviewed by the HCHV Liaison at least monthly. All Contractors will provide proper documentation verifying services and case management efforts by all team members including, but not limited to housing, benefit and employment specialists, and program management staff. There will be an expectation that notes are written professionally in a format that utilizes the clear settings of goals and documents progress towards those goals (e.g. SNAP, SOAP, or SMART notes). Staffing Ratio: Programs are required to maintain low caseloads of no more than one full time dedicated Veteran case manager for up to 14 active Veteran clients. Exceptions may be granted in writing by the VA. Staff is defined as a paid professional or para-professional and does not include interns. The VA requires that case managers working with Veterans do not engage in case management or group facilitation of non-Veteran population unless a waiver has been granted by the VA. (staff in building?) Permanent Housing Search: Programs are required to provide Veterans with direct and ongoing assistance in achieving permanent housing. As a primary goal of the HCHV program, plans for Veterans transition to permanent housing placements must be clearly reflected in each ICP and in weekly case management notes. As part of this plan, Veterans housing history and needs must be assessed through a formal and thorough Housing Assessment completed within 72 business hours of program admission. Housing Assessments must identify Veterans housing history, strengths (i.e. positive prior rental history), and barriers (i.e. Unlawful Detainers). Should Veteran refuse to engage with program staff regarding plans for permanent housing transition, motivational interviewing and other therapeutic techniques will be used to address Veteran ambivalence. All efforts to engage Veteran regarding housing plans, options, and resources shall be clearly documented and include any therapeutic techniques utilized. Contractor staff must provide direct assistance to Veterans in developing permanent housing plans and accessing appropriate housing resources. These services shall be provided weekly through one to one case management. Examples of expected housing services include: 1) assistance obtaining and reviewing Veteran s free credit report, identifying housing strengths and/or barriers associated with current credit status; 2) Creating a Tenant Portfolio with Veteran that contains all relevant documents required in the rental process, including a completed sample rental application for Veteran, income verification documents, identification, applicable subsidies, etc.; 3) Reviewing affordable housing rental options and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) program offerings, and assisting Veterans with making appropriate rental inquiries and submitting completed rental applications; 4) Conducting regular and individualized housing advocacy efforts, including transportation, assistance scheduling, meeting, and communicating with property managers and landlords, and engage in troubleshooting where rental barriers or denials occur in the housing search process and 5) exploring housing options in low-rent areas. All housing efforts by Contractor shall be documented clearly and presented to HCHV Liaison upon request. Mere communication with Veterans regarding housing, without subsequent Contractor staff action and follow-up, shall not on its own meet the above requirements. Financial Planning: Referral to and follow up on all potential financial resources the Veteran may be eligible for (e.g. SSI, SSDI, Food Stamps, NSC pension, GA, etc.). Case Managers will document all structured activities that support Veteran in developing a short and long term plan to understand and address their current financial situation and how to improve it. Financial planning efforts may be accomplished in group but preferably through one on one case management services. Employment Services: Referral to all relevant employment opportunities the Veteran is eligible for and interested in, Case managers will document all structured activities that support Veteran in applying for employment as appropriate based on needs of Veteran as identified in the assessment. Recovery: Support for an alcohol/drug abuse-free lifestyle provided in an environment conducive to social interaction and the fullest development of the resident s rehabilitative potential. Assistance to gain and to apply knowledge of the recovery process in an environment supportive of recovery models. Occupancy: It is expected that Contractor beds will be maintained at an average minimum of an 85% occupancy rate but at a preferred rate of 90% as calculated based upon number of bed nights available per quarter. If this rate is not consistently attained a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) will be developed by the Contractor as part of the QASP and/or process improvement plan. Discharge Planning: Securing permanent housing will be the primary discharge goal for every Veteran. All Veterans must have a discharge plan within two weeks of admission which integrates items included in Paragraph 5 above. Veterans must also apply for a minimum of one Grant and Per Diem program, or one residential inpatient program and independent housing within the first month of admission. Compliance with all VA regulations regarding discharges and timeliness of reporting discharges is required by Contractor. Case Managers will provide assistance with discharge planning for every Veteran and report all discharges within 24 business hours . Housing needs will be assessed upon acceptance to the program (within 72 business hours as noted in Paragraph 5) and resources will be coordinated for discharge to a successful community placement throughout the duration of the Veteran s stay. A negative discharge for undesirable behavior is a committee decision that must include the VA Liaison prior to discharge. This does not include violations for safety reasons or verbal abuse. Please note: Profanity does not in and of itself constitute abuse and shall not exclusively be considered grounds for discharge. Any and all actual or threatened violence will be grounds for discharge. Veterans may be discharged for safety reasons at any time. All negative discharges will be subject to a full team debriefing, including VA Liaison, to look for opportunities missed to intervene sooner. All discharges are subject to the Contractors grievance procedures and must allow clients the opportunity to be represented by the VA Liaison in the grievance process. Reasonable efforts must be made to coordinate with the Liaison in order to schedule an appeal. Lastly, all TQI measures must be met in order to receive the highest past performance rating. These include the following: HCHV1 (DC to Ind. Housing) - >55% HCHV2 (DC w/ Neg. Exits) - 85% Length of Stay 60 Days VA Benefit Applications Pending -15% Non-VA Benefit Applications Pending -8% Grievance Procedures: Programs must have an internal grievance process that Veterans can use to resolve conflicts within the program. Programs must have written policies and procedures for resolving grievances, including a statement regarding the client s right to request reasonable accommodation, and must post them in a place conspicuous and be accessible to clients. In addition, each client shall receive a copy of the grievance policies and procedures, upon intake and upon receiving a warning or discharge notice. Intake Packets: All Veterans must receive an intake packet within 72 business hours which includes, at minimum, the following information: Description of the Contractors services Grievance Policy Emergency procedures Patient rights and Reasonable Accommodation Extensions- All extensions beyond 60 days must be approved in writing by VA liaison or Designee. Medication Management: Medications and narcotics shall be properly stored. Timeliness of Response- Contractor is expected to have a dedicated phone line for VA inquiries and referrals. Return calls from the program are expected within 4 hours during business hours Monday through Friday. This includes calls from VA Staff or the Liaison to the program. Falls Assault (to Veteran or Staff) Elderly/Dependent Adult Abuse or Neglect Sexual Assault Fire (Veteran Involved) Medical/Psychiatric Emergency (911 Calls) Hospitalization Suicide or Suicide Attempt Homicide Death Infectious Control (TB, etc.) Active Substance Abuse Observation/ Possession of Weapons Critical Incident Reporting- All critical incidents will be reported within 24 hours. This includes the following: DOCUMENTATION: The Contractor shall provide treatment and discharge planning reflecting a team assessment of health, social and vocational needs and the involvement of the Veteran, the VA staff and appropriate community resources in resolving problems and setting goals. An individual case record will be created for each referred Veteran. Case records shall be maintained in security and confidence as required by the Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records (42 CFR part 2) and the Confidentiality of Certain Medical Records (38 USC 7332). Case records and data normally maintained and included in a medical record as a function of compliance with State or community licensing standards will be made available on a need to know basis to appropriate Department of Veterans Affairs staff members involved with the treatment program of the Veterans concerned. The Contractor shall comply with applicable requirements of the Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Patient Records (42 CFR Part II) and the Confidentiality of Certain Medical Records (38 USC 7332). The files shall include: All essential identifying data relevant to the resident and his/her family including a socio-cultural assessment, weekly progress reports or notes, and documentation of any case management interventions or patient care conferences Case management notes written in a professional manner (i.e. SMART, SOAP, SNAP) will include the following: 1) A written and thorough Housing Needs Assessment, 2) Financial Plan, 3) Discharge Plan, and Individual Care Plan with attendant goals and documented activity indicating Veteran and Case Manager is actively working on identified goals. QASP Compliance Tool and all attendant supporting documentation demonstrating Contractor compliance with Contract Final summaries on each resident who leaves the program, to include reasons for leaving, the resident s future plans, and follow-up locator information. Extension approval if relevant Waivers as appropriate The Contractor shall comply with the principles listed in 38 CFR 17.707(b) to provide housing and supportive services in a manner that is free from religious discrimination. RULES, POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: The Contractor shall have reasonable rules governing day-to-day life and activities in the facility. Such rules clearly inform Veterans of the obligations upon which their continued participation in the program depends and the consequences for non-compliance. Veterans will be provided a copy of the rules at intake or upon Veterans request. In addition, Contractor will post the rules in a location readily accessible to clients and visitors. These rules must include detailed Patient Rights and the procedures that the Contractor has in place to protect the Veterans rights and dignity. Veterans must be permitted to exercise these rights without fear of reprisal. If requested, Contractors must reasonably accommodate Veterans whose compliance with program rules is limited by the Veterans physical or mental disabilities, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Federal Fair Housing Amendments Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, including those requirements covering reasonable accommodations for disabilities and the use of assistance animals,  and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act of 1973 and all other applicable State or Federal laws. Contractor must equally apply all rules, policies and procedures to Veterans, unless a Veteran has asked for a reasonable accommodation due to his/her disability. PROCEDURES FOR NEGATIVE DISCHARGE OR SANCTION: Contractor must post rules in the Veterans Case Manager s Office and provide Veteran with the rules which specify the reasons or conditions for which a Veteran may be sanctioned or discharged, including those behaviors which constitute gross misconduct and are grounds for immediate discharge from the program and those which would prompt a written warning if violated and potential discharge if violated repeatedly. Contractor will describe the formal appeal procedures through which clients may appeal program regulations, sanctions or discharges. This information must be provided to clients in writing upon intake and must be clear and easily understandable by clients. This information will include: Immediate contact with VA liaison Timely due process provisions which should include two warning notices for violations which do not result in immediate discharge prior to issuance of a discharge notice and an opportunity for a case conference after warning is issued to the client Notice of, and access to, formal appeal procedures Notice of the conditions or process for re-admission to the program. Reasonable efforts to provide an appropriate referral to another facility or appropriate level of care as needed This does not apply to Veterans who are discharged for danger to self or others ADDITIONAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS PERSONNEL: The Contractor will employ sufficient personnel (minimum requirement for shelter attendants is a mental health rehabilitation technician) to carry out the policies, contract responsibilities, and the program for the facility. Staff must have appropriate and commensurate coverage for staff using authorized and unauthorized leave (e.g. holidays, sick leave, family care, etc.). There must be, at a minimum, one staff member on duty in the building and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, there is an expectation that there is an administrative/clinical Designee that will be available for consultation for emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Contractor shall assign personnel that by education, training and when required, certification or licensure qualified to provide the Basic Services and Supplemental Services required by this SOW. Staff Training: Contractor will provide at least one staff person on-site at all times who has had training and orientation on the following topics. Staff shall receive and document at a minimum one-time training per year on these subjects. CPR First Aid Crisis intervention Cultural sensitivity Sexual harassment Sensitivity to wider issues of homelessness Universal Precautions (disease transmission prevention) Child abuse/neglect reporting laws (if shelter provides services to children) Adult abuse/neglect reporting laws Harm Reduction philosophy Suicide Prevention State and Federal Fair Housing Law and ADA Requirements Conflict resolution De-escalation techniques Search and Seizure/Probable Cause in the Shelter Setting Contractor will perform criminal background checks on all staff members that work with children. Contractors will agree not to hire Staff who is currently enrolled in a VA Homeless Program or who have ended participation in a VA Homeless Program within the past two years. Contractor must have a policy prohibiting staff from establishing sexual relationships with program clients. The Contractor must identify each person functioning as Key Personnel under this contract, and provide to the VA a description of the services to be provided by such person, together with a resume summarizing that person s relevant skills and experience. During the first ninety (90) calendar days of contract performance, the Contractor shall make NO substitutions of key personnel unless the substitution is necessitated by illness, death, or termination of employment. Within 14 days after substitutions necessitated by situations described above, the Contractor shall provide resumes for the substitute key personnel. For substitutions proposed by the Contractor after the initial 90 calendar day period, the Contractor shall provide resumes for the substitute personnel, together with any other additional information requested by the Contracting Officer, at least 15 days before the substitution is to occur. The Contracting Officer shall notify the Contractor within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of all required information if the VA refuses to accept the substitute key personnel. The VA reserves the right to refuse or revoke acceptance of key personnel if personal or professional conduct, or lack of required skills or experience, jeopardizes patient care or interferes with the regular and ordinary operation of the facility. Temporary substitutions of key personnel shall be permitted in accordance with the Contractor s contingency plan. The Contractor s contingency plan to be utilized if personnel leave Contractor s employment or are unable to continue performance in accordance with the terms and conditions of the resulting contract must be submitted as part of the Contractor s offer. REFERRALS, ADMISSIONS AND ELIGIBILITY: Contractor must utilize an admission process that includes written eligibility criteria that is fair, objective, and compliant with applicable State and Federal laws. Contractor will provide verbal and written notification that is readily accessible to all individuals, upon request, of reasons for non-acceptance. Notification of reasons for non-acceptance is not required to be given to those denied service/housing because of bed unavailability. The eligibility information must be made available to clients at intake and staff must provide answers to questions about the admission criteria and process. Contractors must have formal appeal procedures through which clients may appeal unfavorable admission or eligibility decisions and a copy of the policy for appeals is to be given to the Veteran at screening or intake. The VA is responsible for determining eligibility of Veterans prior to acceptance by the Contractor for services. After receipt of a Release of Information (ROI) a written pre-approval from VA Staff is required (hard copy, fax or e-mail are acceptable) and shall be provided to the Contractor for each Veteran referred for services under the contract. A list of authorized VA Staff for the contract shall be provided to the Contractor upon award of the contract. VA Staff may be added or deleted from the list during the term of the contract at the discretion of VA Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall be provided an updated list of authorized VA Staff whenever such changes are made. It is understood that the Contractor will not be paid for care provided to a referred Veteran beyond the period authorized in the referral, unless an extension of the authorization is provided in writing by the VA. The initial stay for a Veteran should be no longer than 60 days. Some Veterans may be considered for up to 90 days depending on the needs of the Veteran as mutually determined by the Veteran, the Contractor s staff, and VA liaison or Designee. Any extension of the stay after 90 days must be authorized by the VA liaison or Designee, provided that there is clear clinical indication and availability of funds. It is understood that the type of Veterans to be cared for under this contract will requirecare and treatment services over and above the level of room and board. To be eligible for placement in emergency contract beds, all Veterans must be homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless and be eligible and registered for VA services. Contractors are encouraged to provide housing and or services to special Veteran populations, such as but not limited to the following: medically compromised Veterans, Veterans with young children, Veterans with sex offender status, seriously mentally ill Veterans, Veterans who have abused drugs or alcohol for many years, and/or Veterans who have been involved with the legal system. Denial of Services: Veterans cannot be denied entry to HCHV Contracted Residential Services based solely upon length of current abstinence from alcohol or non-prescribed controlled substances, the number of previous treatment episodes, the time interval since the last program entry, the use of prescribed controlled substances, disability, income, gender or legal history. This includes a Veterans status of being a victim of Domestic Violence and as such cannot be considered during the screening process. The screening process must consider each of these special circumstances and determine whether the program can meet the individual Veteran's needs while maintaining the program's safety, security, and integrity. ABSENCES AND CANCELLATION: The Contractor shall notify the VA of unauthorized absences by a referred Veteran from the facility within 24 hrs of Veterans absence. Should a Veteran absent himself/herself from the Contractor s facility in an unauthorized manner, payment for services for that Veteran shall be continued for a maximum period of 24 hours, provided there is a documented active outreach attempt on the part of the Contractor s staff to return the Veteran to the facility and there is a reasonable belief that the Veteran will return. Management of program dropout rate will be an element of quality assurance review of...
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Address: Department of Veterans Affairs Maine HCS, Augusta 04330, USA
Zip Code: 04330
Country: USA
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