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59 -- Circuit Card Assembly

Notice Date
2/28/2023 1:44:13 PM
Notice Type
334412 — Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
4/15/2023 2:00:00 PM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Kiaunna Blevins, Phone: 256-214-9518, Jennifer Triolo, Phone: 2563033127
E-Mail Address
kiaunna.blevins@dla.mil, jennifer.triolo@dla.mil
(kiaunna.blevins@dla.mil, jennifer.triolo@dla.mil)
DLA AHCA February 8, 2023 Lockheed Martin Corporation 1701 W Marshall Drive Grand Prairie, TX 75051-2704 �Letter Request for Proposal SPRRA2-23-R-0028 AMD 0001 This purpose of this amendment is to change the following requirements: 1) Update our request for 3-year pricing to 1-year pricing as reflected throughout the document below. 2) Extend the proposal due date to April 15, 2023. 3) Update the proposal validity time frame from 180 days to 60 days. Mr. Stephen Mines, The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) wishes to add a new subsumable contract to the Captains of Industry (COI) contract, SPE4AX-22-D-9000. In conjunction with RFP, SPRRA2-23-R-0001, we would like to add an additional NSN, 5998-01-441-3197 to your proposal. This NSN will support the Patriot Missile Weapon System. See Enclosure 1, �Additional Population and Identification of Requirements�. DLA Contracting Team Identification: Jennifer Triolo, DLA Aviation- Huntsville Contracting Officer E-mail: jennifer.triolo@dla.mil, Phone: (256) 303-3127 Kiaunna Blevins, DLA Aviation- Huntsville Contract Specialist E-mail: kiaunna.blevins@dla.mil, Phone: (256) 214-9518 A.Please adhere to the following timelines: 1.Indicate your intention to provide a responsive add-on proposal to this RFP in writingwithin five (5) business days. It is requested that a negative response be accompanied byan explanation. Responses shall be provided to the contracting team identified above. 2.Your response is requested as soon as possible. If you choose to submit an add-onproposal, please submit pricing with your proposal for RFP SPRRA2-23-R-0001 by 4:00p.m. Central Standard Time (CST), April 15, 2023. B.Instructions: 1.The Captains of Industry contract (SPE4AX-22-D-9000) shall govern theContractor�s and Government�s rights and obligations. 2.Contract clauses are governed by the COI contract. However, the COI contract allows for clauses to be removed at the subsumable level. If Lockheed Martin takes exception to any clauses within the COI, both parties will discuss and reach an agreement to remove any non-applicable clauses prior to award. 3.This RFP is not an authorization to start work. 4.Please ensure that you read the entire RFP, prior to submitting your proposal. Your proposal shall be in full compliance with the instructions of this RFP. 5.The Proposal must be certified to the 1 Year best estimated quantity (BEQ), which is determined as the highest priced alternative to the Government. 6.Your proposal shall remain valid for a minimum of sixty (60) days from receipt by the government. C.Proposal Content/Cost/Price Supporting Documentation. At a minimum your proposal shall include the following: 1.The Government contemplates Firm-Fixed-Pricing for this add-on Subsumable contract in accordance with the overarching basic contract, and requests pricing for one (1) year. This is an RFP for NSN support requirements generated by the Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) Project Office to be used on the Patriot Missile Weapon System. 2.The offeror shall prepare one summary schedule. Along with the summary schedule, the offeror shall provide fully supportable cost data which substantiates the offeror�s summary schedule for the P/Ns. Submission must include working excel formulas, if applicable. Submission shall be in accordance with FAR 15.408, Table 15-2, Instructions for Submitting Cost/Price Proposals When Certified Cost or Pricing Data are required. Back up documentation shall detail the labor categories to be used, labor hours proposed by category, material and equipment cost, and a total cost breakdown. The offeror shall also provide supporting cost/price documentation for all proposed subcontractors, to include the proposed type of subcontract. a.To comply with this solicitation, the offeror is required to price for thefollowing Fiscal Year: Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23). b.Please price for the best estimated quantity (BEQ) for one (1) NSN for FY23. Please reference and complete Enclosure 3, �Pricing and Delivery Schedule Year 1"" to include your proposed prices. c.Per FAR 15.408 Table 15-2, cost analyses must be performed by the offerorfor subcontracts identified in the Consolidated Bill of Materials as having total proposed pricing that exceeds the regulatory threshold indicated in FAR Part 15.403-4 for the 1-year BEQ only. Fair and reasonable subcontractor analysis in accordance with FAR 15.404-3(b) Subcontract Pricing Considerations shall be provided for the 1-year BEQ only. d.The government did not provide separate Subcontract Line Item Numbers (SLINs) to accommodate items that may require reusable shipping containers. However, if an item requires a reusable shipping container, a SLIN may be added to allow the offeror to price the item with a shipping container. The offeror shall propose the most expeditious delivery schedule for each item. e.The Government�s requested hardware delivery schedule is detailed in Enclosures 1 and 3, as Production Lead Time desired. Please complete Enclosure 3, �Pricing and Delivery Schedule Year 1� to include your proposed delivery schedule. f.A First Article Test (FAT) is required for the NSN listed within the additionalpopulation list. If Lockheed Martin wishes to request a FAT Waiver, please fill outa FAT Waiver Worksheet (Enclosure 4) and submit back to us PRIOR to yourproposal. If the P/N has been in continuous production within the past three years,please submit documentation with the contract numbers associated with the P/N toexpedite the FAT waiver process. g.An un-sanitized cost break-down (all cost information, all rates/dollars) shallalso be provided in a Microsoft Excel File. h.In support of the proposed Indirect Expense Rates, RTN, IOTs and itssubcontractor(s) shall provide documentation of the most recent IndirectExpense Rates, to include, at least one of the following (A, B, or C):A.Forward Pricing Rate Agreements (FPRAs) with DCAA or DCMAB.Forward Pricing Rate Recommendations (FPRR) from DCAA or DCMAC.Forward Pricing Rate Proposal (FPRP), Approved Provisional Rates Proposalor other statement of current rates including three (3) years of Incurred CostSubmissions to DCAA detailing pools and bases (by expense accounts)information which validates the calculations or three (3) years historical actualdetailing pools and bases (by expense accounts)information which validates the calculations. Note: The rates reflected in the FPRA, FPRR, FPRP, Approved Provisional Rates Proposal or other statement of current rates shall directly match the proposed rates as detailed in the proposal. If the rates do not match, the offeror shall provide sufficient detail explaining how the proposed rates are realistic. i.Identify key business unit personnel related to contracting, technical and pricingquestions and known DCMA or DCAA business unit points of contact (POCs) toexpedite the question/review process. j.In accordance with FAR clause 52.215-22, Limitation on Pass-Through Charges, ifLockheed Martin intends to subcontract more than 70 percent of the total cost ofwork to be performed under the resulting add-on, Lockheed Martin shall identify inits proposal a description of the value-added provided by Lockheed Martin asrelated to the work to be performed by the subcontractor(s) as defined by FARclause 52.215-23. k.Lockheed Martin shall identify and address in its proposal all actual or potentialOrganizational Conflicts of Interests (OCIs), per FAR 9.5, or state that there areno known potential OCIs. If any actual or potential OCIs are identified, thenLockheed Martin shall submit a mitigation plan. l.All communications SHALL be submitted in writing ONLY AND directly toboth the contracting officer and contracting specialist identified on the firstpage of this RFP. Lockheed Martin shall not contact any other Governmentpersonnel other than the person(s) identified above. Contacting anyGovernment personnel other than the individual(s) identified above could resultin an organizational conflict of interest (OCI). m.No assumptions, terms, conditions, caveats or exceptions submitted within yourproposal, in response to this RFP, will be accepted or incorporated into the basiccontract. All assumptions shall be addressed and/or resolved through the use ofthe question-and-answer period. n.Lockheed Martin shall submit their Small Business Plan with their proposal as aseparate document SBxxxx.doc. This enclosure will be used to ensure LockheedMartin is on track to meet the goals established in the base contract. o.This document contains technical data whose export is restricted by the ArmsExport Control Act (Title 22, U.S.C., SEC 2751 ET SEQ.) or Executive Order12470. Violation of these export laws are subject to severe criminal penalties. p.Effective August 13, 2020, the offeror, by submission of its quotation, represents it: 1) will not provide covered telecommunications equipment or services to the Government in the performance of any contract, subcontract or other contractual instrument resulting from this solicitation in accordance with FAR 52.204-24(d)(1); 2) does not use covered telecommunications equipment or services, or use any equipment, system, or service that uses covered telecommunications equipment or services IAW FAR 52.204-24(d)(2); and 3) does not provide covered defense telecommunications equipment or services as part of its offered products or services to the Government in the performance of any contract, subcontract, or other contractual instrument IAW DFARS 252.204-7016(c). 3. The Government reserves the right to award the NSN of this Letter RFP either on the same contract as the NSNs located on RFP SPRRA2-23-R-0001 or on a separate contract. Be advised; however, that this requirement has been advertised in SAM.gov website for viewing by the general public. In the event another supplier indicates interest in responding to the requirement as a result of viewing the synopsis, a formal solicitation will be issued to accommodate that supplier. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Kiaunna Blevins and/or Jennifer Triolo identified on the first page of this RFP. Sincerely, Jennifer Triolo Contracting Officer E-mail: jennifer.triolo@dla.mil Phone: (256) 303-3127 Enclosures: 1.Additional Population and Identification of Requirements 2.Packaging Requirements 3.Pricing and Delivery Schedule 4.FAT Waiver Worksheet
Web Link
SAM.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: Chambersburg, PA 17201, USA
Zip Code: 17201
Country: USA
SN06604153-F 20230302/230228230110 (samdaily.us)
SAM.gov Link to This Notice
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