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99 -- Hill Air Force Base Contracting Directorate Virtual Industry Day: Capitalize on Synergy with Contractor Engagement

Notice Date
3/22/2023 2:23:22 PM
Notice Type
Special Notice
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Response Due
3/31/2023 4:00:00 PM
Point of Contact
Alison Adamson, Phone: 801-777-6466, Kaitlin Johnson, Phone: 801-775-2966
E-Mail Address
alison.adamson@us.af.mil, kaitlin.johnson.2@us.af.mil
(alison.adamson@us.af.mil, kaitlin.johnson.2@us.af.mil)
The Hill Air Force Base Contracting Directorate is excited to announce the upcoming virtual Industry Day. The purpose of this meeting is to Capitalize on Synergy with Contractor Engagement. The meeting will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams on 12 April 2023, starting at 11:30 AM MDT ending at 12:30 PM MDT. We welcome your input for discussion topics. Please submit all topics and questions for discussion in writing to Alison Adamson (alison.adamson@us.af.mil) and Kaitlin Johnson (kaitlin.johnson.2@us.af.mil) no later than 31 March 2023, 5:00 PM MDT . A detailed agenda will be provided once all requested topics for discussion have been received. Please see below for the primary list of topics planned for discussion: 1. �Hill AFB Contracting Supply Chain Management Vision Statement: What it means to our Industry Partners 2. �Increase industry engagement and open communications across all stakeholders 3. �Discuss opportunities to improve the supply chain, proposal timelines, and on-time deliveries Please send your RSVPs with the following information no later than 31 March 2023, 5:00 PM MDT: 1.� Full name and title of each attendee 2.� Contractor name 3. �Contact information (e-mail and phone number) 4. �Program/requirement areas you have contracts and/or interest within AFMC/PK Note: A calendar invite with the Microsoft Teams meeting link will be sent via email to those that RSVP. Microsoft Teams Link:� https://dod.teams.microsoft.us/l/meetup-join/19%3adod%3ameeting_89b82dd4056e4d82948a225fe480337f%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%228331b18d-2d87-48ef-a35f-ac8818ebf9b4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22082ad95d-e037-494f-ad52-309914ff23d2%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d�� The call-in number for this meeting is:� 1 410-874-6750�� United States, Odenton (Toll) Conference ID:�912 749 176#
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