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99 -- Quantum Industry Event

Notice Date
6/26/2023 9:13:11 AM
Notice Type
Special Notice
Contracting Office
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Solicitation Number
Response Due
7/14/2023 10:00:00 AM
Archive Date
Department of the Air Force Industry Event Quantum Resilience for the Future THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Purpose:� The purpose of this market research event is the allow industry to demonstrate what is in the realm of the possible with commercially available technology. DO NOT CREATE ANY NEW SOLUTIONS.� The Department of the Air Force Principal Cyber Advisor (DAF PCA) is hosting an industry event to engage in an open dialogue on how the DAF can quickly field Quantum Resilient solutions.� This event will allow the DAF to have meaningful discussions on feasible implementations of Quantum Resilient solutions to meet DAF requirements.� An important focus for this industry event will be to gain a better understanding of readily available solutions, capabilities, and innovative approaches to help accelerate platform integration and support cryptographic agility throughout the lifecycle.� The government is researching to if there are ready and viable solutions that incorporate the National Security Agency (NSA) approved algorithms, must be Quantum resilient, and able to quickly update with new algorithms as they become available.� In addition, the DAF is looking for innovative ways to streamline the end-to-end cryptographic lifecycle (development through fielding).�� On 10 July 2023 at 10:00 EST, Dr. Jones-Heath, Principle Cyber Adivsors to the Secretary of the Air Force will be addressing industry concerning her vision for�Quantum solutions for the future.� This forum is open to the public.� Please use the teams link below.�The Quantum industry event will be held 24, 25, and 28 July 2023 at Joint Base Andrews.� 10 July 2023 TEAMS INFORMATION BELOW: https://dod.teams.microsoft.us/l/meetup-join/19%3adod%3ameeting_f7b957b62308448ebc1267a81b041297%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%228331b18d-2d87-48ef-a35f-ac8818ebf9b4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22c4c6ad52-452b-44b8-a7a9-4487d10a610c%22%7d Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Or call in (audio only) +1 410-874-6740,,953173170#�� United States, Odenton Phone Conference ID:�953 173 170# Instructions for the demonstration/presentation below: It�s important to note that participating in an Industry event will not give any advantage to an interested industry partner IF the government decides to issue a solicitation. If you are unable to attend this event, you will not be prevented from responding to any possible future opportunity(ies). Event Dates: 24, 25, and 28 July 2023. Event Location: 1500 West Perimeter Rd, Joint Base Andrews, 20762 � Room 4190. Event POC: Maj Christina Mayo christina.mayo@us.af.mil Instructions: Each interested industry partner must request a timeslot to demonstrate readily available capabilities to meet SAF/PCA�s goal. Each timeslot is 45 minutes maximum.� Recommend demonstrating for 30 minutes and then allowing 15 minutes for questions and answers.� Request timeslot by sending an email with your company name, technology name and POC to theresa.terry.1@us.af.mil and christina.mayo@us.af.mil no later than 14 July 2023 @ 1300 EST.� If you have a preferred time slot, please indicate that in the email request. This will be a live demonstration presented by your company.� Please ensure the presenting individuals have access to Joint Base Andrews.� Please have requestors follow the below instructions for base access: Joint Base Andrews requires a 100% ID check. If a visitor does not possess proper identification (government issued CAC, dependent ID, Retired ID) for access to Joint Base Andrews, the visitor must comply with the action provided below. If you require access and you do not have a sponsor, please provide the following information below. Due to Personally Identifiable Information (PII) being provided, please password protect the visitors pass form and send a separate email with the password and send it to christina.mayo@us.af.mil. Do not send the form to the VCC. The VCC will process the request and those properly vetted DO NOT need to go to the VCC for passes. Simply drive to the gate and show a valid ID. The gate guard will check for clearance and allow entry. Due to Personally Identifiable Information (PII) being provided, please password protect the visitors pass form (not the email) and send a separate email with the password. Please submit all visitor requests and one-on-one request NLT 14 July 2023 by 1300 EST. Only place individuals who are 18 years of age and older and do not hold any form of ID onto the Function List.- List all guests in alphabetical order by last name, then first name, followed by their date of birth, and lastly, list their ID card and associated state and number in order to be vetted through the National Crime Information Center (NCIC).- All visitors vetted through NCIC, must have a form of State or federally issued ID (Driver's license State ID car, Passport, etc). This reservation opportunity is a first come first serve basis. DO NOT SEND emails to the POC's listed on the SAM notification. WARNING: Attendees SHALL NOT attempt to enter the base on days they are not scheduled to meet with the Government concerning this event. Violators will be reported to Security Forces and future access to the base may be terminated. E.g., if you have attended a one-on-one session on DAY 2 of the event, you shall not attend DAY 3's one-on-one session; if you're scheduled for DAY 3, you cannot attend DAY 2's session. Please refer to first attachment for schedule.� Attachments: 1. DAF Industry Event 2. HNC Crypto Mod Roadmap 3. Function List�
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Place of Performance
Address: VA 22202, USA
Zip Code: 22202
Country: USA
SN06727496-F 20230628/230626230103 (samdaily.us)
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