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C -- A-E Services for Veterans Affairs Carl T. Hayden Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Phoenix AZ for Remodel Dietetic Kitchen at 650 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85012

Notice Date
7/18/2023 9:50:37 AM
Notice Type
Special Notice
541310 — Architectural Services
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
8/2/2023 10:00:00 AM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Dominic M. Pebenito, Phone: 2134523243, Christina M. Chavez, Phone: 2134523246
E-Mail Address
Dominic.M.Pebenito@usace.army.mil, christina.chavez@usace.army.mil
(Dominic.M.Pebenito@usace.army.mil, christina.chavez@usace.army.mil)
NOTICE OF INTENT TO SOLE SOURCE. This is not a request for competitive quotes. The USACE Loa Angeles District intends to solicit and negotiate with Salas O'Brien, Inc. on a sole source basis under the authority of FAR Subpart 13.106-1(b)(1).� Soliciting from a single source if the contracting officer determines that the circumstances of the contract action deem only one source reasonably available will satisfy agency requirements.� Requirement is for A-E follow on services in support of necessary corrections to the Plans and Specifications, which included Design Quality Review (DQR), Solicitation Phase Services, Electrical Load Metering Study, and Construction Phase Services (CPS). TASK 1. Design Quality Reviews (DQR) Provide evaluation responses to all DrChecks comments in ProjNet, and make resulting corrections to plans, specifications, basis of design, and other documents prepared by the A-E, so that all government review comments are fully satisfied and closed. Refer to Attachment 1 for the list of �Open� specific Design Quality Review comments and paragraph 8 �Services Required� for additional detail. There are a total of 211 �Open� comments. Coordination will be required with the USACE Project Delivery Team (PDT) to ensure that there are no conflicts in the design and that all comments are adequately addressed. Weekly progress check-in meetings after award. A-E must schedule a weekly meeting with the Government to report progress. Coordinate and establish date and time at the kick-off meeting. A one-day virtual DQR conference will be coordinated and scheduled by the A-E following Evaluation of all the DQR comments. Agenda to be developed and provided to the Government at least three calendar days prior to the start of the meeting. A site visit will be conducted by the A-E within 7 calendar days of the kickoff meeting. The A-E is responsible for verifying all existing conditions. TASK 2. Solicitation Phase Services Biddability, Constructability, Operability, Environmental, and Sustainability (BCOES) Phase (ER 415-1-11): Provide technical support with the relevant architectural or engineering disciplines to evaluate responses to all DrChecks comments in ProjNet, and make resulting corrections to plans, specifications, basis of design, and other documents prepared by the A-E, until all government review comments are fully satisfied and closed. All plans, specifications, basis of design, and other documents prepared by the A-E shall be coordinated with USACE disciplines to ensure there are no conflicts in the design. The BCOES review results will be incorporated into the procurement documents for the Solicitation Phase. Solicitation Phase: Provide technical support with the relevant architectural or engineering disciplines to answer Bidder Inquiries, and make required revisions to the solicitation plans and specifications, basis of design and other documents prepared by the A-E, to support Amendments during the advertisement period. Conformed Set of Plans and Specifications: Work closely with the Government to provide a complete and uniform Conformed Set of Plans and Specifications, with updated title block. This includes deliverables completed by the government and AE and original drawing set. This set will incorporate all Amendments and include the contract number on all documents. The contract number will be provided by the Government. TASK 3. Electrical Load Metering Study Perform a load meter study for a minimum of 30 days in order to properly evaluate and verify peak loads to meet the design requirements of the Dietetics Kitchen Project and temporary kitchen. BID OPTION 1 a. TASK 4. Construction Phase Services (CPS) i.��������� Provide services to review technical Submittals, Shop Drawings, respond in detail to RFIs submitted by the construction contractor, review As-Builts produced by the construction contractor, and perform construction site visits to verify and validate construction compliance to include any commissioning activities against the approved plans and specifications. SERVICES REQUIRED: TASK 1. Design Quality Review (DQR) Provide A-E services including the following who were involved in the design of the project to perform the work described in this Statement of Work: Project Manager, mechanical/plumbing, and fire protection/life safety. Provide an estimated 276 hours of services to review and respond to the USACE Design Quality Review (DQR) review comments in ProjNet to include work described below and provide a revised set of Plans & Specifications including the Basis of Design after all DQR comments are satisfied and closed in ProjNet. This set will be used for the Government�s Biddability, Constructability, Operability, Environmental, Sustainability (BCOES) Reviews. The Government will furnish the A-E Division 01 Specifications for incorporation into the Specifications. Develop and complete a Submittal Register. Format of the Submittal Register to be coordinated with the Government so that it is compatible for use with the Government Resident Management System (RMS). Incorporate the Submittal Register into the Specifications. Review specifications and remove all Brand Names (or Equal) references and replace with salient characteristics. Revise throughout all Plans and Specifications. 4 weekly progress check-in meetings for the duration of the DQR plans and specifications revisions and completions. Meetings not to exceed 1 hour each. A one-day virtual DQR conference following evaluation of DQR comments. A one-day site visit. One-day travel to project site, one day on-site, one- day return travel to home station. TASK 2. Solicitation Phase Services. Provide A-E services including the following who were involved in the design of the project to perform the work described in this Statement of Work: Project Manager, mechanical/plumbing, and fire protection/life safety. BCOES. Provide an estimated 40 hour of services to review and respond to a qty. 40 BCOES comments. Provide responses in ProjNet within 5 calendar days of the closure of the BOCES review. Solicitation Phase. Provide an estimated 40 hours of services to review and respond to qty. 40 bidder RFIs. Furnish detailed answer(s) as quickly as possibly but not later than 5 calendar days of receipt of an RFI. Conformed Set of Plans and Specifications. Provide an estimated 40 hours of services to provide a Conformed Set of Plans and Specifications. Incorporate all Amendments and include the Contract Number on all documents. All documents must be uniform and include updated title block, dates, and stamp. TASK 3. Electrical Load Metering Study Perform a load meter study for a minimum of 30 days in order to properly evaluate and verify peak loads to meet the design requirements of the Dietetics Kitchen Project and temporary kitchen. Provide the maximum current and power on 208V 3-phase BDL3 and 480V 3-phase BDH3 and 01-BB-ESWBD2, and upstream distribution equipment. Upstream distribution equipment with permanent metering installed, a 30-day load meter study is not required provided maximum demand data is available for 1-year. Prior to commencing, coordinate with the government for the location of temporary kitchen power connections to be included in the load study. The maximum demand (the highest average kilowatts reached and maintained for a 15-minute interval) shall be continuously recorded using a recording ammeter or power meter connected to the feeder or service, based on the initial loading at the start of the recording. The recording shall reflect the maximum demand of the feeder or service by being taken when the building or space is occupied. Provide observation report and findings. �BID OPTION 1 TASK 4. Construction Phase Services (CPS) Provide A-E services during the construction phase including the following who were involved in the design of the project to perform the work described in this statement of work: Project Manager, mechanical/plumbing, fire protection/life safety, and Commissioning. Provide services to review Submittals, Shop Drawings, respond to RFIs, review As-Builts, participate in Site Visits to verify and validate conformance and participate in commissioning as requested. Estimate: 50 hours to review qty. 25 construction submittals. 10 hours to review qty. 5 sets of shop drawings. 50 hours to review qty. 50 RFIs. 25 hours to review As-Builts at the end of the construction project. Conduct two site visits to the construction site and participate in commissioning as requested. One-day travel to project site, one day on-site, one-day return travel to home station. Performance Requirements for review of Submittals/Shop Drawings during construction: Provide technical submittal review and recommended disposition (recommended approval or disapproval) for the review in conformance with the approved set of construction plans and specifications. Return the review to the Contracting Officer within 7 calendar days from the date of the requested review. If additional time is needed, notify the Contracting Officer at least 3 days prior to due date. Provide reasons for the delay and an estimate of when the task will be�completed. Some submittals will require resubmission by the construction contractor therefore anticipate that each submittal will not exceed two reviews each. All other submittals will be reviewed by the construction field office. If clarification is needed on any A-E review comments, clarification request will occur via e-mail or telephonic conversation. Performance requirements for RFIs During Construction: Provide RFI review and provide recommended clarification/disposition/resolution to the Contracting Officer. Return the detailed response within 7 calendar days of receipt. If additional time is needed, notify the Contracting Officer at least 3 days prior to due date with a justification for the delay and an estimate of when the task will be completed. If clarification is needed on any A-E review comments, clarification request will occur via e-mail or telephonic conversation. Performance requirements for review of As-Builts at the end of construction: Provide technical conformance review against the approved set of construction plans and specifications. Return the review to the Contracting Officer within 7 calendars days of the request. If additional time is needed, notify the Contracting Officer at least 3 days prior to due date with a justification for the delay and an estimate of when the task will be completed. Anticipate this submittal will not exceed two reviews. Performance requirements for Site Visits during construction: Perform two site visits during construction for the purposes of field verification of construction progress against approved submittals for conformance review to include any requested Commissioning observations as requested by the Contracting Officer. 1 travel day to site, 1 day on site, 1 travel day return. Provide a site observation report delivered to the Contracting Officer within 5 calendar days of the site visit. For planning purposes, the Resident Engineer will request though the Contracting Officer the specific A-E discipline corresponding to the current construction activities with a minimum of a 2-week notice. Scheduling conflicts will be directed to the Contracting Officer. CRITERIA AND STANDARDS ER 415-1-10, Construction Contractor Submittal Procedure ER 1110-3-12 Military Engineering and Design Quality Management ER 415-1-11 Biddability, Constructability, Operability, Environmental and Sustainability (BCOES) Reviews EM 385-1-1 Safety and Health Requirements ER 5-1-11 USACE Business Process ECB 2022-1 Engineering and Construction Bulletin, Subject Prohibitions in the Use of Brand Name (or Equal) References in Solicitations, Issued: 07 Jan 22, Expires: 07 Jan 24. UFC 1-300-02 Unified Facility Guide Specifications UFC 3-301-01 DoD Unified Facilities Criteria dated October 2019 incl. Change 1 February 2022. ERDC/ITL TR-19-7 A/E/C Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Standard Release 6.1, August 2019 VAHBS 2014 Architectural Design Manual PG 18-1 Master Construction Specifications PG 18-3 Design and Construction Procedures PG 18-4 National CAD Standards PG 18-5 Equipment Guide List PG 18-9 Space and Facility Planning PG 18-10 Design Manuals PG 18-12 Graphical Design Guide � Medical/Surgical Inpatient Units & ICNUs � Nov 2011 PG-18-13 Barrier Free Design Guide PG-18-14 Room Finishes, Door, and Hardware Schedules PG 18-15 A/E Submission Requirements for VA Medical Center Major New Facilities Additions and Renovations 2015 Physical Security Design Manual: Life-Safety Protected Facilities CFM 2011 Manual for Preparation of Cost Estimates DVA Technical Information Library DVA Architect/Engineer Information and A/E Design Submission Requirements PG 18-15 DVA Design Manuals PG 18-10 DVA Design and Construction Procedures PG 18-13 Applicable UFC Medical References Current International Building Codes Supporting Industry Codes and Standards Salas O�Brien is the original Mechanical Engineering Plumbing sub-contractor that�developed a 100 percent MEP design, possesses the institutional knowledge for the Basis of�Design, and has already overcome the steep learning curve of Phoenix Arizona Veteran�s�Care System (PVAHCS) criteria and requirements under Contract Award VA258-14-D-002,�Task Order Number VA25-16-J-0485. The unique qualification of Salas O�Brien is they are�Designer of Record (DOR) MEP sub-contractor and carry the liability for the Plans &�Specifications produced. A need exists for project continuity given the significant amount of�time and various iterations in the design process. As the DOR MEP sub-contractor, Salas�O�Brien is the only known source that can deliver the level of continuity required for a�complete A-E solution using the existing design as the baseline. Salas O�Brien has a level of�technical familiarity and institutional knowledge of the project about the exiting design,�requirements, specifications, scope, site conditions, calculations, and building systems. The�acquired specialized knowledge and experience with the project uniquely positions Salas�O�Brien as the only available source to perform the Mechanical, Plumbing and Fire�Protection services without substantial duplication of costs to the Government. The retention�of Salas O�Brien through the construction phase to perform the identified construction phase�services is also required to achieve continuity throughout the project and to preserve project�timeline requirements, avoiding unacceptable project delays. This is not a request for competitive quotations; however, the Government will review any/all product, capabilities, and pricing information submitted prior to the closure of this notice. A determination by the government not to compete this proposed contract based upon responses to this notice is solely within the discretion of the government. Information received will normally be considered solely for the purpose of determining whether to conduct a competitive procurement. The Government will not pay for any material provided in response to this Notice nor return the data provided. All interested firms should email their responses to the contacts identified at SAM.GOV not later than fifteen (15) days after the date of publication of this notice. No other forms of transmission are requested or will be accepted.
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Place of Performance
Address: Phoenix 85012, UGA
Zip Code: 85012
Country: UGA
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