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J -- Request for Information (RFI) for Target Control System (TCS) Sustainment and Support (S/S)

Notice Date
7/27/2023 1:07:51 PM
Notice Type
Sources Sought
334511 — Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
8/28/2023 2:00:00 PM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Marlisa Price, Phone: 850-883-7027, 1st Lt Cameron D. Newton, Phone: 883-2976
E-Mail Address
marlisa.price@us.af.mil, cameron.newton.2@us.af.mil
(marlisa.price@us.af.mil, cameron.newton.2@us.af.mil)
Request for Information (RFI) for Target Control System (TCS) Sustainment and Support (S/S) DESCRIPTION: FA8678-23-TCS-R0002 - TCS Sustainment and Support Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC), Aerial Targets Branch Posted Date: 27 July 2023 Response Date: 28 August 2023 Classification Code: 59 -- Electrical and electronic equipment components NAICS Code: 334511 -- Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing PSC: J059� Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment- Electrical and Electronic Equipment Components REQUEST FOR INFORMATION for a Target Control System (TCS) Sustainment and Support (S/S). This is a Request for Information (RFI) notice only. This RFI is for informational planning purposes and is not to be construed as a commitment by the Government for any actual procurement of materials, machinery, products, or services. This notice does not constitute a solicitation or a promise of a solicitation in the future. The Government encourages all responsible businesses, including small businesses, joint ventures and teaming arrangements are welcome to respond to this RFI; however, the Government is not liable and will not pay for any costs incurred by any respondent to prepare and/or submit its response to this RFI. All costs associated with responding to this RFI are solely at the responding party's expense. Respondents are solely responsible for properly marking and clearly identifying any proprietary information or trade secrets contained within their response. The Government will not be liable for or suffer any consequential damages for any proprietary information not properly marked or clearly identified. Proprietary information received in response to this RFI will be safeguarded and handled in accordance with applicable Government regulations. In accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 15.201(e), responses to this notice are not considered offers and will not be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract or agreement. The Government will not accept unsolicited proposals. The Government will not be obligated to pursue any proposal or particular alternative because of this RFI. Responses to this RFI will not be returned. Not responding to this RFI does not preclude participation in any future solicitation, if one is issued. Specific responses to the approaches will not disqualify or have an impact on participation and evaluation on future solicitations, if issued. This RFI supports Government information gathering on current industry vendors to support over-all mission objectives of the Aerial Targets Branch (EBAY) Target Control System (TCS) program to enable realistic aerial threat/target presentations for United States Code (USC) Title 10 Live Fire Test & Evaluation (LFT&E) of new Department of Defense (DoD) advanced weapon systems and Weapons System Evaluation Program (WSEP) assessment of fielded weapon systems. The estimated Period of Performance is one (1) year base, plus four (4) option periods. It is the responsibility of potential offerors to monitor your email for additional information pertaining to the TCS Sustainment and Support effort via the EWACC vendor list. General and Background Information: This RFI supports market research, being conducted by the Aerial Targets Branch, Target Control System (AFLCMC/EBAY/TCS) of the Armament Directorate at Eglin AFB, FL, to ensure successful sustainment of EBAY/TCS assets. EBAY will retain Configuration Management (CM) authority for specific production baseline assets and their related support equipment items. These baseline assets (henceforth referred to as �EBAY subsystems�) include: 1) Data Link Subsystem-Replacement (DLS-r): The DLS-r is the functional replacement for the legacy 1980�s Data Link Subsystem (DLS). The DLS-r subsystem provides ground-based, RF datalink communications necessary for remote mission operations (OPS) among the aerial targets, other mission participants, and ground control. 2) 915MHz Datalink Test Set (915DTS): The 915DTS is the Peculiar Support Equipment (PSE) item used for DLSr production acceptance and Government DLS-r Operations & Maintenance (O&M). 3) Multi-Service Data Link � Encrypted (MSDL-E) Transponder: The MSDL-E transponder serves as the on-board (integrated within mission aircraft) RF datalink transceiver that enables remote mission OPS among the aerial targets, other mission participants, and ground control. In support of USC Title 10 and WSEP weapon system objectives, these EBAY subsystems enable command & control (C2) and target/threat presentation of: (1) current EBAY target platforms (i.e., the QF-16 Full Scale Aerial Target (FSAT) and BQM-167A Subscale Aerial Target (SSAT)); (2) future EBAY target platforms, (e.g., Next Generation Aerial Target (NGAT)). In addition, the subsystems enable tracking of other mission-critical airborne platforms (i.e., airborne relay aircraft and Airborne Platform Telemetry (APTM, for tracking boat traffic on the range)). Current EBAY locations include: 1) Tyndall AFB, FL: For FSAT/SSAT Mission OPS on the Eglin Gulf Test & Training Range (EGTTR), and independent (ground-based only) System Test & Training 2) Utah Test & Training Range (UTTR), UT: For SSAT Mission OPS on UTTR 3) White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), NM: For FSAT Mission OPS on WSMR 4) Eglin AFB, FL: For Advanced Airborne Threat Target Control System (AATTCS) and DLS-r/915DTS software/firmware development In support of ever-evolving USC Title 10 and WSEP advanced weapon system test & training objectives, the requirements defined herein address Engineering/Program Management and Sustainment tasks deemed essential to the Government. 1) Engineering/Program Management: ? Management over technical and administrative workforce (as applicable) ? Repairing unmanned ground control systems/subsystems ? Subject Matter Expert and Engineering Command-and-Control Data-Link hardware/ repair and technical support ? Management of RF Transponders including associated support equipment ? Management of Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) 2) Sustainment: ? DoD Cyber Security under Risk Management Framework ? Government Furnished Equipment/Property Management ? DoD Technical Order creation/updates ? Warranty repairs/equipment repairs ? Supply/Inventory/Storage Control Management for inventories over 100 items ? Failure analysis and obsolescence of parts SUBMISSION DETAILS: Interested Respondents should submit a white paper that addresses your company�s proficiency and experience related to sustainment support. Section A � Company Information: 1.Company Name: 2.Mailing Address: 3.Name/phone/email of Corporate Point of Contact (POC): 4.Name/phone/email of Technical POC: 5.CAGE Code: 6.UEI Number: 7.Business Size/Socio-economic status: 8.Size of business pursuant to North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code: 541330 (Engineering Services) 9.Web page URL: 10.Is your company interested in joint ventures and teaming arrangements opportunities? If so, describe in detail how this will be supported. Section B � Market Research Data Request: Please provide your company's current and past experience as a Prime and/or Sub-Contractor to each of the following: 1. Describe management experience over large technical workforce (as applicable) of the contractor to include but not limited to Program Management, Administrative Support, Financial Management, Logistics Support, and Engineering Support. 2. Describe experience with repairing unmanned ground control systems/subsystems. 3. Describe Subject Matter Expert and Engineering experience with Command-and-Control Data-Link hardware/production manufacturing repair and technical support. 4. Identify your experience and briefly describe experience with RF Transponders including management of associated support equipment. 5. Identify your experience and briefly describe managing of Contract Data Requirements List (CDRLs) 6. Identify your experience and briefly describe working with DoD Cyber Security under Risk Management Framework. 7. Identify your experience and briefly describe managing Government Furnished Equipment/Property. 8. Identify your experience with Technical Order creation/updates for DoD programs of record. 9. Identify and briefly describe your experience with out of warranty repairs/equipment repairs. 10. Identify your experience and briefly describe experience with Supply/Inventory/Storage Control Management for inventories over 100 items. 11. Briefly describe experience with failure analysis and obsolescence of parts. 12. Briefly describe experience with turn-around repair time for supply items. 13. This contract may require a SECRET facility clearance, which could result in some contractors being required to have a SECRET security clearance. Does your company have a SECRET facility clearance? 14. Would you propose a response if a FOPR is sent? Why or why not? 15. Is the work outside of your area of expertise? 16. Was the RFI too specific? Too vague? 17. What in the RFI (or not in the RFI) discouraged you from submitting an RFI response? Section C � Response Instructions Interested parties are requested to submit a white paper not to exceed 30 pages (single-sided, single-spaced pages, 12- point font, and � inch margins, in Microsoft� Word). The white papers will be formatted as follows: ? Name of Company, mailing address, overnight delivery address (if different from mailing address), CAGE code, SAM unique EID, phone number, both unclassified and SIPRNet email of designated point of contact, and Background/Brief history highlighting past relevant experience on similar systems. ? Company's Approach/Solution to the Market Data Request ? Rough Order of Magnitude Cost Estimate In addition to the white paper, you may provide up to 25 (twenty-five) PowerPoint slides or similar graphical charts to further explain your concepts and an operational view (OV-1) that provides a high level graphical and textual description of your system design and/or operational concept. All respondents are requested to identify if they are a US company, large business, small business, or small disadvantaged business IAW section 8(a) of the Small Business Act, as amended (15 U.S.C. 637(a)), or women-owned small business as describe by NAICS code 334511. Please address what portion (type / percentage) of work would be subcontracted, including portions intended for socio-economic concerns of interest to the Government. Respondents are further requested to indicate in Section A their status as a Foreign-owned/Foreign-controlled firm and any contemplated use of foreign national employees on this effort. Those desiring to do business with the Air Force must be registered in the Government's System for Award Management (SAM) located at https://www.sam.gov. White papers must meet the desired characteristics of the TCS Sustainment and Support (mentioned above) and include the Submission Details (also mentioned above) and are due no later than 28 Aug 2023, 4:00 PM Central Daylight Time. Unclassified responses shall be submitted via secure email only to the Contract Specialist, 1st Lt Cameron Newton at cameron.newton.2@us.af.mil and Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO), Ms. Marlisa Price at marlisa.price@us.af.mil. Interested companies MUST have an active SECRET facility clearance and storage to participate. No industry day is scheduled or anticipated at present. Unclassified responses are encouraged to the maximum extent practicable. However, if brief, classified, support is viewed as critical, please contact the Government for a SIPRNET address. Format instructions apply to any SIPRNET responses, and such submissions will be included in the page limitation. The Government has established a Technical Library for interested respondents which contains technical data, inclusive of Government Purpose Rights and Government Owned data, to promote a clearer understanding of the TCS program and solicitation requirements. To obtain access to the Technical Library the respondent must review, sign, and return the attached Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to the PCO and Contract Specialist. Access to the Technical Library will not be granted without a completed and signed NDA in accordance with DFARS 227.7103-7. Admission of a respondent to the Technical Library does not relinquish any existing Government data right assertions. The technical library will be hosted on the Government�s Automated Technology Information Management System (ATIMS) and will contain select elements of the technical data package (TDP) associated with the Government�s current EBAY subsystems (i.e., the DLS-r, 915DTS, and MSDL-E Transponder). The Government will provide instructions on accessing the Technical Library via ATIMS upon receipt of the signed NDA. Please note that access to ATIMS requires a DoD Common Access Card (CAC). If respondent does not have a DoD CAC as a method to log into ATIMS, contact the PCO at marlisa.price@us.af.mil for a possible DoD SAFE transmission of data. All respondent questions related to this RFI should be submitted NLT 10 Aug 2023, 4:00 PM Central Daylight Time in writing via email to the PCO, at marlisa.price@us.af.mil and cc the Contract Specialist at cameron.newton.2@us.af.mil. Verbal questions will NOT be accepted. In turn, the Government will reply to all respondent questions by 17 Aug 2023. Questions will be answered by sending answers to all EWAAC vendors via email. Accordingly, questions shall NOT contain proprietary or classified information. The Government does not guarantee that questions received after 10 Aug 2023, 4:00 PM Central Daylight Time will be answered. Final respondent white papers and related graphical/textual descriptive data should be submitted to the Government NLT 28 Aug 2023, 4:00 PM Central Daylight Time. Governing support contracts include DFARS clause 252.227-7025, Limitations on the Use or Disclosure of Government-Furnished Information Marked with Restricted Legends. Accordingly, said contractors are considered Covered Government support contractors and will only access information for the sole purpose of furnishing independent and impartial advice or technical assistance to the Government. Similarly, the support contractor will take all reasonable steps to protect the sensitive data from unauthorized release or disclosure. THIS IS A REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ONLY to understand potential industry solutions. The U.S. Government has made no final solicitation decision regarding eventual procurement or by what means such a solicitation, if any, would be handled (FAR based procurement or other transactions). The information provided in this RFI is subject to change and is not binding upon the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government has not made a commitment to procure any of the items discussed, and release of this RFI should not be construed as such a commitment or as authorization to incur costs for which reimbursement would be required or sought. All submissions become U.S. Government property and will not be returned. Primary Point of Contact.: Marlisa Y. Price Procuring Contracting Officer Marlisa.price@us.af.mil Phone: 312-875-0873 OR Contract Specialist 1st Lt Cameron D. Newton cameron.newton.2@us.af.mil Phone: 312-875-2976
Web Link
SAM.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: Tyndall AFB, FL 32403, USA
Zip Code: 32403
Country: USA
SN06767245-F 20230729/230727230051 (samdaily.us)
SAM.gov Link to This Notice
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