R -- Integrated Healthcare Transformation 2.0 IDIQ Contract- Request for Information (RFI) 2: Conceptual Unrestricted Pool
- Notice Date
- 8/22/2023 4:06:42 AM
- Notice Type
- Sources Sought
- 541611
— Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
- Contracting Office
- ZIP Code
- 21703
- Solicitation Number
- 36C10X23R0032_3
- Response Due
- 7/14/2023 9:00:00 AM
- Archive Date
- 09/30/2023
- Point of Contact
- Mr. LaShawn Knight, Allen L Smith
- E-Mail Address
- Description
- Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration Request for Information (RFI #2) Integrated Healthcare Transformation 2.0 THIS IS A REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) ONLY (as defined in FAR 15.201(e)), this is not a solicitation. Solicitations are not available at this time. Requests for a solicitation will not receive a response. Respondents are advised that the Government is under no obligation to acknowledge receipt of the information received, provide feedback to respondents with respect to any information submitted, or respond to any questions or comments that may be submitted in response to this RFI. This notice does not constitute a commitment by the United States Government and does not obligate the Government to award a contract or otherwise pay for the information provided in response. Responders are solely responsible for all expenses associated with responding to this RFI. The agency does not intend to award a contract but rather gather capabilities and market information pertinent to acquisition planning. The responses to this RFI will be captured as market research and may contribute to the development of an acquisition strategy. Information provided may be used to assess tradeoffs and alternatives available for the potential requirement and may lead to the development of a solicitation.� All submissions become Government property and will not be returned. The Government reserves the right to use information provided by respondents for any purpose deemed necessary and legally appropriate. The information provided in the RFI is subject to change and is not binding on the Government. PURPOSE This Request for Information (RFI) is for Market Research Only. The purpose of this RFI is to understand industry capabilities related to healthcare transformation and to collect information to enable further development of a future acquisition strategy (include socio-economic consideration and methods). Background The Integrated Healthcare Transformation (IHT) IDIQ was developed four years ago as a solution to address challenges where national reach, breadth and depth of capability and experience, and integration of diverse skillsets were necessary to support the needs of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). The IHT IDIQ included contract awards to multiple teams comprised of prime contractor (experienced SDVOSB integrator) and dozens of subcontractors (individual firms). Led by an SDVOSB prime contractor that coordinated with dozens of formal teaming partners (SDVOSBs, VOSBs, small businesses, large business partners, universities, and non-profit organizations), each team combined their reach and collective capabilities to tackle some of VHA�s largest professional service requirements. VHA is in the process of developing the next generation vehicle, IHT2, following a similar integrated team-based model, led by mature SDVOSB primes, and broad capabilities crossing multiple service areas. The new vehicle will build on the three original Functional Categories (Health System Transformation and Innovation, Implementation and Operations Support, Healthcare Business Enabling Services) and add a fourth, Health Informatics. Objective To further leverage the collective capabilities of the pre-established teams for requirements that might not traditionally be conducive to set-asides (those requiring highly unique skillsets or those that would result in a small business not complying with Subcontract limitation requirements), the Government is proposing the inclusion of an unrestricted pool under the next version of IHT, that includes one or more team key partners (from established teams) as unrestricted prime contractors to respond to unrestricted task orders using the existing team partners. The vision is to have the integrated team with multiple prime contractors�one SDVOSB VITAL competing on set-aside task order requirements, and one (or more) unrestricted Prime contractors (with one unrestricted proposal per team on unrestricted task order competitions). On May 1, 2023, VHA released a Request for Information, �VHA Integrated Healthcare Transformation 2.0 RFI 36C10X23R0032�, where challenges were shared, and feedback solicited. Based upon that industry feedback and other stakeholder input the Government intends for the upcoming IHT2 Solicitation to include a process by which two pools of awardees are established. Figure 1, below, depicts the pre-decisional vision for both SDVOSB set-aside and Unrestricted pools. (See attached copy of Notice for Figure 1 graphic) Figure 1: Pools for IHT2 (pre-decisional, subject to change) VIT: Veteran Integrated Team VITAL: Veteran Integrated Team Agile Lead VITSO: Veteran Integrated Team Subcontract Only Key Partner: VIT member identified as fulfilling one or more Capability Area(s) Conceptual Process To maintain the integrity of the integrated teaming model and exclusive teams, the Government has conceptualized a process by which only key partners to the VITALs determined apparent awardees under the set-aside pool will be eligible for consideration under the unrestricted pool (and thus establish the Unrestricted Integrated Team or �VIT-X�). In other words, a VIT-X cannot exist without a respective VIT. (See attached copy of Notice for Figure 2 graphic) Figure 2: Conceptual Phased Approach leading to Unrestricted Awards (pre-decisional, subject to change) The process above is the preliminary vision for the SDVOSB set-aside and unrestricted pool approach, heavily relying on our SDVOSB-led teams while also allowing access to an unrestricted pool to address those requirements that have been challenging for set-aside team to address within the current IHT IDIQ. The Government seeks additional feedback from industry to help us determine if this is an appropriate and effective means to optimize the use of the IHT teaming approach and maximize team value. Instructions for Responding to this RFI Through this process, VHA is requesting the capabilities and experience of both large and small business contractors interested in providing these services for VHA. Interested small business contractors including Veteran-Owned and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses, are encouraged to respond. The Government requests that contractors respond to the specific questions provided in this request for information. Responses should �demonstrate� capability, not just �confirm� corporate capabilities. CONFIDENTIALITY: No proprietary, classified, confidential, or sensitive information should be included in your response.� The Government reserves the right to use any non-proprietary technical information in any resultant solicitation(s). Response Format/Page Limitations The overall total page limit for responses to this RFI is six (6) pages (page count does not include cover page and index). Responses should be submitted in Microsoft Word format with Times New Roman font, 12 pt. or greater font size.� Interested parties should limit marketing material to allow sufficient space for adequately, directly, and substantively responding with the information of most interest to the Government. In all correspondence relevant to this RFI please identify it as a response to the �VHA Integrated Healthcare Transformation 2.0 RFI 2 36C10X23R0032 - �. (Response and Subject Line of email). Any organization responding to this notice should ensure that its response is complete and sufficiently detailed. Respondents are requested to limit responses to the information, and in the format provided below. A.�General Information� A1. Organization name, address, and web site. (Include any previous names used)� A2. Company Ownership (public, private, joint venture)� A3. Point of contact to include e-mail address and telephone number.� A4. Business size (large or small).� If small, please provide type of small business/socio economic status.� B.�Industry feedback and Market Information Questions Related to Unrestricted Pool Approach Responses from the first RFI and stakeholder input identified some shared challenges with set-aside requirements related to size, scale, complexity and specialized resources. The Government seeks additional feedback from industry to better understand the benefits and challenges of using an unrestricted pool as described in this RFI. B1. Based on your understanding of the unrestricted pool, how many unrestricted pool prime (key partner) leads should be proposed/awarded from each VIT (1, 2, 3 unrestricted per team)? Please provide your rational for your response. (During unrestricted task order competitions, the Government would likely mandate a single unrestricted proposal per VIT-X). B2. Based on your understanding of the current IHT Labor Category (LCAT) pricing structure, should a secondary pricing structure be requested for Phase III, unrestricted pool proposals? If yes, please describe areas where LCAT pricing may differ significantly between Phase II (set-aside) rates and unrestricted pool rates. B3. Based on your experience with IHT or other contracts, what scenarios would most likely lead to a requirement needing access to the unrestricted pool, not meeting rule of two, not suitable for set-aside? (Size, scale, complexity, specialized resources, other) B4. What benefits and challenges for VITs are anticipated with this approach to an unrestricted pool? B5. The Government is considering implementing a mandatory small business subcontracting requirement for unrestricted pool requirements (refer to Figure 1, Unrestricted Pool section). Given the desire to maximize SDVOSB participation and project success, what required subcontract percentage would your company recommend for optimal results and why? Questions Related to General IHT Teaming Arrangement (not Unrestricted Pool) B6. Some Industry Partners have shared perspectives on Integrated Team size and positive and negative implications of large teams. Based on your experience with IHT or other contracts using similar teaming arrangements, what is an optimal team size and complement?� Should teams be restricted to a maximum number of members? Why or why not? *****************************************************************************� C.�Submission and What�s Next Submission: Responses to this RFI shall be submitted to the following points of contact:,�,,, and, respectively, no later than at 12:00PM ET on Friday, July 14, 2023.�� Questions: No questions are being accepted at this time.� RFI Expansion: Depending upon the responses received, VA may request additional information, may conduct future question and answer sessions, or may conduct meetings or industry engagement sessions.� Future Events: Special notices will be posted to for any upcoming events related to IHT 2.0. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 52.215-3 Request for Information or Solicitation for Planning Purposes (Oct 1997)� (a) The Government does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this solicitation or to otherwise pay for the information solicited except as an allowable cost under other contracts as provided in subsection?31.205-18, Bid and proposal costs, of the Federal Acquisition Regulation.�� (b) Although �proposal� and �offeror� are used in this Request for Information, your response will be treated as information only. It shall not be used as a proposal.�� (c) This solicitation is issued for the purpose of: Information.� (End of provision) ***************************END OF REQUEST FOR INFORMATION***************************
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