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66 -- 66--Remote monitoring gas detector

Notice Date
10/25/2023 12:12:54 PM
Notice Type
Sources Sought
334516 — Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing
Contracting Office
ZIP Code
Solicitation Number
Response Due
11/9/2023 7:00:00 AM
Archive Date
Point of Contact
Adams, Susan, Phone: 2022082902
E-Mail Address
This is a Request for Information Sources Sought Notice ONLY. The purpose of this Sources Sought notice is to identify qualified vendors, obtain market information on capable sources of supply, industry best practices, and specific input to the information provided for the Department of the Interior's Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) requirement for remote monitoring gas detector. This Sources Sought Notice is for planning purposes only and shall not be considered an Invitation for Bid, Request for Quotation, or a Request for Proposal. The Government does not intend to make award based on responses to this inquiry, nor does it constitute a commitment by the Government to acquire any products described in this RFI. Responses to this RFI is voluntary and will be treated only as information for the Government to consider. Additionally, the Government will not pay for information requested nor will it compensate any respondent for any direct or indirect cost incurred in developing information provided to the Government. This RFI does not constitute a solicitation for quotes/proposals or the authority to enter negotiations to award a contract. No funds have been authorized, appropriated, or received for this effort. Interested parties are responsible for adequately marking proprietary, restricted, or competition sensitive information contained in their response. Any Small Businesses, HubZone small businesses, 8(a) small businesses, women-owned small business, Service-Disabled Veteran-owned small businesses (SDVOSBs) or Veteran-owned small businesses (VOSBs) responding to this RFI must include their intent and ability to meet set-aside requirements for performance of this effort and be listed in the Small Business Administration certification database at the time of submission. Responses to the information requested will assist the Government in determining the appropriate acquisition method, including whether a set-aside is possible. It is requested that all companies interested in participating in this effort please note their interest and provide indication of their respective capabilities to perform the effort described in the paragraphs below. Any information submitted by respondents to this RFI notice is strictly voluntary. All submissions become Government property and will not be returned. OSMRE reserves the right to not respond to any, all, or select responses or materials submitted. All requirements identified herein are subject to change at any time. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code considered for this requirement is 423690, Other Electronic Parts and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers; the small business size standard for this NAICS is 250 employees. I. REQUIREMENT OSMRE Regions 1&2 is conducting market research for a gas detector that is capable of monitoring gas readings remotely for methane (CH4) [0-100% volume], oxygen (O2) [0-40% volume], and carbon dioxide (CO2)[0-100% volume] concentrations by way of cell phone app, cloud computing services, and/or another method. This gas detector should be able to operate continuously for approximately 30 days or more and record gas measurements (minimum O2, maximum CH4, and maximum CO2) at least every 20 minutes (every 10 minutes preferred) during those 30 days. The recorded gas measurements should be able to be monitored and downloaded remotely while the gas detector is operational. If a cloud computing service is used, the recorded gas measurements should be transmitted and stored in a secure cloud following the FedRAMP (Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program) Security guidelines. II. HOW TO RESPOND: Respondents are encouraged to respond if they have the capabilities to meet the OSMRE's requirements. Provide a clear, concise, and complete capability package. Respondents shall submit a sufficiently detailed capability statement describing your company's ability to meet the requirements outlined in this RFI and include the following: A. Provide Company Information: 1. Company Name 2. CAGE/UEI Number under which the company is registered in SAM.gov. 3. Company Address 4. Point of contact name 5. Telephone number 6. Email address 7. Small Business Category, if applicable 8. Company Business Size and Status for NAICS (423690). B. Brief detailed summary describing your company's technical approach to meeting the requirements, to include: 1.Identify existing contract vehicle(s) in which you are a current contract holder that can be used to procure the required services (i.e., General Services Administration Federal Supply Schedule (GSA FSS), Transformation Twenty-One Total Technology Next Generation (T4NG), Government Wide Acquisition Contract, NASA Solution for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP) Government-Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC), etc.). List any existing contracting vehicles you have with the DOI that you would recommend for this requirement. 2. Does the draft Product Description (PD) provide sufficient detail to describe the technical and functional requirements that encompass the requirement? If ""NO"", please provide your technical and functional comments, recommendations, and or questions on elements of the draft PD that may contribute to a more accurate proposal submission and efficient, cost-effective effort. 3. Is your company FedRAMP approved or are you currently in the process of obtaining FedRAMP approval? 4. Please provide information on any available contract vehicles in which you participate, that the government could use to acquire your proposed solution. 5. Provide a recommend the contract type for this solution. 6. Indicate if you are interested and/or able to attend an industry day. 7. Can you provide a demo of your potential product/solution? 8. Are you able to provide on-site support for installation and operation / training for use of your product? 9. Respondents are requested to identify any additional information considered applicable to this RFI. 10. Provide a statement regarding your socioeconomic status (including business type (s)/certifications(s) such as SDB, 8(a), HUBZone, SDVOSB, WOSB, etc.). If a small business, clearly identify what socioeconomic category you are recommending for this effort. If a small business, are you able to comply with FAR 52.219-6 and 52.219-14 in execution of this effort? III. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMITTING QUESTIONS AND RESPONSES: Do not wait until the last minute to submit your responses. To avoid submission of late responses, we recommend the transmission of your response file 24 hours prior to the required response due date and time. Please be advised that timeliness is determined by the date and time an Offeror's response is received by the Government not when an Offeror attempted transmission. Offerors are encouraged to review and ensure that sufficient bandwidth is available on their end of the transmission. Questions shall be submitted electronically to via email to Susan Adams, sadams@osmre.gov no later than 10:00 am EST on November 9, 2023. Responses shall be submitted electronically via email to Susan Adams, sadams@osmre.gov no later than 10:00 am EST on November 9, 2023. Information submitted any other method will not be considered. OSMRE reserves the right to not respond to any, all, or select responses or materials submitted. All OSMRE current requirements identified herein are subject to change at any time. OSMRE appreciates your time and anticipated response. See attached document: SOW Draft - Remote Monitoring Gas Detector
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