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R -- HR Staffing Study

Notice Date
3/28/2024 8:41:06 AM
Notice Type
541611 — Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
Contracting Office
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Point of Contact
Kasie Redman- Contract Specialist
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Award Date
To avoid disruption in the Bureau�s staffing solutions currently under development, it requests contractor support with the tasks below: Implement an Automated Staffing Tool (AST), staffing tool that calculates the recommended number of staff, resource allocation, overtime, augmentation, incentive usage, and leave data for all institutions based on unique mission and operational constraints (e.g., square footage, care level of inmates, etc.). The AST will be designed in a manner to ultimately reside on a BOP Approved Cloud Based Platform. Use advanced analytics, collect user feedback, and gather additional requirements to mature the AST�s features and functionality to incorporate additional data sets (e.g., overtime and augmentation data) and create a comprehensive staffing tool. Engage key stakeholders (internally and externally) to generate awareness and understanding of the staffing tool. Support automation activities to automate data inputs and reporting outputs of the staffing tool. Develop governance plan for federal ownership and sustainment of staffing tool and associated new staffing processes. Create briefing materials for BOP to communicate about new staffing tool and future resource allocation justifications. Execute trends analysis and develop insights and findings reports as requested (e.g., wage gap analysis, sexual misconduct trends, etc.). Develop and deploy instructional materials for leaders to offer targeted incentives to employees at highest risk of separation. Conduct multiple training sessions with BOP stakeholders to coach them on how to take full advantage of the AST to make informed Agency decisions. Knowledge transfer of AST ownership and maintenance to BOP to equip BOP with the necessary tools and capabilities needed to address future tool updates maintenance. � To support the previously identified tasks, travel may be required for training, demonstrations, or strategic communications. To avoid disruption in the Bureau�s investments in implementing evidence-based support mechanisms for staff, it requests contractor support with the tasks below: Develop informational and training materials (e.g., Correctional Support Team [CST], Leadership/Supervisor toolkits, etc.) on staff support, mental health, resiliency, and well-being. � Identify measures of staff support and engagement and compile into one data source to provide a holistic view of employee experience metrics. Conduct field research related to employee experience (i.e., postvention programming, staff support, etc.) to analyze employee sentiment, as requested. Identify institutions at risk of staff burnout and staff death by suicide, provide recommendations for increased morale based on field research. Conduct gap analysis on current BOP resiliency and well-being training. Host national staff wellness conferences, up to four (4), for BOP leadership, Correctional Support Teams (CSTs), and Psychology services. To support the previously identified tasks, there are four (4) types of travel required: 1) Postvention (After Employee Death) 2) Employee Support (Prevention) 3) Employee Wellness (e.g., Gratitude Campaign, Trust) 4) Ad-Hoc Visits (e.g., Training, Regional Support, CST Support).
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SAM.gov Permalink
Place of Performance
Address: Washington, DC 20534, USA
Zip Code: 20534
Country: USA
SN07012015-F 20240330/240328230039 (samdaily.us)
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