Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Army Garrison Fort Ritchie, Directorate of Contracting, ATTN: ANRT-OCA, 601 Lakeside Drive, Fort Ritchie, MD 21719-3205

S -- JANITORIAL/CUSTODIAL SERVICES, SITE R, FORT RITCHIE, MD SOL DAHC38-95-B-0002 DUE 042095 POC Donna Blackstone, Contract Specialist, (717) 878-5370; Richard C. Dutrow, Contracting Officer, (717) 878-4261. NOTE I: In order to obtain a copy of this solicitation, requestor must provide a non-refundable fee in the form of MONEY ORDER, CERTIFIED CHECK, or CASHIER'S CHECK, made PAYABLE TO: U.S. TREASURER in the amount of $25.00. NOTE II: Company Address must contain US Postal Service nine (9) digit Zip Code. NOTE III: Contractor personnel must have or be able to obtain a satisfactory National Agency Check. NOTE IV: Solicitation is 100% Set-Aside for Small Business Concerns. Contractor shall furnish all labor, transportation, equipment, and supplies necessary to perform janitoral services throughout Raven Rock Site, Pennsylvania. Custodial service shall be on a five (5) day per week basis unless otherwise specified. Work shall be permormed during designated hours. Contract duration shall be for a base period and four option years. Requests for this solicitation must be in writing, contain the $25.00 non-refundable fee, and must state that the vendor is not currently on the Consolidated List of Debarred, Suspended and Ineligible Contractors List or are otherwise ineligible to receive Government contracts. Telephonic requests shall not be accepted. Numbered Note 1 applies to this requirement. (0003)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0031 19950104\S-0001.SOL)

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