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Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), Contracts Management Office (CMO), 3701 North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22203-1714

A -- ADVANCED DISTRIBUTED SIMULATION AGGREGATE LEVEL SIMULATION SOL BAA95-13 DUE 022495 POC Dr. Randy Garrett. The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) is aggressively pursuing the development of a Synthetic Theater of War (STOW) simulation system, whose goal is to enhance the training and readiness of our military forces. Key STOW technologies include synthetic environments, synthetic forces, real-time networks and information transfer, and methods that join virtual and constructive simulations with live players. Central to the effectiveness of the STOW system_for missions such as joint training, analysis, and contingency rehearsal_is the representation of theater-wide functions: intelligence, command and control, logistics, and electronic warfare in a coordinated distributed exercise and the setup, running, and control of large scale exercises. DESIRED RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: ARPA is seeking innovative proposals in two general areas: (1) The representation of intelligence, command and control, logistics, and electronic warfare (Information Warfare) in a Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) environment to support the enrichment of battlefield representation for the STOW-97 Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration, (2) and innovative Distributed Exercise Management (DEM) approaches. In area (1), general technical characteristics include but are not limited to the following: a) the ability to represent the basic objects (e.g., an intelligence sensor, or a logistics asset) as individual Distributed Interactive Simulation entities whenever desired or necessary, and the ability to provide information to each echelon from entity to joint task force commander, b) the ability to operate in time-stepped, real-time, or event-driven mode. A fast forward capability is important for efficient set-up and restart. The simulations must support the after-action review and analysis process, c) a dependence on dynamic aspects of the synthetic environment, such as diurnal and weather effects, d) the ability to operate in a distributed sense, communicating with the other simulation components using the DIS and related protocols, e) the ability to interface with real-world data bases, equipment, simulators, simulations, and real-time information, f) a consistency with the simulation architecture developed for STOW, g) the use of advanced software and data base technologies, and h) a consistency with the results of the ARPA Command Force (CFOR) architecture. Proposals are desired for functional areas which include but are not limited to the following: A) Information warfare to include: Intelligence - The capability to gather intelligence, assimilate, and distribute intelligent information using DIS generated information. Intelligence information will be obtained in the visual, electromagnetic, audio, acoustic, IR, radar, and thermal spectrum. The simulation may need to infer this information in cases where the simulated entities do not emit it. The simulation will provide realistic intelligence reports abstracted to the appropriate level and based on the progress of the simulation exercise, Command and Control - the simulation will represent the effects of the environment on command and control environment. The effects will correspond to the players' locations in the virtual world. Real-world equipment may be used by exercise participants, both for sending and receiving messages. The simulation must reflect the doctrine of the forces of both sides, Electronic Warfare - The simulation will be able to represent at the entity level EW assets and processes, including effects due to environment and terrain. The EW environment must faithfully represent EW actions on the battlefield and provide and interface to DIS entities in an meaningful and tactically relevant manner. The intelligence and command and control results will be affected by the EW simulation. Additionally, proposals to represent logistics in STOW are desired. The logistics simulation will represent inter-theater, and intra-theater assets and networks. The integration of logistic representations within the DIS environment must be consistent across the simulation yet must include the ability to be degraded during the exercise, either by combat or by environmental effects. The performance of combat entities will depend on the availability of logistics resources. Additionally proposals are sought in area (2), DEM, general technical characteristics include but are not limited to the following for distributed simulation control: distributed exercise management and control approaches, time management, data base management/configuration control, exercise development/design, initialization, and synchronization of subsystems components, modifications, and realtime monitoring and control, distributed exercise communication, network, and load control management, data gathering, analysis and display. PROPOSAL INFORMATION: Offerors are invited to submit an original and six copies of a detailed proposal for either general area, or sub-areas within the general area. The proposal will consist of separate Technical (Volume I) and Cost (Volume II) volumes as described below. The address and point of contact for this response should be clearly and prominently identified in the proposal. The first page of both the technical and cost volumes should clearly indicate the title, category of response to the BAA, i.e. Part A, B, or both, prime and subcontractors proposed, principal investigator name, phone number, and fax number, period of performance, first year, subsequent year(s), and total cost of the effort. All proposals must be in the following format: single-sided with 1.25 inch minimum margins, shall include a Table of Contents, Abstract, Executive Summary, Technical Approach, Program Plan, Demonstration Plan, Statement of Work, Schedule and Milestone Chart, Facilities and Equipment Description, Relevant Prior Work, Organizational Structure and Management Plan, and Resumes of key individuals. If subcontracting is anticipated, provide name, qualifications, and level of effort to be subcontracted. The page count of Volume 1 must be limited to a maximum of 35 pages, which includes all figures, tables, charts, and appendices. Volume 2 shall contain a complete cost breakdown including any cost sharing. The cost proposal shall be prepared in general accordance with FAR 15.804-6 and shall include a Standard Form 1411, Contracting Pricing Proposal Cover Sheet with all supporting data in order to allow for a complete review by the Government. When cost of money is being proposed, the offerer is required to complete a DD Form 1861. The breakdown of cost data shall include all costs expected to be incurred under the contract. All details, broken-down by cost element, should be prepared for each major task along with supporting rationale. All cost details shall be broken down to coincide with the offerer's accounting periods as related to the specific period of performance as indicated in the proposed milestone chart. The cost proposal shall include all supporting information including, but not limited to: breakdown of labor hours by category, material (vendor quotes or method of establishing cost), travel, direct and indirect costs. Prime contractors are responsible for insuring that all proposed subcontracts in excess of $100,000 are supported by an executed SF 1411. All proprietary material should be clearly marked and will be held in strict confidence. Separate attachments, such as institutional brochures, reprints, disks, or transmissions or electronic media transmissions will not be accepted. All proposals must reference ARPA BAA 95-13. PROPOSAL EVALUATION: Evaluation will be based on the following criteria which are listed in descending order of relative importance: (a) credibility of the proposed simulation integration and interoperability in the DIS environment and the development process (to include schedule) proposed, (b) cost and cost realism, (c) technical team composition and experience, and (d) offeror's management commitment and organization to support this effort. OTHER INFORMATION: The information in this announcement constitutes the BAA as contemplated in FAR 6.102(d)(2) and is the only information ARPA intends to provide with regard to BAA. No additional information or specifications are available, nor will a formal RFP or other solicitation regarding this announcement be issued. Requests for same will be disregarded. The Government reserves the right to select for award all, some, or none of the proposals received in response to this announcement. The number of proposals funded will depend on the overall merit of the proposals and available funding. It is anticipated that approximately four contracts will be awarded for values ranging from $100K to $1 Million. Proposals may be considered for funding for a period of up to 6 months to 1 year. Issuance of this BAA does not obligate the government to pay any proposal preparation costs. All responsible sources capable of satisfying the Government's needs may submit a proposal that shall be considered by ARPA. Teaming is encouraged, e.g. industry and US Universities. Participation by Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and Minority Institutions (MI) is strongly encouraged as either a contractor or subcontractor although, due to the impracticality of reserving discrete or severable tasks, no portion of this BAA will be set aside. Proposals must be submitted by 4:00 pm February 24, 1995. All proposals meeting the above criteria received by the appropriate due date will be fully evaluated. Offerors should submit proposals to ARPA/ASTO, ATTN: BAA 95-13, Dr. Randy Garrett, 3701 N. Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22203-1714. Facsimile transmission or electronic media transmissions will not be accepted. (0010)

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