Loren Data Corp.




Procurement Off, Consulate Genl, Rep of Korea, 460 Park Ave., NY, NY, 10022, (Or 3500 Clay St, Sf, CA 94118, Fax: 212-888-6320, Ph: 212-752-1700, (Or Fax: 415-931-6330, Ph: 415-921-2251)

99 -- REPUBLIC OF KOREA: SOL IBRD/L-941355-F3 DUE 021095 90241 acoustic emission workstation system hardware - channel 2 channel, brand width: 1.25KHZ to 1 25MHZ, display: vga color monitor, function: rise time, duration, amplitude, ring down count, energy, rms/ars signal level 0 - loodb, ldb step, count to peak parametric 1 - 4 cycle counter: 16M, time of hit, average frequency 0 - lmhz, acoustic emission counter: up to 65535, software - operating system MS-dos, channel hit data set 10 - 32BIT, alarm: 4 programable, filter: 3 programable front end filter, data acquisition replay, real-time, real-time, with auto-dump, data parameter amplitude, energy, count, duration, rise time, average singal level Or rms count to peak average frequency, panametrics 1-4 cycle counter time of hit Please send a copy of your response to: Commercial Section (FCS TOP), American Embassy, Seoul, Unit 15550, APO Ap 96205, Refer to T0003.. (0011)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0330 19950112\99-0008.SOL)

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