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U.S. Environmentat Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory - Corvallis, 200 SW 35th Street, Corvallis, Oregon 97333

A -- ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT RESEARCH IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST Due 040795. Contact Joan P. Baker, 503/754-4517. Requirements--The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Environmental Research Laboratory at Covallis, Oregon, is requesting assistance PRE-APPLICATIONS for a cooperatve agreement on ecosystem management research in the Pacific Northwest (primarily Oregon and Washington). The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to simulate the broad range of ECOLOGICAL research needed to improve the scientific information, understanding, analyses, and methods required to implement ecosystem management effectively in the region. Important parts of the agreement will be the integration of research across scientific disciplines, ecosystem types, spatial scales, and geographic areas and the active involvement of the broad ecological research community with relevant expertise. Research areas include regional biodiversity, watershed/ecoregion-scale assessments, ecological functions of riparian areas, coastal estuaries, extrapolation, integrated monitoring design, and ecological/socioeconomic linkages. USEPA scientists will collaborate with the recipient on the design, conduct, and interpretation of research funded through this agreement. The cooperative agreement will have a period of performance up to five years. Annual funding will range between $1,000,000 and $3,000,000 per year. Proposals (assistance pre-applcations) must be received by April 7, 1995. An independent peer review panel will evaluate all proposals. Based on this review, one or more applicants will be requested to submit full assistance applications. A single applicant will be selected for funding based on peer review of these full assistance applications. Eligible applicants include members of academic and nonprofit institutions located in the United States. Federal grant regulation 40 CFR 30.307 requires that all recipient institutions provide a minimum of 5 percent of the total project cost, which shall not be from Federal sources. Statutory authority for EPA funding of the specified research is authorized in the Clean Water Act, Sections 104 (a), (b), (g), (h), and (i). Interested applicants must be eligible to receive Federal Assistance under these statutory authorities and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 30 - General Regulation for Assistance Programs, and Part 40 - Research and Demonstration Grants. ONLY NONPROFIT RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION, INDIVIDUALS, OR NONPROFIT RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS ELIGIBILE TO RECEIVE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE UNDER THESE ACTS SHOULD SUBMIT APPLICATIONS. To obtain a more detailed statement of the research and instructions for assistance applications contact: Dr. Joan P. Baker, USEPA, Environmental Research Laboratory, 200 SW 35th Street, Coravallis, Oregon 97333, (503) 754-4517, Fax (503) 754-4716, or internet joan@mail.cor.epa.gov. An optional information meeting, to answer questions about this solicitation, will be held 1 March at the USEPA Environmental Research Laboratory in Corvallis. If you plan to attend this meeting (in person or through teleconferencing), call Patricia Hawk at 503/754-4504 to reserve a space and receive directions. (030)

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