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Department of the Navy, Carderock Division Headquarters, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Annapolis, MD 21402-5067

A -- BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT/WATER-BASED HEAT RESISTANT COATINGS SOL N61533-95-BAA-0047 DUE 041595 POC Darrell Bachman (410) 293-5273; William J. Barnes (410) 293-5311. This is a Broad Agency Announcement, subject to the provisions of FAR Subparts 6.102 (d) (2) and 35.016. The Carderock Division Naval Surface Warfare Center is soliciting research proposals to advance the technology of water-based or VOC-free heat resistant coatings with corrosion resistance for use in marine shipboard environments. The selection of one or more sources for contract award will be based on a scientific review of the responses received (technical merit as is it relates to the technical efforts) to determine the merit of the technical approach proposed for the area of interest specified below. Cyclic wetting and drying at elevated temperatures and, in some cases, under lagging, are the conditions this coating must withstand. The anticipated temperature range for equipment and piping the coating will be applied to is 600 F to 1200 F. The coating would be applied by spray or brush to steel pipping and other steel substrates onboard naval vessels. Though the performance aspects, heat and corrosion resistance, of the water-based or VOC-free coating are the primary focus of this effort, occupational safety and health considerations and environmental considerations are also critical. The effort could be comprised of but not limited to synthesis, formulation, physical property characterization, application properties, scale-up and pilot plant production, and field testing. Teaming between a raw material supplier and a coatings manufacturer would form a strong effort. The effort should be proposed in phases with discreet tasks that allow the Government the opportunity to decide to continue the development effort by exercising options in the contract or descope the proposed effort as deemed most beneficial to the Government. Phase I should address 1) a discussion of the merit of the proposed concept(s), including selection of resin type and functionalities, pigments, and method of pigment incorporation, characterization of physical film properties, applicability, determination of dry times and overcoat times, (2) technical approach structured into separate subtasks, schedules and milestone charts, including the contractors capability to perform the task based on recent experience and corporate facilities, and experience of the personnel who will perform the task, (3) provisions for onsite reviews, and quarterly progress and financial reports. The offeror should also provide a detailed cost breakdown for individual tasks. It is anticipated that Phase I of all efforts proposed can be accomplished in 18 months. Proposals should not exceed fifteen (15) pages. The primary basis for selection of proposals will be their technical solutions and approach, and the avilability of funds. Proposals will be evaluated as follows: A) technical (technical approach and probability of success), B) management (management and organizational approach, personnel experience, program plan and milestones, and corporate capability), C) cost (cost realism and reasonableness). The total funding available for multiple awards is approximately $150K for Phase I of this effort. Subsequent phases of this contract will be reviewed and considered as options which may be exercised at a later date. These contracts will be incrementally funded and may cover a two year term starting in FY95. The contracts are expected to be negotiated as firm fixed price, cost plus fixed fee or also may be proposed as cost sharing. In order to obtain a cost reimbursement type contract, the offer must have an adequate accounting system according to DCAA/DCMAO. Potential offerors shall submit on original plus four copies of the proposal. Proposal will be accepted from sixty (60) days after this announcement. Technical POC is Karen Poole, (410) 267-2275. Proposal can be submitted to Karen Poole, Code 641, CARDEROCK DIVISION ANNAPOLIS DETACHMENT NAVAL SURFACE WARFARE CENTER, 3 A LEGGETT CIRCLE, ANNAPOLIS, MD 21402-5067. (0033)

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