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National Institute of Standards and Technology, Bldg. 101, Rm. A430, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001

A -- WORKSHOP SOL Q- POC Customer Representative 1-800-287-3863 Advanced Technology Program: Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) for Electronics Focused Program Re-evaluation Harvey Hotel, Dallas-Ft. Worth Airport, Texas, February 27, 1995. About the NIST Advanced Technology Program: The NIST Advanced Technology Program (ATP) is a competitive program that provides cost-shared awards to industry to develop high-risk, enabling technologies with broad-based economic benefit. It seeks to fill the gap between basic research and product development, and to invest in technology that would not be developed in a competitive time frame without government cost-sharing. The ATP cost-share requirement, which is at least 50% for joint ventures, ensures that proposers have a vested interest in their projects' success. Single-applicants are required at a minimum to cover indirect costs. Along with general competitions which are open to proposals from all technical areas, the ATP is also funding a series of ''focused programs'' with targeted business and technical goals. CIM for Electronics Program Status: The ATP CIM for Electronics focused program was launched in May, 1994, to provide $105 million in cost-shared funds to lower the cost of manufacturing software systems integration, thereby increasing the market for Manufacturing Execution System (MES) software and allowing for a plug-&-play manufacturing environment. The program was defined to enable U.S. manufacturers to rapidly respond to new market opportunities by being able to more easily scale up and reconfigure their shop floor manufacturing software systems. The first CIM for Electronics focused competition closed on July 13, and out of the fourteen proposals received, only one met all the technical and business criteria needed for an award. Proposers cited lack of time for proposal preparation and partnering, and lack of preparation for the oral review as the major impediments to meeting the ATP criteria. These issues will be addressed if a future competition is held, but stronger evidence of industry commitment is needed in order to continue the program. A decision to either continue or cancel the program will be made in the spring of 1995. Workshop Objective: The objective of this workshop is to re-evaluate the scope and goals of the CIM for Electronics focused program. This workshop will provide a forum for industry to recommend refinements of the program's technical and business objectives to ensure alignment with industrial priorities. Criteria for a Focused Program: Discussions will be structured around the following criteria, which are used to select ATP programs: Potential U.S. economic benefit, including: the credibility of the program's proposed pathways to economic growth, the importance of the existing or potential sectors affected, and the probability of subsequent commercialization. Good technical ideas that are: high risk, strategically important to overcoming key difficulties in reducing cost, acknowledged as needed by the users, and based upon sound scientific, technical and financial considerations. Strong industry commitment to participate, including breadth and depth of interest, and willingness to share costs and to work with the government and other partners. Use of ATP funds will make a significant difference by enabling industry to pursue promising technologies in a partnership with the government. Preliminary Agenda: Brief introduction to the ATP, including technical and business criteria for program definition and eventual project selection. Overview of CIM for Electronics focused program. Invited industry presentations on recommended direction for the CIM for Electronics program. Break-out Sessions and Summary. Registration will begin at 7:30 a.m. and the program will begin at 8:30 a.m. You are invited to submit a white paper with your program recommendations, or a critique of the original CIM for Electronics white paper, and to be a speaker at this workshop. Draft white papers must be received by February 13, 1995, to be considered for presenting at the workshop. Registration: The registration fee is $150. Registration includes workshop materials, coffee breaks, and lunch. In order for your name to appear on the preliminary participants' list, registration must be received by February 13, 1995. Requests for cancellation and refund must be submitted to Tammie Grice in writing, prior to February 13, 1995. For additional registration information, please contact Tammie Grice, (301) 975-2775. Accommodations: A block of rooms has been reserved for workshop attendees at the Harvey Hotel, Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, 4545 W. John Carpenter Freeway, (214) 929-4500, at a special rate of $71, single or double, plus 11% tax. To reserve a room please call the hotel by February 6, 1995, and specify the NIST ATP Workshop. Additional Details: For general ATP information, or to add your name to the ATP mailing list, contact the ATP office 1-800-ATP-FUND (800) 287-3863; e-mail: atp@micf.nist.gov; fax:(301) 926-9524; world wide web: http//www.nist.gov/welcome.html; gopher via Internet: gopher.nist.gov, log in as ''gopher'', look under Advanced Technology Program; from a gopher client: gopher-server.nist.gov. For additional technical information or to be added to the CIM for Electronics e-mail distribution list, contact Barbara Goldstein, NIST, (301) 975-2304; fax: (301) 926-9524; e-mail: goldstein@eeel.nist.gov. There are a series of ATP regional workshops and proposers conferences planned which will provide greater detail on the ATP program and current competitions; please contact the ATP office for dates and locations. Driving Instructions: The Harvey Hotel offers complimentary shuttle service from the airport. To arrange for the shuttle, call the hotel from their courtesy phone located in the baggage claim area. Allow 15 minutes for the shuttle to arrive. To reach the Harvey Hotel by car, stay on the service road as you exit the airport. Take Highway 114 east to the third exit onto Esters Boulevard. Turn left onto Esters Boulevard, continue over the bridge. The hotel is on the corner of Esters and Highway 114. (0045)

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