Loren Data Corp.




U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, ADP Placement Section (3803F), 401 M St. SW, Washington, DC 20460-0001

D -- FINANCIAL TELEPROCESSING AND TIME SHARING SERVICES DUE 033195 POC Contact Point, Sylvia Danley-Smith, (202)260-9483 This is a notice of intent that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plans to extend contract 68-W2-0028, with Ceridian Corporation, 6 Skyline Place, Suite 819, 5109 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041. The extension will be for the continuation of timesharing business information and teleservices for an additional six-months, beginning April 1, 1995 through September 30, 1995, or until such time that the follow-on contract is awarded (whichever date is the earlier). Ceridian's services assist EPA in fulfilling its financial reporting requirements to the Department of the Treasury, herein referred to as Treasury, and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). OMB requires each agency to complete and submit the SF-133 (Report on Budget Execution) on a quarterly basis. Ceridian's database management system (DBMS) software has been custom- tailored to EPA's requirements to provide capability to input, edit, access archived SF-224 (Statement of Transactions) data, and formulate line totals for the SF-133. A SF-133 worksheet and several output reports are generated to verify input and download data and produce the final SF-133. The Treasury requires each agency to use its automated SF-224 system. Ceridian developed,and retains proprietary rights to, the software currently used by the Agency (Government On-Line Accounting Link System (GOALS)) to transmit the SF-224 to Treasury and therefore is the only vendor capable of providing continued contractual coverage during the interim period. Ceridian's proprietary software compiles all the SF-224 data from numerous locations and submits the SF-224 via GOALS. The software also generates several internal reports, which are used for EPA's cash reconciliation process. Ceridian Corporation is the only qualified, responsible source because they retain proprietary rights to the software required to generate Treasury's custom-tailored internal reports. The Agency is conducting a competitive award for these services under RFP # W401402A3. This extension is only an interim action to continue uninterrupted services until the resulting competitive contract is awarded. THIS NOTICE OF INTENT IS NOT A REQUEST FOR COMPETITIVE PROPOSALS. NO SOLICITATION DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS EXTENSION. Inquires should be addressed to U.S. EPA Attention: Sylvia Danley-Smith (3803F), 401 M Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20460. See Note 22. (0046)

Loren Data Corp. http://www.ld.com (SYN# 0039 19950216\D-0008.SOL)

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