Loren Data Corp.




Department of the Army, Baltimore District, Corps of Engineers, P.O. Box 1715, Baltimore, MD 21203-1715

C -- ARCHITECT ENGINEER SERVICES ARE REQUIRED FOR AN INDEFINITE DELIVERY TYPE (MULTI-DISCIPLINE) CONTRACT FOR CHARLES E KELLY SUPPORT FACILITY, OAKDALE PA SOL DACA31-95-R-0047 POC Mary P CUnningham (410) 962-3953 Work may consist of preparation of reports, studies, design criteria, design and other general architect-engineering services for alteration, renovation, maintenance and repair, and new construction projects. The firm shall have the capability to provide multidiscipline engineering services which shall include: environmental, architectural, mechanical, electrical, civil, structural, plumbing, sanitary, site/sanitary, and geotechnical engineering; interior design, landscape design, fire protection, cost estimating, topographic surveying; drafting production; asbestos and lead paint survey and testing; abatement design; and remediation. The firm shall have a minimum of one certified industrial hygienist. The firm shall be experienced with the COE A-E Instruction Design Criteria; CADD Standard Manual (EM 1110-1- 190-); AIA CADD layer Guidelines; COE Technical Manuals (TM), Engineer Technical Letters (ETL) and Engineer Regulations (ER); COE Guide specifications for Military Construction; seismic design; CPM; regulatory requirements (NCPC, CFA, and SHPO, etc); historical restoration; National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) experience; ISO concentration and mapping experience; cultural natural resources capabilities. PRMA; metric capability; economic analyses; utilization of Econ-Pak; stormwater management, sedimentation and erosion control; National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitting (including obtaining all necessary state permits, etc.,and preparation of DD Form 1391 and Project Development Brochures. (PDB). Firm should have experience with the COE Micro-Computer Aided Cost Estimating System (M-CACES). Firm must be capable of responding to multiple work orders concurrently. The products are not required to be performed using a specific CADD system. However, the AE will be required to provide any digitizing and/or translation services necessary to deliver the final design products in AUTOCADD Release 12 on 3-1/2 inch high density diskettes formatted for 1.44 MB. The firm will also need to be able to convert CADD to Intergraph Micro Station. Contract will be for a 12-month period and will contain an option to extend for 12 additional months. Cumulative total of each contract award shall not exceed $750,000.00. Individual delivery orders for each contract shall not exceed $150,000.00. Subcontracting Plan Requirements: If the selected AE is a large Business Concern, a subcontracting plan with the final fee proposal will be required, consistent with Section 806 (b) of PL 100-180, PL 95-507, and 99- 661. A minimum of 25% of the total planned subcontracting dollars shall be placed with small business concerns. At least 8 percent of total planned subcontracting dollars shall be placed with small disadvantaged businesses, including Historically Black Colleges and Universities or Minority Institutions, and at least 5% with Women-Owned Businesses (WOB). Firms desiring consideration should submit appropriate data as described in Numbered Note 24 including SF 255. SF 255 must be submitted for prime and joint ventures. SF 254 must be submitted for prime, joint ventures, and consultants. The 255 and 254 shall clearly indicate the staffing of the office(s) indicated to do the work. Responses to this announcement received within 30 days from the date of this issue will be considered for selection. Street address: City Crescent Building, ATTN: Mary P. Cunningham, Room 7000, 10 South Howard Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201. This is not a request for proposal. (0048)

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