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Electronic Systems Center/AVK, Contracting Division, Command & Control Systems, 20 Schilling Circle, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-2816

A -- JSIMS BEST OF THE BEST NOMINATIONS POC Mr. Steve Meehan, Contracting Officer, 617-377-7391. The military services, joint staff, and office of secretary of defense (OSD) recently signed a joint memorandum of agreement resolving to take a common approach to development of the Joint Simulation System (JSIMS), a critical next generation modeling and simulation (M&S) system. The goal is to integrate the range of missions of the armed forces within a common framework that supports live, virtual, and constructive M&S capabilities. The JSIMS will include man-in-the-loop capability and aggregation and de-aggregation of decisions and simulation at all levels, providing the ability to train down to the individual (agent) level. The common framework, though initially focused on training, will also be adaptable to other M&S applications, such as analysis and testing. The JSIMS domain will include missions across the full range of military operations in which uniformed personnel could be tasked. Specific support requirements include scenario generation, event tracking and archiving, post-processing analysis, and after-action review. To ensure we capture the many valuable lessons learned from past and current model development, we are requesting industry and the services to nominate their ''best computer simulation models'' and their ''best underlying algorithms''. We plan to catalogue these ''Best of the Best'' model algorithms into a base reference manual for future development of the JSIMS. Model and algorithm domain should include engagement, mission, and theater campaign level computer simulation programs. The ''best computer model algorithms'' are the major drivers and the heart of your ''best computer simulation models'' and are normally defined in functional terms such as missile flyout, end game, weapon effects, decision logic, C4I, aircraft performance, etc. This category of the ''Best of the Best'' will ensure a common, economical and efficient JSIMS development. These ''Best of the Best'' M&S applications and algorithms should represent service and joint computer M&S representations of the full spectrum of service and JTF roles and mission responsibilities to include decision processes, pre and post data processing, and data base management. Your nominations should address model and algorithm VV&A (verification, validation & accreditation) status in terms of VV&A documentation, approval, and acceptance whether completed, in progress, or in planning. Also address the model visibility within your organization and its contribution to the senior leadership corporate decision making process and the decision impact (i.e. analysis results from model directly impacted decision concerning weapon system x or model is a key member of joint leadership wargaming confederation). The information requested for your initial your ''Best Model/Best Algorithm'' should cover general data about the model that contains your selected algorithms, and specific data concerning each algorithm. Nominations should be structured in the following two formats: I. GENERAL MODEL DATA FORMAT: A. MODEL NAME, B. ACRONYM, C. CURRENT Date, D. IMPLEMENTATION DATE, E. CURRENT VERSION, F. VERSION Date, G. DEVELOPER, H. PROPONENT AGENCY, H.1 POINT OF CONTACT, H.2 ADDRESS, H.3 PHONE, H.4 Fax, H.5 E-MAIL ADDRESS, I. MODEL TYPE, J. NARRATIVE Of PURPOSE, K. DESCRIPTION, K.1 Domain, K.2 Span, K.3 Environment, K.4 Force Composition, K.5 Scope of Conflict, K.6 Mission Area (SERVICE AND/OR JOINT MISSION FULFILLED), K.7 MAPPING Of MAJOR ALGORITHM MODULES IN THE MODEL, k.8 LEVEL OF DETAIL Of MODEL, L. INPUT, M. OUTPUT, N. STANDARD DATABASES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS MODEL, O. OTHER MODELS ASSOCIATED WITH This MODEL, P. Mode of Operation (I.E. Interactive / BATCH), Q. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE, Q.1 HOST COMPUTER SYSTEM, Q.2 Ram REQUIREMENTS, Q.3 OPERATING SYSTEM, R. USERS, R.1 Types Of Uses, R.2 Intended Uses, S. USAGE HISTORY, T. VERIFICATION AND VALIDATIONS, T.1 Verification Proponents, T.2 Validation Proponents, T.3 Configuration Management Proponents, T.4 Descriptions Of V&V Performed, T.5 V&V Documents, U. ACCREDITATION, U.1 Dates Of Accreditation, U.2 Accrediting Agencies, U.3 Types Of Uses For Which Accredited, U.4 Studies For Which Accreditation Applies, U.5 Limitations Of Accreditation, U.6 Accreditation Documents V. COMMENTS: II. ALGORITHM SPECIFIC DATA FORMAT: A. MODULE NAME - The name utilized for the algorithm, as addressed by the calling (client) program within the model, B. FUNCTIONAL AREA TITLE - A full or formal title associated with the algorithm module, C. GENERAL DESCRIPTION (BEHAVIOR SPECIFICATION) - Information concerning the function of the algorithm, C.1 DOMAIN - A general description of the purpose of the algorithm and the role it plays in the overall function of the model, C.2 SPAN - The specific scope or size of the environment encompassed by the algorithm module. General categories would include: phenomenology, component, one .vs. one engagement, mission/battle, campaign, C.3 STANDARD SOLUTION TECHNIQUE - A narrative of the mathematical technique or logic process that describes how the algorithm module accomplishes its task, C.4 LEVEL OF DETAIL OF ALGORITHMIC PROCESS - An assessment of the fidelity of the process. Describe areas of the algorithm module where assumptions are made. D. INTERFACE SPECIFICATION - This section should describe the ''face'' the algorithm module presents to the calling program, D.1 INPUT - Description of all data sources applied to the algorithm module, D.2 OUTPUT - Description of the data produced by the algorithm module, D.3 INPUT/OUTPUT - Description of the data or databases modified by the algorithm module, E. LIMITATIONS - A narrative of the limitations and boundaries of the algorithm, F. PLANNED IMPROVEMENTS AND MODIFICATIONS - Module enhancements proposed or under development, G. SOURCE CODE LANGUAGE - The high level language or applications package (i.e. spreadsheet) used to implement the algorithm, H. SOURCE CODE LENGTH - The approximate length of source code including comments. I. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION - Security classification of the algorithm source code, J. COMPETING ALGORITHMS FROM OTHER MODELS - A narrative of other functionally similar algorithms from other models (if known), describing the differences from your algorithm. The response should be limited to a maximum of fifty written pages and should be delivered to this office within thirty (30) days of initial publication of this synopsis. This office may invite follow-up papers, presentations, or demonstrations. Proprietary data should be clearly identified as such. This synopsis is for information and planning purposes only and does not constitute an IFB or RFP. Funds are not currently available for this effort. A reference library is not available at ESC. A briefing on JSIMS is available on the Stricom Industry & Academia Bulletin Board System (SIA BBS) at (407) 381-8666. An industry briefing is not contemplated. Submit papers to Mr. Guy Giroux, ESC/AVM, 20 Schilling Circle, Hanscom AFB, MA 01731-2816. Also, send a copy of your paper to: JSIMS Program Office: Mark Falkey, Capt., USN JSIMS/JPO, 3045 Technology Parkway Orlando, FL 3282. (0053)

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