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U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge Operations Office, P.O. Box 2001, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8758

99 -- TREATMENT AND DISPOSITION OF MIXED WASTE POC Contact point and Contracting Officer, Shirley C. Vogel, Contract Specialist, Environmental Acquisitions Branch, Procurement and Contracts Division, (615) 576-0648 The Department of Energy (DOE), Oak Ridge Field Office (Oak Ridge), is preparing a Site Treatment Plan for treatment of radioactive and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) waste (mixed waste) as required by the Federal FacilitiesComplianc e Act. DOE is seeking a vendor capable of treating a minimum of 80% by weight of the Oak Ridge mixed wastes listed below and a minimum 10 of the 12 waste groups. It is anticipated that a contract for treatment of the mixed waste will be awarded by Oak Ridge to a source to begin treating waste in calendaryear 1996. The facilities will not be located on government property. Appropriate license and permits must be in place prior to treatment and disposition under the contract. The minimum amount of waste for which treatment is sought under this announcement is approximately 5,200,000 kilograms. Oak Ridge mixedw aste groups and the approximate inventories included in this notice are soils (5,160,000 kilograms), inorganic sludges (520,000 kilograms), organic sludges (230,000 kilograms), inorganic and heterogeneous debris requiring thermal treatment, surfacedecon tamination or macroencapsulation (180,000 kilograms), lead and lead products (130,000 kilograms), lab packs requiring sorting, segregation and/or incineration (47,000 kilograms), scintillation fluids (29,000 kilograms), batteries (28,000 kilograms),elem ental and reactive metals (12,000 kilograms), compressed gases/aerosol cans (7,500 kilograms), mercury (6,000 kilograms), and miscellaneous solids, liquids and sludges (150,000 kilograms). The wastes are typically contaminated with low-levelradioactiv ity (average activity below 5 nanocuries per gram) and contain Environmental Protection Agency D, F, U and P waste codes. The radioactive components may include, but are not limited to the following: Americium, cadmium, cobalt, cesium, iridium,radium, uranium (234, 235, 236, and 238) and depleted and natural uranium. Some of these wastes are also contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls regulated under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Specific waste streams within each group to betreat ed under the anticipated contract will be at the discretion of DOE. Additional information on specific Environmental Protection Agency waste codes for the wastes are provided in the Draft Site Treatment Plan for Mixed Wastes on the U.S. Department ofEn ergy Oak Ridge Reservation, Volumes 1 and 2, DOE/OR-2016/V1 and V2, available in the Department of Energy public reading rooms in Oak Ridge and Washington, D.C.. However, specific waste stream descriptions and matrices may have changed as additionalcha racterization has been performed. The wastes are contained in various drums, boxes and containers in numerous storage locations. One soil waste stream (approximately 4,431,000 kg) is buried. Similar wastes which will be generated by ongoingactivities, as well as future remedial, decontamination and decommissioning activities may be treated and dispositioned under the contract. However, the volumes and detailed characteristics of future-generated wastes are unknown at this time. Oak Ridge also hasa current inventory and continues to generate organic liquid (mainly oils and solvents), combustible solid (including spent and activated carbon) and noncombustible solid (debris and soil) radioactive wastes, also contaminated polychlorinated biphenyls,which may be treated and dispositioned under the contract, depending on the cost-effectiveness of the effort. For example, Oak Ridge will generate approximately 450,000 kilograms per year of organic liquid and combustible solid radioactive wastescontam inated with polychlorinated biphyenyls which will require treatment. Department of Energy facilities other than those located in Oak Ridge may also have radioactive waste regulated under the RCRA and/or the TSCA which would be suitable for treatmentand disposition under the anticipated contract. It is anticipated that the contract will include transport of the waste to the processing facility, performing any necessary sorting, sizing and additional detailed characterization of waste required priort o treatment, processing the waste to meet all applicable regulatory standards and requirements, any necessary interim storage at the facility, and transport and ultimate recycling or disposal of any residues in a permitted and licensed facility. Thetre ated waste must meet all regulatory and other applicable requirements for disposal or recycling. The vendor may have access to DOE sites and/or contracts for disposal, as appropriate. For the buried soil waste stream described above, retrieval andpack aging of the waste, prior to transporting the waste for processing, would also be included in the anticipated contract. Title to all waste shall transfer from DOE to the contractor. DOE's sole cost for the contract shall be for treatment with pricingb y waste group or waste stream on a fixed price per unit of weight basis. Preference will be given to sources with demonstrated recycle application of waste treatment residues. Award of the contract and treatment of waste under theU. S. Department of Commerce -3-February 25, 1995 contract will be contingent on availability of necessary funding and on successful completion of required National Environmental Policy Act review. To determine if minimum DOE qualifications are met, interested parties must submit an expression ofinter est with a listing of the Oak Ridge wastes which can be treated, a description of the process(es) which will be used to treat the wastes, a description of the final waste forms and proposed disposition of all residues or recycle products, an estimate ofthe fixed price per unit of weight of waste treated by waste group or waste stream, the schedule on which the treatment is or will be available, and the license and permit status of the treatment operation. In summary, DOE seeks sources to accomplishth e following: 1) treat at least 80% by weight and a minimum 10 of the 12 Oak Ridge waste groups listed,2) begin treatment in calendar year 1996, 3) meet all applicable regulatory requirements and standards for treatment, and 4) provide acceptable and compliant disposition of all residues and/or recycle products resulting from processing the waste. Anyin terested parties must notify DOE at the following address and provide the specified qualification information in triplicate within 30 calendar days of publication of this notice. Response must be provided to Shirley Vogel, Contract Specialist,Environme ntal Acquisitions Branch, Procurement and Contracts Division, P.O. Box 2001, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8758. This is not a Request for Proposals.(0059)

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