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Phillips Laboratory, Directorate of Contracting/PL/PKLB Attn: Mr. Jim Powers, 2251 Maxwell Ave SE Kirtland AFB NM 87117-5772

A -- SYSTEMS ANALYSIS - IMAGING AND LASER SUPPORT (SAILS) SOL F29601-95-R-0027 POC Mr. Jim Powers, Contracting Officer, AC 505/846-4417 Ms. Gloria Castro, PL/XPD, AC 505/846-4034 Major Gary Wirgig, Pl/LiA, AC 505/846-0561. The Lasers and Imaging Directorate of the Phillips Laboratory, Kirtland AFB, NM is seeking sources for a Systems Analysis - Imaging and Laser Support (SAILS) contract, to provide system analysis and detailed engineering analysis and critical review of ongoing and planned Air Force technology development and test programs. This effort will require technical analysis, engineering support, safety analysis, environmental analysis, test planning and test operations performance evaluation and documentation of laser and imaging systems and subsystems in various technical task areas. Design and analysis of laboratory and field experiments will be required in the active and passive imaging area as well as performance simulations and calculations of critical performance parameters to support the Phillips Laboratory in-house imaging program. This effort will also require detailed analysis, modeling, assessment, and review of component specifications and performance criteria for the development of high power optical components. Chemical and semiconductor laser device analysis and support shall also be required. Development of specifications for telescope systems, compliance tests, and analysis of telescope systems and subsystems shall be performed in support of the advanced electro-optical system (AEOS) to be located at Mount Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii. This acquisition will require design support, systems engineering, hardware development for beam control, tracking and pointing scenarios and adaptive optics and analysis of atmospheric effects, and lethality assessment studies. Contractors possessing the capability to provide support are invited to submit their qualifications. Any resultant contract will contain a hardware exclusion clause and an organizational conflict of interest clause. Contractual effort is contemplated under a 45 -month period of performance and will be priced on a level-of-effort basis at an estimated 35-45 man-years per year usage rate. The contract type contemplated is a Cost Plus Award Fee (CPAF), level of effort. The work will primarily be conducted at the contractor~s facility. Interested concerns should be able to demonstrate their ability to manage a broad based support effort as noted in the task areas, and have a current SECRET Facility Clearance. The Statement (s) of Capability shall contain information pertinent and specific in the technical area under consideration, on each of the following qualifications: (1) Experience: an outline of previous projects, specific work previously performed or being performed and any in-house research and development effort in the five task areas listed above within the past three years, (2) Personnel: Name, professional qualifications and specific experience of scientist, engineers and technical personnel who may be assigned as principal investigator and/or project officer, (3) Facilities: Availability and description of special facilities required to perform in the technical areas under consideration, and a statement regarding industrial security clearance and storage facilities to support work at the Secret level. Any responses that do not address all of the above requirements, will be rejected. Offerors shall be required to indicate, in writing, whether their firms are a small business, a socially and economically disadvantaged business, an 8(a) firm, a women-owned business, an historically black college or university, or a minority institution. The Air Force reserves the right to consider a small business set-aside, an 8(a) award, small disadvantaged business set-aside, or award to an historically black college or university, or a minority institution based upon responses to this announcement Replies to this synopsis must reference R&D Synopsis #205-95 and be received within thirty (30) days after date of publication of this announcement. Submit only unclassified information for consideration and evaluation. For this proposed acquisition, the definitions in FAR 19.001 and small business size standard for SIC 8711, size standard $20 million, apply. Within thirty (30) days from publication of this announcement, interested small businesses only shall provide a Statement(s) of Capability in triplicate, to: Phillips Laboratory, Directorate of Contracting/PKLB, Attn: Mr. Jim Powers, 2251 Maxwell Ave, SE, Kirtland AFB, NM 87117- 5772. The number of pages shall be limited to 25 pages excluding resumes. Other offerors are only required to send a letter stating interest in receiving the RFP when it is released. Submission may be telefaxed to AC505/846-1546. A draft RFP will be issued. All respondents desiring a copy of the solicitation must provide a mailing address and indicate whether they contemplate using foreign nationals in this effort. Foreign firms are advised they will not be allowed to participate as the prime contractor. The research and test data produced under a resultant contract may contain Military Critical Technology List (MCTL) information whose export is restricted by the Export Control Act (Title 22, U.S., Sec 2751. et seq.) or the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended (Title 50, U.S.C., App. 401, et seq.). Only those companies who are on the Qualified Contractors Access List (QCAL) may receive such information. Request certification and registration from the Defense Logistics Service Center (DLSC), Federal Center, 74 North Washington, Battle Creek, MI 49016-3412 (1-800-352-3572) as soon as possible. An Ombudsman Program has been established for Phillips Laboratory (PL). The purpose of the Ombudsman is to receive and resolve significant concerns from potential offerors when they prefer not to use established channels of communication during the proposal development phase of this acquisition. The Ombudsman will communicate contractor issues, disagreements, and recommendations to the appropriate government organization or individual. The role of the Ombudsman is not to diminish the authority of the program director or the contracting officer, but to present the company~s concern, on a non-attribution basis, if requested. The Ombudsman will maintain strict confidentiality as to the source of the concern when requested. The Ombudsman will not participate in the evaluation of proposals nor the source selection decision for any specific acquisition. For questions or information relative to the Ombudsman Program, offerors are invited to contact the PL Ombudsman, Colonel Dayton L. Silver, Phillips Laboratory Vice Commander, AC505-846-4964, or the Alternate Ombudsman, Bruce Grunsten, Chief of Management, Support Division, Directorate of Contracting, AC505/846- 8273, 3651 Lowery St SE, Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-5320. For technical issues, please contact Major Gary Wirsig, PL/LIA, AC505-846-0561 or Ms. Gloria Castro, PL/XPD, AC505-846- 4034. (0059)

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