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Dahlgren Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center 17320 Dahlgren Rd, Dahlgren, VA 22448-5100

A -- REAL-TIME ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE (EMI) MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS FOR COMBAT SYSTEMS (BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT) SOL N00178-95-Q-3055 DUE 042595 POC (703)663-7765; FAX (703)663-6810 Shirley Thomson, Contract Specialist Peggy S. Anderson, Contracting Officer. The Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD), is soliciting proposals for the research and development of a real-time electromagnetic interference (EMI) management system for combat systems (Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) No. N00178-95-Q-3055). NSWCDD has been tasked by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) to conduct an Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) starting in fiscal year 1996. The ATD will exploit newly emergent technologies through the application of artificial intelligence techniques in a real-time combat systems frequency management system. The system will take inputs from individual naval combat systems (search and fire control radars, and electronic warfare), existing tactical information networks, and an Electromagnetic Environment (EME) Monitor. The system will then: 1) fuse together the present frequency management picture, including current battle group frequency assignments, tactical priorities, weather information, anticipated threats, and the current EME; and 2) rapidly produce a frequency plan that minimizes Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) impact on battle group self-defense capability. The plan will be implemented automatically where feasible, via intra- and inter-platform data networks. As the situation changes, pre-established thresholds may be crossed, requiring the frequency plan to be re-worked. The current naval combat system frequency management tool operates off-line on a personal computer using compiled FORTRAN. Data inputs are manual, and the program's output must be transmitted to the rest of the battle group by naval message. This process will be automated by the ATD using information networks. The program's current architecture, however, cannot handle the sheer volume of data that must be processed in real-time to make the new frequency plan as good as is required. Neural networks, in conjunction with expert system trainers software, are being tested as possible solutions to the speed dilemma. Another area of interest is case-based reasoning/expert system hybrids that would use cases to limit the number of rules checked. The overall system must be overseen by some type of system administrator software. The current concept uses a case-based reasoner as the system administrator, screening all element's reads and writes to the system common memory, sometimes referred to as a blackboard. This may, or may not be the best approach to solve the combat system EMI management problem. The overall system can be divided into several separate functional areas. Interested parties are encouraged to present proposals that address one, several, or all of these functional areas. The functional elements are described below: (1) An overall system administrator software package that oversees all data inputs from various sources, performs some preliminary sorting and crude error checking algorithms, then writes the data to the blackboard. The administrator must also control data outputs to each of the various systems/networks to prevent the release of inaccurate or incomplete information. (2) A frequency management engine utilizing whatever coding disciplines are deemed appropriate, given the speed and accuracy requirements (to be discussed at a kick-off conference). This engine must absorb data inputs, pre-filtered by the system administrator; quickly analyze the validity of the current frequency plan; re-assign frequencies and operational modes to minimize EMI impact; and finally, highlight any residual EMI. (3) A data information network manager software package that controls the information passed along any internal networks, as well as information passed to and from external networks (both intra and inter platform). (4) A Human-Computer Interface (HCI) display that allows the operator to input changes to the automated data inputs. The HCI must also concisely and graphically display the following information to the operator: a) Battle group platform positioning with residual EMI and its impact on ship defense capability highlighted. b) Spectral occupancy view that shows battle group, friendly, neutral, hostile, and unknown emissions from 2 MHz to 40 GHz. c) Emitter status view that graphically depicts which emitters are radiating onboard each platform in the battle group. (5) An Electromagnetic Environment (EME) Monitor that detects, processes, and classifies/identifies all local emitters in the range of 2 MHz to 40 GHz. An NSWCDD/industry kickoff conference is scheduled for 22 March 1995 at 1000 in the F Department Conference Room, Building 1500, Naval Surface Warfare center, Dahlgren Division, Dahlgren Virginia. A written request from interested offerors to attend the conference must be received by 13 March 1995 at the following address: Contracting Officer, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, Attn: Ms. Shirley Thomson (Code S131), 17320 Dahlgren Rd, Dahlgren, VA 22448-5100; requests may also be made by telephone to Ms. Janice Pilkerton at (703) 663-7765. The following information must be included with the request: (1) the name, address, and commercial phone and fax numbers of the offeror; (2) the name, mail designation, phone number, and electronic mail address of a contact person, and (3) the name, social security number, and citizenship status of the individual(s) that will be attending the conference on behalf of the offeror. The conference will consist of a discussion of the technical requirements by NSWCDD technical personnel and a question-and-answer session. At the conclusion of the conference, interested offerors will be encouraged to submit a white paper describing their proposed approach. White papers may address one, several, or all of the functional areas of the real-time EMI management system ATD. White Papers should address, at a minimum, the following concepts for each functional area: (1) Overall system architecture, including a graphical depiction and identification of the applicable functional area. (2) Disciplines of coding/artificial intelligence to be implemented and specifically where in the system each type will be utilized. (3) Information/data input requirements. (4) Performance estimates to include speed and accuracy. (5) Hardware requirements to meet these performance estimates. (6) Identification of technology risk areas along with critical milestones which will be needed to demonstrate progress. All schedules must show a final complete system demonstration during the last year of the ATD, prior to October 1998. (7) A brief discussion of the offerers previous experience within the areas outlined in the functional elements. The white paper is not a requirement for submission or selection of a proposal but, rather, will be used to preclude unwarranted effort in preparing a full proposal. An original and four copies of the white paper is required; the white paper should be limited to not more than 10 pages. (Please note: The Government does not desire resumes or descriptions of qualifications of personnel with submission of the white paper.) A Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) as to cost is required with submittal of the white paper. White papers will be accepted through 25 April 1995, with their evaluation scheduled for completion during the following month. Offerors should be prepared to give supporting presentations during the evaluation period, if required. Only those offerors whose white papers are found to be consistent with the intent of this BAA will be requested to submit a full technical and cost proposal. Those remaining will be notified that the Government does not intend to pursue their proposed effort. Once full proposals are received, they will be evaluated using the following evaluation criteria: (1) Overall scientific and technical merit and its relevance to the functional elements with special emphasis on innovation and originality. (2) Qualification of the principal investigator and other Key Personnel. (3) Corporate experience in the areas of spectrum management and other technical areas relevant to the functional elements. (4) Adequacy of proposed schedule toward the demonstration of the functional elements and the integrated system capability. (5) Realism and reasonableness of the proposed cost. Further information concerning proposal preparation will be provided to those who are requested to provide a full technical and cost proposal. Information provided herein is subject to modification and in no way binds the Government to award of a contract. Any award decision will be based on a competitive selection of proposals resulting from a peer and/or scientific review. The Government anticipates award of multiple cost-plus-fixed-fee (completion) contracts with R&D provisions, each with a base period and 4 1-year options. Proposed efforts must be limited to a maximum of 3 years duration, with a possibility after successful demonstration of the concept that 2 years of transition effort will be available. Although no portion of this announcement is set aside for HBCU and MI participation, proposals are invited from such sources. This notice constitutes NSWCDD BAA for a real-time EMI management system for combat systems as authorized by FAR 6.102(d)(2). (0060)

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